Bagaimanapun, Dr Mahathir berkata dirinya boleh menghantar satu nama saja kerana Barisan Nasional (BN) merupakan gabungan parti yang berdaftar dan tidak ada siapa pernah membantah keputusannya.
"Saya pilih (calon menteri besar) berdasarkan sokongan popular dan tiada siapa yang tidak puas hati, maka tidak perlu saya bagi lebih daripada satu nama," katanya mengulas tentang pertikaian jumlah nama yang perlu dihantar ke istana mengikut konvensyen.
Dalam krisis menteri besar Selangor yang masih belum selesai sekarang, Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata, amalan menghantar satu nama dipraktikkan sejak zaman pemerintahan BN pada 1957.
Dr Mahathir juga berkata sebelum ini, menjadi amalan biasa semasa beliau mentadbir negara, dengan mengemukakan hanya satu nama kepada Sultan.
Semalam, istana dalam kenyataannya menegur PKR buat kali kedua kerana mempertikaikan titah Sultan supaya mengemukakan lebih satu nama calon bagi menggantikan Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.
Dr Mahathir berkata, pembangkang terpaksa menghantar lebih daripada satu nama akibat percanggahan pendapat sesama mereka sendiri di dalam Pakatan Rakyat.
"Ia (Pakatan Rakyat) bukan parti tunggal. Mereka ini ialah tiga pihak yang tidak bersetuju antara satu sama lain. Jadi, perlu diberi sedikit ruang kepada Sultan untuk memilih antara calon yang ada.
"Dalam kes saya, tiada siapa yang tidak berpuas hati dengan nama yang dicadangkan, semua pihak bersetuju dengan satu nama itu. Sultan terimalah," katanya pada satu majlis di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.
Semalam, Setiausaha Sulit Sultan Selangor Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani menafikan dakwaan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang amalan menghantar satu nama calon menteri besar kepada Sultan merupakan amalan sejak negara mencapai kemerdekaan pada 1957.
Katanya, kenyataan Ketua Umum PKR itu tidak tepat dan mengelirukan rakyat dan menerangkan apa yang berlaku semasa pentadbiran kerajaan BN.
"Pemilihan calon menteri besar dipersembahkan kepada Sultan Selangor oleh perdana menteri melalui Majlis Menghadap Sultan.
"Dalam majlis itu perdana menteri akan memberikan beberapa nama calon yang difikirkan layak untuk mendapat perkenan Sultan.
"Daripada senarai nama-nama calon tersebut, Sultan Selangor akan memilih hanya seorang calon untuk dilantik sebagai menteri besar," kata Munir. – tmi
D Ambran Dulah - Dengan kenyataan Dr. Mahathir betullah apa yg DSAI PERKATAKAN...jadi siapa yang profesional dan siapa yang sumbang dan pelik....
It was always one name for MB as nobody disputed me, says Dr M...
Pakatan Rakyat is not a single entity which is why it has to submit more than one candidate for menteri besar to the state ruler, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today.
However, he said he was able to submit only one name for Barisan Nasional as a registered coalition because no one disputed his decision.
"I chose (the menteri besar candidate) based on popular support and no one was unhappy, so it was not necessary to submit more than one name," said Dr Mahathir in response to the ongoing debate over the convention as to the number of names required for submission to the palace.
In the current Selangor menteri besar crisis, opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had said that BN had always given only one name to the ruler to appoint a menteri besar since 1957.
Dr Mahathir, too, had said it had been the norm while he was prime minister to recommend only one name to the ruler.
Yesterday, however, the Selangor palace issued a second reprimand to PKR over the number of names submitted to replace Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim as menteri besar.
Dr Mahathir said the reason the opposition had to submit more than one name was because of disagreement among their parties.
"This (Pakatan Rakyat) is not single party. This is three parties which disagree with each other. So you must give some room for the ruler to choose between the candidates. In my case, nobody was unhappy with the name suggested as all parties agreed to that one name. The ruler accepted that," Dr Mahathir said in Kuala Lumpur today.
The sultan's private secretary, Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani, said in a statement yesterday that the sultan denied Anwar's claim that it had always been convention to submit only one name for the post since Merdeka.
"Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's statement is inaccurate and confuses the rakyat. What happened during the BN government's administration was that the choices for the Selangor MB post were presented to the Selangor Sultan by the prime minister in a ceremony.
"During the ceremony, the prime minister would present the candidates believed to be qualified, for the sultan's consent.
"From the list of names, the sultan would choose one candidate to be appointed MB," said Munir had said.
Munir said the PKR de facto leader did not have the correct facts and urged him not to release statements that could confuse the public and taint the sultan's image.
Last Tuesday, Anwar sought the sultan's forgiveness for offending him after PKR defied his decree to submit more than two names to the palace.
But Anwar had insisted that his party had acted according to convention and state law in proposing only Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail for the position. – tmi
Enlighten us please, Aziz Bari tells palace...
Following the Selangor palace’s rebuke of
opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim yesterday, constitutional law expert
professor Abdul Aziz Bari(right) has urged the palace to explain the previous
practice of appointing a menteri besar.
He said the palace should explain the practice since 1950 when the country had a constitutional monarchy.
The palace should also make clear its views on requirements for majority and submission of names.
The palace should also make clear its views on requirements for majority and submission of names.
“Is it similar to what we understand, (which is) what has been practised
throughout the commonwealth, or something different?” he asked.
He also asked for the palace’s views on the Selangor constitution’s
requirement that the menteri besar must be a Malay and a Muslim, since
it had become an issue during the 1969 general election.
“It has to be pointed out that a practice - past and present - may not
be right and in conformity with (the) constitution, which embody the
practice of Westminster democracy convention in this respect.
“Let us take the opportunity to put the law and practice straight and
clear, so that in future there will be no more delay like what happened
in Selangor,” he said yesterday.
In response, Anwar said “I merely wanted
to state what had happened within my knowledge, especially while I was
in the Umno-BN government from 1982 to 1998.
“If I had erred, I wish to apologise to his highness the sultan of Selangor.”
In addition, Aziz Bari suggested that the conference of rulers and the
national palace should also explain how the appointments of prime
ministers are carried out.
He said this as the legal provisions for the appointment for menteri besar and those for the appointment of prime ministers are “essentially the same”.
He said this as the legal provisions for the appointment for menteri besar and those for the appointment of prime ministers are “essentially the same”.
“The National Palace should tell us how prime ministers have been
appointed and how changes during the term or after general election
(are) normally being handled,” he said.- mk
MinahBulat - Aziz Bari you are touching one of the 4 sacred cows that the Home Minister says is unspeakable and unquestionable. Race, Religion, Royalty and Rights ( Social Contract ). Now asking for an explanation from the Royalty can be deem and it is questioning Royalty and can be considered "biadap". I think most Malaysian will be very disappointed if you are now dragged in and be charged under the Sedition Act.

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