Dr Mahathir dipersalahkan kerana menjadi orang bertanggungjawab memberi taraf kerakyatan melalui ‘Projek IC’ di Sabah sejak awal tahun 80-an.
Bekas tahanan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) Hassnar Ebrahim dalam ucapannya mengakui, beliau pernah menandatangani 500 borang kosong dalam satu masa semasa menjadi Ketua Daerah Sandakan.
Terlibat dalam Projek IC tanpa sedar, Hasnar berkata borang kosong terbabit kemudiannya disahkan dan dibawa kepada Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) sebelum diubah menjadi sijil kelahiran.
Katanya, semasa Sabah di bawah pemerintahan Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) antara 1979 sehingga 1984, tidak kurang daripada 125,000 jumlah kad pengenalan yang dikeluarkan kerajaan persekutuan kepada sebilangan besar pendatang haram.
“Gunung berapi dalam dada saya sudah mahu meletup.
“Kalau ini fitnah dakwa saya kita jumpa di mahkamah,” katanya di hadapan kira-kira 1, 000 orang di Dewan Perhimpunan Cina Kuala Lumpur Selangor (KLSCAH) malam tadi.
Peranan Megat Junid
Beliau turut mengakui wujud pertemuan bekas Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri Allahyarham Tan Sri Megat Junid Megat Ayub dengan 15 pegawai tertinggi kerajaan ketika itu termasuk Ketua Pengarah Imegresen, polis, dan Timbalan Ketua Pengarah JPN di pejabat Jabatan Perdana Menteri.
Beliau mendakwa, semasa pertemuan itu Megat Junid memberitahu mereka Dr Mahathir sendiri meluluskannya dan mahu meminta RM 2 juta untuk kosprojek terbabit.
“Berikutan itu saya ditahan ISA selama 59 hari namun tidak diseksa atau dipukul,” katanya yang juga pernah menjadi saksi penting kes petisyen Pilihan Raya Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Likas pada tahun 1999.
Sementara itu, Siti Aminah Mahmud berkata dirinya tidak sedar terlibat dalam Projek IC di Sabah ketika menjadi ahli Umno dan bertugas di Pejabat Umno Bahagian Sembulan.
Katanya, pada tahun 1990 sehingga 1995 beliau membantu mendapatkan gambar dan cap jari pendatang asing untuk dihantar ke pejabat Umno.
“Saya tak tahu di mana mereka cetak kad pengenalan…saya bantu Umno di Sabah dan menambahkan undi Melayu,” katanya.
Beliau juga ditahan di bawah ISA dan disiasat selama 10 hari.Turut hadir berucap pemimpin Sabah Datuk Kalakau Untol, ahli parlimen Tuaran Datuk Seri Wilfred Bumburing, bekas Timbalan Panglima Tentera Darat Leftenan Jeneral (B) Datuk Ghafir Abdul Hamid dan sasterawan negara Tan Sri A Samad Said.
Suasana forum tersebut juga meriah dengan jualan baju, buku, termasuk produk makanan bijirin sarapan Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai super hero yang laris dijual dengan harga RM15.-FMT

Bekas Ketua Daerah Sandakan - Projek IC,Mahathir Pembohong Besar...
Bekas Ketua Daerah Sandakan, Hassnar Ebrahim menyelar kenyataan bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang menuduh pegawai kerajaan menjual kad pengenalan (IC) untuk kepentingan diri.
“Dr Mahathir pembohong besar,” kata Hassnar membidas kenyataan Mahathir seperti dilapor Bernama dalam program ‘Bicara Minda di Papar, Sabah 17 Mac lalu.
Mahathir dilaporkan berkata, rakyat Sabah tidak boleh mempersalahkan kerajaan semasa pentadbirannya kerana penyelewengan dilakukan pegawai kerajaan atas kepentingan individu.
Tegas Hassnar, projek IC adalah dalam pengetahuan Mahathir yang tidak selesa dengan pentadbiran Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) antara tahun 1990 dengan 1994.
Malah kata Hassnar, dirinya menjadi ‘bahan tawaran’ antara Presiden PBS, Joseph Pairin Kitingan dengan pentadbiran di Kuala Lumpur yang ketika itu berniat untuk menyertai semula Barisan Nasional.
“Salah satu syarat (rundingan), Joseph minta saya dimasukkan ke dalam penjara,” kata Hassnar.
Tegasnya, sekiranya Dr Mahathir memikirkan bahawa projek tersebut sebagai satu kesalahan, dokumen IC tersebut perlu ditarik balik.
“Tapi ada kita pernah dengar IC yang dikatakan dijual yang kononnya tidak sepatutnya dikeluarkan kepada individu yang diimport dari luar ditarik? Tidak ada!” tegas Hassnar.
Beliau berkata demikian pada Forum ‘Mahkamah Rakyat: Kisah dari Lahad Datu, Siapa Pengkhianat Sebenar?’ di Dewan Himpunan Cina Kuala Lumpur Selangor (KLSCAH) malam tadi. -keadilandaily
Project IC had Dr M's approval, says former DO...
Former Sandakan district officer Hassnar Ebrahim has admitted to being involved in ‘Project IC’ in Sabah in the 1980s - and he also claims he heard the scheme had been approved by then prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
A total of 15 officers were at the meeting, he said, including “three members from the police force, as well as representatives from the Immigration Department and National Registration Department (NRD)”.
Hassnar, 62, said this last night at a forum on the Sulu incursion into Lahad Datu, Sabah. The event was organised by Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) at the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall.
Now the PKR Batu Sapi chief, he told those present that the scheme to accord citizenship to Muslim immigrants was started in the early 1980s.
"Back then, Chinese voters represented the pendulum swing and would decide which party wins the state election,” Hassnar explained.
“So, there was this feeling that the presence of Muslims in the state must be solidified to ensure that the state remained in the hands of Muslims.”
"Between 1976 and 1984, I can say that no less than 125,000 immigrants were given citizenship in Sabah," he claimed.
When approached by Megat Junid to help make Project IC a success, Hassnar said, he tried to coax then Sabah NRD chief Sani Adnan to help, but that the latter expressed disgust at the idea.
"These are the people who will ruin this state later, Sani told me," Hassnar said.
Despite years of helping the federal government in the project, Hassnar was detained under the Internal Security Act in 1988 for 59 days.
"Megat Junid called me to Kuala Lumpur one day and he told me that Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) and BN were negotiating the possibility of PBS rejoining BN. One of the conditions then PBS leader Joseph Pairin Kitingan had laid down to BN was to get me arrested," he said.
He was subsequently arrested at the airport while trying to take a flight back to Sabah.
‘Umno orchestrated Silent Riot’
According to Hassnar, the rarely talked-about Silent Riot that took place in Kota Kinabalu on March 18,1986, after the BN-backed Parti Berjaya unexpectedly lost the 1985 state election to PBS, had been orchestrated by Umno top guns.
Mahathir had apparently said that it was okay even if one or two casualties occurred," Hassnar claimed.
However, the riot did not go the way Hassnar and his comrades had expected.
Five people died and some 1,200 people were arrested, including Harris.
"We were fined RM100 each, but Harris challenged the fine. He was willing to take the matter to court and threatened to expose the truth if the authorities pressed further. He was the only one to be released without any charge," he added.
Hassnar lamented the fact that he had been imprisoned even though he had aided the federal government in the covert Project IC.
"All I would say is, don't be friends with people from Umno," he said.-malaysiakini
60,000 dubious voters in Sabah...
DAP has claimed that there are 60,000 dubious voters appearing in the Election Commission’s (EC) electoral roll for Sabah in the first quarter of 2012.
He said Ruslan Alias, an assistant head of the Sabah and Sarawak NRD IC division, had revealed a list containing 130,459 "problematic" old identity card numbers, in which their owners’ records were either incomplete or cancelled.
According to Ong, Merap had conducted a research on the numbers given by Ruslan and found that 60,653 of the "problematic" ICs exist on the electoral roll - amounting to little over half of the total amount of problematic ICs in the east of Sabah.
"The voters are not evenly distributed across the state. Eight out of 10 parliamentary constituencies featuring these voters can be found in the east coast of Sabah," Ong said.
Sixty-six percent of the 60,653 voters - or 39,750 of them - can be found in these eight parliament seats on the east coast, he added.
The eight seats are Silam, Kalabakan, Tawau, Semporna, Libaran, Batu Sapi, Sandakan and Kinabatangan.
Voters registered with cancelled ICs
"Who was responsible for registering these voters with cancelled ICs? How did these voters manage to stay on the electoral roll up until the fourth quarter of 2012 when their ICs were supposed to be cancelled in 1996?" he asked.
Meanwhile, Ong also claimed that at least 57 from the 527 registered voters appearing in the electoral roll from Kampung Labian in Lahad Datu, one of the areas currently embroiled in the Sulu intrusion crisis, are dubious voters.
"The recent Sulu invasion in the Lahad Datu and Semporna areas have had a serious impact as a result of Project IC.
“It cannot be coincidental that the hot spot conflict areas are also areas which has a high number of dubious voters," he added.
He, however, said that there are no exact figures as to how many Sulus are in Sabah, as many of them registered themselves as Bajaus during the census.-malaysiakini
Project IC more harmful than water villages...
The proposal by former UMNO strongman Dr Mahathir Mohamad to demolish ‘water villages’ on Sabah’s coast on the basis that they pose a threat to national security has received a sharp rebuke from PAS Youth.
Its chief Nasrudin Hassan pointed out that the bigger threat to national security was the secretive project to dish out Malaysian citizenship to foreigners in Sabah for voting purposes.
“The biggest threat is the secret project to give identity cards to foreigners like what has been disclosed by several individuals in the royal commission of inquiry,” said Nasrudin.
Mahathir earlier argued that water villages served as conduit for armed foreigners to sneak in without any checks.
“To inspect the water villages are difficult because of the cramped walkways, it makes us open to attacks (ambushes),” said Mahathir, whose former administation has been widely blamed for the so-called 'Project IC'.
Mahathir suggested that water villages be banned as it also contributed to pollution.
But Nasrudin (left) said the root problem in Sabah's crisis was the high influx of foreigners under the citizenship-for-votes scandal during the 1980s.
“Their motive was to allow foreigners gain citizenship and became voters. To ensure their political coalition gain victory, they traded off national sovereignty. Is it worth it?” he asked.
“Many of the [foreign] intruders now have valid identity cards and now they can move around in Sabah and also the country. It’s possible that one day there will be attacks in other places which cannot be defended by the Malaysian security forces as they would be unable to differentiate between locals and foreigners,” added Nasrudin.
He called on stiff punishment to those convicted of being involved in 'Project IC'.-harakahdaily

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