Perkara itu dibongkar Pengarah Strateginya, Rafizi Ramli dalam sidang media di ibu pejabat PKR di sini.
Beliau berkata, di antara tahun 2005 hingga 2011, Umno BN telah menghapuskan hutan simpan seluas 8,616 hektar melalui perwartaan membatalkan status hutan simpan kekal.
Menurutnya, pembatalan tersebut diluluskan Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri yang dipengerusikan MB Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan.
“Seperti yang dijangka, keputusan pembatalan sebenarnya tidak sah kerana melanggar undang-undang yang diperuntukkan,” kata Rafizi.
Jelas beliau, pembatalan tersebut bertentangan Seksyen 18(1) Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa (Akta 172).
“Malangnya, kerajaan Umno di bawah pentadbiran dua Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Isa Samad dan Mohamad Hassan tidak menghiraukan undang-undang dan membenarkan penerokaan berlaku,” katanya.
Rafizi berkata, PKR mempunyai bukti pimpinan Umno mendapat keuntungan hasil dari kegiatan pembalakan dan penanaman kelapa sawit.
“Kita akan bongkar lebih banyak penyelewengan melibatkan syarikat dan pemimpin negeri berkepentingan dalam skandal ini,” katanya.
“Pemimpin negeri dan MCA sendiri perlu bersiap sedia kerana mereka semua terlibat,” kata Rafizi.
Hadir sama dalam sidang media itu, Timbalan Setiausaha Agung PKR, T Kumar;
Setiausaha PKR Negeri Sembilan, Sabaruddin Mohd Yassin dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Ampangan, Rashid Latiff.-keadilandaily
Forest reserve illegally transferred to BN leaders...
claimed today that 487.3 hectares of the Jeram Padang Selatan forest
reserve in Jempol, Negri Sembilan, were "illegally" excised for logging
The Town and Country Planning Act 1976 was breached when the area was excised to "benefit companies connected to the Negri Sembilan BN leadership" in 2004, PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli said.
"Suffice to say, land was transferred to companies or individuals... and we will expose this.
"Some (politicians) were clever to use frontmen but others have direct ownership of the companies," Rafizi (left in photo) told reporters.
In the first of what he promises to be a string of exposes implicating top leaders, he claimed the move had not only left the state shortchanged, but also led to massive floods in the surrounding area of Pekan Jelai after logging was carried out in 2009.
Rafizi said that the excision of the Jeram Padang Selatan forest reserve area, first gazetted in 1918, breaches Section 18(1) of the Act which states no land can be used if the usage goes against the local plan.
According to the Jempol District draft plan 2002-2015, the Jeram Padang Selatan forest reserve area is marked as an environmentally safe area (ESA) level one, which means no development is allowed.
The Negri Sembilan Structural Plan 2010-2011 notes that all areas marked as ESA "must be maintain environmental balance" and is "not suitable for development".
‘Collusion between businessmen and politicians’
A video of the Jeram Padang Selatan area shown by Rafizi revealed large bald spots on a hill, while a close-up showed that the green areas were not forest but undergrowth following the felling of trees.
“It’s a very vicious cycle which starts with a politician illegally and in collusion with businessmen conduct corrupt practices to transfer this land to become theirs.
“Then they reap the benefit from extensive logging, then commercialise the land by planting oil palm trees and after that it becomes a housing estate, and this leaves a deep impact as these areas are rain catchment areas,” he said.
Rafizi, who with PKR deputy secretary-general T Kumar studied the Negri Sembilan forest reserve area, said the Jeram Padang Selatan story is just one of many others in the state.
“Little do people know that while it is small, Negri Sembilan is the state that has excised the most forest reserves for logging in peninsular Malaysia,” he said.
said that state records showed that 8,616 hectares or 5.3 percent of
forest reserve have been excised in Negri Sembilan from 2005 to 2011.
“This is under the leadership of MB Mohamad Hassan,” he said.
Meanwhile, a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) study found that from February 2001 to February 2005, 43 forest reserve area in Negri Sembilan were excised.
The largest excision was in Serting in August 2004, involving 1,690 hectares of forest reserve area.
Also at the press conference were Negri Sembilan PKR secretary Sabaruddin Mohd Yassin and Ampangan assemblyperson Rashid Latiff.-malaysiakini
The Town and Country Planning Act 1976 was breached when the area was excised to "benefit companies connected to the Negri Sembilan BN leadership" in 2004, PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli said.
"Some (politicians) were clever to use frontmen but others have direct ownership of the companies," Rafizi (left in photo) told reporters.
In the first of what he promises to be a string of exposes implicating top leaders, he claimed the move had not only left the state shortchanged, but also led to massive floods in the surrounding area of Pekan Jelai after logging was carried out in 2009.
Rafizi said that the excision of the Jeram Padang Selatan forest reserve area, first gazetted in 1918, breaches Section 18(1) of the Act which states no land can be used if the usage goes against the local plan.
According to the Jempol District draft plan 2002-2015, the Jeram Padang Selatan forest reserve area is marked as an environmentally safe area (ESA) level one, which means no development is allowed.
The Negri Sembilan Structural Plan 2010-2011 notes that all areas marked as ESA "must be maintain environmental balance" and is "not suitable for development".
‘Collusion between businessmen and politicians’
A video of the Jeram Padang Selatan area shown by Rafizi revealed large bald spots on a hill, while a close-up showed that the green areas were not forest but undergrowth following the felling of trees.
“It’s a very vicious cycle which starts with a politician illegally and in collusion with businessmen conduct corrupt practices to transfer this land to become theirs.
“Then they reap the benefit from extensive logging, then commercialise the land by planting oil palm trees and after that it becomes a housing estate, and this leaves a deep impact as these areas are rain catchment areas,” he said.
Rafizi, who with PKR deputy secretary-general T Kumar studied the Negri Sembilan forest reserve area, said the Jeram Padang Selatan story is just one of many others in the state.
“Little do people know that while it is small, Negri Sembilan is the state that has excised the most forest reserves for logging in peninsular Malaysia,” he said.
“This is under the leadership of MB Mohamad Hassan,” he said.
Meanwhile, a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) study found that from February 2001 to February 2005, 43 forest reserve area in Negri Sembilan were excised.
The largest excision was in Serting in August 2004, involving 1,690 hectares of forest reserve area.
Also at the press conference were Negri Sembilan PKR secretary Sabaruddin Mohd Yassin and Ampangan assemblyperson Rashid Latiff.-malaysiakini
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