15 January 2020

Atok dah merajuk kah?...

Pernyataan dan pengakuan dibuat Dr Mahathir yang dia sedia berundur sekarang juga jika Majlis Presiden PH buat keputusan perlu dilihat secara serius dan tidak ada yang berasa simpati dengan pernyataannya itu. Semua patut arif dengan caranya.

Pernyataan itu dilihat, perdana menteri itu ikhlas untuk akur dengan keputusan majlis presiden. Nah tunggu apa lagi majlis presiden perlu mengambil tanggungjawab meminta Dr Mahathir berundur secara hormat.

Jangan ada yang memperhitungkan kedudukan diri dalam kabinet untuk sepakat minta Dr Mahathir berundur, dengan mengira kalau Dr Mahathir berundur kedudukan mereka dalam kabinet terjejas maka mereka enggan membuat desakan, sikap itu satu hipokrasi besar. Anda akan disumpah.

Apa yang semua pihak khasnya anggota majlis presiden kena pertimbangkan kedudukan kerajaan PH hari yang tidak begitu sumringah dari sudut pandangan mata rakayt bukan mementing tembolok bodoh diri sendiri.

Sementara bagi Dr Mahathir tidak perlu untuk menanti gesaan majlis presiden baru nak berhenti. Lakukan dengan keikhlasan dan kesedaran kerana cara begitu anda akan dilihat memiliki wisdom yang tinggi. - mso

Dr.M kena lakukan proses peralihan 
sekarang secara jujur dan terhormat...

1.Saya membaca kenyataan terbaru Tun Mahathir berhubung peralihan hari ini dan amat faham maksud yang tersirat daripadanya.

2.Saya lebih faham Mahathir kerana saya pernah bertembung dengannya dan sempat dimasukkan ke penjara dizamannya.Di zaman Najib pula saya sempat bertemu dengannya,berdamai dan bekerjasama demi selamatkan negara dari skandal 1MDB.

3.Sejak beliau menjadi PM saya belum pernah lagi bertemunya.Namun dari jauh saya menyokong usaha beliau khusus soal memerangi rasuah dan pernah membuat kenyataan untuk beliau terus menjadi PM dalam tempoh selama mungkin.

4.Hari ini saya tidak lagi menyokong sebarang usaha beliau terus menjadi PM.Malah saya mahu beliau berhenti segera demi negara.Alasannya ialah:

5.Pertama, Isyarat Tg Piai adalah isyarat jelas untuk beliau berundur.Sejak Merdeka parti yang memerintah tidak pernah kalah lebih teruk dari Tg Piai.Tun M adalah PM dan beliau seharusnya bertanggunjawab dan berundur segera.

6.Kedua, Suasana Ekonomi - ekonomi negara ditahap paling teruk dan antara puncanya ialah ketidaktentuan soal peralihan kuasa.Ianya soal penting bagi pelabur.Perbahasan mengenai sudah banyak dan jelas.

7.Ketiga- Kemunculan kembali kelompok elit jahat berkepentingan yang berjaya mendekati Tun M melalui pemimpin elit PH yang belot.Mereka pengaruhi Tun M untuk terus kekal berkuasa.Episod pintu belakang Hishamudin dan Azmin dan percubaan merosakkan dan menidakkan perjanjian PH soal PM8 adalah bukti ketara.(Termasuk pertemuan kira2 20 MP diketuai Hishamudin di rumah Azmin hanya 3 hari selepas PH kalah teruk di Tg Piai).

8.Keempat - Tindak tanduk Tun M sendiri yang bercanggah dengan janji peralihan.Awal tahun 2020 seharusnya sudah wujud langkah2 ke arah peralihan kuasa Mei tetapi sebaliknya berlaku.Tiba2 beliau bermuslihat disebalik sidang APEC pula, menggugurkan menteri dan sedang merangka merombak kabinet.Kesemuanya bukan tanda persedian ke arah peralihan yang tersusun dan teratur.

9.Hari ini bila ada tekanan untuk peralihan berlaku tuntas beliau berselindung dan menggunakan alasan Majlis PH.Walhal dia adalah PM paling lama di negara ini dan amat arif kuasa PM di Malaysia lebih besar dari kuasa Presiden USA di Amerika.

10.Malah beliau sudah pun tunjukkan kuasa dan taringnya, menggugurkan seorang Menteri yang bersih dan mengekalkan seorang menteri yang jelas kotor.Mesejnya jelas bukan?(Dan dalam Majlis PH semua adalah menteri melainkan DS Anwar).

11.Justeru saya percaya ini adalah muslihat dan perangkap Tun Mahathir untuk terus kekal berkuasa.Cukuplah Tun Mahathir.Jangan sampai rakyat meluat dan kenang Mahathir bukan sahaja sebagai PM yang paling lama tapi paling gila kuasa dan pembelit paling hebat pernah dilahirkan dinegara ini.

12.Peringatan Tg Piai bukan sebarang ingatan.Ambillah iktibar darinya sebelum terlambat,nasi sudah menjadi bubur, nama baik Mahathir sudah rosak dan tidak akan pulih sampai bila-bila.

13.Maka, saya gesa Tun Mahathir - Lakukan sekarang proses peralihan secara jujur dan terhormat. - Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor

Mahathir racing with the time...

In this very column last week, I predicted the candidate for the new education minister based on three presumptions:

1. The new education minister must be someone PM Mahathir can trust;
2. The new minister must be from PPBM; and
3. He must help Mahathir accomplish his ultimate goals.

There are three people who meet all these three criteria: former cabinet minister Mustapa Mohamed, his son Mukhriz and Mahathir himself.

However, as Mustapa may not win the absolute trust of Mahathir, and the PM himself lacks the stamina and time to double up as education minster, I predicted that Mukhriz would eventually get the job. The answer is yet to be fully unveiled. Mahathir is now acting education minster until someone is appointed later. For how long will Mahathir be acting minster?

"Acting" is perhaps the best reason for Mahathir to convince PH and the people, and to be "acting" minster is not against PH's pledge that the prime minster will not take up any ministerial position, and hence, aversion of any major public backlash.

In addition, the prime minister already has a very heavy workload upon his shoulders, with countless of meetings to attend every day and countless of documents to vet through and guests to see, not to mention the need to follow up all sorts of projects, reviews, planning works, and his frequent oversea trips. To be honest, not even 48 hours a day is sufficient for him.

Perhaps he still thinks he is the best person to take up the education portfolio, but like everyone else, he only has 24 hours a day, and the acting ministerial position should only be an interim arrangement.

As for how long he will be acting education minister depends on two things.

1. PPBM elections in April.  The education minister is a position reserved for PPBM and is one of the centres of power. As such, this job will only be given to someone important in the party. Only those who pass the test of the April party elections are eligible for this job. The party elections will not only determine the candidate for education minister but may also affect the upcoming cabinet reshuffle.

2. Mahathir's timetable to implement his educational goals. Mahathir is acting education minister not because he can't find a suitable person to do the job, otherwise he would not have asked Maszlee Malik to leave in the first place. Mahathir wants Maszlee out because the latter has failed to implement his educational policies.

While Maszlee has initiated a number of educational reforms, the prime minster is simply not patient enough. He understands that some of the policies may meet with powerful resistance from within his ruling coalition as well as the society at large, not something an inexperienced Maszlee could handle.

For instance the teaching of science and mathematics in English, the PM's darling project abolished by his now party comrade Muhyiddin Yassin during BN's time. Sure enough Maszlee is well aware of this, and Mahathir should have reminded him to reinstate the policy too.

Nevertheless, Maszlee is only a political rookie lacking the weight in politics as well as in the Malay society. To reinstate the policy, he needs to deal with not just people like Dong Jiao Zong but also the Malay grassroots, Malay intellectuals as well as Malay nationalists. Muhyiddin abolished the policy in order to please the Malay society, and Maszlee may not be able to reinstate it.

All Maszlee could do is to reinstate the policy in Sarawak, which the state government is more than happy to accept. But to do it in Peninsular Malaysia is a different thing altogether, especially with the current state of fragmented Malay political forces that puts PPBM and the PH at a disadvantage. Maszlee was trying to drag on for as long as he could, but the old man simply would not allow that.

Another instance is the vision school programme.

Mahathir's educational philosophy has always been established upon the foundation of national education in addressing the racial problem. The vision school concept is an intermediate between national primary schools and SRJKs that should effectively dilute the religious nature of national primary schools as well as the ethnic characteristics of Chinese and Tamil primary schools, putting all school children under one roof learning about the same things in the same language.

This is doubtlessly an enormous educational project that touches on the sensitive language, cultural and religious issues, and could only be achieved with very strong political clout. Again, this is something Maszlee is not able to handle.

To be acting education minister is perhaps Mahathir's last chance to push ahead his lifetime wish of fulfilling the Malaysia aspiration he has always wanted through the education approach. He may not see all the results within a short period of time, but at least he can start doing something and let his successor accomplish his goals on his behalf.

He must push through his dream with all the powers he has in hand within the shortest time possible. Instead of Najib or Anwar, it is TIME that is actually his biggest rival at this moment. - Tay Tian Yan, sinchewdaily
Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'FITNAH YANG GAGAL UTAMA Wujud keterangan bercanggah, kes Yusoff Rawther terhadap Anwar ditutup By Wartawan MalaysiaGazette January 2020 MalaysiaGazette AriffKadirResearch Kami juga mendapati tidak terdapat cukup keterangan untuk membuat pertuduhan mengenai laporan polis yang dibuat berdasarkan keterangan yang ada dalam Kertas Siasatan," Peguam Cara Negara, Datuk Tengku Nor Faiza Engku Atek'
Anwar akan terus ambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap Usop cuma beberapa jam lepas Peguamcara Negara keluar kenyataan bagi bersihkan nama.Tapi si kitol semburit @AzminAli dah buat majlis kecukuran sampai dua kali (Julai 2019 dan Januari 2020) sampai sekarang langsung tak berani saman Haziq...-f/bk

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Dear U all...ini adalah posting gua yang terakhir buat masa ini kerana hari ini gua kena berehat di homestay di atas untuk menjalani surgery. Gua mohon ampun dan maaf sekiranya apa yang gua muatkan dalam blog ini tak menyenangkan hati hangpa. Doa agar semuanya berjalan dengan sempurna supaya kita boleh berjumpa lagi nanti...- Tumpang Sekole

Image result for till we meet again

14 January 2020

Malaysia’s (And Malays’) Darkest Moment...

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Latheefa Koya, Chief of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC), released wiretaps on then-Prime Minister Najib Razak’s phone. The world heard, among other things, a late midnight call by Dzulkifli Ahmad, then a public prosecutor, tipping off Najib on impending criminal charges against him, as well as his (Najib’s) groveling to the Crown Prince of UAE pleading to him to backdate a loan agreement to protect Reza Aziz, Najib’s stepson and one of the principals named in the DOJ’s Asset Forfeiture Lawsuit of July 2016. Hearing His Highness repeatedly giving Najib a not-so-subtle royal shove-off and Najib not getting the message was painful.]

I had to take breaks more than a few times while watching MACC Chief Lateefa Koya’s press conference of January 8, 2020. I had to, my revulsion could not be restrained otherwise. Persevere I did, only to be cursed with the darkest of moods at the end. This is what Malaysia has turned into, her leader with utter impunity and unbridled arrogance betraying the sacred trust citizens have placed upon him. Not just him but also his coterie of top officials.

I was gripped me with an even deeper melancholy, accompanied by utter shame and barely controlled rage, on realizing that those officials were all Malays. Many were later honored as Datuks, Datuk Seris, and Tan Sris. Is this what Malay leaders meant when a few months ago they held a much ballyhooed gathering addressed by no less than current Prime Minister Mahathir under the banner of Maruah Melayu (Malay Dignity)? Is this what the culture that I have been brought up in my old kampung only a couple of generations ago has degenerated into?

Then amidst my gloom, a spark of hope, as in Dostoyesky’s The House of the Dead where in the depth and sea of unimaginable inhumanity of a Soviet Siberian prison, a glint of humanity–a young man crying over the death of a stranger-to-him inmate. He replied to the narrator, “He, also, had a mother.” After hearing those MACC tapes, I also was desperate to find any sliver of honesty, integrity, and dignity amidst Najib’s Malay crowd.

Then, there it was! We Malays also had one with integrity and honesty. He (or she) was there all along, hovering over but unnoticed. This hero or heroine loomed large though unseen and unheard. I hope that that would remain so for I fear the consequences otherwise.

This brave soul saw evil being perpetrated. He (or she) was guided by our hadith that says (approximately rendered) when you see evil being perpetrated, use your hand to stop it. Failing that or if it would be too risky, then use your tongue, meaning, voice your disapproval. And if that too is dangerous, then at least disapprove of it in your heart, though that is the path least favored by Allah. This brave soul used his (or her) hand to install the tapping device, and in so doing trapped the tongue of those evil doers.

I am assuming (or pinning my hopes) that the upright individual is a Malay. I desperately want him (or her) to be one. God help Malaysia and that soul if he or she were to be a non-Malay. Yet another sneaky pendatang trying to shame and “do in” an honest, upright Malay leader. Malays, in particular Najib, already have difficulty digesting the role of that other chubby Chinaman. Malays like me are in desperate need of that righteous figure now, even an anonymous one, upon whom we could share some sense of reflected dignity and integrity.

Confirming the authenticity of those MACC tapes is an elementary forensic exercise. Meaning, those tapes are genuine. Further, no one has denied them or claimed that they were concocted by slick actors and actresses, or rather actress. There was not even a sly “Sounds like me but not me” or “taken out of context” denial.

What surprised me was not the tapes’ content. That present Malay leaders are corrupt to the core and top civil servants (again mostly Malays and UMNO partisans) lack an iota of integrity are not news. You do not need those tapes to validate that. That is the saddest and most painful part for me as a merantau (expatriate) Malay to acknowledge.

More revealing were the responses of the participants, or lack thereof. Most remained silent. Rosmah managed, “I have nothing to say!” Then there was the rubbish from Najib claiming that those tapes vindicated him! Note, he did not deny the contents. There is a term to describe those who have difficulty discerning fantasy from reality. The good news there is that the malady is treatable.

I always knew that Najib was not terribly bright. However, I did not realize he was that stupid as to use an unsecured land line to speak to a foreign head of state on a very sensitive matter. The man also lacks dignity; his shameless groveling to the Arab Crown Prince was despicable. I wonder how many other heads of state who had communicated with Najib over the phone and discussed 1MDB would feel now? Rest assured that those tapes were only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

To those who claim the tapes’ release was sub judice, violated due process, or an invasion of privacy, it is significant that so far no one has filed a court motion or police report. The reason is obvious–the behaviors of those whose voices were recorded were so egregious and beyond the pale. I am surprised and saddened that those who complained about the propriety of the tapes’ release have not seen fit to condemn the participants in the tapes. Focus on what those tapes reveal. Does anyone approve of what they did?

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Meanwhile Inspector-General of the Police (IGP) Hamid Bador was waiting passively to receive those tapes. He should have responded:  “This is serious! I am on my way to see Latheefa right away to secure those tapes.” Those who argue that the tapes should have been handed to the police first and dispense with the public release, consider the police “investigation” of the other infamous so-called semburit videotape of two consenting men frolicking in a Sandakan hotel. That dragged on and at the end, “No Further Action!”

Those individuals in the MACC tapes thought they were doing the patriotic thing to protect their leader, the Hang Tuah excuse. It is this perversion of our noble values that is so destructive. That prosecutor who tipped Najib was later promoted to be MACC Chief and given a Tan Sri. There’s more. He was caught soon after holidaying abroad, probably celebrating his reward, I mean promotion, with a female other than his wife. Worse, this slimy character had the audacity to give a Friday sermon on–yup, you guessed it!–the evils of corruption!

Next JAKIM would invite him to give a sermon on marital fidelity. That’s the degradation of Islam in Malaysia, but that’s another and very long chapter. Save unconditional denials, the Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal should ask the Agung and his brother rulers to rescind the titles awarded to those knaves. Syed Danial should not be like IGP Hamid, menunggu arahan. I am proud that the Ruler of my state of Negri Sembilan had already rescinded 15 months ago Najib’s and Rosmah’s honorifics.

There was another shocker on the Council of Rulers. Latheefa’s predecessor Shukri had apprised them twice on 1MDB and the need for immediate action. The Rulers refused. Shukri called Duzlkifli a pengkhianat (traitor). From what we know today, that term could apply to many more. In the pantheon of infamy, those MACC tapes would be with Nixon’s Watergate’s. With Nixon, it was the missing part that undid him; with Najib and his ilk, the contents.

To MACC Chief Latheefa Koya, continue the good work. Give ’em hell! You already struck fear among the corrupt. Let them have more sleepless nights believing that their past conversations could also have been tapped. To that brave righteous soul who tapped Najib’s phone, my heartfelt gratitude. You are my North Star; you personify “Duty, honor, country! - Bakri Musa
Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'ADUN DENGKIL PENAGIH DADAH DAN PARTI LIAR? NO REPORT KES 518-520/2020'
Moga ujian air kencing 
terhadap Adun tidak "kabur"...

Hari ini heboh ada adun dan pegawai khas Menteri dikatakan terlibat dalam "Private Party".. Soal betul atau tidak.. itu kerja Polis.. sapa suruh letak diri tu kat tempat mcm tu, soal dia terlibat dengan dadah atau perempuan tu soal kedua..Meletakkan diri dalam keadaan Fitnah itu pun melambangkangkan satu kejahilan..

Ok ..aku bukan nak cakap pasal depa yg terlibat.. Aku nak cakap Soal Dosa Peribadi.. Malam tadi, dalam laporan kononnya ada pengadu memberikan maklumat..Ada bunyi bising, Music dari dalam kediaman.. Apakah ini boleh ditakrif sebagai Dosa Peribadi hanya kerana mereka melakukan perkara tersebut dalam premis Persendirian..

Kebetulan aku pernah menulis tentang Dosa Peribadi, Dan apa yang dinukilkan oleh Imam Ghazalie di dalam Kitabnya Ihya Ulumuddin memberikan panduan jelas kepada badan hisbah bagaimana yang ditakrifkan sebagai maksiat yang tersembunyi..
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Kes malam tadi, menepati apa yang dikatakan Imam Al Ghazalie.. ada yg buat laporan,( ada sangkaan yg kuat), ada bunyi Music yang melepasi dinding rumah..Jadi ini yang jadi Kontroversi bila Dr Mujahid membangkitkan persoalan " Dosa Peribadi.. " Bayangkan Kaedah Fiqh ini tak difahami hatta Mufti sendiri yang masih kata kita mahu menggalakkan maksiat..

Cuba lihat laporan akhbar sebelum ini terutama Harian Metro.. Berapa banyak tangkapan dibuat oleh Polis bahagian Narkotik dan maksiat terhadap pesta liar.. apakah ada Jakim atau menteri Agama larang ? kritik ? sampai anak menteri, pegawai menteri pun kena tangkap..

Apa yang dilarang dalam Islam itu ? sama seperti operasi maksiat selama ini, tidak ada laporan.. depa datang ramai ramai, lebai pergi tajassus.. Mengitai, mengintip.. ketuk dari bilik ke bilik mcm skuad badar, sampaikan ada yang dah kahwin diganggu.. ada yang tersalah tangkap hanya kerana tidak mempunyai sijil Kahwin.. Ini bukan nak banteras maksiat.." Kaki skodeng" yg dilarang dalam Agama..

Aku cuma nak bagi faham kepada Ustaz, Ulama dan Mufti yg jahil.. sebab depa kata takda Dosa peribadi dan tersembunyi dalam Islam.. Hj Hadi siap bandingkan kes Dadah dalam konteks Dosa Peribadi dan intipan.. jahil betul..selama ini depa kata kita nak galakkan maksiat.. Disiplin ilmu dan Agama pun tak faham.. Jadi sekarang faham tak ? - Ipohmali

Saya berada di tempat yang salah,
semalam kau kata kau ada kat rumah...

Kau kata, kau ke kondo utk berbincang. Woow... bincang apa 1.30 pagi ? Dgn geng tahi dadah pulak tu. 

Kau nak buat benda salah, kau buatlah senyap-senyap... Kalau kantoi pun sebab nasib tak baik, nak buat macam mana memang kau bodoh, siapa suruh hisap dadah...?

Kau lebih tahu benda tu salah, kau nak hisap jugak kau hisaplah tapi pandai-pandai lah... Dosa peribadi antara kau dengan Allah, itu kau hadaplah nanti.

Korang wakil rakyat, pegawai menteri, kenapa bodoh sangat...? Tengah malam, korang buat parti liar, hisap pil kuda, hisap ganja, main judi, di sebuah premis milik seorang taukeh cina; itu dah kira habis bodoh dah, tapi kalau korang buat senyap-senyap, tahanlah sikit, tak ada orang tahu pun, korang orang politik, bukannya artis.

Tapi, yang bangang sangat kau pasang muzik kuat-kuat tengah malam buta sampai jiran sebelah telefon polis, pasaipa...? Apa punya bangang lah korang. - Awang

Adun Dengkil, Adhif Syan Abdullah, tampil membuat penjelasan yang dia berada di tempat yang salah pada masa yang salah ekoran serbuan polis di sebuah kondominum di Puchong dan memberkas beberapa orang yang positif dadah.

Adun ini tidak perlu gusar dan gunda, jika beliau ditangkap dalam serbuan itu dan diuji air kencingnya tetapi didapati negatif dadah bermakna beliau tidak terbabit dengan kasus berkenaan. Kebenaran itu tetap mengatasi kebatilan. - mso

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Kronologi tangkapan ke atas Adun dengkil

Image may contain: possible text that says 'zamri.. nak kemana tu? YB ada buat kempen anti dadah Ehh... kenapa cepat balik? YB yg kempen tu pn isap dadah'

Setpol Dr.M mengaku 
menjadi tukang kutip duit...

Zahid Mat Arip adalah merupakan Setiausaha Politik kepada PM, Tun Dr Mahathir dan beliau juga merupakan Ahli Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi BERSATU. Sebelum ini beliau pernah bertugas sebagai Pegawai Khas kepada bekas Pengerusi Felda, Tan Sri Isa Samad.

Apabila membaca laporan dari perbicaraan kes melibatkan Isa Samad, teramat jelas peranan yang telah dimainkan oleh Zahid Mat Arip sewaktu beliau bekerja dengan Isa Samad. Beliau sendiri mengaku menjadi 'tukang kutip duit' untuk Isa Samad, ertinya beliau sedar beliau telah bersubahat dan bekerjasama dengan Isa Samad. Sila rujuk beritanya di sini 

Tidak pelik dan menghairankan sekiranya beliau lantang di dalam menyerang Anwar Ibrahim sejak dulu hingga sekarang. Beliau di antara yang amat sensitif jika ada pihak yang bercakap tentang peralihan kuasa di antara Tun M dan Anwar. Tidak sukar untuk memikirkan mengapa Zahid Md Arip ini amat memerlukan Tun M terus menjadi PM dan terlalu gusar sekiranya Anwar mengambil alih jawatan tersebut dalam tempuh terdekat ini.

Sewajarnya, di dalam pemerintahan kerajaan Malaysia Baru yang mahu melaksanakan reformasi di dalam negara ini, orang seperti Zahid Mat Arip ini tidak patut dikutip apatah lagi bekerja di sebelah PM. 

Apakah rakyat boleh yakin dengan kerajaan sekiranya Isa Samad diputuskan bersalah nanti manakala Zahid Mat Arip terus bekerja dengan PM? Kalau Isa Samad didapati bersalah menerima rasuah, tetapi 'tukang kutip duit' ini terlepas atas alasan menerima arahan, apakah kita boleh menerimanya?

Jelas, mana-mana pihak atau individu yang terlalu gusar jika Anwar menjadi PM sudah pasti ada 'kes' yang menghantui mereka. Tun M selaku PM yang diberi mandat oleh rakyat melalui Pakatan Harapan harus berani bertindak sejajar dengan manifesto PH. - wf auzdin ns

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Dengar khabar murid murid di sebuah negara jiran..
kerja dan latihan sekolah siap pada waktunya....


13 January 2020

Lepas Maszlee, giliran Mujahid pula...

Apa yang dihadapi oleh Dr Mujahid hari ini.. sama dilema yg dihadapi dr Maszlee.. Jika ancaman dan fitnah kepada Dr Maszlee itu datang dari kelompok Ultra Liberal yang menghasut kelompok bukan Islam dengan Islamphobia.. Manakala ancaman kepada Mujahid datang dari kelompok Ashabiyah dan ultra Islamis.. Apa sahaja yang pembaharuan yg cuba dilakukan Mujahid.. akan dianggap sebagai agenda Liberal..

Kalau dalam kes Dr Maszlee ada watak seperti Siti Kasim (pix,bawah) dikalangan Ultra liberal..dalam isu melibatkan Dr Mujahid.. ada watak seperti Maza dikalangan Salaf dan pentadbiran Agama sendiri..mereka ini dulunya pro PH..akhirnya kelompok Ashabiyah melayu dan islam seperti UMNO dan PAS.. mereka mengambil kesempatan biarpun mereka sendiri bermusuh dengan Dr maza dan rora..

Dr Maszlee pula diburukkan dan digambarkan sebagai melakukan islamisasi oleh kelompok ultra liberal seperti Siti Kasim, Kelompok G25..lalu mengheret ketakutan masyarakat bukan islam kelompok ashabiyah Cina seperti Dong Zong dan MCA kepada Dr Maszlee..sampaikan ketakutan ini melanda masyarakat India.. akhirnya mereka yg sokong PH seperti Siti kasim, G25 dengan kelompok ashabiyah seperti MCA dan Dong Zong boleh bersama..

Apa saja benda baik yang cuba dilakukan oleh Dr Maszlee akan dilihat sebagai satu bentuk islamisasi..hatta asas pengenalan jawi dianggap sebagai satu bentuk usaha Islamisasi.. Siapa yg faham Politik..Jawi bukan sebab utama penentangan Dong Zong.. Tapi ketakutan dan hasutan kelompok Ultra liberal sama seperti hasutan kelompok salaf seperti Maza..

Apa yg dihadapi Dr Maszlee itu pernah dialami Ds Anwar suatu ketika dulu ketika menjadi menteri pendidikan yg pernah dilabel sebagai Ultra Melayu.. Jadi Tun Mahathir tahu semua ini..Ancaman kelompok ini akan merencatkan usaha Kerajaan mengubah polisi pendidikan..apalagi Parti gerakan pernah mencetuskan peristiwa 13 Mei hanya dengan bermain isu bahasa..

Begitu juga banyak pembaharuan yg dilakukan Dr Mujahid, Semua peruntukan, hak kebajikan Islam ditambah baik..tetap Akan dilihat sebagai agenda Liberal.. apalagi alat DAP..walaupun ianya menepati kehendak Islam.. memang kedua pemimpin ini ada kelemahan..Tapi kebaikan mereka itu dinafikan hanya kerana racun Ashabiyah..Kebencian melampau..
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Inilah dilema Kerajaan hari ini.. Kita gagal keluar dari perangkap Ashabiyah.. ada dikalangan pemimpin PH sendiri masih lagi bersaing mahu menjadi siapa lebih melayu.. dan Siapa lebih islam..Sama saja dilema yang dihadapi kedua ini.. lihat bagaimana Dr Maszlee ,Intitusi Pengajian tinggi terheret dalam himpunan Maruah melayu..

Inilah antara sebab yang aku rasa..perlunya adanya seorang pemimpin yang betul betul menjiwai Malaysia baru..membuang dan membersihkan negara ini dari sebarang anasir dan bentuk kebencian kaum dan Agama... Bagi aku hanya Ds Anwar boleh mainkan peranan ini.. Sebab dia berjaya lakukan dalam membina partinya sendiri parti berbilang kaum.. Masanya untuk rakyat menolak kelompok Ashabiyah tak kira dari kelompok Agama,mazhab dan kaum.. - Ipohmali

Image result for DR. MASZLEE MALIK dan P DR MAHATHIR
Dr Maszlee jadi mangsa...

Secara peribadi, masa Dr Maszlee meletak jawatan.. Aku ada sebut, kemungkinan Tun Mahathir sendiri akanpangku jawatan Menteri Pendidikan.. bagi aku itu soal dalaman Bersatu yang PM dan Dr Maszlee sendiri tahu...

Sebenarnya aku menyokong tindakan Tun M memangku jawatan Menteri pendidikan.. bagi aku nasihat Tun untuk dr Maszlee meletak jawatan sebagai menteri pendidikan..mungkin ada asasnya..

Sudah pasti Tun Mahathir mendapat maklumat..hasil risikan PDRM apa yang berlaku, dan apa yg cuba dilakukan.. terutama dalam sentimen perkauman melibatkan isu Jawi.. Kita hanya nampak dipermukaan, dah pasti Tun M ada maklumat yg jelas dari hasil risikan..

Dari sudut politik.. Dr Maszlee telah hilang keyakinan rakyat dari kalangan bukan Islam sejak dari awal , bila mana Dr Maszlee sudah digambarkan mahu melakukan islamisasi.. Itu sebab petang Dr Maszlee meletak jawatan.

Aku orang paling awal mengkritik kelompok Ultra Liberal seperti Siti Kasim..itu gerak hati aku.. dan terbukti faktor Siti kasim di sebut sendiri bekas Pegawai Khas dan media Dr Maszlee sendiri..

Sebenarnya dari sudut politik, ada beberapa tindakan dan kelemahan datang dari Dr Maszlee sendiri.. ia menyebabkan beberapa isu menjadi tidak terkawal.. Bagi aku Tun Mahathir cuba membetulkan keadaan, dan mengambil peranan berhadapan kelompok chavinist dan ashabiyah seperti Dong Zong dan MCA..

Walaupun sahabat mengaitkan dgn isu YTL, dan beberapa isu lain.. aku 50-50..Aku mengambil sikap tunggu dan lihat... sebenarnya kedudukan dr Maszlee ini dalam dilema.. Apa yg dilakukan Dr Maszlee akan dilihat sebagai islamisasi oleh masyarakat Cina..

Sebenarnya seperti aku sebut sebelum ini..kalau kamu turun dibawah..baca laporan Akhbar Cina, Jelas memang wujud Islamphobia.. Jelas Kejahatan MCA itu jelas.. dalam waktu yg sama si kelompok Ashabiyah Melayu cuba membangkitkan kemarahan Melayu.. Siapa yg merencana dibelakang mereka..Apa matlamat mereka.. ? 

Matlamat Akhir mereka menumbangkan Kerajaan... Aku hanya menilai pada pandangan dan mata kasar.. Tapi mungkin pandangan aku salah.. - Ipohmali
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, text that says 'Selepas Nasional Tumbang.. BARU MELAYU SEDAR APA UMNO BN BUAT SELAMA INI? Menteri diheret mahkamah atas pertuduhan konspirasi jenayah peringkat tertinggi. Ramai melayu UMNO diheret ke di atas kesalahan rasuah, wang haram & salah kuasa. Tulisan dipinggirkan. Tanglung dipasang Bangsa Melayu dibuat oleh kilang orang Orang Melayu banyakyang membeli di kedai cina. Tanah rezab semakin hilang. Malaysia terdiri daripada masyarakat pelbagai kaum. 10. Harga barang naik 11. Peniaga melayu 12. DAP miskin. baru cina. tindas SR Jika BN tak tumbang PRU14 dan terus berkuasa.. segala kepincangan peninggalan UMNO ni akan terus tak nampak'

Hudud nyawa PAS...

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The Pakatan Harapan Gomen...

1. When a new party takes over as a Government, it would be a miracle if it were to execute all its plans and promises overnight. Certainly, when PH took over from BN which had ruled the country for the past 60 years, it would be an even greater miracle if it can implement its plans and agenda immediately. It is not taking over just any Government. It took over from a kleptocratic Government which had raped the nation for years, destroyed its finances, undermined its administrative agencies, abused its laws, borrowed well beyond the ceiling permitted, placed the country on the path to bankruptcy, made the people dependent on the Government with bribes and generally undermined the moral of the people.

2. Of course, a lot of people were happy to enjoy corrupt money and many illegal favours. They would like these bad practices to continue. But the majority of the people knew the sad state of the country and ensured that the corrupt Government was overthrown.

3. This was a miracle of sorts. A “hodge-podge” coalition of 4 parties, together with another party outside the coalition and even a person not linked in any way to the parties, took over.

4. They were united only in the desire to bring down the kleptocratic Government. Otherwise they each had their own ideology and agenda. In other countries when a common objective is achieved, the fragile unity would break up as each party would try to take over. A bitter struggle would ensue. In the end the coalition would break up. In one Middle Eastern country, the ensuing struggles ended up with the military seizing power. It was back to square one.

5. This did not happen in Malaysia. The fragile opposition coalition was sustained, even with the inclusion of a non-member party as well as an independent individual who joined the cabinet. They formed a Government. And they seem to be working together, having formed a cabinet without any written agreement as to who takes what. This is the 2nd miracle. The cabinet seems to work. At least they can meet, discuss and make decisions. Of course, many criticised their decisions. This is normal. No Government can have the approval of everyone every time. The important thing is that this fragile cabinet is still functioning.

6. But many would say, this Government is directionless. Is it? Let’s look at what it has done. Despite a huge debt of well over a trillion Ringgit, it apparently has been able to retain the solvency of the country. The creditors are not suing the Government. Indeed, some are even keen to lend more money at low rates. The Government is clearly credit worthy. The debt has been reduced.

7. Politically the country is stable. Yes, there are some disturbances in a member of the ruling coalition. But this is normal. No one has tried to overthrow the Government by a vote of non-confidence. They know it will not succeed.
8. Then the economy. It is still growing at a good rate for a country at this stage of development. Yes, there is an outflow of funds and the currency has been devalued. This is a function of the market. Malaysia still has the biggest savings. Bank Negara Reserve is very high – RM400 billion plus. Other funds, such as PNB, KWSP, and some smaller funds add up to over RM1.5 trillion. Foreign assets are big. National Oil Company Petronas is doing well with more than 100 billion income. It is 100% Government owned. Yes, the Ringgit is depreciating. In many other countries, reserves of this size would guarantee the strength of the national currency. But the market apparently cannot believe this strength of the Malaysian finances and its currency.

9. The fact is that the Malaysian economy and its currency are strong. The market and the detractors may not think so. But the Government has faith in its financial and economic policies. And so do foreign and local investors.

10. Socially, the Government has launched the Shared Prosperity scheme. For our detractors this does not indicate clear direction. But for the Government the direction is clear. We don’t want just to recover and be prosperous. We want to share our wealth equitably.

11. Towards this end we have initiated a new industrial plan, complemented by a new agricultural plan. I will not elaborate. But we know the direction we are going. Outsiders may not. But we do.

12. We are clear as to what we want to do and how we will do it. Plans may take a week or so to create but implementation will take much longer, at least two years or more. But the work has already begun. For the observers it would seem that nothing is moving. Rome was not built in one day. When Malaysia was switching from an agro-based economy to an industrial economy, it also took time. But most of us could not remember and the young never saw the transition. Most were born when the transition was accomplished. It is difficult to imagine an agricultural Malaysia today.

13. The same will happen now. The transition will take time – perhaps two years or more from now. But believe me it will happen. Indeed in some ways it is already happening. We are going paperless and soon there will be cashless. Digitalisation is already happening and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is contributing towards increasing speed of work and transaction.

14. Even for me it is frustrating to wait. But wait we must. The machinery of Government has been cleansed and is rapidly adapting to the new ways of working. Even the Ministers are adjusting to being in the Government instead of the opposition.

15. The accusation that this PH Government is directionless is made by those who refuse to acknowledge reality. Are we really the same as the Malaysia under the previous Government? Or are they saying they prefer the kleptocratic Government better.

16. We don’t steal money nor raise loans so as to have money for bribing people. We spend what we have. What we have is less money. We cannot afford to give free money to people. Our way is to increase or create jobs. But the people must be willing to take up the jobs or the business opportunities created.

17. We are doing all these. But we are not attracting attention to them. In time they will become clear contribution to the country’s economy.

18. The world today is in a state of turmoil. No one is really doing well. Look at what is happening in Latin America, the U.S., Europe, the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, even Australia. Only China, Japan, and South Korea are doing relatively well, but even the countries of Northeast Asia are having intractable problems.

19. Then look at Malaysia. We are stable, peaceful and the Government respects the law. We are removing draconian laws or suspending them pending abolishment or amendment. People feel safe travelling anywhere in the country. During the celebration of the new year 60 to 80 thousand people gathered to enjoy the shows. This cannot happen even in some developed countries.

20. I will not talk about natural disasters. We have been spared though we are not quite grateful.

21. Yes. Malaysia is recovering from the disasters caused by the previous Kleptoctatic Government. Even now we are enjoying better governance.

22. Give the Government a little bit of time and participate fully in the Shared Prosperity Policies, and in two years time you will realise that the direction of the Government is right. - chedet

Najib merayu² mintak Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed supaya suruh Sheikh Mansour sign "loan agreement" (perjanjian pinjaman) yg palsu, so that duit  dari 1MDB yg Riza Aziz dpt, akan kelihatan sah. Ini bukti "konspirasi jenayah peringkat tinggi" utk menutup salahlaku.- f/bk

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, possible text that says 'KREATOR You got GOONS around you!'
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"Saksi" tu rujuk kepada orang,rakaman tu bahan bukti.Audio Nik Abduh 
pun di terima pakai kat London.Fatwa baru dari lebai tua ni,konon nak jadi PM..- f/bk

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people standing, text that says 'ULARMAK BUAT OK JE TAK HARAM? WALAUN ADA KOMEN?'
Singa hijau geng kita..-f/bk

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, possible text that says 'HARAP PAN F Azmin Ali Perlu SAMAN Haziq Aziz Kerana Telah Memfitnah Beliau terlibat dalam Scandal video yang Tersebar Luas. Demi Menjaga Nama baik beliau Di dalam Pakatan Harapan Dan juga Seorang Menteri'


11 January 2020

Baru faham mengapa lebai Hadi & Nik Bedoh tak didakwa...

Image result for hadi dapat 90 juta on tumpang sekole

Kita orang Islam hidup di bumi Malaya... Dalam hidup kita terikat dengan dua undang-undang, iaitu perintah dan larangan agama, dan yang kedua ialah undang-undang negara Malaysia yang berdaulat.... Kena bezakan antara dua peraturan itu.

Sebagaimana iman, ada tingkat-tingkatnya, begitu juga kufur ada tingkat-tingkatnya; maka begitu juga kesalahan yang dilakukan yang melanggar larangan agama dan melanggar undang-undang negara, ada tingkat-tingkatnya.

Tidak sama kesalahan mencuri buah jambu dengan kesalahan memiliki senjata api... Salah, ya dua-dua salah, tetapi tingkat kesalahan itu berbeza, hukuman pun berbeza.

Melanggar peraturan agama, kebanyakannya melibatkan dosa peribadi... Orang yang melakukan dosa peribadi walau tersembunyi dari pengetahuan orang ramai, hukuman terhadapnya kita serahkan kepada Allah untuk membuat pertimbangan ke atas dirinya, samada di dunia atau di akhirat kita tidak tahu, itu urusan Alah, bahkan kalau dia bertaubat dan Allah ampunkan dia pun, kita tak tahu.

Dalam negara, kesalahan melanggar peraturan agama atau dosa peribadi, kalau ditangkap, maka ia dibicarakan di bawah mahkamah syariah.... Ada juga perbuatan yang menyalahi kedua-dua undang-undang agama dan undang-undang negara, tetapi tingkatannya tidak sama.

Ada kesalahan yang pada Agama ia menjadi suatu dosa besar, tetapi ia tidak menjadi suatu kesalahan yang sangat besar menurut undang-undang negara.... Ada kesalahan yang menurut undang-undang negara menjadi kesalahan yang besar dan hukumannya juga berat tetapi sebesar mana kesalahan itu kepada agama kita tidak tahu.

Misalnya perbualan telefon antara Najib dan Rosmah dan Dzulkifli dan Apandi Ali; menurut undang-undang dunia ia adalah kesalahan yang serius, kerana di situ ada unsur-unsur pengkhianatan kepada negara, rekaan bukti palsu, berkomplot dengan orang negara lain dan seumpamanya; tetapi menurut Agama, siapa tahu berapa besar dosa mereka yang terlibat? KIta tidak tahu... Bagaimana bentuk hukuman yang Allah akan kenakan kepada mereka, kita juga tidak tahu.

Dosa meliwat sesama jantan, menurut Agama memang suatu dosa yang sangat besar, tetapi menurut undang-undang negara bagaimana...? Salah memang salah, tetapi tidaklah begitu besar kesalahannya menurut hukum negara.... Dan kalau pun negara ini mengamalkan hukuman hudud, orang yang meliwat akan direjam sampai mati; bukannya dipecat dari jawatan.
Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'TAK PEGI MEETING KA BABY? KAN TENGAH SIBUK NI.. ESOK LUSA NK NK REPEAT LAGI'

Undang-undang itu kadang-kadang terlalu komplikated... Dalam isu video semburit misalnya, kita nak bercakap dari segi apa... adakah dalam soal Agama atau soal undang-undang negara....? Kenapa pengamal undang-undang seperti peguam dan hakim mendiamkan diri? Kerana mereka lebih tahu dan faham tahap mana video tokak telinga dan jilat punggung itu mengikat pelakunya di bawah undang-undang negara.

Sebagaimana orang lain, saya, secara peribadi sangat percaya bahawa yang dalam video itu ialah dia.... Tetapi kepercayaan itu hanya berdasarkan kepada penglihatan saya sendiri sebagai orang yang bukan pengamal undang-undang, saya tidak tahu bagaimana undang-undang negara melihat kes itu.... 

Saya pernah bercakap dengan dua tiga orang peguam tentang kes itu, semuanya mengatakan dia tidak boleh didakwa hanya berdasarkan kepada video clip.... Dan kalau didakwa pun, mungkin dia akan lepas, dan kalau dihukum pun, cuma denda beberapa ribu saja, kerana perbuatan suka sama suka di tempat tertutup begitu tidak menjadi jenayah yang besar kepada negara, walaupun menurut hukum Agama ianya merupakan dosa besar yang dilaknat Allah.... Kita kena tahu membezakan antara dua tu... antara kes video dan kes audio... antara hukum Agama dan undang-undang negara.

Prinsip perundangan yang diamalkan di seluruh dunia bahkan dalam Islam pun; lebih baik membebaskan sepuluh orang yang bersalah daripada menghukum satu orang yang tidak bersalah..... Ini kita kena sedor kita kena pahang. - Awang

Kes video lucah Haziq boleh dibuka semula bila kerajaan PH tumbang

Perihal penyerahan kuasa PM...

Bila bercakap pasal penyerahan kuasa PM daripada Dr Mahathir kepada Anwar, PM itu dan para haiwanan peliharaanya akan bercakap mengenai tidak ada tarikh khas mengenai peralihan kuasa itu. Kelupaan dan kegagalan menetapkan tarikh itu dijadikan alasan dan dalih. Dr Mahathir pun bermain-main dengan caranya menggunakan kekosongan tarikh berkenaan.

Walaupun tanpa tarikh tetapi asas kepada konsensus perlu dipatuti yakni Mahathir kena serahkann jawatanh itu kepada Anwar, itu janji dan persetujuan telah dicapai dan dunia sudah mengetahuinya.

Dr Mahathir tidak perlu tarikh khusus atau mencari tarikh berkenaan dalam mana-mana perjanjian, atau pun dalam mana-mana ucapan. Apa yang penting beliau perlu sedar tentang peri pentingnya jawatan PM diserahkan kepada Anwar dengan perkembangan yang berlaku kini.

Keselamatan yang perlu dijaga ialah kerajaan PH bukannya keselamatan atau mengenai diri Mahathir. Untuk jawatan PM seterusnya Mahathir tidak perlu memikir sesiapa lagi atau cuba hendak mengangat mana-mana Pak Kadok atau Pak Pandir menjadi PM, Yang perlu diinsafi ialah kelangsungan kerajaan PH selepas PRU15 kelak.
Image result for rate your minister on malaysiakini

Prestasi dan penerimaan rakyat terhadap kerajaan PH kini semakin hari semakin menipis dengan ditimbulkan pelbagai isu. Kritikan dan kecamana serta ejekan kepada kerajaan PH yang dipimpin Mahathir bertaliu arus. Mahathir tidak merasakan kebimbangan itu sebab beliau tidak akan memikul segala beban selepas ini. Tetapi kelangsungan dan beban kerajaan PH dimasa depan terletak di atas pundak para pemikul seterusnya.

Rasa tidak senang dan keluyuran kerajaan PH bukan sahaja dirasai oleh rakyat negara ini tetapi rakyat diluar juga. Dunia tidak lagi melihat Mahathir penting dan hebat seperti dahulu. Ertinya kedudukan Mahathir kini sebagai PM tidak memberi apa-apa input dan impak untuk negara. Kegagalan Summit KL lalu menjelaskan bahawa suara Mahathir sudah tidak dikagumi dunia Islam lagi.

Justeru menghitung dan menghimpun itu semua, Mahathir tidak perlu menunggu masa yang disukainya untuk melepaskan jawatan PM kepada Anwar. Sebaik-baiknya beliau serahkan secepat mungkin untuk memastikan imej kerajaan yang rosak dan tidak diyakini rakyat dan dunia kini dapat diperbaiki.

Lainlah kalau Mahathir suka kerajaan PH kini tumbang dan diganti dengan kerajaan Muafakat Nasional beliau terus berkeras dan mendabik dada mengakui dia masih popular dan diterima rakyat.

Justeru saya setuju dengan pendangan Rafizi Ramli sekiranya tidak ada tempoh ditetapkan untuk penyerahan kuasa kepada Anwar, maka rakyat boleh menentukannya dan Mahathir boleh dipaksa. Apakah perlu ada gerakan memaksa Mahathir? - MSO

Analysis: Malaysia's Razak may be held accountable for 1MDB cover-up
Latheefah Koya's Blockbuster Expose... 

Ok first things first lah. Suddenly some goody two shoes are asking if MACC Chief Commissioner Latheefah Koya should have made the information public.  

Well allow me to refresh your memory. Please watch this TWO minute video. This is US Attorney General Loretta Lynch and her entire team at the US Justice Department (including the FBI) giving a full briefing to the Press about the 1MDB scandal (in July 2016).  

The son was mentioned, the name of that movie company was mentioned and other names were all revealed.   Loretta Lynch revealed more details, names, facts and figures  than Latheefah Koya. And this was before any charges were filed in the US Courts about this 1MDB and its related scandals.

No one complained that Loretta Lynch's open airing of the FBI's investigation papers into the 1MDB scandal was wrong or in breach of any law.  It was entirely in the public interest. 

So let us be thankful to Latheefah Koya for taking the bold step to make this information public. Yes it is in the public interest.

My only advice to Latheefah would be to be more precise. Just state clearly the day, date, time (don't forget to say AM or PM) the recordings were made.   Then there would be no need for the reporters to ask you again a second time.  (Latheefah missed mentioning a couple of those AMs and PMs.)  

Thank you for exposing all this information but I would caution against some of the language. 

The MACC is a legal body authorised with investigating, interrogating and arresting people for corruption etc. These are serious matters. In my view use of language like: 

abuse of power, national security, fabrication of false evidence, connivance, obstruction of justice,  criminal conspiracy, whole sordid episode,  betrayal of public trust, criminality, cover up, abuse of power, offenses, breach of OSA, very disturbing, pretty scary

suggests a degree of presumption. The Police and the AG are fond of using the word "alleged".  
Latheefa Koya adalah KP SPRM paling berjaya dan tegas dengan pendedahan kali ini. Ia membantu rakyat untuk fahami apa yang Najib buat dulu menggunakan kuasa sebagai PM untuk cover jenayah mereka lakukan dengan sewenang-wenangnya...

The MACC should also be precise and sure of what it says.  Telling the journalists / reporters  

Tell me what you think 
You can decide for yourselves  
You can take a guess what that conversation was about 

suggests uncertainty and a degree of speculation. I think the language must be precise and factual. 

There are also international ramifications (which I personally really don't care about) when both the recordings and Latheefah Koya mention the Sultan and the Crown Prince of Scooby Dooby.   It looks like the camel sh_ggers were in on the act.  (Tak habis-habis lah, tuan-tuan kena liwat pak arab lagi).  

Akhir kalam congratulations are due to Latheefah Koya.  I hope all Malaysians will give our support to Latheefah and her team at the MACC and fully stand behind her in bringing the wrongdoers to justice. - OSTB

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Patutlah bluuur...

Image may contain: 18 people, people smiling, text that says '"You 've got fools around you" Rosmah. Siapa "fools" disekeliling Najib?'
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'MYKMU.NET Kredibiliti and intigriti SPRM Tok Mat i Semasa Najib Razak tiada seorang pun pemimpin Umno yang persoal kredibiliti SPRM'

10 January 2020

Antara kedaulatan undang2 & dosa peribadi...

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, possible text that says '#AnwarPM8 PM8 Hai Tomy, CONTOH VIDEO YANG DIKATAKAN KABUR Faham tak maksud kabur? Kabur tu macam gambar kedua, kalau nak link boleh pm saya untuk maksud kabur sampai tak boleh nampak. Takkan nak share link sini kan gila. (Hint :Jepun) Video Sandarkan Pada Kenangan tu tak kabur mangkuk. (Sham Sinatra)'

Tadi telah tamat drama bersiri paling lama dalam sejarah Malaysia dan berakhir di lautan hindi. Truth to be told apa yang Peguam Negara buat itu tidak salah legally dan masih berdasarkan kedaulatan undang-undang. 

Dia dengan terang kata pakar cybersecurity forensik gagal kenalpasti individu tersebut dan berdasarkan keputusan sebulat suara DPP dia ; jika ada bukti terbaharu kes boleh di buka semula.

"All laws in all legal systems must be just and must be seen to be just" atau undang-udang dalam sistem perundangan mesti adil dan mesti di lihat adil.

Kita sudah melalui zaman kezaliman BN di mana hakim, polis, SPRM dan peguam negara di tunggang sesuka hati oleh perdana menteri. Akibat dari perbuatan khianat ini berbillion2 duit rakyat rugi dari skandal 1MDB.

Walaupun apa yang AG buat ikut lunas undang-undang, tindakan tersebut tidak nampak adil dari kaca mata rakyat. Yang memburukkan keadaan macam mana SPRM boleh release audio Najib semalam secara kebetulan pula; dah la dalam audio tersebut ada kes pengkhiatan SPRM, DPP dan Peguam Negara yang lama untuk cover up Najib. Jadi apa yang berlaku pada hari ini adalah seperti ulang tayang kerajaan BN.

To be clear saya adalah orang yang membantah penyebaran dosa peribadi kecuali melibatkan kepentingan umum. Contohnya kes main judi di tempat tertutup, minum arak, hubungan luar nikah antara lelaki dan perempuan, liwat, tonton PPV kecuali kes rogol amah atau pun pedofilia kanak-kanak. Ini selaras dengan tuntutan Islam supaya menyimpan aib seseorang dan juga melarang mengintip (tajjassus)
Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'Yg menunggang kejap je dpt, Yg menonggeng tak dapat dapat.. eh t'

Selagi kesalahan tersebut di lakukan dalam ruang lingkup peribadi, kita sebagai muslim tidak berhak untuk menyebarkan aib tersebut. Unless kalau pelaku tersebut berbangga dengan dosa mereka dan menayang pula pada awam, di situ tindakan patut di ambil demi kemaslahan masyarakat

Tapi di dalam Negara kita kita ada undang-undang sivil dan undang-undang syariah dan ada masanya undang-undang tersebut boleh overlap. Macam contoh dalam kes oral seks walaupun di antara suami isteri boleh di hukum di bawah Seksyen 377A Kanun Keseksaan; tetap boleh di dakwa walaupun dari segi Islam ianya adalah makruh.

Bila AG tutup kes macam ini, ia tidak membantu persepsi yang sistem perundangan negara kita Zaman PH adalah 2 kali 5 dengan zaman BN. Dulu AG zaman BN boleh clearkan Najib dari kes 1MDB dan zaman PH pula boleh dakwa semua kes 1MDB; lambat laun rakyat akan hilang kepercayaan pada sistem perundangan kita. Bila sesuatu kes sampai pada sistem perundangan, sepatutnya agensi penguatkuasa perlu menyiasat tanpa rasa takut atau kekangan.

Tapi minggu lepas IGP boleh kata "Pemimpin politik jangan bebankan polis dengan kes remeh"; apa maksudnya? Adakah kes libat menteri ini kira remeh-temeh? Kalau kes melibatkan menteri ini kira remeh-temeh, jadi semua menteri boleh la buat kesalahan jenayah macam mantan PM kita dahulu?

Tambahan pula bila cybersecurity kata gagal kenal pasti suspek kerana gambar tidak clear. Which beg a question, kalau gambar macam ini tak boleh kenal, nanti apa pula kata orang yang sudah di sabit kesalahan hanya berdasarkan videoo/CCTV macam kes cabul budak di kedai ataupun pembunuh kim jong un? 

Bukankah mereka juga boleh kata suspect tidak di kenali dan pohon semakan kehakiman? Ini yang jadi bila kita sudah setkan precedent. Macam contoh, kalau hakim yang di sabit kesalahan rasuah, mana2 kes yang pernah dia hakimi dahulu boleh di cabar keadilannya.

Saya tahu dan saya faham, kata-kata peguam negara adalah final; AG boleh membebaskan siapapun yang di rasakan tidak bersalah. It's moral wrong but legally right. 

Contoh kalau ada ibu tunggal di tangkap mencuri barang dapur di pasaraya dan kes di bawa ke AG, AG boleh mengunakan budi bicara lepaskan tertuduh mungkin sebab dia mmg betul2 miskin dan lapar, tapi kalau ibu tunggal tersebut perangai pun macam hantu, boleh memaki2 lagi, memang la AG boleh sarankan pertuduhan yang lebih berat.

Ini sama dengan kes menteri tersebut, sudah la dia tidak mahu saman penuduh, perangai dia pula punya la teruk memaki hamun, hendak khianat amanah rakyat dengan kerajaan pintu belakang, itu belum masuk bab perkahwinan yang luar biasa dan lebih dari kemampuan seorang menteri.

Yang rakyat biasa akan bertanya, kalau kes besar macam ini pun boleh di sapu bawah katil, kes-kes remeh temeh lagi la boleh pejam mata bukan? Next steps AG boleh la mendakwa penuduh yang sudah buat akuan bersumpah atas kesalahan berbohong jika tidak any tom, dick and harry boleh suka-suka tuduh orang, betul tak? - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif

Sex Video Scandal - Azmin Ali and Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz - Worry Face
U.S. Forensic Analysis Report...Here’s Why Azmin Has Been Positively Identified In Gay Sex Video Scandal...

When Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Abdul Hamid Bador declared last July that an explosive gay sex video implicating Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali was genuine, but the identities of the two men in the clips could not be determined, the reputation and integrity of the Royal Malaysia Police immediately took a hit. The verdict screams cover-up.

Already tainted with corruption and incompetency for the last 60 years under the thumb of the previous Barisan Nasional regime, the last thing the new police chief needed was another half-baked story that insults peoples’ intelligence. The police force was ridiculed and mocked for relying merely on the local Cybersecurity Malaysia to conduct a forensic of the video clip.

If the police could identify and arrest a Vietnamese woman wearing a white sweatshirt emblazoned with the big black letters “LOL” after the assassination of Kim Jong Nam, despite the great distance between the suspect and airport security surveillance cameras, it was laughable that two men caught in their naughty act in a hotel room could not be identified.

Why didn’t the police send the video clip to the U.S. or China for facial recognition before making a fool of themselves? China has the technology to identify images not only in a fog and near-total darkness, but also possess AI technology. It’s this technology that the Chinese surveillance system keeps facial recognition databases consisting of almost every one of the nation’s 1.4-billion citizens.

Yes, the police under the leadership of IGP Bador appear to be enjoying very much at shooting their own foot. After months of public pressure, the cops admitted in November last year that a team had returned from overseas after handing over the video to experts from a United States university to determine the authenticity of the sex video as well as the identity of the two men in it.

Still, the mystery remains as to why the police could identify Vietnamese woman Doan Thi Huong in the assassination of the half-brother of North Korea’s leader, but could not identify two men who were just a few feet away from a camera. Did the police also engage foreign forensic experts in the case of the murder of Kim Jong Nam at Kuala Lumpur Airport in 2017?
The sex video scandal...

Exactly when the police went to the U.S. to submit the video to the foreign forensic team is unknown. It was only after the cops returned from the overseas trip that it was revealed that the gay sex video had been submitted. Federal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) director Huzir Mohamed reportedly said the results of the authentication will be available by the end of the year (2019).

However, the last day of the year 2019 came – and gone – without any results being announced, prompting more speculations and rumours. Yesterday (January 6), the cops could not drag their feet anymore. CID director Huzir confirmed the results of foreign expert analysis on the gay sex video have actually been obtained late last year.

Now, the burning question is why the police kept quiet and didn’t immediately reveal the forensic analysis’ results of the scandalous sex video upon receiving it late last year? Make no mistake. It was due to the public pressure that the CID chief was forced to make the statement. Even then, the cops chose to play “tai-chi”, saying it’s not necessary for the police to announce the report.

Interestingly, CID director Huzir claimed that the investigation papers on the sex video were already submitted to the Attorney General Chambers at the end of last year. That could only mean one thing – the forensic results have most likely identified Azmin Ali, the blue-eyed boy of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, as one of the men engaged in gay sex in the video.

Police Chief Abdul Hamid Bador was seen as shielding and protecting Economic Affairs Minister Azmin since the first day the video was exposed, presumably under the influence of the prime minister. If the laboratory results from the U.S. say Azmin was not the man as widely alleged, naturally it would be celebrated with champagne popping follows by fireworks.
Sex Video Scandal - Azmin Ali and Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz
Azmin Ali and Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz 

Knowing Mahathir, he definitely would have called for an urgent press conference and showed the journalists the official results from the U.S. experts, if his favourite boy did not screw another boy in the hotel. The premier would be grinning from ear to ear, holding the forensic results for its picture to be snapped, as if he had just scored 8A in the recent UPSR examination.

After all, Mahathir has said multiple times that the mastermind behind the sex video should be punished, not the sex actor Azmin, despite the fact that gay sex is illegal in the country. In November last year, the Selangor Shariah High Court sentenced four men to 6 months’ jail, 6 strokes of the cane, and a RM4,800 fine for “attempting intercourse against the order of nature.”

The premier has been incredibly bias from the beginning when he announced that Azmin was innocent and the video clip was a fake – even “before” the police could start the process of authenticating the video last year. The premature statement from Mahathir put the police in tatters, unable to perform their job professionally and could not investigate the scandal without fear or favour.

Do you think Mahathir would not brag and tell all and sundry that he has been right all along about Azmin’s innocence – if the U.S. forensic analysis had concluded that none of the two individuals in the video clip was the economic affairs minister? Therefore, there could be only two reasons why the police insisted to make a joint statement with the Attorney General Chambers.

First reason – it would be announced that Azmin was indeed the homosexual man caught with his pants down in the video clip. Second reason – the announcement would clear Azmin of unnatural sexual activity because believe it or not, even the U.S. forensic specialists could not determine the identity of the two men (with some deepfake tales). However, if Azmin is cleared, it would lead to more questions.
Mahathir Mohamad and Azmin Ali
Dr.M and Azmin

Try showing the video clip to anybody and they will tell you that it’s above 90% of certainty that Azmin was involved. So, if the foreign forensic report could not identify the men, even with the U.S. latest technology, it means they probably have been bribed to cook up a fake result. That’s why the police needs to make a joint statement with the Attorney General Chambers.

The cops have lost their credibility and integrity in the gay sex video scandal after Mahathir’s interference. They desperately need Attorney General Tommy Thomas’ credential to convince the public that Azmin was still a virgin. However, even if Thomas could be arm-twisted to do that, the police still have a huge problem – Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz.

Will the Royal Malaysia Police and the Attorney General Chambers decide to charge Mr. Haziq, who has already admitted to be one of the men in the gay sex video? Haziq has claimed the other man was his sex partner Azmin. Unless the police can prove Haziq was retarded or mentally challenged, he cannot be allowed to walk scot free as if nothing had happened.

Malaysia is clear about same-sex sexual activity. It’s a crime to engage sodomy (as well as oral sex), defined to include both heterosexual and homosexual acts, with punishment including fines and prison sentences of up to 20 years. However, if Haziq is put on trial, he would reveal to the world the details about his sexual activities with Azmin – creating a bigger humiliation to Mahathir.

In a nutshell, if Azmin was innocent, the police would have had immediately announced the results of the foreign forensic investigation late last year. The fact that they didn’t, and require the Attorney General Chambers by their side to make a joint statement suggest that either Azmin has been positively identified, or a new cover-up story is about to be unleashed to insult the peoples’ intelligence – again. - FT

However on 09/01/2020...

Attorney-General Tommy Thomas has announced that no prosecution will follow from the controversial sex videos allegedly implicating Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali and a former political aide. This is because forensic video experts were unable to confirm the identities of the individuals in the video, Thomas said in a statement today.

"Cyber Security Malaysia found that whilst the videos were authentic, facial recognition could not be achieved due to poor resolution of the video recordings upon which such analysis was performed."

"Because of Cyber Security’s inconclusive findings, PDRM sent the videos to be independently analysed by forensic experts in the United States of America. PDRM received the result of the second analysis in December 2019.

"This independent report confirmed Cyber Security’s findings, amongst others, that 'the inability to identify individuals in the viral videos is primarily due to the low resolution and quality of the viral videos and the relatively few number of video frames in which the suspect is clearly visible'."

The attorney-general said he had accepted their recommendation and have decided not to prosecute any person.
Blur and unrecognizable...

Thomas said that since June 13, his office and the police had worked very closely in reviewing the investigation papers on the sex videos.

"The investigation was conducted under Sections 377B and 377D of the Penal Code for carnal intercourse against the order of nature.

"The standard investigation protocol between this Chambers and PDRM was followed."

He said that numerous discussions were held to review the evidence gathered by the police at the appropriate stages of the investigation and several instructions for further investigation were issued to them to ensure the sufficiency of the evidence before any prosecutorial decision could have been made.

"Many witnesses were interviewed by the police to ascertain the facts connected to the video and there had been arrests and remand of some of these witnesses in connection with the investigation."

Thomas explained that the investigations had been delayed for a number of reasons, primary among them being the length of time involved before forensic reports were finalised.

"In the course of investigations, due process of law must be observed, procedures and technical requirements for proper forensic analysis must be complied with.

"This also includes working within governmental constraints and procedures to secure additional funding approval to enable PDRM to complete its investigations," he added.

However, Thomas' statement did not address the issue of Haziq's (photo) confession.

He also added that the police had received an unsolicited analysis report on the videos from a private individual believed to be Umno supreme council member Lokman Adam.

"This report also confirmed the findings in the other two reports mentioned above that identification could not be conclusively made based on facial recognition analysis," he said.

"In these circumstances and upon reviewing evidence as presently gathered and submitted by the PDRM to this Chambers, my deputy public prosecutors unanimously recommended to me that no charges be proffered in connection with the videos." 

Thomas added that consistent with the AG's Chambers' normal practice, investigations may be reopened if and when new evidence becomes available. - mk

Dramaaaa sangat....

Najib nafi dia kena marah dengan bini... Katanya itu perbualan biasa... Paham?

Setiap orang ada cara hidup tersendiri dalam perhubungan antara suami-isteri.... Begitu juga cara bercakap antara suami, isteri, dan anak-anak.... Ada yang main jerkah-jerkah, ada yang bercakap lemah lembut, bahkan ada yang drama bisu kurang bercakap... Itu hal masing-masing.

Tentang pendedahan audio Najib-Rosmah, bukan soal kena jerkah, bukan nak malukan Najib sebab takut bini, bukan nak malukan Rosmah sebab tak hormat laki...... Tapi isi percakapan tu yang penting, kerana ia melibatkan undang-undang negara kerana ketika itu Najib seorang PM.
Image may contain: possible text that says 'Darling, CAN I ADVISE U SOMETHING!!'

Pihak berkuasa akan lakukan siasatan terhadap isi percakapan Rosmah-Najib itu... Nanti bila sudah terbukti ada unsur penyelewengan dan salahguna kuasa, mungkin Najib akan didakwa... 

Bila sudah masuk mahkamah, audio itu tidak boleh didedahkan kepada umum sebab sudah jadi barang bukti.... Sebab itu pihak SPRM memperdengarkannya sekarang.

Kalau terus sisasat senyap-senyap, tanpa perlu dedahkan kepada rakyat, tak boleh ke....?

Image may contain: 1 person, text

Boleh memang lah boleh.... Tapi dari segi politik, elok didedahkan.... Kalau dakwa secara senyap-senyap, nanti rakyat akan kata kerajaan PH menipu pulak.... 

Sedangkan Najib yang dah terang-terang mengaku duit berpuluh juta masuk ke dalam akaunnya, itu pun wala'un kata Najib difitnah.

Biarlah SPRM buat kerja dia.... ok, done back-up Lathefa Koya. - Awang

Image may contain: 13 people, people smiling, indoor
Yang ni pembangkang melalak...

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people standing, possible text that says 'SELAMAT TAHUN BARU CINA Gong Xi Fa Chai BIGHONO'
Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people sitting
Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling, people sitting and child
Yang ni pembangkang bisu seribu bahasa...
No photo description available.
