Pengerusi Kempen Anti Saman Ekor (KASE) itu berkata, pihaknya sudah menyediakan lebih 100 peguam untuk membantu orang ramai yang menjadi mangsa sistem pemantauan trafik itu, lapor Harakahdaily.
"Kerajaan perlu tarik balik saman yang telah dikeluarkan sejak 13 Oktober 2012.
"Jika kerajaan enggan berbuat demikian saya seru mereka yang sudah menerima saman AES untuk tidak membuat bayaran kompaun sebanyak RM300 itu, ikut arahan yang tertera di kertas saman untuk pergi ke mahkamah dan KASE sedia beberapa orang peguam untuk bantu dalam kes ini," katanya pada sidang media di lobi Parlimen hari ini.
Ahli parlimen Pokok Sena itu turut berkata, saman yang dikeluarkan mengelirukan apabila terdapat saman yang diterima menggunakan seksyen79(2) tetapi kesalahan dinyatakan sebagai melebihi had laju.
"Seksyen ini bukan berkaitan had laju tetapi pelanggaran arahan dan isyarat lalu lintas. Di kertas saman itu juga tertera kompaun minima adalah RM300, tetapi sebenarnya adalah tidak melebihi RM500.
"Mengikut seksyen ini juga pengguna jalan raya boleh menggunakan budi bicara mahkamah yang mana kemungkinan kompaun itu boleh dikurangkan menjadi RM50 atau boleh dibebaskan dengan amaran. Saman ini celaru dan keliru, oleh itu jangan bayar kita sedia peguam," beliau dipetik sebagai berkata.- malaysiakini
Sementara itu, Kempen Anti Saman Ekor (KASE) menuntut penjelasan daripada Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha dan Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) berhubung kejadian penyamaran sebagai pihak berkuasa oleh syarikat konsesi Sistem Kamera Automatik (AES).
Penasihat Undang-undang KASE, Zulhazmi Shariff berkata, berdasarkan sumber yang diperolehi, Syarikat Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd dan ATES Sdn Bhd mewarnakan kenderaan mereka seakan-akan pacuan empat roda Toyota Fortuner milik JPJ.
“Apa yang berlaku sekarang, maklumat yang kami terima, ATES dan Beta Tegap mewarnakan kenderaan milik syarikat sebagai warna seakan-akan warna JPJ.
“Letak logo JPJ, nama ‘Automated Enforcement System’ sedangkan kenderaan tersebut bukan kenderaan JPJ. Ini apa cerita?” katanya di lobi Parlimen.
Tegasnya, penyamaran sebagai pihak berkuasa ini merupakan satu kesalahan dan boleh dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.
AES celaru, kerajaan didesak batal semua saman
KASE sedia peguam selesai saman AES...
Kempen Anti Saman Ekor (KASE) menyediakan lebih 100 peguam untuk membantu orang ramai yang menerima saman Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik (AES) menyelesaikan kes tersebut di mahkamah.
Pengerusinya, Datuk Mahfuz Omar berkata, penerima saman tidak perlu khuatir dan disarankan tidak membayar saman tersebut.
"Kerajaan perlu tarik balik saman yang telah dikeluarkan sejak 13 Oktober 2012.
"Jika kerajaan enggan berbuat demikian saya seru mereka yang sudah menerima saman AES untuk tidak membuat bayaran kompaun sebanyak RM300 itu, ikut arahan yang tertera di kertas saman untuk pergi ke mahkamah dan KASE sedia beberapa orang peguam untuk bantu dalam kes ini," katanya pada sidang media di lobi Parlimen hari ini.
Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena itu turut berkata, saman yang dikeluarkan mengelirukan orang ramai apabila terdapat saman yang diterima menggunakan seksyen79(2) tetapi kesalahan pengguna jalan raya itu adalah melebihi had laju.
"Seksyen ini bukan berkaitan had laju tetapi pelanggaran arahan dan isyarat lalu lintas. Di kertas saman itu juga tertera kompaun minima adalah RM300, tetapi sebenarnya adalah tidak melebihi RM500.
"Mengikut seksyen ini juga pengguna jalan raya boleh menggunakan budi bicara mahkamah yang mana kemungkinan kompaun itu boleh dikurangkan menjadi RM50 atau boleh dibebaskan dengan amaran. Saman ini celaru dan keliru, oleh itu jangan bayar kita sedia peguam," katanya yang juga Naib Presiden PAS.
Sementara itu Penasihat Undang-undang KASE Zulazmi Shariff mendakwa, pihak syarikat Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd dan Ates Sdn Bhd yang menguruskan kamera AES itu menggunakan kenderaan menyerupai penguatkuasa Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalanraya (JPJ).
"Maklumat yang diterima dua syarikat ini menggunakan kenderaan syarikat jenis Frontier yang mempunyai warna dan logo yang menyerupai kenderaan JPJ.
"Ini satu bentuk penyamaran. Saya minta JPJ jawab perkara ini kerana kita tidak mahu ada pihak sewenangnya melakukan sekatan jalan raya dengan menggunakan kenderaan yang menyerupai pihak berkuasa," katanya.- harakahdaily

Ignore AES summonses...
has called on members of the public to ignore traffic fines issued
through the automated traffic enforcement system (AES) on grounds that
the system is unjust and will benefit crony companies.
PAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar told a press conference today that the call is limited only to summonses issued under the AES and not for regular traffic police summonses.
Mahfuz, who heads pressure group campaigning against the abolishment of postal summonses for traffic offences, called Kase, added that the AES system would become a burden to the people.
He said Kase was readying 100 lawyers to help those who have been penalised through AES.
Summonses issued under wrong section of Act
"The federal government should declare void all summonses issued since Oct 13.
"If the government refuses to do so, I urge those who receive the AES summonses to not pay the fine, which amounts RM300 (each).
"Follow the instructions on the summons notice and go to court. Kase will have lawyers to help," Mahfuz, the Pokok Sena MP, told reporters at the Parliament lobby today.
He added that summons issued under the system was misleading as it was being issued under Section 79(2) of the Road Transport Act for speeding offences.
Mahfuz insisted that Section 79(2) referred not to speeding but for not obeying traffic rules and signs.
He also pointed out that while AES summonses were for a flat rate of RM300, as printed on copies sent to road users, Section 79(2) specifes fines of "up to RM500", which means that there should be discretion on the part of traffic court judges to reduce the fines.
This was among one of the provisions of the law that Kase intends to test in court.- malaysiakini
PAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar told a press conference today that the call is limited only to summonses issued under the AES and not for regular traffic police summonses.
Mahfuz, who heads pressure group campaigning against the abolishment of postal summonses for traffic offences, called Kase, added that the AES system would become a burden to the people.
He said Kase was readying 100 lawyers to help those who have been penalised through AES.
Summonses issued under wrong section of Act
"The federal government should declare void all summonses issued since Oct 13.
"If the government refuses to do so, I urge those who receive the AES summonses to not pay the fine, which amounts RM300 (each).
"Follow the instructions on the summons notice and go to court. Kase will have lawyers to help," Mahfuz, the Pokok Sena MP, told reporters at the Parliament lobby today.
He added that summons issued under the system was misleading as it was being issued under Section 79(2) of the Road Transport Act for speeding offences.
Mahfuz insisted that Section 79(2) referred not to speeding but for not obeying traffic rules and signs.
He also pointed out that while AES summonses were for a flat rate of RM300, as printed on copies sent to road users, Section 79(2) specifes fines of "up to RM500", which means that there should be discretion on the part of traffic court judges to reduce the fines.
This was among one of the provisions of the law that Kase intends to test in court.- malaysiakini
Of eggs and AES...
The price of eggs is a great indicator of a nation’s economy. When the price of eggs go up tremendously in a short space of time, then it is an indication that not all is well.
From the week before Hari Raya Aidil Fitri which is the third week of August to the third week of October, the price of eggs had shot up from RM2.90 to RM3.65 for a tray of 10.
If the government can no longer afford to subsidise the most basic foodstuff, then it is a warning sign that all is not well with the nation’s economy no matter how much the government tries to deny it.
The mismanagement of the nation’s economy is at its most critical stage during the tenure of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
This is because it is only during his tenure that the national debt has surpassed the RM500 billion mark.
And if contingent liabilities amounting to over RM100 billion is added, it will be over RM600 billion. Clearly the economic skills of the Najib administration is sorely lacking.
And yet the prime minister still insists on holding on to the posts of finance minister and minister for women, family and community development. Is there no capable woman in BN able to head the Women’s Ministry? Are we putting ourselves up as the world’s laughing stock?
This is certainly not the hallmark of a nation marching towards Vision 2020 nor a nation which aspires to achieve first world status.Is Najib proving himself to be the end of the RAHMAN legacy with his incompetence?
And not only him but also Transport Minister Kong Cho Ha is another minister who has got a lot of explanation to do. And this is pertaining to the AES (Automated Enforcement System) which is part and parcel of the government’s efforts to reduce road accidents.
Although it is a noble move, the fine of RM300 as a blanket sum is steep to say the least. Is this an Activated Easy Scam to generate income? One zap by the camera and RM300 disappears from the rakyat’s pockets!
The whole project needs further explanation instead of just being rushed through as it creates an impression that certain parties want to earn a fast buck.
The government’s motives to reduce deaths on the highways must of course be lauded as a good move but there should be some leeway on the fine and the amount should be between RM100 to RM300 instead of a fixed sum of RM300. The public should be allowed to negotiate on the sum on a case to case basis.
From eggs to AES, the Najib administration has definitely got some explanation to do. The rakyat are not as dumb these days although there are still some gullible ones around.
New laws should not be rushed through, for example the Peaceful Assembly Act 2011 which was bulldozed through in Parliament in November last year and Section 114A of the Evidence (Amendment) Act 2012 (with regard to postings made on the internet) that was rammed through by the BN MPs in April this year.
From ground surveys conducted, many citizens are unhappy with the way things are being run and many city folk now opine that the BR1M cash aid is the people’s money and so we have the right to take it without feeling obligated to vote for BN.
Actually what the government is giving is just a pittance to placate the low-wage earners who are unhappy with the ever-rising cost of living and this might lower the number of votes BN may obtain at the ballot box. Therefore BR1M is a sort of incentive to safeguard the government’s popularity.
And as prices of basic necessities are soaring even before the Goods & Services Tax (GST) is implemented, what can we expect post-GST?!The assurance given by the federal government that prices of basic necessities will be controlled is thus highly doubtful.
For a long time now, the incumbent government has engaged in double-talk. At the end of November two years ago, a local English daily reported that the government will not be increasing the price of RON95 but in early December the price of RON95 went up. In the social media, many citizens had put up the daily’s news report side by side with the December news report on the price increase to highlight the government’s duplicity.
Therefore, now the government has wisen-up and price increases will at times not be highlighted in the press.
No one must forget the way the prime minister had played what can be labelled as the “Stadium Trick” last year when he told the Bersih organisers to gather in a stadium but at the end of it, the request made by the Bersih organisers to use Stadium Merdeka was flatly denied.
This means that whatever the government says must be taken with a large pinch of salt. There is always a lot of play on words and vagueness in what they say.Their explanations pertaining to scandals and fiascoes belie belief due to a lack of logic in their statements. Blanket statements are also the norm as in the case of the Ampang LRT contract.
Global conditions are always blamed for the increase in the price of goods. When the mood suits them, the government just keeps silent and ignores the rakyat’s demands. Take for example the request made by the rakyat to the government to clean up the electoral roll. Till today are they still not keeping quiet on this?
Overall to sum up, if the government feels like it, they will toss some silly explanation at us. Otherwise they just ignore us.After 55 years, is this what we deserve?- Saleena Tay,FMT

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