Najib tenangkan UMNO, gesa jangan keterlaluan(Najib tells UMNO not to overreact over 'celaka')...
Perdana menteri akhirnya memecahkan
kesunyian berhubung siri bantahan ganas anggota Pemuda Umno dengan
menggesa pergerakan itu tidak bertindak secara keterlaluan ekoran
kenyataan kontroversi pemimpin DAP.
“Saya gesa kesemua anggota Umno tidak bertindak secara keterlaluan
kerana ia melanggar peraturan atau dianggap tidak bertanggungjawab,”
tulis Datuk Seri Najib Razak dalam Facebook hari ini.
Najib kini berada di luar negeri untuk lawatan kerja. Beliau hari ini berada di Kazakhstan selepas di Jepun sebelum ini.
Perdana menteri menggesa anggotanya tidak mengotorkan nama baik parti
ekoran tiga bantahan ganas sejak Rabu terhadap Anggota Dewan Undangan
Negeri (ADUN) DAP RSN Rayer yang menggelarkan pemimpin Umno celaka.
“Setiap reaksi patut dibuat dalam batas undang-undang dan kita mesti
berusaha untuk terus menunjukkan imej baik parti, mari kita jaga nama
baik parti,” katanya.
Najib juga dalam masa yang sama mengutuk keras kenyataan yang dibuat
Rayer pada Selasa di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Pulau Pinang.
“Saya mengutuk keras kenyataan menghina anggota DAP yang sama sekali tidak patut dikeluarkan,” katanya.
“Saya mengutuk keras kenyataan menghina anggota DAP yang sama sekali tidak patut dikeluarkan,” katanya.
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has finally broken his silence after sustained violent protests by Umno Youth members, urging them not to overreact to a DAP assemblyperson's insult.
"I call upon all Umno members not to overreact by doing things against the law or deemed to be irresponsible," he said in a Facebook posting at 12.31am today.
The premier urged his members not to sully the party's good name following three violent protests since Wednesday against DAP state assemblyperson RSN Rayer for calling Umno "celaka".
Rayer used the word when condemning Kepala Batas MP Reezal Merican Naina Merican and two other Umno leaders who joined a rally at Sunway Carnival Mall, Seberang Jaya, in January where DAP was accused of sparking the May 13, 1969 violence.
"Any reactions should be within the bounds of law and we must strive to continue the good image of our party, Let's take care of our party's good name," he said.
Najib also took Rayer to task for the latter's remark at last Tuesday's Penang assembly debate that sparked the series of protests.
"I strictly condemn the derogatory remarks made by the DAP member, which is totally unbecoming on his part.
"We may differ in our political opinions but being abusive is uncalled for. This type of action incites disharmony as after all, we are all Malaysians," he said.
Flying kick and eggs
On Wednesday, Penang Umno Youth stormed the Penang state assembly demanding that Rayer be handed over to them.
Then on Friday, Federal Territories Umno Youth protested outside the DAP headquarters in Kuala Lumpur tearing down its signage and threatening to burn down the building.
Yesterday, Pahang Umno Youth threw flying kicks and eggs at the Kuantan DAP office and damaged its signboard by hitting it repeatedly with sticks.
Shortly before Friday's attack, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had on the same day had defended the protests as a "natural reaction" but stressed that Umno members had to comply with the rules.
Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin also had to play fire fighter yesterday, having to privately apologise to DAP over the damage of its property, a day after reprimanding his members for storming the Penang state assembly.
"I have had a word with my boys and I told them to stand down and there is not to be anything (protest) anymore," he had said.
However, around the same time, Pahang Umno Youth were ripping apart the Kuantan DAP's office metal door. - mk
1 undi di Bkt Gelugor, 1 undi di Teluk Intan...
Menjelang 24 jam sebelum tempoh berkempen tamat, DAP sekali lagi menggesa supaya pengundi Bukit Gelugor mencipta sejarah dengan memberikan majoriti yang lebih besar kepada calon mereka dalam pilihan raya kecil (PRK) Parlimen Bukit Gelugor.
Menurut Ketua Parlimen DAP Lim Kit Siang, sekiranya pengundi memberikan kemenangan besar kepada Ramkarpal Singh, ianya akan menjadi pentas permulaan terbaik bagi calon PRK Teluk Intan DAP Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud untuk turut memenangi kerusi tersebut.
“Kita mahu Ramkarpal menang besar di Bukit Gelugor. Ini mustahak kerana selepas ini giliran Teluk Intan pula. Apa yang anda lakukan Ahad ini akan memberikan kesan pada 31 Mei nanti.
“Teluk Intan bukan mudah kerana kita ‘underdog’ di sana. Kita perlukan kemenangan besar untuk menjadi pelantar kemenangan kita di Teluk Intan,” kata Kit Siang dalam ceramah mega PRK Bukit Gelugor di Sekolah Menengah Han Chiang semalam.
Tambah Kit Siang, satu undi di Bukit Gelugor merupakan satu undi untuk DAP di Teluk Intan.
“Ini merupakan permulaan kepada pengakhiran Umno. Undilah untuk masa depan politik negara.
Kalau dapat hilangkan wang deposit kesemua calon lain itu akan cipta sejarah dan menjadi momentum untuk Teluk Intan,” jelasnya lagi.
Anwar kecam Umno
Sementara itu, Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang turut berucap dalam majlis sama menyelar serangan ke atas Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Pulau Pinang oleh ahli Pemuda Umno Rabu lalu.
“Umno semakin terdesak dan tiada isu sebab itu mereka ada samseng. Adakah kamu takut dengan 20 samseng Umno yang masuk DUN? Jangan takut dengan mereka!” tempik Anwar.
Tambah Anwar, ini bukannya tahun 1969 dimana berlakunya rusuhan antara kaum.
“Politik mereka kotor tetapi kita mesti terus memerangi mereka. Beritahu samseng Melayu itu peperangan mereka bukan dengan orang Cina tetapi dengan semua rakyat Malaysia,” tegas Anwar.
Anwar turut mempersoalkan sama ada Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi menjalankan tugasnya.
“Kalau Barisan Nasional tak boleh jamin keselamatan negara dan rakyatnya jadi tolong berundur,” tegasnya.
PRK Bukit Gelugor diadakan berikutan kematian penyandangnya Karpal Singh dalam satu kemalangan ngeri 17 April lalu. - tmi
Dirty campaign in full swing with fake bikini photo...
A fake bikini photograph of DAP candidate Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, which first appeared on the Internet, has re-emerged in a number of Malay villages a week into the Teluk Intan by-election campaign.
DAP's Pasir Pinji assemblyperson Lee Chuan How today lodged a police report regarding the flyers containing the photograph, which were also found at the Kampung Banjar mosque.
The flyers, which show a photo of Dyana alongside with the photo of a woman in pink bikini, do not indicate those responsible for them.
The flyers were discovered by PAS members at Changkat Jong yesterday, and this was subsequently brought to the attention of DAP.
"We call on BN candidate Mah Siew Keong to denounce this act of slander as he has said that he does not want to engage in any smear campaigns," Lee told reporters after lodging the report at the Hilir Perak district police headquarters this evening.
It has already been clarified that the woman in bikini was actually a Filipino actress.
Netizens have pointed out that the photos are really that of Filipino actress Pauleen Luna.
This the first time the photos are surfacing in the campaign.
In an immediate reaction, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang questioned Gerakan president Mah's pledge for a clean campaign in the by-election.
"How can Mah allow such a dastardly act to character-assassinate his opponent, Dyana?" he said.
'Who's in control - Mah or UMNO?'
Lim also queried whether Mah was in control of his own election campaign.
"Or is Mah and Gerakan completely helpless..., just as the Gerakan leaders had always been lost at sea in BN national decision-making ... as their only role is to say 'Yes' to whatever Umno had decided with no powers or right of saying 'No' or to help influence the BN decision-making process," he said.
Lim added that Dyana has not only been subjected to character assassination by Umno leaders but also Mah's own Gerakan lieutenants.
Gerakan adviser Chang Ko Youn has today described Dyana as someone who did not have "freedom of speech and mind" and was being controlled by party leaders like a puppet.
Meanwhile, Gerakan's Simpang Renggam MP Liang Teck Meng had also accused Dyana of lying after she declared that she will vote against hudud in Parliament.- mk
Gambar palsu Dyana berbikini dikesan di masjid
In Malay heartland, there’s no Dyana effect...
DAP’s decision to field Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud in the Teluk Intan by-election may have been motivated by their attempt to break racial barriers.
But in the constituency’s Malay heartland, being a Malay does very little to change the minds, or the hearts of the villagers.
“Well, the candidate is Malay, but the boss (taukay) is Chinese. The BN candidate, the candidate is Chinese, but the boss (tauke) is Malay,” says Sunar Senin (right), a 50-year-old man met at a coffee warung (stall) by the roadside near Changkat Jong.
Dyana has not come down to campaign in this northernmost tip of the constituency, extending from Kampung Changkat Jong to Kampung Ayer Hitam, over 20 kilometres from the main Teluk Intan town, long regarded as an Umno stronghold area. But the people here do not seem eager to catch a glimpse of her either.
“Here, it’s still about local issues. Development issues. GST, and what not (DAP’s campaign message), it doesn’t affect a majority of us here. It’s about roads, getting approval for new facilities, that’s how it is in this village,” explains Sunar, who, despite admitting that he campaigned for the BN, has nothing against those who vote for the DAP.
“Everyone has got their taste (citarasa). It’s not about race, there’s nothing racial. Just issues. The Chinese in Batu 12 (a Chinese new village nearby) have been asking for a school for ages from the BN. They did not get it and they started voting DAP. But after DAP was elected, when they come here, we didn’t get much,” he said.
In fact, in an area where a glass of coffee costs only 80 cents, DAP might find very few takers for their agenda on living costs.
Ballot box exposes open-mindedness
The youths have started voting in numbers for the opposition, he acknowledges, but attributes this to their open mindedness.
“They are more exposed. More open minded. For them, they don’t have to worry, even if they vote for the opposition their roads will still have lights,” he said, in a clearest indication yet about the reality of material -based politics entrenched in villages such as these.
Haji Ngatimin Sarjo (left), a 69-year-old former army officer, believes one needs to be grateful for things that they already have, and declares that he had never voted for anyone else but a BN candidate.
“The MP who passed away (Seah Leong Peng), after winning, he didn’t look at us. The BN MP, he approved plenty of our requests,” he said, referring to BN candidate Mah Siew Keong, who served as a MP here between 1999 to 2008.
A 28-year-old second time voter who wishes to be only known as Ali, says that he is still on the fence about pledging his vote, but nonetheless has a wish list that includes a multipurpose hall and streetlights for main roads.
Restaurant operator Ansor Halil believes that “both sides are the same”, while downplaying any possible shift in opinion from Dyana’s candidacy.
“DAP has fielded a Malay candidate before. It’s not new,” he said.
“For me there is no difference between both. It’s just our responsibility to vote,” said Ansor, who has also not decided whom he would favour .
But judging by the sentiment here coupled with the fact that DAP and Dyana’s campaign team are yet to make a foray into this area, considered DAP’s “black” area, a majority of the votes from the largely Malay Changkat Jong state constituency would remain with BN, though it remains to be seen if it would be enough to match DAP’s votes in its centre of town stronghold.- mk


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