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Dr M suarakan kebimbangan pada 1MDB,dana pelaburan 1MDB tu hutang...
Katanya, dana itu sebenarnya “berlagak sebagai dana kekayaan negara” sedangkan ia bukan daripada lebihan kewangan negara.
“Ia dihutang. Berbilion ringgit dihutang yang menambah hutang negara dengan amat tinggi.
"Sebuah negara yang mengalami defisit tiap tahun tidak mungkin bayar hutang sebesar ini,” katanya.
Menulis dalam blognya hari ini, Mahathir mengingatkan bahawa Malaysia menghadapi belanjawan defisit apabila perbelanjaannya melebihi pendapatan, tidak seperti negara pengeluar minyak seperti Kuwait dan Qatar.
Negara-negara itu katanya, mengadakan dana kekayaan negera kerana mempunyai lebihan daripada jualan beratus juta tong minyak setahun, berbeza dengan Malaysia yang hanya mengeluarkan 650,000 tong sehari.- mk
Dr M takes stab at 1MDB...
He pointed out that despite Malaysia’s oil profits, the government has been running at a budget deficit for years.
"The national debt must be paid. If not, we will be bankrupt like Argentina. A country that has been facing a deficit every year could not possibly pay off a debt this big," he wrote in his blog today.
Mahathir was responding to a blog post by Sabah state assembly speaker Salleh Said Keruak (left) on 1MBD and how the sovereign wealth fund should be used to fund education.
In his own post, Mahathir said while 1MDB has apparently provided scholarship for many, the sovereign wealth fund is known for its wide range of other investments.
This includes power stations and the construction of the Tun Razak Exchange in Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia has no surplus from oil
He said that many oil-exporting countries have sovereign wealth funds from surplus from its oil production.
But unlike countries like Kuwait and Qatar, which bought hotels with their surplus funds, Malaysia had no surplus funds.
"A large portion of the profits were given to the government, while the rest are for investment. The money given is not that much," he said.
He also took a jab at 1MDB by mentioning that the funds it has in the Cayman Islands.
This has prompted much criticism due to lack of transparency.
The Cayman Islands is a known destination for offshore investments.
1MDB is wholly-owned by the government, and its advisory board is chaired by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
According to a Reuters report in June, the company is currently struggling under a US$11 billion (RM35.51 billion) debt, and is not generating enough revenue to even cover interest costs.
The report also said the government guarantees 14 percent of the debt, while investors are expecting the government to provide more if needed. - mk

Kertas Sains UPSR bocor,tangguh ke 30 September...
Kertas peperiksaan Sains bagi Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) yang dijadualkan esok ditangguhkan ke 30 September berikutan soalan peperiksaan bocor.
Ia disahkan Kementerian Pendidikan menurut satu kenyataan dikeluarkan Lembaga Peperiksaan (LP) petang ini.
Menurut Pengarah Peperiksaan LP, pihaknya menerima laporan yang kertas Sains dengan kod 018, 028 and 038 yang dijadualkan berlangsung esok jam 8.15 pagi hingga 9.30 pagi didapati bocor.
"Berdasarkan siasatan awal pihak LP, kandungan soalan bagi kertas peperiksaan tersebut tersebar menerusi media sosial.
"LP membuat laporan kepada pihak berkuasa untuk menjalankan siasatan dan mengambil tindakan mengikut peruntukan undang-undang," katanya.
Tahun ini terdapat 472,853 pelajar Tahun Enam menduduki UPSR seluruh negara. Ia bermula semalam dan dijadualkan berakhir esok.
Mengulas kejadian itu, Menteri Pendidikan II Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh menulis di akaun Twitternya: "Saya memohon maaf kepada pelajar tahun 6 atas kebocoran kertas Sains UPSR."
Kebocoran kertas soalan dalam peperiksaan utama dilaporkan berlaku hampir setiap tahun kebelakangan ini.
Tahun lepas, laporan dibuat selepas kertas Matematik dan Matematik Tambahan dalam Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) didakwa dibocorkan dalam sebuah seminar.
Bagaimanapun, polis kemudian menafikan perkara itu, mengatakan soalan tersebut hanya soalan ramalan.
Sementara itu, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dilaporkan memohon maaf kepada ibu bapa dan murid terbabit dalam UPSR berhubung kertas soalan yang didapati bocor itu.
Menurut Sinar Harian, Muhyiddin yang juga menteri pendidikan berkata kejadian kertas peperiksaan bocor itu adalah sesuatu yang malang.
"Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia, Kementerian Pendidikan melaporkan perkara itu kepada pihak polis untuk siasatan terperinci dan berharap perkara tersebut tidak akan berulang lagi," beliau dipetik berkata di Tumpat, Kelantan.– tmi

UPSR science paper leaked, delayed to September 30...
The UPSR science paper scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed to September 30 due to leaks, a statement from the Education Ministry said.
The ministry's examination board said the science paper, with codes 018, 028 and 038, had been leaked online.
A statement issued today said that the questions were leaked through social media and that a report has been made with authorities to investigate the incident.
There are 472,853 Year Six pupils sitting for the UPSR examinations nationwide. The examinations began yesterday and were due to end tomorrow.
On the postponement, Education Minister II Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh tweeted: "I am deeply sorry for d leakage of the #UPSR Science questions."
Leakages of question papers in national examinations are reported almost every year.
Last year, a report was made after questions from the Mathematics and Additional Mathematics papers in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia were allegedly leaked in a seminar.
But, police later rubbished the claims, saying that the questions were only forecasted ones.
Page chair Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim said the leakage and postponement of the Science paper with codes 018, 023 and 038, was "really bad news".
"Every year, you hear of this happening. But the conditions set for the examination syndicate to endorse that a paper has been leaked is very, very stringent," Noor Azimah said when contacted.
"So because of that, people do it over and over again as they realise they can get away with it." – tmi

UPSR science paper leaked, delayed to September 30
Cuma nak ingatkan macai2 UMNO dan Friends Of Benjamin Netanyahu...

1 comment:
This 1MDB will continously be punctured. Even the good comment from the former PM means to puncture? Becareful.
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