Pengarah Lembaga Peperiksaan digantung ekoran kebocoran soalan UPSR...
Muhyiddin, yang juga timbalan perdana menteri berkata, Pengarah LPM Dr Na'imah Ishak(pix,atas) dan Timbalan Pengarah Operasi LPM Dr Wan Ilias Wan Salleh(pix,bawah) digantung berkuat kuasa serta-merta, menurut Bernama.

Na'imah digantung tugas sehingga siasatan mengenai kebocoran kertas-kertas peperiksaan UPSR 2014 selesai.
Muhyiddin berkata, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran (Sektor Pembangunan Profesionalisme Keguruan) Datuk Misrah Ibrahim akan menjalankan tugas dan tanggungjawab pengarah LPM dalam tempoh itu.
"Kementerian mesti ambil tindakan segera dan tegas kerana insiden seperti ini sudah pasti akan membangkitkan persoalan mengenai integriti LPM dan keseluruhan sistem peperiksaan awam negara kita," tegas beliau.
Muhyiddin bercakap pada sidang media selepas menghadiri Mesyuarat Menteri-Menteri Pendidikan Asean ke-8 di Vientiane.
Beliau berkata, keputusan penggantungan tugas dibuat kerana mereka perlu bertanggungjawab dalam perkara ini, dan kementerian tidak akan berkompromi dengan mana-mana pihak atas kebocoran soalan itu, menurut laporan Bernama.
Susulan itu, kertas peperiksaan Bahasa Inggeris 014/1 dan 014/2 dibatalkan sementara kertas peperiksaan Sains 018, 028 dan 038 terpaksa ditangguhkan.
Peperiksaan bagi kedua-dua kertas itu akan diadakan pada tarikh baharu iaitu pada 30 September.
Muhyiddin berkata siasatan rapi dan menyeluruh berhubung kebocoran kandungan kertas peperiksaan itu dimulakan dan sesiapa yang bertanggungjawab pasti dibawa ke muka pengadilan. – tmi
Sepatutnya mereka di bawah inilah yang harus digantung dari jawatan masing2 kerana gagal mengawal kebocoran soalan tiap2 tahun...

Wajah2 muram bila mereka kena ambil semula kertas UPSR yang bocor.
Bila lagi Menteri kita nak ambil tanggungjawab...
Exams syndicate heads suspended for UPSR leak...
Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin
announced the suspension of the top heads of the Malaysian Examinations
Syndicate (LPM) today for leaks in the UPSR examination.
Muhyiddin, who is also deputy prime minister, said LPM director Na'imah Ishak and her deputy in charge of operations Wan Ilias Wan Salleh have been suspended with immediate effect, national news agenct Bernama reported this evening.
Muhyiddin said Na'imah and wan Isias must take responsibility for the leaks as it has affected the integrity of the Education Ministry and the public examinations system.
Yesterday, an angry Muhyiddin claimed the leaks could be an attempt to sabotage his integrity as a minister.
The ministry has admitted that at least two examination papers were leaked, the Science and English language papers.
While the Science paper was aborted in time after the leak was discovered, students have already taken the English language paper and will need to sit for a fresh exam paper.
The Standard Six pupils will have to sit for the revised version of both papers on Sept 30.
The leaked questions were circulated via mobile application WhatsApp and several teachers and pupils reportedly received them before the examination.
There have also been speculation today that the Mathematics and Bahasa Malaysia papers were also leaked.
Meanwhile, Muhyiddin said the Education Ministry's deputy director for teaching professionalism development Misrah Ibrahim will in the interim serve as acting LPM chief. - mk
Muhyiddin, who is also deputy prime minister, said LPM director Na'imah Ishak and her deputy in charge of operations Wan Ilias Wan Salleh have been suspended with immediate effect, national news agenct Bernama reported this evening.
Muhyiddin said Na'imah and wan Isias must take responsibility for the leaks as it has affected the integrity of the Education Ministry and the public examinations system.
Yesterday, an angry Muhyiddin claimed the leaks could be an attempt to sabotage his integrity as a minister.
The ministry has admitted that at least two examination papers were leaked, the Science and English language papers.
While the Science paper was aborted in time after the leak was discovered, students have already taken the English language paper and will need to sit for a fresh exam paper.
The Standard Six pupils will have to sit for the revised version of both papers on Sept 30.
The leaked questions were circulated via mobile application WhatsApp and several teachers and pupils reportedly received them before the examination.
There have also been speculation today that the Mathematics and Bahasa Malaysia papers were also leaked.
Meanwhile, Muhyiddin said the Education Ministry's deputy director for teaching professionalism development Misrah Ibrahim will in the interim serve as acting LPM chief. - mk
Court orders IGP to arrest Ridhuan, retrieve child...
“It is hoped that with the mandamus order and the full resources of the state at the IGP's disposal, Indira will be able to see her child perhaps even before Malaysia Day, which is next Tuesday,” Justice Lee said.
The people have an expectation that the IGP, being the chief law enforcer, would execute his duties fairly and firmly, without fear or favour and that as we celebrate Malaysia Day, we can yet affirm that we are a country where the rule of law prevails, that no one is above the law, and that the court, as established under the constitution,does not act in vain,” he said.
The judge also noted that the Ipoh Syariah High Court had issued no order to execute the order on the police.
Justice Lee also refused senior federal counsel Nor Hisham Ismail’s application for a stay order.
The IGP or his representative had been ordered to answer to the High Court in Ipoh today to explain why he has not been able to make the arrest till now.
Although Justice Lee hopes that the order would be complied with before Tuesday, one of the orders allowed demands that the IGP to do so within seven days of the court order.
This was tweeted by one of the lawyers appearing for kindergarten teacher Indira, M Kulasegaran, in this unilateral conversion and custodial dispute.
It was reported on Wednesday that the Court of Appeal had refused to grant Ridhuan an extension of time to file his Memorandum of Appeal after it allowed an objection filed by Indira's lawyers that the contemptor (Ridhuan) cannot be heard in court.
Ridhuan can no more set contempt order aside
With Wednesday’s decision, Ridhuan has exhausted all his avenues to set aside the contempt order the High Court in Ipoh issued on May 30 to return Prasana Diksa.
He had proposed “a middle path” in inter-faith custody disputes by placing the child in welfare centres until the situation is resolved by the courts.
Prasana Diksa was taken by Ridhuan in 2009, when she was just 11 months old when he converted to Islam, and later he converted the child to Islam.
Indira Gandhi and Ridhuan have two other children, a son and a daughter who are with the mother.The couple was married in 1993 according to Hindu rites.
Kulasegaran, who appeared with lawyers Aston Paiva, and A Sivanesan, expressed hope outside the court that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak would direct Khalid to carry out his obligations and duties.
He said the continued refusal of IGP Khalid to enforce the arrest warrant is misconceived and directly challenges the judicial process.
"To the best of my knowledge the open defiance by the IGP to enforce court orders is the first in the Commonwealth.
“The action of the IGP is uncalled for, unnecessary and conveys a wrong message to citizens. I am perplexed by the continuous stubbornness of the IGP in his refusal to enforce the court orders,” he said.
He said in short the IGP is plainly flouting the law and who else other than the PM can order him to adhere to the court orders.
Failing this the people will lose confidence in the democratic institutions and process of the country,” he said.
Failing this the people will lose confidence in the democratic institutions and process of the country,” he said.
Kulasegaran said although the order on the IGP is for seven days, it the court will take sometime to produce it , technically it would take two weeks.
Indira Gandhi's case differs from that of S Deepa, in that her husband N Viran @ Izwan Abdullah, has a Seremban Syariah High Court order compelling the police to help retrieve his two children.
Ridhuan, despite given custody by the Ipoh Syariah High Court, faces no such order.- mk
Mahkamah beri KPN 7 hari pulangkan anak Indira

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