AG baru tak tahu menahu tentang 'kertas pertuduhan' terhadap PM...
Peguam Negara (AG) yang baru dilantik Tan Sri
Mohamed Apandi Ali tidak tahu menahu mengenai satu draf yang dikatakan
berupa satu kertas pertuduhan yang didakwa disediakan oleh AG sebelum
ini terhadap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.
"Saya tidak tahu apa-apa mengenai laporan itu, jadi saya tidak boleh komen, okay?" katanya kepada Malaysiakini.
Ditanya sama ada beliau menganggap ini satu perkara yang serius, beliau menjawab: "Saya tidak tahu, bukan untuk saya komen."
Menjawab satu lagi soalan sama ada beliau akan meneliti perkara itu, Apandi, yang memegang jawatan peguam negara sejak hari Isnin, berkata: "Saya penat sangat. Jadi boleh saya berehat? Terima kasih."
Beberapa orang, seperti ketua biro undang-undang PKR Latheefa Koya dan
peguam Lawyers for Liberty, Michelle Yesudas, telah tweet dokumen yang
muncul di Sarawak Report.
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar meminta rang ramai menghentikan sebarang penyebaran khabar angin.
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar meminta rang ramai menghentikan sebarang penyebaran khabar angin.
“Laporan-laporan sebegini yang tidak sah asal usulnya akan mengelirukan orang ramai,” katanya di Twitter.
Selain Najib, kertas tuduhan itu menamakan seorang bekas pengarah urusan yang ditahan oleh pasukan petugas khas 1MDB dan kemudiannya dibebaskan dengan jaminan, dan Nik Faisal Ariff Nik Othman Kamil.
Pasukan petugas itu masih dalam proses mengesan Nik Faisal yang juga pengarah urusan bekas anak syarikat 1MDB - SRC International.
Berikutan penamatan secara tiba-tiba perkhidmatan Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail sebagai peguam negara, wartawan veteran Datuk A Kadir Jasin, yang rapat dengan mantan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, telah bertanya di blognya sama ada ini kerana beliau (Gani) di ambang mendakwa individu tertentu.
Apabila berita tersebar bahawa perkhidmatan Abdul Gani telah ditamatkan kerana masalah kesihatan, bekas AG itu sendiri nampaknya tidak tahu menahu mengenainya.
Bagaimanapun, Abdul Gani enggan mengulas sama ada ianya ada kaitan dengan siasatan pasukan petugas khas.
Walaupun membuat beberapa percubaan, Malaysiakini tidak dapat menghubungi Abdul Gani untuk mendapatkan komen beliau mengenai dakwaan berhubung draf kertas pertuduhan itu.
Mengulas mengenai perkara itu, Naib Presiden PKR Rafizi Ramli, yang telah melihat draf kertas pertuduhan itu, berkata ia mengandungi tuduhan yang paling serius terhadap perdana menteri.
Manakala pemimpin veteran DAP, Lim Kit Siang juga menggesa kerajaan untuk menjelaskan isu kertas pertuduhan itu.
"Hakikatnya adalah khabar angin telah tersebar sejak beberapa hari bahawa tindakan akan diambil terhadap pihak berkuasa paling tinggi yang terlibat dalam siasatan 1MDB itu.
"Dengan apa yang dipanggil sebagai eksklusif dari Sarawak Report ini, AG (baru) dan PM mesti tampil menjawabnya," katanya kepada Malaysiakini.
Perdana menteri telah menafikan menggunakan dana awam untuk tujuan peribadi.- mk
AG's Chambers denies 'charge sheet' against PM...
The Attorney-General's Chambers has denied drafting or issuing a
purported charge sheet against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
"The draft of the charge sheet published by Sarawak Report was not made or issued by the AG's Chambers," tweeted head of the prosecution division Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah.
"The draft of the charge sheet published by Sarawak Report was not made or issued by the AG's Chambers," tweeted head of the prosecution division Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah.

Earlier, newly appointed attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali told Malaysiakini he was not aware of the matter.
"I don't know anything about the report so I cannot comment, okay?" he said.
Asked if he considered this a serious matter, he replied: "I don't know, it's not for me to comment."
Responding to another question if he would look into the matter, Apandi, who assumed the attorney-general post on Monday, said: "I am very tired, so can I take a rest? Thank you."
Several people, such as PKR legal bureau chief Latheefa Koya and Lawyers
for Liberty's Michelle Yesudas, had tweeted the document which appeared
on Sarawak Report.
This led inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar to remind Malaysians not to spread rumours about the purported draft charge sheet.
This led inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar to remind Malaysians not to spread rumours about the purported draft charge sheet.
"Such reports from unverified sources will only confuse the public. The
police asks that the spreading of this rumour be stopped," he tweeted
today, along with a screenshot of Sarawak Report's Facebook page, which showed the document.

Meanwhile, BN strategic communication director Abdul Rahman Dahlan tweeted: "Claire Brown and charge sheet? Yawnnnnnn..... Zzzzz."
This was in reference to Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown.
Apart from Najib, the purported charge sheet named a former managing director, who was arrested by the 1MDB special task force and later freed on bail, and Nik Faisal Ariff Nik Othman Kamil.
The task force is still in the process of locating Nik Faisal Ariff, who is the managing director of former 1MDB subsidiary SRC International.
Following the sudden termination of Abdul Gani Patail's tenure as attorney-general, veteran newsman A Kadir Jasin, who is a close associate of former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, had asked in a blog posting if this was because he was on the verge of charging certain individuals.
However, Abdul Gani (photo) declined to comment if his removal was linked to the special task force probe.
Despite several attempts, Malaysiakini could not reach Abdul Gani for comment on the alleged charge sheet draft.
Apart from Najib, the purported charge sheet named a former managing director, who was arrested by the 1MDB special task force and later freed on bail, and Nik Faisal Ariff Nik Othman Kamil.
The task force is still in the process of locating Nik Faisal Ariff, who is the managing director of former 1MDB subsidiary SRC International.
Following the sudden termination of Abdul Gani Patail's tenure as attorney-general, veteran newsman A Kadir Jasin, who is a close associate of former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, had asked in a blog posting if this was because he was on the verge of charging certain individuals.
When news broke that Abdul Gani's services had been terminated due to health problems, the former AG himself appeared to be clueless.
However, Abdul Gani declined to comment if his removal was linked to the special task force probe.
Despite several attempts, Malaysiakini could not reach Abdul Gani for comment on the alleged charge sheet draft.
Rafizi: This is a serious charge
Commenting on the matter, PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli, who had seen the draft charge sheet, said it carries a most serious charge against the prime minister.
"While the draft charge sheet might not have much legal weight, the circumstances surrounding the removal of the attorney-general, when put in the context of this draft charge, will further strengthen the public perception that the removal of the AG and the cabinet reshuffle was politically motivated in connection to the ongoing investigation against the prime minister and 1MDB.
On Tuesday, Najib dropped his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin and Mohd Shafie Apdal, who headed the regional and development ministry, from his cabinet. Both have been critical of 1MDB.
The premier also appointed four out of eight BN lawmakers in the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), including its then head Nur Jazlan Mohamed, as ministers and deputy ministers.
This too was criticised as an attempt to derail the PAC probe into 1MDB.
Kit Siang: PM must explain
Meanwhile, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang also called on the government to explain the charge sheet issue.
"The fact is rumour has been flying around for a few days that approximate action will be taken against the highest authority involved in the 1MDB probe.
"With this so-called exclusive from Sarawak Report, the AG and PM must come out to respond," he told Malaysiakini.
The prime minister, however, denied that he had used public funds for personal gain.
Sarawak Report has since been blocked by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), which also warned action against local media organisations which reported its content.
The Edge media group was also targeted over its damaging reports on 1MDB, with the Home Ministry, headed by Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who has now been promoted to deputy prime minister, slapping a three-month suspension on two of its publications.
The media group's owner Tong Kooi Ong and publisher Ho Kay Tat are being investigated under Section 124 of the Penal Code for activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy.
This is after former PetroSaudi International executive Xavier Andre Justo claimed that those who procured stolen documents from him regarding a joint venture between PetroSaudi and 1MDB had talked of plans to fabricate the documents.
Both Sarawak Report and The Edge had denied the claim, though Tong admitted that Justo was deliberately misled with a RM2 million offer in order to obtain the documents. - mk

Pulau Reunion (Madagascar): Selepas lebih setahun hilang, pesawat Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) MH370 mungkin ditemui apabila satu objek dipercayai serpihan sayap daripada bahagian pesawat ditemui hanyut berhampiran pantai Pulau Reunion yang terletak di Lautan Hindi, semalam.
Serpihan sepanjang dua meter itu ditemui penduduk yang membersihkan pantai berkenaan.
Seorang saksi berkata, ia dilitupi cengkerang, menunjukkan ia sudah berada dalam air untuk sekian lama.
Pakar keselamatan penerbangan, Xavier Tytelman berkata, tidak boleh dinafikan serpihan itu daripada pesawat MAS MH370 yang hilang pada 8 Mac 2014.
Katanya, berdasarkan gambar serpihan berkenaan, ia ada persamaan dengan #B777 'flaperon' merujuk kepada Boeing 777, jenis pesawat yang hilang itu.
Sementara itu, Pegawai Tentera Perancis, Christian Retournat berkata, serpihan itu kelihatan seperti sebahagian daripada sayap pesawat dan dibawa ke pulau Reunion pagi semalam (waktu tempatan)
“Terlalu awal untuk mengesahkan ia milik MH370 atau tidak. Kita baru menemui serpihan itu pagi tadi,” katanya.
Serpihan sepanjang dua meter itu ditemui penduduk yang membersihkan pantai berkenaan.
Seorang saksi berkata, ia dilitupi cengkerang, menunjukkan ia sudah berada dalam air untuk sekian lama.
Pakar keselamatan penerbangan, Xavier Tytelman berkata, tidak boleh dinafikan serpihan itu daripada pesawat MAS MH370 yang hilang pada 8 Mac 2014.
Katanya, berdasarkan gambar serpihan berkenaan, ia ada persamaan dengan #B777 'flaperon' merujuk kepada Boeing 777, jenis pesawat yang hilang itu.
Sementara itu, Pegawai Tentera Perancis, Christian Retournat berkata, serpihan itu kelihatan seperti sebahagian daripada sayap pesawat dan dibawa ke pulau Reunion pagi semalam (waktu tempatan)
“Terlalu awal untuk mengesahkan ia milik MH370 atau tidak. Kita baru menemui serpihan itu pagi tadi,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Telegraph.co.uk pula melaporkan, Tytelman percaya serpihan itu dari pesawat MH370.
Bekas juruterbang yang kini bertugas sebagai pakar keselamatan udara berkata, dia dihubungi oleh seorang penduduk pulau berkenaan dan menghantar gambar serpihan itu kepadanya.
“Saya sudah mengkaji beratus-ratus gambar dan berbincang dengan rakan sekerja.
“Kami yakin ia menyerupai bahagian sayap Boeing 777 - pesawat yang sama dengan MH370.
“Polis di Reunion yang memeriksa serpihan itu berkata ia kelihatan sudah berada di dalam air lebih kurang setahun, menambah lagi keyakinan ia dari MH370. Kami tak boleh pastikannya, tapi kami fikir ada peluang (ia dari pesawat MH370),” katanya.
Berita mengenai penemuan itu sudah tersebar di laman sosial dan ramai beranggapan serpihan itu adalah bahagian pesawat MH370.
Sehingga kini masih tiada sebarang pengesahan bahawa serpihan itu benar-benar dari pesawat MH370
Serpihan itu sudah diambil pihak berkuasa tempatan untuk dianalisis.
Pesawat yang membawa 239 penumpang itu hilang ketika dalam perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing.
Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak pada 24 Mac 2014 mengumumkan pesawat itu berakhir di Lautan Hindi.
Sementara itu, seorang pekerja menemui sebuah beg beroda yang sudah berkarat di kawasan bahagian sayap (flaperon) ditemui.
Penemuan sebuah bagasi atau beg pakaian dikatakan milik penumpang pesawat MAS itu menjadi sensasi di seluruh dunia selepas disiarkan Linfo, sebuah laman web tempatan dari Reunion yang berbahasa Perancis.
MH370,Beg pula ditemui di La Reunion – Seorang lelaki mendakwa menemukan sebuah beg berdekatan lokasi penemuan serpihan pesawat yang dipercayai MH370 di Pulau La Reunion, awal hari ini.
Menurut laporan portal berbahasa Perancis, Linfo.re, beg yang dalam keadaan koyak itu ditemukan oleh seorang tukang kebun yang tidak diketahui namanya.
Laman itu menyatakan, beg lusuh yang masih sempurna meskipun sudah sedikit terkoyak itu dijumpai seorang pekebun di pulau wilayah pentadbiran Perancis itu tidak jauh dari lokasi serpihan pesawat ditemui pada Rabu.
Ia dipercayai sudah lama terdampar di pantai Saint Andre sebelum secara kebetulan ditemui lelaki berkenaan pagi Khamis dan dia sempat merakamkan sekeping gambar yang turut dimuat naik menerusi laman mikro Twitter.
Bagaimanapun tiada maklumat lanjut yang mengaitkan beg tersebut mempunyai kaitan dengan pesawat MH370 yang hilang pada Mac tahun lalu ketika dalam perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing. - babab.net
MH370: wreckage found on Reunion 'matches Malaysia Airlines flight'...
Fragments of a wing washed up in the French island of Reunion could be wreckage from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, says aviation expert.
A French aviation expert believes he may have found the wreckage of MH370 – the Malaysia Airlines flight which disappeared off the coast of Malaysia in March 2014.
Xavier Tytelman, a former military pilot who now specialises in aviation security, was contacted on Wednesday morning by a man living on the island of Reunion, in the Indian Ocean. The man sent Mr Tytelman a series of photos showing wreckage of a plane, which the Frenchman said could possibly be the missing jet.
"I've been studying hundreds of photos and speaking to colleagues," Mr Tytelman told The Telegraph. "And we all think it is likely that the wing is that of a Boeing 777 – the same plane as MH370.
"Police in Reunion examining the wreckage say that it looks like it's been in the water for around a year, which again would fit with MH370. We can't say for certainty, but we do think there is a chance that this is it."
The plane vanished with 239 people on board in circumstances which have baffled investigators, and left distraught families searching for answers.
Wild theories emerged about the plane: that it had landed in Diego Garcia, or flown on to North Korea.
But Mr Tytelman believes that the Indian Ocean location makes sense for wreckage of the plane to have washed up.
"The French police are now looking at it, and the Australians – who are in charge of the search – are interested too," he said. "We don't know how long it will take to get confirmation or a definite denial. But it's an intriguing development."
Writing on his blog, Mr Tytelman said that the photos of the wreckage had aroused significant interest on the AvGeek website – a closed forum for pilots.
He said that there was much discussion over a code part of the wreckage: BB670.
"The code is not that of a plane number plate, nor that or a serial number on machinery," he wrote.
"But if the flaperon does indeed belong to MH370, it's clear that the reference will be swiftly identified. In a few days we will have a definitive answer." - telegraph.co.uk

Theories on source of debris
The most recent crash that occurred near Réunion happened on May 5, 2006, when a twin-engine plane crashed into the ocean across from the Pierrefonds airport on the southwest coast of the island, RTL said.
Another possible source of the debris could be the 2009 crash of Yemenia Flight 626, which went down on its approach to Comoros, an archipelago off the northwest coast of Madagascar.
Gérard Feldzer, a former Air France pilot, told the Libération newspaper that it's impossible to say anything conclusive based on the photos and that analyses will have to be done on the metal and paint to determine the age and other details of the aircraft it came from.
If the debris were to be traced to MH370, it would be the first sign of the passenger aircraft since it disappeared in March 2014.
Exactly what happened to MH370 has never been established, and no trace of the wreckage has been found despite millions of dollars spent searching for the plane.
A Battered suitcase has dramatically washed up on an Indian Ocean island just yards from where part of a plane's wing was found - adding further to the belief the stricken Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is nearby.
Journalist Julien Delarue reported the find from Reunion island on Twitter today.
He posted a photo of a local man holding a wheeled bag with rusted zippers and frayed cloth.
It comes less than a day after part of a wing was found which has been described as a "significant development" in the hunt for MH370.
Experts are currently comparing details on the wreckage to ascertain if it is part of the Malaysia Airlines plane which went missing 16 months ago.
The two-metre long debris was discovered on a beach in the Indian Ocean – and experts believe it is the same Boeing 777 model that disappeared.
It was found on the French island, close to Mauritius, by workers who were cleaning the area.
Australian deputy prime minister Warren Truss said earlier today: "There was a realistic possibility the plane could have reached the Reunion islands in the 16 months since the incident."
He said information found on the wing could be key in finding out whether it is part of MH370.
He said: "There's a number on the parts, BB670, which is not a serial number or registration but possibly it could be a maintenance number and that may help in the investigation."
The investigation is currently being handled by the air transport brigade of the French gendarmerie but the Malaysian government has sent a team to Reunion to verify whether the washed-up debris was from MH370.
Aviation experts are hoping the find could be a miraculous breakthrough in an 16-month search that has so-far yielded few results.
More than 500 days have passed since the plane went missing with 239 passengers and crew on board as it flew from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 last year.
Until now, the international search mission has made little progress in tracking down the whereabouts of the jetliner.
The hunt has been concentrated on a huge area off the coast of western Australia in the southern Indian ocean.- express.co.uk
Mukhriz tahu siapa rakam video Muhyiddin...
Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir berkata beliau tahu siapa yang merakamnya perbualannya Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin bersama beliau dan tetamu lain bekas perdana menteri pada Selasa malam lalu.
Menteri besar Kedah itu bagaimanapun tidak menafikan topik perbincangan dalam pertemuan itu.
Mukhriz berata demikian ketika ditanya tentang video bocor dalam sambutan hari raya Aidilfitri Umno Gurun, Kedah, lapor Kwong Wah Yit Poh.
Dalam video mengejutkan 53 saat itu, Muhyiddin antaranya berkata Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengaku bahawa RM2.6 bilion dideposit ke dalam akaun peribadinya.
Sementara itu, Sin Chew Daily melaporkan Mukhriz sebagai berkata beliau tidak fikir melakukan sebarang salah laku tetapi bersedia untuk sebarang perubahan.
Mukhriz: I know who recorded 'RM2.6b and PM' video
Najib is fighting for his political survival...
Datuk Seri Najib is fighting for his political life in the face of the scandal in the 1MDB investment fund which he advises. Never before has a sitting prime minister been openly pressured to step down relating to a financial probe – with the charge led by a former prime minister at that, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Never before has there been a high-level probe into the dealings of a government-linked investment fund whose chief adviser is the finance minister, who is also prime minister.
While the sacking of Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin is no surprise, given his outspokenness over Mr Najib’s handling of the 1MDB scandal, the premature replacement of Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail “on health grounds” is intriguing. He is due to retire in three months, so why the hurry?
As Tan Sri Abdul Gani was leading the probe by the special task force into the 1MDB scandal, speculation is rife as to whether his exit may delay the probe. Mr Abdul Gani himself appeared taken aback by his replacement, as announced by the Chief Cabinet Secretary just before Mr Najib’s own unveiling of the Cabinet reshuffle, which catapulted his strongest ally, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, to be the new deputy prime minister.
Prior to the reshuffles, Mr Najib’s political position had been in doubt. There had been rumours of actions about to be taken by the task force; even predictions of a new prime minister by the coming National Day next month.
By removing his deputy and the attorney-general, Mr Najib has clearly shown he intends to stay on top of the crisis. He also inducted into Cabinet Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed, the equally outspoken chair of the bipartisan Parliamentary Accounts Committee, which is also involved in the probe.
Mr Najib appears to have strengthened his hand now. But it remains to be seen if this is enough to resolve one of Malaysia’s most sensational political crises.
No pushover, Tan Sri Muhyiddin has strong support within Umno, where he is deputy president. He has said in his post-reshuffle statement that he intends to stay on in Umno.
Equally important is how Dr Mahathir will respond, having been highly critical of Mr Najib as prime minister. Should there be a major counter-push by Dr Mahathir, Mr Muhyiddin and other forces, Malaysia’s political crisis will become more explosive. Even if Mr Najib survives this, it is hard to see how he would emerge unscathed.
More worrying for Umno and BN is whether the ruling coalition will be able to retain power in the next general election, having lost the popular vote in the last elections in 2013 despite winning more than half the seats. It got 60 per cent of parliamentary seats even though it won just 47.4 per cent of votes. - Yang Razali Kassim, The Straits Times

Kita Lawan Roadshow...
