Khabar angin mengatakan calon daripada PAS yang dipilih sebagai menteri besar Selangor yang baharu adalah Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor, Iskandar Abdul Samad.
PAS namakan Adunnya sebagai calon MB Selangor...
PAS menghantar dua nama Adun PKR dan satu daripada parti itu sebagai calon Menteri Besar Selangor yang baharu.
Setiausaha Agung PAS, Datuk Mustafa Ali yang mengesahkan perkara itu bagaimanapun tidak menyebut nama ketiga-tiga Adun berkenaan.
"Buat masa ini nama tu biarlah dulu," ujarnya ketika dihubungi sebentar tadi.
Menurutnya, senarai nama itu dihantar terus oleh Pejabat Presiden PAS kepada Istana Selangor.
Jelasnya lagi, PAS menghantar tiga nama kerana pihak Istana Selangor telah menitahkan supaya menghantar lebih daripada dua nama.
"Jadi lebih daripada dua nama, sekurang-kurangnya tiga," ujarnya beliau lagi sambil menyatakan senarai itu dihantar semalam.
Beliau menjelaskan lagi bahawa senarai calon Menteri Besar Selangor selepas Pilihan raya Umum 2008 dan 2013 lalu ditandatangani oleh Presiden PAS.
Pada 27 Ogos lalu, Istana Selangor menghantar surat rasmi kepada PKR, PAS dan DAP yang menitahkan supaya menghantar lebih daripada dua nama calon menteri besar sebelum 3 September.
Surat itu dialamatkan kepada Presiden PKR, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, dengan salinan kepada Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang dan Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng turut mahukan calon yang dinamakan itu beragama Islam dan berketurunan Melayu menurut Perkara L1 (2), Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Selangor.
Sehari sebelum itu, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah menangguhkan untuk menerima peletakan jawatan Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Khalid sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor sehingga pelantikan baharu ditentukan.
Baginda menitahkan supaya PAS, DAP dan PKR masing-masing mencadangkan lebih daripada dua nama sebagai calon Menteri Besar Selangor yang baharu bagi memudahkan baginda menentukan calon berkelayakan. - harakahdaily

Ingat Najib saja yang flip flop rupa2nya depa ni pun 2x5...
PAS admits it nominated own MB candidate...
PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali today confirmed
that the party had sent its own candidate’s name, together with two
names from PKR, for the Selangor menteri besar post to the palace.
He, however, declined to reveal the names of the candidates, reports PAS organ Harakah Daily today.
is, however, contradictory to PAS’ claims that they respected Pakatan
Rakyat’s consensus for the state to be led by a PKR candidate.
The palace previously instructed each of the Pakatan parties to submit more than two names but PKR and DAP, citing convention, said they would only propose PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
Meanwhile, a source close to PKR deputy president Azmin Ali said he was in the dark over this.
"All we know is that PAS sent three names and had nominated Azmin, Wan Azizah and Iskandar," he said.
The Star Online today reported that PAS had reportedly submitted the names of three of its state executive councillors to the palace.
Quoting sources, the report said the three are Selangor PAS chief Iskandar Abdul Samad, Sallehen Mukhyi and Ahmad Yunus Hairi.The trio are state executive council members.
PAS denies Star report
However, a senior PAS leader, who declined to be named, told Malaysiakini that the daily's report is untrue.
Separately, Iskandar (below) stressed that Selangor PAS did not nominate anyone among its ranks for the post.
"I know nothing of this new development (the Star Online report). I just found out through the news," Iskandar (right) told Malaysiakini.
PAS secretary Khairuddin Othman also told the portal that PAS only sent
one nomination letter to the palace, and did not nominate anyone from
"Where did The Star get its facts?" he asked.
Selangor exco member Ahmad Yunus also said that he has no information about his so-called nominated.
In recent weeks, the contradicting stands on the issue taken by PAS have strained ties with its Pakatan allies.
It initially decided to propose Wan Azizah and Azmin, but a few days after decided it would not nominate anyone, after failing to get consensus among the central committee members.
It then reverted to the two names after the sultan decreed that each party name "more than two" candidates. - mk
He, however, declined to reveal the names of the candidates, reports PAS organ Harakah Daily today.
The palace previously instructed each of the Pakatan parties to submit more than two names but PKR and DAP, citing convention, said they would only propose PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
Meanwhile, a source close to PKR deputy president Azmin Ali said he was in the dark over this.
"All we know is that PAS sent three names and had nominated Azmin, Wan Azizah and Iskandar," he said.
The Star Online today reported that PAS had reportedly submitted the names of three of its state executive councillors to the palace.
Quoting sources, the report said the three are Selangor PAS chief Iskandar Abdul Samad, Sallehen Mukhyi and Ahmad Yunus Hairi.The trio are state executive council members.
PAS denies Star report
However, a senior PAS leader, who declined to be named, told Malaysiakini that the daily's report is untrue.
Separately, Iskandar (below) stressed that Selangor PAS did not nominate anyone among its ranks for the post.
"I know nothing of this new development (the Star Online report). I just found out through the news," Iskandar (right) told Malaysiakini.
"Where did The Star get its facts?" he asked.
Selangor exco member Ahmad Yunus also said that he has no information about his so-called nominated.
In recent weeks, the contradicting stands on the issue taken by PAS have strained ties with its Pakatan allies.
It initially decided to propose Wan Azizah and Azmin, but a few days after decided it would not nominate anyone, after failing to get consensus among the central committee members.
It then reverted to the two names after the sultan decreed that each party name "more than two" candidates. - mk
MP DAP ditahan/PAS nafi namakan 3 exconya utk jadi MB ...
Beliau merupakan timbalan komander PPS.
Beliau ditahan pada jam 1 tengahari ini di ibu pejabat polis daerah di Jalan Patani, Pulau Pinang, kerana didakwa melanggar Akta Pertubuhan 1966, selepas beliau tiba untuk memberi kenyataan.
DAP's Tanjong MP Ng Wei Aik has ben arrested by the police as the crackdown on the Penang Voluntary Patrol Unit (PPS) continued today.
Ng is the deputy commander of the PPS.
He was arrested at 1pm today at the Patani Road district police headquarters in Penang, for violating the Societies Act 1966, after he arrived to give a statement.
Ng was called to be present at the police station at 12.30pm to have a statement recorded before he was arrested.
Penang executive councillor Phee Boon Poh, who is the chairperson for PPS, will also be present at the same police station at 830pm tonight.
Phee, along with 155 other PPS members, had already been arrested after attending a Merdeka parade at the Esplanade on Sunday, before they were released on police bail on Monday.
The police is cracking down on PPS following inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar’s declaration of PPS as illegal as it is not registered under the Registrar of Societies.- mk
PAS nafi namakan tiga exconya sebagai calon MB Selangor...
PAS menafikan laporan The Star Online hari ini yang mengatakan parti Islam itu menghantar tiga nama Ahli Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri (exco) mereka di Selangor untuk dilantik sebagai menteri besar (MB).
Menurut Datuk Mustafa Ali (gambar), laporan portal berkenaan tidak benar dan cadangan menamakan tiga exco berkenaan kepada istana Selangor dibatalkan.
"Laporan itu tidak betul kerana cadangan untuk mencadang ketiga-tiga nama itu sudah dibatalkan," kata setiausaha agung PAS itu kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Bagaimanapun, Mustafa enggan mendedahkan buat masa ini nama yang dicalonkan PAS kepada istana.
The Star Online melaporkan hari ini Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang menghantar tiga nama exco Selangor kepada istana untuk dipertimbangkan sebagai calon MB.
Laporan itu berkata seorang pegawai kanan Hadi "tidak menafikan surat sedemikian dihantar" tetapi mengatakan biarlah pemimpin parti yang mengeluarkan kenyataan.
"Ini adalah perkara sulit dan saya tidak boleh berbincang mengenainya," katanya seperti dilaporkan The Star Online.
Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah memberikan masa sehingga semalam (3 September) kepada ketiga-tiga parti dalam PR (PAS, PKR dan DAP) menghantar sekurang-kurangnya dua nama kepada baginda untuk dipertimbangkan sebagai MB Selangor yang baru.
Petang semalam, PKR memberitahu ia mendapat pengesahan istana menerima pencalonan parti itu, namun baginda tetap meminta agar lebih dari dua nama dihantar.
Sehingga kini, PKR belum membuat apa-apa pengumuman terbaru selepas kenyataan Setiausaha Agungnya, Datuk Saifudin Nasution Ismail ditarik balik malam tadi.
Mesyuarat PAS pada 17 Ogos lalu mencalonkan dua nama untuk dipertimbangkan Sultan Selangor, iaitu presiden PKR Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail dan timbalannya Mohamed Azmin Ali.
Namun The Malaysian Insider difahamkan, pihak istana tetap mahu agar syarat baginda "lebih dari dua nama" dipenuhi.
Menurut undang-undang tubuh kerajaan negeri Selangor, Sultan hendaklah melantik seorang Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) sebagai MB di kalangan mereka yang mendapat sokongan majoriti ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN).
Seorang pensyarah undang-undang, Datuk Salehuddin Saidin dalam rancangan Bual Bicara TV3 malam tadi, berkata Sultan tidak terikat untuk melantik Dr Wan Azizah walaupun mempunyai akuan bersumpah (SD) 30 anggota Adun kerana Adun lain juga boleh jadi mempunyai sokongan sedemikian.
"Sultan tidak terikat dengan seorang nama yang mempunyai sokongan majoriti sahaja kerana boleh jadi orang lain juga mempunyai sokongan sedemikian," kata Salehuddin, yang juga bekas pegawai kanan Pejabat Peguam Negara. - tmi
Dr Wan Azziah harus surrender...
PAS denies naming 3 excos for Selangor MB post...
"The report is not true because the suggestion to submit the three names has been scrapped earlier on," PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali told The Malaysian Insider.
When asked who were the three, Mustafa declined to elaborate.
He was commenting on a report by The Star Online today that the Islamist party had submitted three of its excos to the Sultan of Selangor for consideration. - tmi

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