Sultan Selangor murka DAP, PKR derhaka, mungkin pilih Adun Pakatan lain jadi MB...
Pada masa sama, baginda tidak menolak kemungkinan mempertimbangkan nama Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) lain daripada parti Pakatan Rakyat (PR) yang berkelayakan untuk dilantik memimpin negeri terkaya itu.
"Sultan Selangor amat merasa dukacita di atas tindakan parti DAP dan PKR yang ingkar terhadap titah baginda bertarikh 27 Ogos 2014.
"Tindakan parti DAP dan PKR ini menggambarkan kebiadapan kepada institusi raja dan merupakan satu perbuatan derhaka kepada Sultan Selangor," kata Sultan Selangor melalui kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Setiausaha Sulitnya Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani, hari ini.

Munir berkata, Sultan Selangor akan meneliti senarai calon yang dikemukakan PAS, PKR, dan DAP dan mengambil kira segala aspek sebelum keputusan dibuat.
"Dalam masa yang sama memandangkan kuasa melantik menteri besar Selangor terletak pada budi bicara Sultan Selangor, maka baginda juga akan meneliti nama-nama Adun yang lain daripada Pakatan Rakyat yang berkelayakan dan pada fikiran Sultan Selangor mendapat kepercayaan majoriti Ahli Dewan Negeri," katanya.
Katanya, hanya PAS yang akur dengan titah Sultan Selangor dengan menyenaraikan 3 nama calon menteri besar Selangor.
Manakala DAP dan PKR masing-masing mengemukakan hanya 1 nama saja, iaitu Presiden PKR Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
Katanya, titah baginda supaya mengemukakan senarai lebih 2 calon adalah amalan bagi membolehkan baginda membuat pilihan dengan melihat bukan saja sokongan majoriti Adun malah daripada segi kemahiran, pengalaman, integriti dan kebolehan seseorang Adun tersebut.
"Ciri ini amat penting bagi menjamin perjalanan pentadbiran negeri agar berjalan dengan baik dan lancar demi keharmonian rakyat negeri Selangor.
"Sultan Selangor berkeyakinan terdapat ramai calon dalam parti Pakatan Rakyat yang mempunyai ciri kepimpinan yang tinggi seperti disebutkan tadi bagi menerajui kerajaan negeri Selangor," katanya.
Sultan Selangor pada 27 Ogos lalu menitahkan ketiga-tiga parti dalam PR mencadangkan lebih 2 nama sebagai calon menteri besar sebelum 3 September bagi memudahkannya membuat pilihan, namun DAP dan PKR bertegas mahu menghantar nama Dr Wan Azizah saja.
PKR pada 3 September kemudiannya menerima surat amaran daripada istana yang mengingatkan mereka supaya menghantar lebih 2 nama selain Dr Wan Azizah.
Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dalam penjelasan terbuka di Marang, Terengganu pada Jumaat minggu lalu berkata, keengganannya mengikut kata DAP dan PKR dan menghantar 3 nama adalah kerana tidak mahu ingkar titah Sultan sambil menegaskan parti itu menghormati prinsip Raja Berperlembagaan.
Sementara itu, PAS Selangor menggesa rakan parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat (PR), PKR dan DAP supaya akur kepada titah Sultan Selangor dalam kemelut melibatkan nama calon menteri besar yang masih berlarutan.
Setiausaha PAS Selangor Mohd Khairuddin Othman berkata, kedegilan kedua-dua parti PR tersebut adalah perkara sia-sia.

"PAS Selangor mohon rakan kita agar akur kepada titah Tuanku Sultan kerana kita tidak akan ke mana-mana apabila menentang institusi Raja ini," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Khairuddin, yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Paya Jaras mengatakan sekiranya kemelut isu menteri besar berterusan, ia hanya akan menyusahkan rakyat Selangor.
"Kita yakin kemelut ini boleh diselesaikan dan kita harap ia diselesaikan segera.
"Lagi lama kemelut ini berlaku.. maka lagi susah rakyat kita," katanya.
Disamping itu, Khairuddin berkata PAS menyokong titah Sultan Selangor dan menegaskan kebajikan rakyat yang perlu dibela lebih penting.
"Cukup la... mari kita fikir pula masalah kebajikan rakyat yang sudah lama tergendala," katanya.- tmi
Palace accuses PKR and DAP of 'defiance'...
The Selangor palace has accused PKR and DAP of "insolent and defiant" acts for refusing to submit more than two names to the sultan as candidates for menteri besar as requested.
"The Selangor sultan is deeply saddened by the action of DAP and PKR, which went against his highness' decree on Aug 27.
"The action of DAP and PKR reflects insolence towards the royal institution and is a defiant act (tindakan derhaka) against the Selangor sultan," he said.
Munir said PAS was the only party which had obeyed the sultan's decree by submitting three names to the palace.
At the Pakatan Rakyat leadership meeting on Aug 17, it was decided to put up PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the replacement for Selangor MB.
Wan Azizah also collected 30 statutory declarations from Pakatan Selangor assemblypersons during the tussle with incumbent Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, who at the time had refused to resign, claiming to hold the majority in the 56-seat state assembly.
However, Munir said that majority support of a state assemblyperson is not the sole criteria for the sultan's consideration in appointing a menteri besar.
In line with the Pakatan decision, both PKR and DAP had submitted Wan Azizah as their sole candidate to the palace.
On the other hand, the PAS central committee had decided to endorse Wan Azizah as well as her deputy, Azmin Ali.
However PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang overruled the central committee and unilaterally submitted three state assemblypersons of his choice, two from PKR and one from PAS.
The list omitted the names of both of Wan Azizah and Azmin.- mk
Meanwhile, Selangor PAS today urged its allies in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) – PKR and DAP – to obey the Sultan's decree in naming the candidates for the Selangor menteri besar post.
Its secretary Mohd Khairuddin Othman said the stubbornness of both parties in insisting on naming only Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail was in vain.
"Selangor PAS calls on our friends to obey the Sultan's decree as we will not go anywhere if we go against the Royal institution," he said in a statement today.
Khairuddin, who is also the Paya Jaras assemblyman, said that the political crisis would only trouble the people of Selangor if it continues.
"We are confident that this crisis can be resolved and we hope that it is done soon.
"The longer this crisis goes on, the more the people would have to endure," he said.
Besides that, Khairuddin said PAS was in support of the Selangor Sultan's decree and stressed that the welfare of the people was more important.
"This is enough... let us now think of the welfare of the people which has long been ignored," he said.- tmi
As they see it...
Gerard Lourdesamy - The use of such strong words such as "insolence" and "traitors to the royal decree" in the palace statement is regrettable in any constitutional monarchy that defers to the will of the elected representatives in the legislature who represent the voice of the people. Even at the height of the constitutional crisis in 1983 and 1993, the palace did not use such words despite UMNO denigrating, abusing and embarrassing the Rulers on a daily basis using the media and other public gatherings. The unhappiness of the palace should have been indicated in a private meeting with the leaders of PKR and the DAP by the Sultan's private secretary rather than issuing a public statement to the media or by private correspondence to the respective party leaders simply to express the Ruler's disappointment and requesting for additional names if possible. Indicting political leaders in public as traitors and insolent only undermines the impartiality and integrity of the royal institution.
Whatsup - Very sad indeed. It seems PKR and DAP, which won the popular and majority votes by the voters at GE13, are always in the wrong and run foul of the laws, while the incumbent, the minority, despite their many seditious racist and bigoted remarks, and incompetency, don't seem to be in any wrong. Sad indeed.
Raja Chulan - I think, parties are 'barking up the wrong tree'. There is no basis whatsoever to demand more than one name. Past practices, if any may be due to courtesy only. But in the present case submitting more than one name has the real potential of subverting democracy where a person not having majority support can be pushed to the forefront by the palace in order to change the equation. Clearly, this will be against the fundamental practice of democracy.The constitution clearly says 'the person who commands majority'. Logically, only one person can have majority. As correctly pointed out by Prof. Aziz Bari, the palace has no leeway on this matter but to appoint that Assemblyman (in this case Dr Wan Azizah) who had demonstrated having majority support. The palace is not the correct party to decide who becomes or is suitable to become the MB. In a democracy such as ours, it is the people's choice, even if there appears apparent weakness or defects in that person chosen by the people.

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