Ramkarpal bakal pertahan kerusi Bukit Gelugor...
Seperti dijangka, anak ketiga "Harimau Jelutong", Ramkarpal Singh Deo, 38 dinamakan sebagai calon DAP bagi kerusi Parlimen Bukit Gelugor.
Calon kali pertama yang juga merupakan seorang peguam dijangka akan mempertahankan dengan mudah kerusi mendiang Karpal Singh itu.
Sejak kematian ayahnya dalam kemalangan jalan raya bulan lepas, Ramkarpal dispekulasikan sebagai calon yang akan diletakkan DAP di kerusi tersebut.
Beliau memberitahu pemberita awal minggu ini beliau bersedia untuk mempertahankan kerusi ayahnya sekiranya diletakkan DAP.
Pengumuman dibuat oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng di pusat operasi Bukit Gelugor parti itu di Seri Delima hari ini.
Lim mengatakan DAP mendapati Ramkarpal merupakan calon terbaik di kalangan lima calon yang disenaraikan parti itu untuk kerusi Parlimen tersebut.
Ramkarpal akan berdepan dengan Naib Presiden Parti Cinta Malaysia, Datuk Huan Cheng Guan dan dua calon bebas - Yacoob Mohd Noor dan Mohamed Nabi Bux yang sudah menyatakan hasrat mereka untuk bertanding kerusi tersebut. – tmi

Sapa Mohamad Nabi Bux sebenarnya...
Mohamed Nabi, 63, seorang ahli perniagaan yang telah bersara, merupakan orang kedua mengumumkan hari ini hasrat untuk bertanding di Bukit Gelugor
Mohamed Nabi berkata beliau mahu menyertai pertandingan itu berdasarkan polisi PAS dan prinsip-prinsip Islam, dan bahawa beliau telah bermimpi bahawa hudud akan dilaksanakan di Pulau Pinang pada tahun 2020.
Ditanya sama ada beliau bimbang mungkin dipecat oleh PAS, Mohamed Nabi berkata beliau tidak fikir itu akan berlaku.
"Saya tak fikir begitu dan saya juga tidak fikir Hadi akan menghalang saya daripada bertanding," katanya.
Mohamed Nabi berkata PAS cawangan Kampung Banjir di Batu Caves, tetapi pada masa ini menjadi ahli biasa dalam bahagian Gombak.
Teliti maklumat di atas dan tentukan sama dia ni ahli PAS atau seekoq musang berbulu ayam...paspb
Ramkarpal will defend father's Bkt Gelugor seat...
DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng made the announcement at the party's Bukit Gelugor operations centre along Jalan Greenland today.
Karpal, who was then the party's national chairperson, had won the seat three times since 2004.
Ramkarpal will be contesting against Parti Cinta Malaysia vice-president Huan Cheng Guan and independent candidates Yacoob Mohd Noor and Mohamed Nabi Bux, all of whom have announced their candidacy.
Mohamed Nabi, who claims to be a PAS member from Selangor, said he wants to contest regardless of whether his party, that appears to be in the dark over his move, supports it.
The yet-to-be registered Penang Front Party, a coalition of 44 groups that has declared war on the DAP and said it will run for the seat, has yet to name its candidate.
MCA still mum
MCA, who contested for the urban seat in the May 5 general elections last year, is still mulling whether or not to do so again.
Its 2013 candidate Teh Beng Yeam lost massively to Karpal by a 42,778 margin, bagging only 14,061 votes.
Nomination day is Monday at the Dewan Sri Penang, while polling is on May 25.
As at April 17, the parliamentary seat covering 28sq km - comprising the state seats of Paya Terubong, Air Itam and Seri Delima, all held by the DAP - has a total of 82,431 registered voters.
In his maiden speech as a candidate, Ramkarpal said he hopes, with the support of everyone, DAP can win the seat with a bigger majority.
He thanked all his supporters and the DAP for giving him an opportunity to contest the Bukit Gelugor seat, left vacant by his father's untimely death.
"I want to particularly thank all those who work behind the scenes, especially state DAP secretary Lim Hooi Ying, for making this moment possible," he said.
Ramkarpal, together with other DAP leaders, subsequently launched the operations centre by releasing dozens of balloons.
They later celebrated Karpal's wife, Gurmit Kaur's birthday, by cutting a cake and blowing of candles.
Other Pakatan leaders present were PAS deputy chief Mohamed Sabu, PKR state chief Mansor Othman, DAP senior leader Lim Kit Siang and the party's acting national chief Tan Kok Wai.
Best candidate
During his announcement speech, Guan Eng said Ramkarpal was the best candidate and “he happens to be Karpal's son”.
"We hope he will show the Bukit Gelugor people that he is a worthy member of parliament," Guan Eng.
He said BN will play dirty, and up to now the coalition has yet to reveal whether it will contest the seat.
"We know they will surely put up a candidate. They are playing, but we are informing everyone that we are not ... main-main," he said.
"This is a battle we must win and win convincingly, but it will not be easy," he added.
"Karpal used to say, the fight is as important as the outcome. We must do our best in this battle.”- mk
MCA to stay clear of Bukit Gelugor rumble...
MCA secretary-general Ong Ka Chuan was reported in Sin Chew Daily's SMS saying MCA will not participate in the poll as the party wants to focus on the hudud issue instead.
After days of dragging its feet over whether to join the fray in the DAP stronghold, the decision was finally made at an emergency presidential council meeting in Ipoh today, the Chinese daily reported.
The by-election was triggered by the tragic death ofincumbent MP Karpal Singh died in a road accident last month, leaving the seat vacant.
His third son, Ramkarpal, has been picked by DAP to defend the seat.
MCA's candidate Teh Beng Yeam lost massively to Karpal by a 42,778 margin, bagging only 14,061 votes.
Nomination day is Monday at the Dewan Sri Pinang, while polling is on May 25.- mk
MH370 - Probe team was stuck in hotel watching TV...
An international team of investigators sent to Kuala Lumpur to assist investigations when the MAS flight MH370 first disappeared had initially sat idly with nothing to do, claimed a US report.
“The Malaysians stuck them in a hotel room and didn't give them anything (to work on).
"They sat there watching TV,” a former US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) member John Goglia. told the magazine Popular Mechanics.
Goglia described the Malaysian response to the MH370 incident as “a mess” that took weeks to start following international procedures on airplane mishaps.
This included the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) guidelines stating that Malaysia should assemble a team of international experts "who work as equals" to investigate.
"They didn't follow well-established international procedures from the very beginning, and it took weeks before they started to. And that got them off on the wrong foot," he told the magazine.
Goglia also noted that many aspects of the investigation that are needed remain obscure.
"While Malaysian authorities claim to have conducted extensive interviews, the details are still secret - as is much else surrounding the mystery of MH370," concluded the magazine.
The NTSB and the US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) are amongst the groups contributing their expertise to the investigation in their capacity as representatives of the country that designed and manufactured the aircraft, the USA.
Boeing is also a part of the investigation serving as an adviser to the NTSB and FAA.- mk

Kalau 1 kg gula boleh buat 100 cawan teh tarik ,1 tin
susu pekat boleh buat berapa cawan teh 'O' ais pula, Tim.Menteri bluuur ooi...

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