PM should learn from my mother, says Dyana...
Perak Dapsy committee member Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud said the Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak should learn from her mother who allowed her freedom to choose.
think he should learn from my mother, who allowed their children
freedom to think, judge and criticise. They also support me all the
way," she told Malaysiakini.
She said that Najib has "an obsolete mind" to think that parents should
control their children, judging from his speech on Sept 7.
"By right, we should encourage the young people to think for themselves," she said.
"Mother and father are Umno people, but the daughter joins DAP. So we must 'UMNOkan' our children," Najib was reported to have said in Pahang.
If this is not done, Najib (right),
who is also Umno president, warned that the exceptional performance of
Umno in defending the Malays, Islam and the rulers would not be
Najib said he even loaths (pantang) to hear about people like Dyana.
Dyana's mother Yammy Samat, is a member of Ipoh Barat Umno division and was once the Perak Wanita Umno secretary.
"When he said he pantang to hear about me, that means he pantang to hear from the youths.
"I have seen how my mother worked in Umno. It gave me a clear picture as to which party I should not join.
"I believe in Malaysianising Malaysia, which Umno will not practise,"
said Dyana, who is also the DAP supremo leader Lim Kit Siang's political
'Don't manipulate your children'
Dyana stood as the DAP candidate for the Teluk Intan by-election early
this year but was defeated by Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong.
When contacted, Yammy said that Najib should leave her daughter alone as
the by-election ended over four months ago, and instead urge Mah carry
on with his work in Teluk Intan, said Yammy.
She said it was impractical of Najib to think parents can manipulate their children.
"(You) can't even control (your) wife, how can you control children?
"I gave freedom for her to join any parties, except Party Communist
Malaya. DAP is not communist party, DAP is registered," she said.
To attract the young people, she said
that Najib should change Umno, which practises "stunting" young people
who joined the party.
According to her, the party refrains those with talent and ability from
joining when it is not willing to listen to the grassroots and only
listens to those in power.
She said she prefers Dyana to join the party which allows her more room
to work and contribute, rather than being a common member of Umno who is
not able to voice out, she said.- mk
"Merujuk kepada kenyataan media istana Selangor yang ditandatangani oleh setiausaha sulit kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Sultan semalam, pihak kami akan terus merafak sembah dan memohon keampunan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Sultan seandainya keputusan kami mematuhi Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Selangor dan amalan ('convention') sejak 1957 menyebabkan terguris perasaan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Sultan," kata beliau.
Semalam, Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah kecewa dengan tindakan PKR dan DAP yang mengingkari arahannya supaya mengemukakan lebih dua nama untuk dipertimbangkan sebagai calon menteri besar Selangor bagi menggantikan Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.
Pada masa sama, baginda tidak menolak kemungkinan mempertimbangkan nama Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) lain daripada parti Pakatan Rakyat (PR) yang berkelayakan untuk dilantik memimpin negeri terkaya itu.
Setiausaha agung DAP Lim Guan Eng semalam memohon ampun kepada sultan Selangor atas tindakan parti itu yang hanya mengemukakan nama presiden PKR, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail sebagai satu-satunya calon untuk jawatan menteri besar Selangor yang baru.
Sementara itu Anwar menegaskan PKR dan Pakatan Rakyat tetap berdiri tegak atas prinsip keluhuran perlembagaan serta menjunjung sistem raja berperlembagaan dan demokrasi berparlimen.
Ini berbeza dengan dakwaan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak Sabtu lalu yang mengatakan PKR gagal memahami Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Selangor apabila mempertikaikan kuasa Sultan dalam soal pelantikan menteri besar.
"Datuk Seri Najib telah bersama dengan pimpinan UMNO sejak 1983 dan 1993 tatkala menyokong pindaan perlembagaan bagi menjelaskan bidang kuasa Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang Di-Pertuan Agong selaras dengan prinsip raja berperlembagaan.
"Kenyataan Datuk Seri Najib semalam adalah keterlaluan kerana menafikan pendirian PKR yang tuntas menjunjung kedaulatan undang-undang dan sistem raja berperlembagaan," katanya.- mk
Guan Eng mohon ampun pada sultan Selangor
'Sorry your highness, I was following constitution'...
Anwar Ibrahim today apologised to the Selangor sultan on behalf of his party if they had offended the ruler.
He said that PKR was only following the Selangor constitution and the convention adhered to since Independence.
Earlier, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng apologised for only nominating one person for the Selangor menteri besar post.
PKR has also nominated one person - PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
This despite the Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah's (above) decree that each Pakatan Rakyat party nominate "more than two" candidates for the post.
BN didn't send multiple options either
In a related matter, Anwar, who is also Opposition Leader ticked off Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak (below) for claiming that PKR disrespects the sultan in the menteri besar issue.
He also said that Najib’s statement is "excessive" and ignores the fact that the PKR constitution and Pakatan Rakyat statement of cooperation upholds the constitutional monarchy.
"Najib also knows that in Umno’s history since 1957, when in Perikatan and now BN only ever names one state assemblyperson or parliamentarian for the chief minister, menteri besar or prime minister post.
"As PM, Najib should be honest on his party and BN’s own stand and not attack PKR for doing the same," he said. - mk
DAP apologises to Selangor sultan
'Why different practice now in naming Selangor MB?'...
Abdul Aziz said the present system is a constitutional monarchy, adopted after the country's independence.
He said prior to 1948, the rulers had absolute discretion when they were not constitutional monarchs.
However, following independence when the country adopted the Reid Commission report, the notion of discretion on the part of the Agong, the rulers and the Yang di Pertua Negeri, must be seen in the light of parliamentary democracy, he asserted.
“When there is a majority (in the assembly) no discretion exists,” said Abdul Aziz.
“The palace has accepted whatever given to them by the majority party, in the days of Umno-BN. The same should apply to Pakatan now,” he emphasised, warning otherwise a challenge on the basis of Article 8 of the federal constitution may arise.
Majority rules
He added the law is clear that majority is the rule, and that convention if there is any, is inferior and subservient to the law.
In any case, the former law lecturer said in Malaysia it is law, and not convention that regulates matters.
“The law is what used to be convention in the United Kingdom but here in Malaysia it has become law by virtue of it being codified in the constitutional provisions,” he said.
“Those days when the sultan could vet and scrutinise the MB's suitability, qualifications and others, are no more. It is now the business of the legislature, namely the Parliament or state legislative assembly,” Abdul Aziz said, adding the law and practice in Malaysia does not approve what was done by the palace today.
Abdul Aziz asserted that even if the sultan does wrong, there is nothing that can be done about it as he cannot be brought to court unlike governors.
“But he will go down into the history books and may not be judged favourably,” he warned.- mk

Semasa kami sampai, anak-anak sedang lahap memakan nasi kosong beserta air kosong. Si kakak yang berumur 10 tahun sedang menyuapkan nasi kepada si bongsu. Dek kerana kemiskinan dan kesihatan ayah, anak yang berusia 2 tahun belum didaftarkan lagi kelahirannya.
Pernah berjalan kaki ke sekolah sejauh 8 kilometer. Si ibu bertegas, walau macamana sekali pun, pendidikan anak kena utamakan.- f/bk

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