Notis yang bertarikh semalam itu, mengikut Seksyen 111 Kanun Prosedur Jenayah (CPC), telah dihantar ke pejabat peguam Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd, dan menamakan pengasas Suaram, Fan Yew Teng, serta pengasas bersama Mohd Nasir Hashim dan Pengarah Eksekutif Nalini Elumalai.
Fan meninggal dunia pada tahun 2010.
Nalini berkata menurut notis tersebut, ketiga-tiga mereka diminta hadir menemui pegawai penyiasat ROS, Ab Rahim Mohammad pada 12 Oktober untuk merekodkan kenyataan mereka di bawah Seksyen 112 CPC.- malaysiakini
Siasatan kes Scorpene tetap berjalan, kata peguam...
Peguam hak asasi manusia, William Bourdon, yang berpejabat di Paris, berkata tidak timbul soal "perbicaraan sedang berjalan" berhubung dakwaan rasuah dalam pembelian kapal selam Scorpene kerana dua hakim Perancis yang dilantik untuk kes itu masih menjalankan siasatan mereka.
Beliau berkata hanya apabila selesai siasatan itu barulah hakim penyiasat akan membuat keputusan sama ada perbicaraan penuh akan diadakan untuk mendengar kes tersebut.
Bourdon (kiri) menyifatkan kenyataan pendakwaraya kerajaan Perancis, Yves Charpenel bahawa "tidak ada perbicaraan" terhadap kes tersebut, sebagai "bercanggah sama sekali" kerana keputusan sama perbicaraan perlu diadakan, akan diputuskan oleh hakim-hakim berkenaan apabila siasatan mereka selesai, dan dan bukannya pihak pendakwa.
"Setahu kami, pendakwaraya yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kes tersebut, tidak membuat sebarang kenyataan seperti yang disuarakan oleh Charpenel.
"Kedua-dua hakim berkenaan - Roger Le Loire dan Serge Tournaire - sedang meneruskan siasatan mereka terhadap kes Scorpene itu."
Semalam, Bernama melaporkan seorang pendakwa kerajaan Perancis yang terkenal menafikan laporan media yang tersebar di kalangan beberapa portal berita online Malaysia berhubung perbicaraan yang sedang berlangsung di Perancis, mengenai dakwaan rasuah oleh sebuah syarikat Perancis berhubung pembelian dua kapal selam Scorpene buatan Perancis oleh Malaysia pada tahun 2002.
Yves Charpenel dilaporkan berkata media di Malaysia harus dapat membezakan antara khabar angin dan fakta dan antara siasatan dan perbicaraan.- malaysiakini
Scorpene inquiry on-going, says French lawyer Bourdon...
The lawyer petitioning the court in Paris to probe corruption in the sale of two Scorpene-class submarines to Malaysia has ticked off a French prosecutor for his remarks on the case reported yesterday by national news agency Bernama.
Prominent human rights lawyer William Bourdon, who is based in Paris, said there was no question of "an on-going trial" as the two French judges appointed to the case were still carrying out their investigations into the controversial defence deal between France and Malaysia.
"The Tribunal deGrande Instance has convened a criminal inquiry of which (Malaysian human rights group) Suaram has been accepted as a civil party since March 2012," said Bourdon.
Bourdon (left) described French government prosecutor Yves Charpenel's statement that there was "no trial" on the case as "absolutely contradictory" because the judges, upon completion of their investigation, are the ones to decide whether to call for a trial, and not the prosecutor.
"To our knowledge, the prosecutors in charge of the case have not made any such statement as suggested by Charpenel," said the prominent French lawyer.
"The two judges, Roger Le Loire and Serge Tournaire, are continuing their investigations on the Scorpene inquiry."
"I am aware about all the fuss kicked up by certain media (organisations) in Malaysia over this matter but what I can say is that this is nothing more than a trial by the media," he is reported to have said in Kuala Lumpur.
Charpenel is also an executive member of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities, and was in Malaysia to attend a four-day conference on corruption.
Suaram: No need to twist the truth
Meanwhile, Suaram secretariat member Cynthia Gabriel said her team had always maintained that the Scorpene case was a criminal investigation carried out by France, and that the case had yet to go to trial.
Gabriel (right) said Suaram was in March this year accepted as a party to the on-going inquiry.
"As such, manipulating and twisting the truth will bring no benefit to the search for answers and truth in the matter," she told Malaysiakini.
In 2009, Suaram filed a complaint against French defence giant DCNS for paying commissions to Malaysian officials in connection with the submarine deal. The payment of commissions is illegal under French law.
Suaram recently revealed that a subpoena has been served on one of the witnesses it proposed as a person able to assist in the French judicial probe.
Last Saturday, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim confirmed that Bourdon and his law partner, Joseph Breham, had agreed to come to Malaysia to explain details of the inquiry to members of the Dewan Rakyat.
However, because of fears that the lawyers may not be permitted to enter Malaysia - Bourdon was deported last year for allegedly "abusing his social visit pass" - the two French lawyers are likely to brief MPs in neighbouring Singapore.
Defence minister: Deal above board
At a press conference last May in Bangkok, Thailand, Suaram revealed that the French company bidding for the submarine deal paid 36 million euro (RM142 million) to Terasasi (Hong Kong) Ltd, ostensibly for "commercial engineering" works.
It has been alleged that millions of ringgit had been paid as commissions through private companies, including Terasasi, which belongs to Najib's confidant and former political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda.
Razak, who is currently based in Britain, was charged with abetting in the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu, who allegedly served as a translator in the deal.
However, he was released without being asked to make his defence.
Najib, who is also finance minister as well as women, family and community development minister, has denied any involvement in the Scorpene deal or that he knew Altantuya.
Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has dismissed all allegations of corruption in the Scorpene deal, saying the auditor-general has declared that purchase of the submarines had been carried out in accordance with legal procedures.- malaysiakini
Suaram probe: ROS issues notice to deceased founder...
The Registrar of Societies (ROS) has issued notices ordering several senior members of the human rights NGO Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram), including one who passed away two years ago, to have their statements recorded on Friday.
The notices, dated yesterday, pursuant to Section 111 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), was sent to the office of Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd's lawyer, and named Suaram founder, the late Fan Yew Teng, as well as co-founder Mohd Nasir Hashim and executive director Nalini Elumalai.
Fan past away in 2010.
"It is embarrassing to note that one of the named individuals, Fan Yew Teng had deceased in 2010 but ROS still issued the notice out of ignorance," Nalini said in a statement.
She said according to the notices, the three of them are to present themselves before ROS investigating officer Ab Rahim Mohammad on Oct 12, to record their statements under Section 112 of the CPC.- malaysiakini

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