Muhyiddin berkata, ketuanya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim juga tidak tahu mengenai situasi ekonomi negara.
"Dia (Anwar) kata tak ada usaha yang dibuat dan belanjawan Pakatan boleh kurangkan defisit RM20 bilion.
"Sebenarnya mereka ini tak pakar. Tak tahu situasi ekonomi negara. Mereka bukan dalam kerajaan," katanya semasa berucap pada perjumpaan bersama pemimpin belia Selangor dan mahasiswa di Shah Alam hari ini.
Turut serta pada majlis itu Timbalan Pengerusi BN Selangor, Datuk Seri Noh Omar dan Koordinator BN negeri Datuk Seri Md Zain Mohamed.- malaysiakini

Ketika Anwar bahaskan bajet (Isnin 30 Sept), semua muka BN tak nampak...termasuk Najib,Udin dan menteri2 pengampunya...
Hanya 2 orang timbalan menteri sahaja yang ada teloq...
Semasa PM Najib membentangkan bajet pilihanraya nya pd 28 sept yg lalu,berbagai2 hadiah, gula2, imbuhan berupa one off bagi setiap lapisan masyarakat telah diumumkan semata2 menarik perhatian supaya rakyat mengundi BN semula!
Ruh bajet BN itu semata2 mahu mempertahankan kuasa di Putrajaya.
Semasa pembentangan semua ahli parliman BN dgn PR dgn tekun hadir mendengar keseluruhan pembentangan termasuk sepuloh minit terakhir PM Najib menghentak, mengherdik, memerli, menghina serta meremehkan PR serta negeri2 dibawah pentabiran PR.
Kita dengar dgn penuh khusuk tanpa bolih buat apa2 atau membela diri. Ya Najib mengambil kesempatan semaksima. Penyampaian serta lagaknya amat angkuh dan sombong tatkala menamatkan ucapan bajetnya.
Pada keesokan harinya tepat jam 11.30 pagi apabila giliran ketua pembangkan DSAI mula membahaskan bajet tersebut serta memberi respond keatas cadangan Najib dalam bajet 2013 nya, tidak seorangpun menteri BN yg hadir kecuali 2 orang timbalan menteri dari sabah dan sarawak.
Kesemua mereka tidak bersedia mendengar hujjah serta kritik pimpinan PR yg mengambil bahagian dalam pembahasan. Yang lebih mengaibkan sebelum ini belum pernah Speaker menghadkan tempoh perbahasan Ketua Pembangkang, tapi kali ini DSAI hanya dibenarkan berbahas selama 90 minit sahaja.
Ahli parlimen PR protes namun gagal dan sebaliknya ahli parlimen rembau, ketua pemuda umno diberikan masa sama 90 minit juga utk berbahas! Amatlah malang sekali apabila situasi sedemikian berlaku kerana seolah2 mahu menghadkan tempoh masa supaya tidak terbongkar segala kepincangan yang berlaku dlm pengerusan kewangan negara!
Dahlah laporan odit 2011 tidak diedarkan! Apa salahnya kalaupun tidak semua tapi sekurang2nya sebahagian menteri kanan BN hadir sebagai tanda prihatin dan hormat ketua pembangkang sebagaimana yang terbiasa di komonwealth barat yg memberi keistimewaan kepada ketua pembangkang.
Kita akan terus berbahas sehingga pertengahan oktober. Berbeza sekali dengan persidangan DUN perak pada 25 sept yg lalu.- Dato' Seri Ir. Haji Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin
Muhyiddin Yassin mocks Anwar's 'economic ineptitude'...
Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said Pakatan Rakyat's claim that its shadow budget would reduce the deficit proves that the coalition "doesn't know the economy".
During a dialogue with Selangor NGO and student leaders in Shah Alam today, Muhyiddin said PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim was also unaware of Malaysia's economic situation.
"The truth is, they are are no experts. They don't know the economic situation. They are not in government," he said.
Anwar is a former finance minister and had lectured at John Hopkins University, Oxford University and Georgetown University upon his release from prison in 2004.
Among others, Anwar's lectures covered economic reforms. His teaching stint came to an end when he spent more time preparing for the 12th general election.
RM10,000 'war' fund
The dialogue was also attended Selangor BN deputy chief Noh Omar and state BN coordinator Md Zain Mohamed.
On PKR's proposal to abolish the Higher Education Load Fund (PTPTN), Muhyiddin said that if implemented, many would not be able to borrow money to pursue tertiary education.
During the questions and answers session, Muhyiddin said he would bring a proposal on financial aid for wedding costs to cabinet.
"I will bring it to cabinet tomorrow. This is for the first marriage. I don't know about the second or third marriage.
Meanwhile, Muhyiddin also pledged a government aid of RM10,000 to the Selangor Youth Council in order for the group to conduct activities in the run up to the 13th general election.
"We hope that the funds will ensure that you work hard to help us wrest back Selangor," he said, to which the crowd responded with a rapturous applause. - malaysiakini
Apa orang lain cakap...
LittleGiant - Anwar Ibrahim may or may not be an expert in economics. That's not the point. The fact remains that he has a far better knowledge of the country's economic situation than most of the ministers in the BN government. Anwar was a former finance minister and knows exactly where to source for reliable information and how to analyse that information. It is ridiculous to say that only those in the government know the country's economy. Is it some kind of "pre-requisite" that one should be in the government before he or she is qualified to talk about the country's economy? If that is the case, what about the country's bankers, fund managers, share market analysts, financial advisors/consultants, rating agencies and other economic experts? Are they all in government or employed by the government to give their opinion about the country's economy? Btw, most of our cabinet members would not even have an inkling of the country's fiscal policies. Do they know what is GDP and its components?
Tenduri Ali - Try on DSAI for a debate then talk lah. Don't just moo around. Sharizat may put you in the 'kandang' and slaughter you for meat. She will dumb your brains in the longkang as it was never edible. You are one idiot who is so dumb and talking rubbish about economics.ABU
bumiasli - You don't need to be an economic expert or be in the govt to understand economics. BN has been in the govt for more than 50 years but do they understand economics. To understand economics, first of all you must have the interest of the rakyat at heart. If we have multi millionaire Ministers running a country, what economics are we talking about?
AkuMelayuIslam - Muhyuddin trying to teach economic to Selangor BN deputy chief Noh Omar and state BN coordinator Md Zain Mohamed.... sampai bila bila pun dia orang takkan pandai. Oh ya thank you for the Rm10,000 govt aid. Some people dapat tanah untuk ternakan udang, and they want you people work hard for bn, yes? Tak tau sape yg cerdik!
Changeagent - Muhyiddn claims that Pakatan do not know the economic situation because they are not in government. Using the same rationale - how does he know what Pakatan knows or doesn't know? He's not from the opposition.
Ferdtan - The PM, deputy prime minister and their ministers didn't have the gumption to debate their own budget proposal with Anwar Ibrahim in parliament, and yet they can go round the country, criticising the opposition's shadow budget and its leaders to the helpless students. How pathetic can it gets?
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