“Saya, Datuk Seri Panglima Ahmad Said bin Hamdan (gambar), dengan ikhlas memohon maaf kepada Tan Sri Abdul Khalid bin Ibrahim, atas kenyataan saya pada 21 Februari 2009, yang disiarkan di media,” katanya membaca kenyataan maaf yang dipersetujui kedua-dua pihak semalam.
“Kenyataan yang dilakukan saya ketika itu sebagai ketua SPRM, dan ini adalah respon kepada soalan apabila ditanya oleh media mengenai siasatan SPRM ke atas Abdul Khalid,” katanya lagi.
“Saya membuat kenyataan tersebut tanpa niat jahat untuk memburukkan reputasi, imej dan intergriti plaintif.”
Dua defendan dalam kes tersebut, iaitu kerajaan persekutuan dan Ahmad Said, bersetuju permohonan maaf akan disiarkan di akhbar the New Straits Times di muka hadapan dan The Star dalam masa empat hari.
Khalid juga memperolehi kembali kos RM10,000 dari defendan.
Peguam Khalid Sankara Nair berkata sebelum hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Datuk Lau Bee Lan bahawa kliennya “merasakan namanya sudah dibersihkan sebagai menteri besar”.
Persetujuan dibuat semalam untuk menyelesaikan kes saman fitnah Khalid ke atas Ahmad Said di luar mahkamah selepas cadangan dari hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Datuk Lau Bee Lan.
SPRM membersihkan nama Khalid pada Februari
2010 dan beliau tidak pernah didakwa.
Ahmad Said dan Khalid bersalam tangan sebelum prosiding bermula hari ini.
Khalid yang ditemani isterinya dan beberapa orang penyokongnya, dan seorang daripadanya memakai baju bertulis “Kami sokong Khalid Ibrahim”.
Ahmad Said enggan memberi sebarang komen selepas beliau memohon maaf.-malaysian insider
Ex-MACC head apologise to S'gor MB...
Former Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief Ahmad Said Hamdan apologised to the Selangor menteri besar in open court today for a statement he made in 2009.
It will have to be placed on the front page of the New Straits Times, but there is no specific requirement for The Star to do likewise.
"Tan Sri Khalid has magnanimously agreed to a minimum of RM10,000 in costs," Sankara told the Kuala Lumpur High Court this morning after the settlement was recorded before Justice Lau Bee Lan.
"It was made in my capacity as chief commissioner (of MACC), when reporters asked for comment on the matter,” he said.
“I also agree that, at the time the statement was made, the investigation paper had yet to be submitted to, or decided by, the attorney-general for action.”
Ahmad Said arrived at the court quietly, accompanied by several MACC officers. Before leaving, he shook Khalid's hand inside the courtroom.
‘I don’t want damages’
Khalid, who had named Ahmad Said and the government as defendants, said he accepted the apology and its publication in New Straits Times and The Star.
“I’ve decided not to seek damages although the statement damaged my reputation and that of my family, even my position as Selangor MB,” he said.
“I’m of the view that each citizen has the right to live securely and (with) dignity (under provisions of) the federal constitution. All this must be respected by all, in order (for Malaysia) to become a civilised nation.”
On Feb 21, 2009, Ahmad Said had said at a press conference in Penang that Khalid could be charged with abuse of power for the purchase of cows and maintenance of a luxury car that he personally owned.
However, Khalid was cleared by the MACC about a year later and the decision was affirmed by the commission's operations review panel in July 2010.-malaysiakini

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