Empat lelaki yang ditahan dalam operasi khas oleh sekumpulan anggota polis dari jabatan cawangan jenayah berat Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Sabah itu berusia dalam lingkungan 20-an hingga 50-an.
Menurut polis, operasi yang dijalankan di Jalan Lapangan Terbang, kira-kira lima kilometer dari Pekan Semporna, bertujuan menangkap penceroboh yang didakwa menyamar sebagai penduduk kampung di beberapa kawasan di Semporna.
"Bertindak hasil maklumat awam dan maklumat risikan yang dikumpul sejak beberapa hari lepas, kami berjaya menahan empat lelaki untuk siasatan," kata pegawai berkenaan.
Beliau berkata operasi itu bermula pada pukul 12 tengah hari dan berakhir 1.15 tengah hari.
Tinjauan Bernama di lokasi operasi mendapati dua rumah diperiksa dan polis berjaya menahan dua lelaki di rumah itu manakala seorang lelaki ditahan ketika keluar dari belukar dan seorang lagi ditahan dalam pemeriksaan terhadap sebuah kenderaan yang mencurigakan.
Dalam kejadian Sabtu lepas, enam anggota polis terkorban dalam serang hendap oleh kumpulan pengganas bersenjata. Kejadian pada pukul 8 malam itu turut menyebabkan enam pengganas terbunuh.-bernama
Lahad Datu Update
Manila Trip Not Link To Sabah Invasion
Filipino cops block attempts to reinforce Sulu intruders...
The Philippine media have confirmed that there were attempts by
Filipinos to sail to Sabah to reinforce the Sulu intruders, but that
they have sincebeen blocked by the Philippine police.
"That is the order from higher headquarters to prevent them from going there," Tawi-Tawi provincial police director Joselito Salido told The Philippine Star.
He claimed about 67 of the sultanate's followers had arrived in Bongao in preparation for a sea journey to Sabah, but had been advised not to pursue their plans.
Bongao is a town in the province of Tawi-Tawi, Philippines. It is located some 150km east of Lahad Datu.
"We negotiated and talked with them to reconsider their plans as this will only contribute to the problem," Salido said.
He added that the men came from Basilan and Sulu, and were unarmed. He stressed that the situation in Bongao was calm.
On the other hand, InterAksyon.com, the online news portal of Philippine TV channel TV5, reported that self-proclaimed Sulu sultan Jamalul Kiram (left) said he cannot stop anyone from going to Sabah to reinforce his followers there.
Interviewed in his home at Maharlika Village, Taguig City, Jamalul said it was not only members of the Tausug tribe - to which he belongs - but also Yakan and Sama who want to go to Sabah if they had the chance.
"We cannot stop them," he said.
asked if he himself would send more of his followers to Sabah, Kiram
said: "Our companions there are enough. They did not go there to fight,
but to settle down. You know how hard it is in the Philippines. Most of
them are fishermen, while others are farmers."
Jamalul claimed that last night he had spoken to his brother Azzimudie Kiram, who is leading the armed group at Lahad Datu, and was told that Azzimudie's followers in Sabah were unscathed by the massive assault mounted by Malaysian forces on Tanduo village yesterday.
According to ABS-CBNnews.com, Jamalul also slammed Kuala Lumpur for labelling his followers at Lahad Datu as "terrorists".
The sultan's daughter, Jacel Kiram, said that the labelling is meant to prevent international intervention in Sabah.-malaysiakini
"That is the order from higher headquarters to prevent them from going there," Tawi-Tawi provincial police director Joselito Salido told The Philippine Star.
He claimed about 67 of the sultanate's followers had arrived in Bongao in preparation for a sea journey to Sabah, but had been advised not to pursue their plans.
Bongao is a town in the province of Tawi-Tawi, Philippines. It is located some 150km east of Lahad Datu.
He added that the men came from Basilan and Sulu, and were unarmed. He stressed that the situation in Bongao was calm.
On the other hand, InterAksyon.com, the online news portal of Philippine TV channel TV5, reported that self-proclaimed Sulu sultan Jamalul Kiram (left) said he cannot stop anyone from going to Sabah to reinforce his followers there.
Interviewed in his home at Maharlika Village, Taguig City, Jamalul said it was not only members of the Tausug tribe - to which he belongs - but also Yakan and Sama who want to go to Sabah if they had the chance.
"We cannot stop them," he said.
Jamalul claimed that last night he had spoken to his brother Azzimudie Kiram, who is leading the armed group at Lahad Datu, and was told that Azzimudie's followers in Sabah were unscathed by the massive assault mounted by Malaysian forces on Tanduo village yesterday.
According to ABS-CBNnews.com, Jamalul also slammed Kuala Lumpur for labelling his followers at Lahad Datu as "terrorists".
The sultan's daughter, Jacel Kiram, said that the labelling is meant to prevent international intervention in Sabah.-malaysiakini

Seorang pemberontak dibunuh hari ini...
Disebalik serangan udara dan menghantar lima batalion ke dalam kampung semalam, pihak berkuasa Malaysia mengatakan hari ini mereka masih lagi belum menemui mayat Militan Filipina.
Ketua Polis Negara (KPN) Tan Sri Ismail Omar mengatakan hari ini hanya seorang pemberontak bersenjata Sulu ditembak mati awal pagi ini dalam kejadian berbalas tembakan diantara pasukan keselamatan dengan 200 orang pengikut kesultanan Sulu.
“Penceroboh bergerak ke kawasan tertentu,” kata Ismail dalam sidang akhbar di sini hari ini, tetapi enggan memberitahu secara spesifik.
“Operasi pembersihan dan mencari masih diteruskan… Kami bergerak secara berhati-hati,” tambah beliau.
“Puteri” Sulu Jacel Kiram dilaporkan oleh akhbar Filipina pagi ini mengatakan pemimpin militan Sulu Agbimuddin Kiram dan kumpulannya terselamat dari serangan dan operasi semalam.
Ismail juga enggan untuk memberitahu kekuatan angkatan bersenjata dan pasukan polis dalam operasi semalam untuk melawan militan Filipina di Kampung Tanduo di sini.
Kumpulan bersenjata Sulu telah menduduki kampung tepi pantai Sabah selama hampir sebulan, terselamat dalam pertempuran dengan pasukan keselamatan di Lahad Datu, Semporna dan Kunak yang telah menyebabkan lapan anggota polis Malaysia dan kira-kira 20 militan Sulu mati.
Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata semalam tiga pesawat F-18 dan lima pesawat Hawk telah digunakan dalam serangan pagi semalam terhadap militan yang bersembunyi di Kampung Tanduo.
Ismail mengatakan hari ini pasukan keselamatan secara berhati-hati memperluaskan lagi pencarian ke empat kilometer persegi untuk mencari pemberontak Sulu.
Jacel, anak kepada Jamalul Kiram, salah seorang daripada sembilan yang mendakwa memegang takhta Sultan Sulu, mengatakan pakciknya bersedia untuk melepaskan empat orang Malaysia ditawan, akan tetapi, mahu melakukannya dihadapan media antarabangsa dan Pertubuhan Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah antarabangsa bagi membuktikan keselamatan tawanan.
Selepas beberapa pertempuran minggu lepas dengan polis Malaysia, militan bersenjata Filipina mendakwa mereka telah menangkap seorang anggota polis, dua anggota tentera dan seorang pegawai kerajaan sebagai tebusan.
Dakwaan mereka walau bagaimanapun, masih belum disahkan.
Media Filipina melaporkan semalam mendakwa Agbimuddin menerima bantuan daripada 10,000 penduduk Sulu dari rumah mereka di Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi dan Zamboanga di Filipina untuk membantu saudara-saudara mereka di Lahad Datu.
Dalam laporannya semalam, agensi berita dari Perancis AFP berkata jika benar penceroboh itu terlepas kawalan ketat, pasukan keselamatan Malaysia berkemungkinan akan mendapat cemuhan kerana ketidakcekapan dalam berhadapan dengan 200 lelaki bersenjata, dan khuatir kumpulan tersebut masih dalam pelarian.
Kumpulan, yang mendakwa menjadi pengikut Kesultanan Sulu, menegaskan bahawa Sabah adalah milik mereka kerana ia telah diberikan kepada keluarga Kiram oleh Sultan Brunei pada abad ke-17.
Sabah, walau bagaimanapun menyertai Malaysia pada tahun 1963. Malaysia mengatakan pembayaran tahunan RM5,300 kepada kesultanan Sulu dibayar kerana penyerahan hak negeri Borneo itu.
Akhbar Utusan Malaysia melaporkan jumlah militan Sulu yang maut dalam serangan besar-besaran tersebut adalah 30 orang tetapi status Agbimuddin masih menjadi tanda tanya, walaupun terdapat khabar mengatakan beliau terbunuh.
Jumlah tersebut menjadikan keseluruhan pengganas Sulu yang berjaya ditumpaskan ATM dan PDRM sehingga kini ialah 49 orang, manakala di pihak anggota keselamatan negara tiada sebarang kecederaan mahupun kemalangan jiwa berlaku dalam operasi itu, tambah akhbar berbahasa Melayu itu lagi.-malaysian insider
One intruder believed dead in fresh clash in Lahad Datu...
There was a fresh round of fighting at Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu this morning following air and ground strikes on the area yesterday.
However, he said security forces have not retrieved the body for safety reasons.
He said that, to date, there have been no casualties or injuries among the police and armed forces who conducted the joint operations.
Ismail remained tight-lipped on casualties suffered by the intruders.
Utusan Malaysia today claimed that 30 Sulu intruders had been killed in yesterday's operation named, 'Ops Daulat'.
The report, which did not state its source, said the total number of Sulu intruders killed stood at 49 as of yesterday.
However, the rumour that Azzimuddie Kiram - the brother of Sulu sultan Jamalul Kiram who is leading the armed group at Lahad Datu - has been killed, could not be verified.
Another Malay daily, Berita Harian, quoted anonymous sources as claiming that security forces have found 20 to 30 dead bodies of the enemy during their 'mopping' operation yesterday.
However, these reports cannot yet be verified.-malaysiakini
Malaysia hunts missing Filipino gunmen as more fighters join...
Malaysian forces searched house-to-house Wednesday after armed Filipinos apparently escaped a military assault, as a Philippine guerrilla warned more fighters had arrived.
Malaysia Tuesday launched an attack with jet fighters and soldiers on up to 300 followers of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III of Sulu in a bid to end a three-week standoff in which 27 people had already been reported killed, including eight policemen.
Prime Minister Najib Razak had declared the operation was “weeding out” the holed-up followers of Kiram, who had come to assert a long-dormant claim to Sabah.
But authorities later indicated the militants had escaped into surrounding farmland in the remote region of Borneo island, where residents were already on edge over reports of roaming gunmen and two bloody shootouts.
“Follow-up action and house-to-house searches are being carried out carefully to ensure the safety of the policemen and soldiers,” state news agency Bernama quoted police as saying.
A leader of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), which waged an insurgency against the Philippine government until 1996, said hardened fighters from his Muslim group had arrived to support the militants.
“Many have slipped through the security forces,” Muhajab Hashim told Agence France-Presse in Manila.
“They know the area like the back of their hands because they trained there in the past,” he said, referring to long-standing allegations that Malaysia helped trained MNLF leaders in their insurgency against the Philippines.
“We are expecting more of them to join (the battle) even if our official instruction is for them to refrain from going.”
Malaysian federal police chief Ismail Omar said late Tuesday after the assault that no militants had yet been found dead or captured. He did not explain how they could have escaped a cordon in place for the past three weeks.
“I have instructed my commanders to be on alert because we believe the enemies are still out there,” Ismail told reporters.
“We of course hope that they have not escaped.”
Malaysians, accustomed to watching neighbors Thailand and the Philippines grapple with Muslim insurgents, have been shocked by the drama, and authorities have been criticized for the ease with which the invaders slipped in to Sabah.
The crisis comes as Malaysia’s 56-year-old ruling coalition is bracing for what is expected to be the country’s closest-ever election against a formidable opposition, which has slammed the handling of the incursion.
The episode began February 12, when Malaysia’s government said an estimated 100-300 armed Filipinos had landed in Sabah and were surrounded in the sleepy farming village of Tanduo.
After an initial standoff, violence erupted there Friday with a deadly shootout, followed by a second gunfight a day later in another town hours away. Authorities have said 27 have died in the shootouts and related violence.
The Sulu gunment are followers of Kiram, 74, the Manila-based self-proclaimed heir of the former Sultanate of Sulu, which once controlled part of the southern Philippines and claimed sovereignty over Sabah.
The Sulu sultanate’s power faded a century ago but its heirs continue to insist on ownership of resource-rich Sabah, and still receive nominal Malaysian payments under a lease deal originally struck by Western colonial powers.-philippines daily inquirer

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