Polis Malaysia mengesahkan bahawa dua anggota komando polis Malaysia dan 12 lelaki bersenjata Sulu terbunuh dalam pertembungan antara Pasukan Gerakan Am Malaysia dan kumpulan bersenjata itu hari ini.
Pesuruhjaya polis Sabah Datuk Hamza Taib memberitahu pemberita bahawa bilangan yang cedera di kalangan kumpulan Sulu tidak diketahui, lapor Star Online.
Dalam sidang akhbar petang ini, Hamza berkata pertempuran itu bermula pada jam 9.59 pagi ini selepas lima anggota PGA elit bergerak untuk memperkuatkan lagi kepungan di sekitar kampung Tanduo di mana kumpulan kira-kira 180 Sulu termasuk 30 lelaki bersenjata yang diketuai oleh Rajah Mudah Azzimudie Kiram berkubu sejak 9 Februari lalu.
Hamza berkata, pasukan polis bertembung dengan beberapa penceroboh yang melepaskan tembakan, dan memaksa mereka membalas tembakan.
Katanya, pihak polis menemui beberapa senjata milik kumpulan Sulu tersebut.
Sementara itu di Pekan, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mengesahkan dua anggota polis terbunuh dan tiga yang lain cedera dalam kejadian tersebut.
Katanya, kumpulan bersenjata itu melepaskan tembakan ke atas pasukan keselamatan Malaysia.
Perdana menteri berkata, beliau amat sedih dengan kejadian itu kerana apa yang mahu dielakkan - iaitu pertumpahan darah - telah juga berlaku.
Katanya, beliau telah diberi mandat penuh kepada Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Ismail Omar dan Pangkatan Angkatan Tentera, Tan Sri Zulkefli Mohd Zin untuk mengambil tindakan yang difikirkan perlu.
Inikah video perang di Lahad Datu?
Dua komando Malaysia, 10 penceroboh terbunuh...
Dua komando polis terbunuh setelah terkena serangan mortar di Kampung Tanduo, yang menjadi kubu kumpulan penceroboh bersenjata dari selatan Filipina hari ini.
Mereka terkena serangan itu ketika sedang berkawal di satu daripada pos di sekitar Kampung Tanduo.
Wartawan Bernama yang berada di kawasan Felda Sahabat 17 di perkampungan itu berkata mayat dua anggota keselamatan itu diusung oleh polis dan dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah trak polis untuk dibawa ke Hospital Lahad Datu.
"Sehingga kini tiada pengesahan polis, kami hanya melihat mayat dengan boot hijau diusung ke dalam trak tersebut," katanya yang terpaksa keluar dari kawasan Felda itu setelah diarahkan pihak berkuasa.
Pada 2 petang, beliau berkata pihak berkuasa mengarahkan wartawan keluar kerana khuatir keselamatan mereka berikutan insiden tembakan masih berlaku.
Setakat ini, tiada pihak berkuasa boleh mengesahkan identiti anggota yang maut.
Sementara itu, Seorang jurucakap kesultanan Sulu mendakwa 10 orang terbunuh dan empat lagi cedera dalam pertempuran antara pasukan keselamatan Malaysia dan penceroboh kesultanan Sulu di Lahad Datu pagi ini.
ABS-CBNnews melaporkan jurucakap Abraham Idjirani sebagai berkata dia baru bercakap sendiri dengan adik Sultan Sulu Jamalul Kiram - Azzimudie Kiram - yang mengetuai kumpulan bersenjata di Lahad Datu itu.
Azzimudie mengesahkan bahawa 10 lelaki terbunuh dan empat yang lain cedera dalam insiden tersebut.
"Dia melihat sendiri mayat-mayat tersebut," kata Idjirani dalam satu sidang akhbar di Manila.
"Yang terbunuh termasuk seorang wanita."
Idjirani merayu kepada kerajaan Malaysia supaya menghentikan serangan itu, dan berkata orang-orang Azzimudie hanya bersenjatakan bolos (parang) dan pisau dan hanya beberapa orang bersenjatakan senapang.
Beliau mendakwa bahawa komando polis Malaysia telah menggunakan penembak tepat ke atas pengikut Azzimudie.
Akhbar berbahasa Cina, China Press pula memetik sumber yang tidak disahkan di tempat kejadian, yang mendakwa dua penceroboh telah ditembak mati, manakala tiga anggota tentera Malaysia cedera.
Bagaimanapun, ABS-CBNnews melaporkan bahawa Duta Malaysia ke Filipina telah mengesahkan berlaku insiden menembak antara kedua-dua pihak tetapi tiada sebarang kematian.
Jurucakap Jabatan Hal Ehwal Luar Filipina (DFA) Raul Hernandez memberitahu agensi berita bahawa Setiausaha Luar Filipina Albert del Rosario baru sahaja berbincang dengan duta Malaysia, yang mengesahkan berlaku insiden menembak di Lahad Datu tetapi ia sudah dihentikan.
Beliau berkata Manila sedang memantau keadaan-malaysiakini

Takziah kpd keluarga anggota2 keselamatan yang terkorban di Lahat Datu demi mempertahan Negara - tumpang sekole
Dua Komando polis maut terkena serangan mortar
Lahad Datu siege ends with 14 dead, 3 hurt...
The three-week siege by armed Filipino rebels in Lahad Datu, Sabah, ended today with 14 killed and three wounded after Malaysian security forces exchanged gunfire with the rebels, police confirmed today.
The Star Online also reported the police as saying that a curfew has been in place at Lahad Datu town and surrounding areas since 4pm.
“I am very sad over the incident because what we had wanted to prevent, which is bloodshed, had actually happened,” Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was quoted as saying today by The Star Online.
Twelve Filipino gunmen and two Malaysian commandos were slain.
Three Malaysian policemen were injured too.
Sabah police commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib was quoted by The Star Online today as saying that it was the Filipino rebels who had opened fire on the Malaysian security forces.
“Our men stumbled upon several of the intruders who fired at them, forcing our police to return fire,” said Hamza.

The number of those wounded among the Filipino group is unknown at press time.
Today’s death toll exceeded the 1985 shoot-out, where 11 people died when gunmen, believed to be from the southern Philippines, entered Lahad Datu and fired at random before robbing the local branch of Standard Chartered Bank.
The Philippine Daily Inquirer’s online news site reported Malaysian ambassador to the Philippines, Mohammad Zamri Mohammad Kassim, as saying today that 10 Filipino rebels have surrendered.
About 180 Filipino rebels, including 30 gunmen, invaded Sabah on February 9 and had refused to leave before today’s fatal shootout, despite pleas from the Malaysian and Philippine governments.
Philippine Foreign Affairs secretary Albert Del Rosario reportedly requested today for full access to the rebel group so that the Philippine government can provide medical treatment and consular assistance.
The Philippine Daily Inquirer quoted Free Radio Sarawak as saying that the Felda Sahabat 17 oil palm plantation near Kampung Tanduo, where the rebels have been holed up, was filled with an “uncanny silence”.
The armed group, suspected of being a faction of a Philippine Muslim rebel group, claims to belong to the “royal army” of the Sulu sultanate.
The bizarre drama had threatened to stir tension between the Southeast Asian neighbours whose ties have been periodically frayed by security and migration problems caused by a porous sea border.
News wire Reuters has reported that Malaysia pays a token sum to the Sultanate of Sulu each year for the “rental” of Sabah — an arrangement that stretches back to British colonial times.-malaysian insider
Two M'sians among 12 killed in Lahad Datu...
A spokesperson of the sultanate of Sulu claimed that 10 people were killed and four others wounded in a exchange of fire between Malaysian security forces and the Sulu sultanate intruders in Lahad Datu this morning.
Meanwhile, Bernama reported that two Malaysian police commandoes were killed in a mortar attack, and that another two injured soldiers have since been airlifted to a hospital.
Azzimudie confirmed that 10 of his men were killed and four others wounded in the shooting incident.
"He saw the bodies himself," Idjirani told a press conference in Manila.
"The fatalities included one woman."
Idjirani appealed to the Malaysian government to stop the attack, saying Azzimudie’s men were armed only with bolos (machetes) and knives and only a few had guns.
He claimed that Malaysian police commandos were using snipers to get at Azzimudie’s men.
Malaysian Chinese daily China Press has quoted unverified sources at the scene claimeing that two intruders were shot dead, while three members of the Malaysian forces suffered wounds.
However, ABS-CBNnews reported that the Malaysian ambassador to the Philippines has confirmed there had been a shooting incident between the two sides but there were no casualties.
Philippine Department of Foreign Affair (DFA) spokesperson Raul Hernandez told the news agency that Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario had just talked to the Malaysian ambassador, who confirmed there had been shooting in Lahad Datu but that it had already stopped.
He said Manila is monitoring the situation.
Ricky Carandang, the Philippines' presidential spokesman, told Reuters that some of the group had tried to breach a cordon setup by the Malaysian security forces this morning.
"There was a warning shot but there's no report of casualty, that was what we got and confirmed by the DFA," he told Reuters.
Earlier today, Idjirani told The Philippine Star that Azzimudie’s group had been fired upon by Malaysian security forces.
Idjirani claimed that the sultanate members had called and informed them about the rising tension at about 6am today.
“This morning is a moment in history, that the Malaysian security forces fired the first shot,” he was quoted as saying.
On the other hand, he noted that Azzimudie could not ascertain if the first shot had been aimed at his people.
However, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein has claimed that Malaysian security forces were attacked at 10am today, but that had yet to return fire.
“Lahad Datu - I confirm that our security forces have not taken a single shot but were shot at 10am this morning!
“Lahad Datu: the situation is still under full control. They (the intruders) are still being surrounded. The authority has not returned any shots. Let us pray!” he posted in his Twitter account.
Sulu group appealed to Malaysia
According to Idjirani, Azzimudie also informed them earlier that the Malaysian authorities were already approaching the area.
"However, there was bit of a respite and it was good that the Malaysian police had withdrawn later, according to crown prince (Azzimudie)," Idjirani said.
The sultanate official also appealed to the Malaysian government to reconsider its actions, stressing that their people in Lahad Datu have no intentions of creating trouble.
"However, if the Malaysian authorities push for action, then the sultanate followers there have no recourse but to defend themselves to their last breath," Idjirani said.
Another Philippine media, Philippine Daily Inquirer, reported that a Sabah-based radio station had broadcast that its reporter who was stationed near Felda 17 - an area near Kampung Tanduo where the armed group was holed up - heard heavy firing shortly after 10am.
The Sabah radio said their efforts to get comments from the Malaysian authorities has failed as the latter were mum on the incident, but some villagers have since claimed seeing bodies being moved out.
In Pekan, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was quoted by The Star as saying that the intruders should leave before action is taken to force them out.
Najib said the longer they stay in Sabah, the more dangerous the situation would be for them, and Malaysian authorities had taken a careful approach in handling the situation to prevent bloodshed.
“The group must realise that what they are doing is a serious offence and I hope they will accept the offer to leave peacefully as soon as possible,” he said.-malaysiakini
Gunfight at Lahad Datu

Siri Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat Anwar Ibrahim Ke Johor...
1 Mac 2013 (Jumaat)
1) 5.00 – 7.00 ptg – Sepetang Bersama Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim
Lokasi: Batu 3, Tanjung Gading (di Pusingan U), Ledang
2) 7.15 mlm – Solat & Tazkirah Maghrib
Lokasi: Masjid Batu 3, Tanjung Gading, Ledang
3) 8.45 – 12.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana Demi Rakyat
Lokasi: Pejabat PKR Muar, Taman Seroja
Jalan Abdul Rahman, Parit Jawa, Muar
4) 8.45 – 12.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana Merdeka Rakyat
Lokasi: Markaz PAS Sungai Tongkang, Rengit, Batu Pahat
5) Barisan Penceramah:
a.YB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim
b.YBhg Dato Seri Chua Jui Meng
c.YB Nurul Izzah Anwar
d.YB Salahuddin Ayub
e.YBhg Rafizi Ramli
f.YBhg Hassan Karim
g.YBhg Syed Hamid Ali
h.YBhg Dato’ Mahfodz Mohamad
i.YBhg Dato’ Ariff Sabri

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