Bekas sultanah kemuka 7 alasan cabar perceraian...
Panel tiga hakim diketuai Hakim Syed Ali Syed Abu Bakar menangguhkan prosiding selepas mendengar hujahan pihak-pihak terhadap permohonan Tuanku Zanariah pada Januari tahun ini. Dua hakim lain ialah Marsid @ Morsid Mahrof dan Jainuddin Mt Sum.
Salah seorang peguam Tuanku Zanariah, Kamar Ainah Kamaruzaman, hari ini berkata prosiding dijalankan dalam kamar.
Kesukaran Tuanku Zanariah bermula Ogos tahun lalu apabila menerima surat memaklumkan almarhum Sultan Johor menceraikannya pada Januari 2009. Tuanku Zanariah berkahwin dengan almarhum Sultan Mahmud Iskandar Ismail pada 1961 dan baginda meninggal dunia pada 22 Januari, 2010.
Surat yang dihantar kepadanya oleh Mufti Johor, Mohd Tahrir Syamsuddin, dikepilkan bersama tiga lagi dokumen termasuk sijil cerai bertarikh 8 Oktober, 2010 yang menyatakan perceraian berlaku pada 23 Januari, 2009.
Tuanku Zanariah juga menerima surat kedua daripada bekas Menteri Besar Johor, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman bertarikh 9 Disember, 2010 yang memaklumkan kepadanya jawatankuasa fatwa Johor membuat keputusan mengiktiraf kesahihan perceraian itu pada 6 Ogos, 2010.
Dokumen terakhir adalah daripada Mahkamah Rendah Syariah bertarikh 30 September, 2010 yang mengesahkan lagi perceraian itu.
Pada 1 Januari, Tuanku Zanariah memfailkan permohonan semakan untuk mengenepikan perintah Mahkamah Rendah Syariah yang menyatakan almarhum suaminya menceraikannya.
Tuanku Zanariah memohon perintah itu dibatalkan kerana tidak pernah dipanggil menghadiri mana-mana prosiding perceraian.
Tuanku Zanariah juga memohon bantuan mahkamah untuk menyiasat sama ada perisytiharan Sultan Iskandar pada Januari 2009 yang dikatakan disaksikan oleh Abdul Ghani dan pengerusi jawatankuasa diraja Johor, Tengku Osman Tunku Temenggong Ahmad adalah sah, berdasarkan kepada akuan berkanun mereka.
Tuanku Zanariah juga memohon rujuk yang diumumkan seminggu selepas perceraian yang dikatakan itu diisyhtihar tidak sah.
Bekas sultanah Johor Tuanku Zanariah Tunku Ahmad mengemukakan tujuh alasan kepada Mahkamah Rayuan Syariah berhubung keputusan Mahkamah Syariah Johor Bahru sebelum ini yang mengesahkan penceraian kontroversinya dengan almarhum Sultan Tuanku Mahmud Iskandar.
Alasan-alasan itu dikemukakan oleh peguamnya Afshah Ariffin selepas Mahkamah Rayuan Syariah membenarkan Majlis Agama Islam Johor menjadi pencelah dalam saman itu.
Dalam alasan yang dikemukakan itu, tujuh alasan diberikan sekitar kekhilafan hakim perbicaraan, antaranya dalam isu “fatwa” yang mengesahkan perceraian itu pada Ogos tahun lalu.
Alasan-alasan itu:
(1) Hakim terkhilaf daripada aspek undang-undang dan fakta apabila menyatakan hakim bicara Mahkamah Rendah Syariah membuat keputusan berdasarkan shahadah hisbah kerana rukun dan syaratnya tidak menepati hukum syarak.
(3) Hakim terkhilaf memutuskan hakim bicara mempunyai kuasa sedia ada dalam menjalankan prosiding kes saman tersebut.
(4) Hakim terkhilaf apabila memutuskan hakim bicara mengecualikan pemakaian enakmen tatacara “demi menjaga kemuliaan institusi diraja Johor khususnya Sultan Iskandar”.
(5) Hakim terkhilaf apabila memutuskan “fatwa” Jawatankuasa Fatwa Johor adalah “dokumen undang-undang” yang dibuat berdasar peruntukan Seksyen 47 Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam Johior.
(6) Hakim terkhilaf apabila memutuskan fatwa tersebut mengikat mahkamah.
(7) Hakim terkhilaf apabila memutuskan perayu gagal menunjukkan ada memohon untuk meminda atau membatalkan fatwa tersebut.
Difahamkan, sepanjang prosiding dijalankan, tiada pihak lain selain peguam utama Tuanku Zanariah dan peguam majlis agama negeri dibenarkan memasuki mahkamah.
Pintu mahkamah juga difahamkan dikunci dan telefon bimbit tidak dibenarkan dibawa masuk.
Keputusan rayuan itu akan diketahui pada 25 Mei ini.- mk
Divorce from the grave - ex-Sultanah states seven grounds to contest divorce...
Once again, it was a tight security affair with the courtroom locked and more than 20 police personnel deployed while lawyers were barred from bringing in their mobile phones.
Last August, she received a letter from Johor mufti Mohd Tahrir Syamsuddin informing her that her husband Sultan Mahmud Iskandar had divorced her.
The letter stated that the divorce took place in 2010 but had been backdated to Jan 23, 2009.
Following this, she also received a letter from former menteri besar Abdul Ghani Othman informing her that the sultanah title has been revoked.
This prompted her to mount a legal challenge.
The lower syariah court heard the matter without her presence and accepted the Johor Fatwa Committee’s edict that the divorce was valid. This was later upheld by the Syariah High Court.
When Tuanku Zanariah filed for an appeal, the Syariah Court of Appeal in March allowed the Johor Islamic Council to be an intervener in the suit.
Seven grounds to contest divorce
At the Syariah Court of Appeal this morning, Tuanku Zanariah furnished seven grounds to contest the previous decision.
The grounds were presented by her lawyer Afshah Ariffin before the court. A copy of the grounds obtained by Malaysiakini included:-
1.The Syariah High Court was wrong in accepting the evidence from former
menteri besar Abdul Ghani and Johor royal committee chairperson
Tengku Osman Tunku Temenggong Ahmad via a statutory declaration when
they are not parties in the divorce application. Furthermore, the late
sultan was not a party in the proceeding as he had already passed away.
2.The Syariah High Court judge was wrong in deciding that the Syariah Procedure Code need not be applied as the court does not have the power to do so and it is wrong for this to be applied on Tuanku Zanariah as it violates her rights to seek natural justice.
3.The Syariah High Court judge erred in accepting that the Lower Syariah court judge has the right to conduct the divorce proceeding as it was done without her presence.
4.The Syariah High Court judge was wrong when he allowed the trial judge from following the procedure code in order to protect the dignity of the royal institution and accepting that the divorce proclamation had been made three times.
5.In fact, the trial judge had tarnished the dignity of the institution by allowing the proceeding to go on without her presence.
6.The Syariah High Court judge was wrong in accepting the fatwa by the Johor Islamic committee as a valid legal document.
7.The Syariah High Court judge was also wrong in considering that the fatwa was binding on the court. The judge had made a mistake in deciding that Tuanku Zanariah had failed to amend or tried to have the fatwa declared null and void, when she did not know about the edict and only knew about it last year through a letter despite the fatwa was made in 2010.
Tuanku Zanariah and her daughter Tunku Masera were not present at today's proceeding since during the last proceeding, they were not allowed inside the court along with Kamar Ainiah.
This is Tuanku Zanariah's final opportunity to overturn the divorce. Initially, she had named her former husband as the respondent in her application.
The two were married on Aug 19, 1961. It was Mahmud's second marriage and they have 10 children, including the one Tuanku Zanariah cared for from Mahmud's first wife.
Tuanku Zanariah claims that the divorce was not valid and wanted the lower syariah Court order to be set aside as she was not called for any divorce proceedings.
She also sought the court to investigate whether Sultan Mahmud Iskandar's divorce proclamation in January 2009 that was allegedly witnessed by Abdul Ghani and Tengku Osman was valid based on a statutory declaration they made.
"A person who passed away on Jan 22, 2010 does not have the legal capacity to initiate any court proceedings unless it is for the administration of his estate.
"Furthermore, during his lifetime, the sultan had not filed for any divorce proceedings at any Johor syariah court against me," she said in her court documents.
However, the Johor Syariah High Court had dismissed the review application and issued a gag order not to report it.
The Syariah Court of Appeal would deliver its decision on May 25.- mk

There must be something about Dyana, says Kadir...
Veteran journalist A Kadir Jasin has praised
Gerakan and its president Mah Siew Keong for having the courage to
contest in the Teluk Intan by-election unlike MCA which sidestepped the
Bukit Gelugor polls.
"Bravo Gerakan for not running away from responsibility and for not shaming the grand old coalition (GOC)," he said referring to BN.
"Mah, salute you for having testicular fortitude! Itulah anak jantan (a true man). Unlike the sulking MCA, you are not abandoning your supporters," added the former New Straits Times group editor-in-chief in his blog.
Kadir (left)
said by not contesting in Bukit Gelugor, BN has given the impression
that it is no longer a national coalition and will only contest in
places where it stands a fair chance of winning.
"Or is MCA, despite being rejected by the Chinese, still mightily influential in BN that its every wish is fulfilled by the leadership of the GOC?" he asked.
In Bukit Gelugor, DAP strongman Karpal Singh had defeated the MCA candidate by more than 40,000 votes in the last general election.
The parliament seat fell vacant following Karpal’s death in an accident last month and his son Ramkarpal would be contesting in the May 25 polls, with pundits predicting an even bigger majority.
Whereas in Teluk Intan, the late DAP MP defeated Mah by slightly more than 7,000 votes for the parliament seat.
Deeper than her looks
This time around on May 31, the Gerakan chief would be facing Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, whose good looks have turned her into an overnight sensation.
Commenting on this, Kadir said there must be something deeper than her looks.
"The fact that she is a young Malay woman representing a Chinese-dominated opposition party is, to me, the real fascination.
"There be must something particularly strong by way of push and pull factors to encourage a young Malay like Dyana, who hails from an Umno family, to join DAP and be an active member," he added.
While BN campaigners and their cybertroopers are having a field day maligning her, Kadir said they should perhaps spare some time to understand why this sort of things are happening.
"Why young educated Malays are joining DAP?
"Instead of blaming others for their woes, leaders of the GOC parties should look at themselves and not treat the rakyat with disdain," he added.- mk
Mahathir jealous dengan pendekatan politik pro DAP
"Bravo Gerakan for not running away from responsibility and for not shaming the grand old coalition (GOC)," he said referring to BN.
"Mah, salute you for having testicular fortitude! Itulah anak jantan (a true man). Unlike the sulking MCA, you are not abandoning your supporters," added the former New Straits Times group editor-in-chief in his blog.
"Or is MCA, despite being rejected by the Chinese, still mightily influential in BN that its every wish is fulfilled by the leadership of the GOC?" he asked.
In Bukit Gelugor, DAP strongman Karpal Singh had defeated the MCA candidate by more than 40,000 votes in the last general election.
The parliament seat fell vacant following Karpal’s death in an accident last month and his son Ramkarpal would be contesting in the May 25 polls, with pundits predicting an even bigger majority.
Whereas in Teluk Intan, the late DAP MP defeated Mah by slightly more than 7,000 votes for the parliament seat.
Deeper than her looks
This time around on May 31, the Gerakan chief would be facing Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, whose good looks have turned her into an overnight sensation.
Commenting on this, Kadir said there must be something deeper than her looks.
"There be must something particularly strong by way of push and pull factors to encourage a young Malay like Dyana, who hails from an Umno family, to join DAP and be an active member," he added.
While BN campaigners and their cybertroopers are having a field day maligning her, Kadir said they should perhaps spare some time to understand why this sort of things are happening.
"Why young educated Malays are joining DAP?
"Instead of blaming others for their woes, leaders of the GOC parties should look at themselves and not treat the rakyat with disdain," he added.- mk
Mahathir jealous dengan pendekatan politik pro DAP

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