Dalam keadaan yang jarang2 berlaku, Dr Mahathir Mohamad kelihatan sependapat dengan musuh ketatnya - Anwar Ibrahim.
Bekas Perdana Menteri mendedahkan bahawa sepanjang tempoh perkhidmatan beliau , beliau hanya menghantar satu nama saja ke istana sebagai calon Menteri Besar.
"Sepanjang masa khidmat saya, saya sentiasa berikan satu nama sahaja. Saya tidak pernah mempunyai sebarang masalah dengan mana-mana sultan," katanya ketika ditanya sama ada raja-raja pernah meminta nama2 lain untuk dikemukakan.
Walau bagaimanapun, Mahathir mengambil peluang untuk menyindir Pakatan Rakyat yang diterajui Anwar.
Beliau berkata mungkin blok pembangkang telah menyinggung pihak istana menyebabkan raja murka terhadap pemerintah negeri ini.
"Anda tidak boleh menyakitkan hati orang dan mengharapkan mereka untuk bekerjasama dengan anda. Mereka bukan sahaja menyakitkan hati sultan tetapi juga ramai orang lain dengan pertelingkahan mereka itu," katanya.
PKR dan DAP akan ditimpa kemurkaan dari istana Selangor sekiranya masih berkeras mahu mengemukakan nama tunggal , Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, bagi jawatan Menteri Besar walaupun sultan meminta beberapa nama lagi .
Pihak istana telah menegur dan menuduh PKR dan DAP sebagai biadab dan durhaka.
Kedua-dua pihak telah pun memohon maaf.
Mahathir juga berkata bahawa ianya adalah sesuatu yang " tidak boleh diterima " untuk mempunyai MB yang dikawalan dari jauh di negeri ini.
"Anda mahu melantik seseorang yang akan mengambil arahan daripada orang lain? "katanya, walau bagaimanapun bantahannya itu tidak mempunyai apa-apa kaitan dengan jantina Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
"Saya tidak mempunyai masalah dengan perempuan , walaupun isteri saya adalah seorang wanita, " katanya secara sambil lewa.
Mahathir juga berkata terpulanglah kepada sultan untuk melantik siapa saja yang tuanku mahu sebagai MB, tetapi tegasnya jika orang yang dilantik itu tidak mendapat sokongan majoriti, individu yang dilantik boleh dikalahkan melalui undi tidak percaya.
"Itu adalah mengikut sistem kita," katanya. - mk
Dr M: I gave one name, rulers had no issue...
In a rare instance, Dr Mahathir Mohamad appeared to be on the same page with his arch-nemesis Anwar Ibrahim.
The former premier revealed that during his tenure, he had only submitted a single name to the palace to be considered for the menteri besar's post.
"Throughout my time, it was always one name only. I never had any problem with any of the sultans," he said when asked if the monarchs had ever requested for more names to be submitted.
He said perhaps the opposition bloc is getting the royal cold shoulder because it "annoyed" the state ruler.
"You can't annoy people and expect them to co-operate with you. They annoy not only the sultan but also many other people with their bickering," he added.
PKR and DAP incurred the wrath of the Selangor palace by insisting on submitting a single name, PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, for the menteri besar post despite the sultan requesting for more names.
The palace retorted with a stern reprimand, accusing PKR and DAP of being insolent and defiant.
Both parties have since apologised.
Mahathir also said that it is "not acceptable" to have a "remote controlled" MB in the state.
"I have no problem with females, even my wife is female," he said cheekily.
Mahathir also said that it is "up to the sultan" who he wants to appoint
but did mention that if the person appointed does not hold a majority,
the individual can be voted out through a vote of no-confidence.
Rafizi: 1MDB's RM30bil debt a threat to us...
Rafizi, a PKR vice-president, said he seldom agrees with former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, but this time he agrees with Mahathir's concern and criticism on this point on the debts of 1MDB.
“I support the stand and views taken by Mahathir on 1MDB. I am of the view that 1MDB's finances and management, which are not transparent, may pose a threat to the economic stability and well-being of the people,” Rafizi said in a statement.
Rafizi said reports obtained from financial documents have placed 1MDB's debt at more than RM30 billion and this was based on a series of bonds issued to collect funds, that were done several years ago.
In past Parliament sessions, he said, Pakatan Rakyat lawmakers have posed several questions on the RM30 billion debt, which is guaranteed by the government.
“Every time this question was posed, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, who is also finance minister, has consistently said it was just RM5 billion from the issuance of the first 1MDB bonds. He gave his official answer in Parliament that other debts are not guaranteed by the Malaysian government.
“I have documents to verify that what Najib answered is incorrect as this gives the wrong impression to Parliament. My investigation shows the whole debt by 1MDB amounts to RM30 billion and that it is borne wholly by the government,” Rafizi said.
This, he added, meant that if 1MDB failed to repay the debt, the government would be responsible for the repayment, and that this would certainly entail the use of public funds.
Rafizi also said that the last time he raised the 1MDB fund, which is kept in Cayman Island, that it is not transparent and that 1MDB sent a summons indicating it would take court action preventing him from raising it.
“If what Mahathir had raised is incorrect, 1MDB should also issue a summons to the former prime minister.
“I will reveal 1MDB's debt in the near future, to show that the government is responsible to the accumulated debts by the company,” Rafizi added. - mk

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