Bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, membidas sesetengah pemimpin Umno sebagai pengecut kerana tidak bersuara dalam isu krisis negara.
Ia mungkin kenyataan paling keras pernah dibuat beliau sejak digugurkan dari kabinet Datuk Seri Najib Razak Julai lalu.
Muhyiddin menyifatkan, ketika negara dalam keadaan kelam-kabut di waktu ini beliau sahaja yang berani bersuara untuk memperbetulkan keadaan.
"Hanya saya seorang bersuara, yang lain buat apa?
"Saudara semua pengecut, takut kena pecat sebagai ketua cawangan, ketua bahagian dan ada juga wakil rakyat.
"Semua orang amat takut untuk bersuara walaupun keadaan negara dalam situasi begini tetapi tak mahu buat apa-apa. Orang luar tanya saya apa sudah jadi," katanya seperti dilaporkan SInar Harian.
Beliau berkata demikian pada program Bicara Minda; Berani Kerana Benar anjuran Sinar Harian, hari ini.
Hanya berkata benar
Muhyiddin turut mengeluh terhadap wujudnya rasa ketakutan untuk mereka untuk bersuara.
"Saya bersuara bukan mahu menjatuhkan parti. Saya hanya berkata benar kerana bimbang tentang masa depan negara," katanya.
Menurut Timbalan Presiden Umno itu, Malaysia berada dalam keadaan tidak stabilan dari aspek politik susulan skandal yang melanda Najib.
Sementara itu, Najib menghadapi cabaran supaya melepaskan jawatannya selepas dilanda isu RM2.6 bilion yang disalurkan ke akaun peribadi beliau dan mendakwa wang tersebut adalah dana politik dari Timur Tengah.
Sementara itu, Muhyiddin menggesa para pemimpin Umno tampil lebih berani dengan mencontohi Nabi Muhammad yang tidak berdiam diri sekiranya berlaku sesuatu kemudaratan.
"Ketika dalam kerajaan, saya gunakan kuasa untuk nasihat dan beri pandangan tapi langsung tak diambil kira. Macam bodoh sangat timbalan perdana menteri ni.
"Saya bersuara bukan untuk jatuhkan parti. Saya hanya berkata benar kerana bimbang tentang masa depan negara," katanya lagi. - mk
Kalau tak salah, jangan campur siasatan 1MDB, kata Muhyiddin
13 Cawangan Publicly Tell Najib To Quit Now...
menggesa beliau meletakkan jawatan sebagai presiden bagi memulihkan kredibiliti parti itu sebelum pilihan raya umum akan datang.
Di bawah pimpinan ketua Umno cawangan dari Taman TKK, Kamarul Aznan Habibur Rahman, mereka berkata, tiba masanya parti itu melakukan perubahan dan ia perlu bermula daripada presiden, Najib yang juga perdana menteri.
"..lebih baik presiden berundur untuk membolehkan Umno tidak menjadi mangsa keadaan dan dihukum pengundi pada pilihan raya yang akan datang.
"Kebimbangan utama kami ialah, kita perlu mempunyai pemimpin yang kuat untuk mengemudi Umno pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14).
"Kami tak yakin apa yang ada sekarang akan beri perkembangan positif dalam PRU akan datang," kata Kamarul
Tiga belas cawangan Umno itu ialah dari Kampung Linggi, Taman Selasih, Taman PD Utama, Taman Dato' Abdul Samad, Sua Betong, Kampung Teluk, Sungai Sekawang, Bukit Tembok, Taman Intan Duyung, Taman TKK, Kampung Pachitan, Bunga Raya dan Taman Poli.
Kamarul berkata, pemimpin cawangan itu tidak takut sekiranya sebarang tindakan diambil terhadap mereka kerana mereka di peringkat akar umbi yang meletakkan kepimpinan parti di kedudukan mereka sekarang.
"Kita perlu mengamalkan budaya yang parti itu lebih penting daripada individu dan dalam keadaan sekarang, parti itu lebih penting daripada presiden parti," katanya.
Beliau mengkategorikan ahli Umno sebagai terdiri daripada 3 jenis.
Pertama, mereka yang senyap dan tidak sedar apa yang berlaku di sekeliling mereka.
Kedua, mereka yang mendiamkan diri dan berjuang untuk perkara yang salah dan menjadi kaya.
"Dan ketiga, mereka yang berjuang untuk kebenaran dan tidak berakhir di mana-mana, seperti kami," katanya sambil menambah cawangan Umno lain di seluruh negara juga harus menyuarakan pandangan mereka.
This certainly steals the show from Najib's Budget presentation yesterday. Obviously these 13 Cawangan UMNO leaders cannot be bothered about Najib's Budget anymore.
I believe there is more rebellion going on in Negeri Sembilan than just these 13 Cawangan from Teluk Kemang. It looks like an open rebellion is building up in UMNO. As I said before something has to give. Meaning there has to be cracks developing somewhere. It is coming from inside UMNO.
Syabas UMNO Teluk Kemang.
Talk on the ground is that easily HALF of ALL UMNO members will not support Najib and UMNO in the next elections.
Looking at these 13 Cawangan in Teluk Kemang, I believe there are many, many more UMNO Cawangan who also do not support Najib.
Perhaps with this open defiance by these 13 Cawangan in Teluk Kemang, the rebellion inside UMNO will spread and Najib will be kicked out into the dustbin of history.
Tahniah dan syabas kepada Ketua Cawangan Sdra Kamarul Aznan Habibur Rahman dan cawangan Umno Kampung Linggi, Taman Selasih, Taman PD Utama, Taman Dato' Abdul Samad, Sua Betong, Kampung Teluk, Sungai Sekawang, Bukit Tembok, Taman Intan Duyung, Taman TKK, Kampung Pachitan, Bunga Raya dan Taman Poli.
Semoga tindakan berani Tuan-Tuan akan menjadi teladan, contoh, pencetus dan penggerak bagi semua Cawangan UMNO bangkit untuk menyelamatkan negara kita daripada genggaman gerombolan yahjuj mahjuj.- syedsoutsidethebox
Najib’s populist budget ala Robin Hood
Budget 2016: Subsidy cuts and other things Najib didn't tell you...
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak offered a list of good news under Budget 2016 which included a hike in civil servants' pay, increase in BR1M cash handouts, and Goods and Services Tax rebate for mobile phone purchase.
But where is all the money coming from when the country is facing falling revenue from a slump in commodity prices?
Malaysiakini uncovers the ‘bad news’, by breaking down Budget 2016 for you based on ministries which have suffered the worst cuts.
What the premier failed to mention in his budget speech include the likelihood of pricier cooking oil, more expensive train and flight tickets on 'uneconomical' routes, the poor having to pay for their electricity bills, and other subsidy cuts.
1) Finance Ministry - General subsidies almost halved
At first glance, it would appear the Finance Ministry had suffered the worst from an austerity budget, with its allocation being slashed by RM7 billion or 17.8 percent, from RM39.247 billion to RM32.247 billion.
However, closer scrutiny showed the heavy cut was made possible through a reduction in subsidies which is expected to go down by a whopping 45 percent, or RM8.707 billion to RM10.633 billion.
Other notable cuts in the ministry include a 95 percent reduction in allocation to the Poor Students' Trust Fund (Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pelajar Miskin) from RM200 million to a mere RM10 million.
These cuts allowed for increased spending in other areas, including an allocation of RM1.073 billion to deal with the new increase in minimum wage.
The government has already embarked on an aggressive subsidy rationalisation exercise since the beginning of this year and it is unclear where the further subsidy reduction will come from.
2) High Education Ministry - Less money for universities
The second largest cut was targeted at the Higher Education Ministry which saw its budget reduced by RM2.4 billion to RM13.378 billion.
To make up for the shortfall, public universities will suffer the brunt of the cut as they will see their funding reduced by RM1.442 billion.
The worst hit universities are Universiti Malaya, followed by Universiti Malaysia Terengganu and Universiti Teknologi Mara, which budget were slashed b 27.3 percent, 23.76 percent and 23.72 percent respectively.
Some MPs, including Bayan Baru MP Sim Tze Tzin, have raised concerns if this will mean higher tuition fees next year.
3) Commodities Ministry - Pricier cooking oil
Plantation Industries and Commodities Ministry saw a 60.76 percent reduction to its budget from RM1.659 billion to a mere RM651 million.
While the ministry's programmes saw an across the board reduction in allocation, it will be the consumers who will feel the burden the most.
This is because the single largest cut came from the RM950 million cooking oil price stabilisation scheme which was completely defunded under Budget 2016.
Under the scheme which was introduced in 2007, it ensured a ceiling price on cooking oil, as well as sufficient supply in the market by compensating producers.
With the scheme effectively abolished next year, consumers are likely to pay more for cooking oil.
4) Transport Ministry - Train, flight subsidies reduced
The Transport Ministry will see a budget reduction of 14.1 percent, or RM648 million, to RM3.955 billion, the fourth largest cut among the ministries.
Areas that will see cuts include subsidies for KTM trains and flights from rural regions.
Specifically, the subsidy on "uneconomical" KTM routes will be slashed by more than half, from RM52.9 million to RM25 million.
Subsidy for rural flights, as well as on aircraft rental, will also be reduced by RM5 million from RM160 million.
Other reductions will come primarily from the ministries' operations.
5) Energy Ministry - No more electricity subsidy
The Energy, Green Technology, and Water Ministry comes in at fifth place for the largest allocation cut under Budget 2016, with a reduction of RM605 million to RM2.262 million.
Likewise, it will be consumers who will suffer the most as the single largest slash is the electricity bill subsidy of RM150 million which will be completely defunded.
Presently, households which use less than RM20 in electricity have their bill fully subsidised by the government to help poor families.
6) Defence Ministry - Downsized national service
The Defence Ministry will see a budget reduction of RM459 million, the sixth largest cut to a ministry.
The amount is relatively small compared to the Defence Ministry's huge budget of 17.304 billion for next year.
The cut came largely from the downsizing of the national service programme which allocation will be reduced from RM614 million to RM276 million.
However, other areas have also seen cuts, including a reduction of RM100 million to RM2.701 billion for air defence, even as the government plans to acquire new assets in difficult economic times.
Under Budget 2016, the Defence Ministry will acquire six Littoral Combatant Ships, Very Short Range Air Defence weapons system, armoured vehicles, and the A-400M Airbus.
7) Urban Ministry - Solid waste management
The Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Ministry is the only other ministry to have experienced a cut of more than RM300 million.
Under Budget 2016, the ministry will be allocated RM4.173 billion - compared to RM4.572 billion this year - a reduction of RM399 million.
The single largest cut will come from solid waste management; its funding will see a reduction of 17.3 percent from RM1.036 billion to RM857.1 million.
It remains unclear how the ministry is going to handle solid waste management while still saving RM178.9 million.
However, it should be noted the ministry's budget provided for RM15 million for the operation of a new landfill next year, which is a more economical method of waste disposal.
*This list excludes the Home Ministry; its Federal Expenditure Estimates has yet to be uploaded by the Finance Ministry. - mk
Why disturb probes into 1MDB and RM2.6 billion if nothing wrong, asks Muhyiddin?