DAP - 41,242
PCM - 3,583
Mohamed Nabi Bux - 799
Abu Backer Sidek - 225
Undi Rosak - 539
Majoriti - 37,659
PCM - 3,583
Mohamed Nabi Bux - 799
Abu Backer Sidek - 225
Undi Rosak - 539
Majoriti - 37,659
DAP kekal Bukit Gelugor(Ramkarpal wins, independents lose deposit)...
Proses pengiraan undi untuk pilihan raya Bukit Gelugor itu juga bermula dengan Ramkarpal jauh di depan calon-calon lain.
Dewan Sri Penang SPR mengumumkan calon DAP Ramkarpal Singh diisytiharkan pemenang. Ia diumumkan oleh pengurus pilihan raya kecil Parlimen Bukit Gelugor Kapten (B) Anwar Yahaya.
Kemenangan Ramkarpal ini sudah dijangka sejak beliau dinamakan sebagai calon dua minggu lalu. Kerusi itu adalah kubu kuat DAP yang dipegang oleh bapanya untuk tiga pilihan raya umum berturut-turut sejak 2004.
Pada jam 8.40pm, Ramkarpal melangkah masuk ke Dewan Sri Pinang, tempat di mana undi dikira, sedia untuk diumumkan sebagai pemenang.
Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang dan Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng serta ahli keluarga Ramkarpal, termasuk ibu, Gurmit Singh dan abang-abangnya – Exco Perumahan Pulau Pinang Jagdeep Singh Deo dan Ahli Parlimen Puchong Gobind Singh Deo – turut bersamanya.
DAP yang berharap memperoleh majoriti lebih tinggi berbanding tahun lepas, terpaksa mengalah kerana peratusan keluar mengundi yang rendah.
Ketiga-tiga calon lain hilang deposit RM15,000 mereka selepas gagal mendapat satu perlapan daripada jumlah undi.
Naib Presiden Parti Cinta Malaysia Datuk Huan Cheng Guan mendapat 3,583 undi.
Calon-calon Bebas, Mohd Nabi Bux Mohd Abdul Sathar dan Abu Backer Sidek Mohammad Zan, masing-masing mendapat 799 dan 225 undi.
Terdapat 539 undi rosak .
Sementara itu, 56.4% atau 46,999 pengundi keluar mengundi di PRK Bukit Gelugor ini adalah antara paling rendah pernah dicatatkan, kata Pengerusi SPR, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof.
Beliau berkata kehadiran yang rendah kerana Barisan Nasional tidak bertanding dan pengundi berasa yakin DAP akan memenangi PRK itu.
"Seperti dijangkakan juga, pengundi luar kawasan tidak pulang mengundi," katanya pada satu sidang akhbar di Dewan Sri Pinang.
SPR menjangkakan kehadiran sekurang-kurangnya 75%. Ia adalah penurunan 30% daripada 86.3% bagi peratusan keluar mengundi pada pilihan raya umum tahun lepas apabila bapa Ramkarpal memenangi kerusi itu dengan jumlah 42,706 undi (61%).
Ramkarpal Singh has retained his late father’s seat with a handsome win over his rivals consisting of Parti Cinta Malaysia (PCM) vice-president Huan Cheng Guan and two Independents.
He is declared winner with 89 percent of the votes, or a majority of 37,659 votes.
Huan and Independents Mohamed Nabi Bux Mohd Nabi Abdul Sathar and Abu Backer Sidek have lost their deposits.
Ramkarpal's victory had been sealed since he was named the candidate two weeks ago. The seat is a DAP stronghold held by his father for three consecutive general elections (2004, 2008 and 2013).
At 8.40pm, Ramkarpal walked into Dewan Sri Pinang in George Town, where the votes were being tabulated, ready to be announced the victor.
Chief Minister and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and members of Ramkarpal's family, including his mother Gurmit Singh and older brothers – Penang housing exco Jagdeep Singh Deo and Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo – were also present.
DAP, which had been hoping for a higher majority than last year, had to accept that it was not possible because of the lower voter turnout.
Earlier, before the Karpal clan arrived at the counting centre, they had an emotional celebration.
Gurmit shed tears of joy, as she held Ramkarpal, her third son and the latest child to join politics.
The other three candidates all lost their RM15,000 deposits after failing to even get one-eighth of the total votes.
Parti Cinta Malaysia vice-president Datuk Huan Cheng Guan got 3,583 votes.
Independent candidates Mohd Nabi Bux Mohd Abdul Sathar and Abu Backer Sidek Mohammad Zan received 799 and 225 votes, respectively.
There were 539 spoilt votes.
Meanwhile, the 56.4% or 46,999 voter turnout in the Bukit Gelugor by-election is one of the lowest ever recorded, Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said.
He said the poor turnout was because Barisan Nasional did not contest and voters felt certain DAP would win the by-election.
"As expected also, outstation voters did not return to vote," he said in a press conference at Dewan Sri Pinang.
The EC was expecting a turnout of at least 75%. It was a 30% drop from the 86.3% turnout in the general election last year when Ramkarpal's father won the seat by 42,706 votes (61%).
Earlier today, Aziz had already said the voter turnout was "very low" in the morning after the polling stations opened.
He had also said that more younger voters should have voted. About 37% of the total 82,431 voters in Bukit Gelugor are aged between 21 and 39.
He said the low turnout could not be blamed on the weather or the Thomas Cup.
"We will have to study further what caused the low turnout.” - tmi/mk

Malam ni di Teluk Intan...

punyai 2 orang diva hot. Puteri Reformasi & kini muncul pula Putri Dyana
Sofya. Kita gegarkan parlimen Malaysia sampai BN tumbang dalam PRU14...

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