Sejak tahun 2008, pulau pinang diperintah oleh DAP rakan PAS & PKR. Prestasi kewangan negara kukuh. Pinjaman tanpa faedah untuk rakyat negeri itu memiliki kediaman sendiri.
Peruntukan untuk hal ehwal agama islam juga meningkat dari masa ke semasa. Pemimpin yang adil akan memberi banyak manfaat untuk rakyat berbilang agama dinegara ini.
Kerajaan umno menuduh DAP mengguanakan system komunis. Bagaimana system komunis? Jika begini system komunis yang dikatakan oleh umno, maka lebih baik system ini daripada ketuanan umno yang menipu dan menindas rakyat!
System umno untuk kayakan kroni dan taukeh besar. System pertadbiran dibawah pakatan rakyat untuk meringankan beban rakyat.
Tindakan Cadburry itu bukan saja biadap, tidak sensitif terhadap Islam yang menjadi agama rasmi dan orang Melayu yang menjadi majoriti, tetapi seolah-olah syarikat itu sedang "membabikan" umat Islam negara ini.
Sehingga ini belum tedengar suara Pemuda UMNO dalam isu coklat Cadburry dan kelemahan Jakim yang mengawal sijil halal di negara ini.
Ini nyata berbeza dengan sikap yang ditunjukkan oleh Pemuda UMNO ketika seorang wakil rakyat DAP, R.S.N. Rayer yang mengungkapkan perkataan "UMNO celaka" di dalam DUN Pulau Pinang. Pemuda UMNO bukan saja bising di merata-rata serta merosakkan papan tanda, bahkan menyerang beberapa pejabat DAP sambil melontarkan ugutan mahu membakar bangunan itu.
Sehingga ini pun, masih ada Pemuda UMNO yang seperti "ketinggalan bas" dengan masih mahu meminta Rayer meminta maaf dan menarik balik ucapannya sedangkan ADUN Seri Delima itu jelas tidak mahu menarik balik perkataan "UMNO celaka" yang pernah diucapkannya, malahan ketika kempen di Bukit Gelugor tiga hari lalu turut mengulangi perkataan "UMNO celaka" itu dalam ceramahnya dan di luar sidang DUN Pulau Pinang.
Jika dulu ada yang mendesak agar Rayer mengulangi apa yang dikatakannya di luar DUN supaya tindakan saman kononnya boleh diambil, setelah beliau mengulanginya di luar Dewan, mana tindakan itu sekarang?
Pemuda UMNO nampaknya hanya berani menjerit-jerit, menjulang sepanduk, mengugut mahu membakar bangunan dan mengoyak memorandum yang dibuat sendiri, tetapi tidak lebih daripada itu.
Bukan tidak boleh Pemuda UMNO bersuara dalam isu "UMNO celaka" tetapi mereka juga seperti "celaka" apabila tidak berani bersuara dan diam membisu ketika umat Islam "dibabikan" oleh Cadburry.

Jika dibandingkan dengan isu "UMNO celaka", isu pencemaran DNA babi dalam coklat sepatutnya lebih membuatkan Pemuda UMNO sensitif dan berindak lebih berani lagi. Ini kerana Cadburry jelas ingin "membabikan" umat Islam negara ini kerana mereka bukannya tidak tahu babi itu haram kepada umat Islam. Mereka juga sudah lama beroperasi di negara ini dan tiada alasan untuk berhelah mengenai babi kepada orang Islam.
Secara logiknya, mereka seolah-olah sengaja berbuat demikian. Lebih malang lagi, ujian Kementerian Kesihatan yang dilakukan pada Februari lalu itu hanya diambil tindakan oleh syarikat terbabit dan juga Jakim sejak semalam, itu pun setelah hasil ujian dua jenis coklat itu terdedah di laman-laman sosial.
Agaknya kalau tidak terdedah di laman sosial hasil ujian itu, sampai sekarang Jakim masih tidur dengan kopiah putih atau songkok berkilat sambil berbangga dengan keislaman mereka yang kononnya lebih tinggi daripada orang lain, manakala Cadburry pula masih bebas menjual coklat tersebut.
Baru sekaranglah juga Jakim mahu mengadakan mesyuarat tergempar dan memanggil wakil syarikat tersebut untuk meminta penjelasan. Baru sekaranglah juga logo halalnya ditarik balik. Apa yang mereka buat daripada Februari ketika ujian sudah mengesahkan ada DNA babi dalam coklat itu pada 27 Februari lalu hingga semalam itu? Dalam tempoh itu, sudah berapa banyak coklat yang ada DNA babi itu telah ditelan oleh anak-anak kita dan juga umat Islam seluruhnya?

Dalam hal ini, bukan saja Cadburry yang salah dan cuai, Jakim pun seperti turut sama merelakan umat Islam negara ini "dibabikan" sama. Apa pula kerja menteri yang bertanggungjawab terhadap Jakim selama ini dan apakah Jamil Khir Baharom tidak patut dipertanggungjawabkan sama?
Kenapa tiada demonstrasi dan sepanduk? Kenapa tiada memorandum? Kenapa tidak diugut mahu dibakar kilang Cadburry jika sekali lagi mengulangi tindakan mencemarkan coklat dengan DNA babi? Kenapa tiada tunjuk perasaan di depan pejabat Jakim? Apakah Pemuda UMNO merelakan begitu saja kelalaian Jakim yang bertanggungjawab menjaga halal dan haram makanan umat Islam?
Sebenarnya begitu banyak yang boleh dipersoalkan mengenai sikap dan pendirian Pemuda UMNO dalam isu coklat dan DNA babi ini. Sementara semakin banyak seruan agar diboikot semua keluaran Cadburry atas sikap biadap mereka itu dan semakin ramai juga pengguna yang mahu mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap pengeluar coklat itu, sikap senyap dan bisu Pemuda UMNO lebih menyerlahkan wajah sebenar mereka.

Jika sekarang dan setelah bertahun-tahun memiliki sijil halal tapi masih juga boleh mencemarkan coklat dengan DNA babi, tiada jaminan ia tidak berulang di masa depan. Dalam masa yang sama, tempat memasak coklat juga mungkin sudah tidak suci lagi dan ini amat mewajarkan Pemuda UMNO untuk bertindak lebih keras lagi.
Kalau kali ini mereka merosakkan papan tanda di kilang Cadburry dan mengugut mahu membakar kilangnya, pasti tiada yang bersikap sinis lagi. Malah pujian dan jambangan bunga wajar diberikan sebagai hadiah.
Amat jelas bahawa sikap ini membuatkan Pemuda UMNO mengecilkan skop perjuangan mereka sendiri kerana isu DNA babi dalam coklat sebenarnya meresahkan kira-kira 17 juta umat Islam negara ini berbanding ungkapan "UMNO celaka" hanyalah untuk menjaga kepentingan 3.2 juta ahli UMNO saja.
Atau dalam erti kata lain, Pemuda UMNO hanyalah tersentuh apabila "dicelakakan" tapi tidak kisah pun apabila "dibabikan" sedangkan semua orang yang belum gila sedar bahawa penghinaan memasukkan najis babi ke dalam tubuh umat Islam jauh lebih mengaibkan daripada hanya diserang dengan ungkapan celaka itu.. SH.
Home minister using Hitler's logic...
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng today described Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's declaration that Chinese voters who choose DAP are “ingrates” as the same logic Adolf Hitler used to justify his actions against the Jews.
Lim, who is also DAP secretary-general, said it was wrong of Zahid to stereotype a community as wealthy when there were also poor Chinese.
“In a democracy, every citizen has a right to freely choose, without fear or favour, without being subjected to threats or tempted by money and gifts. What is the point of holding democratic elections if a voter can be branded as ungrateful for exercising his freedom of choice?” Lim asked.
Such inflammatory remarks by Zahid, Lim said, were clearly intended to create racial hatred and strike fear into the hearts of the Teluk Intan Chinese community and to force them to vote for BN.
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, the DAP secretary-general added, should prove his consistency by immediately disavowing Zahid's racist remark.
Yesterday, Zahid said Chinese voters, especially those with successful businesses, who choose DAP are "ingrates" as they are abandoning Malays and Indians who contributed to their wealth.
"I will be sad if the people of Teluk Intan choose DAP again. The Malays will be sad, and Indians even sadder. It is fine for the Chinese as they are traders, but what will happen if the Malays and Indians do not support the Chinese traders by not buying their goods? They can't survive either,” the home minister said.
Lim also criticised the Election Commission (EC) for not condemning incidents of vote-buying, as had been reported, even though the EC has no enforcement power.
“EC's inaction has resulted in BN leaders behaving like feudal overlords spreading largesse only during by-elections. The EC’s role as an apologist for the BN only reinforces Pakatan Rakyat's demands that the EC members resign because of their utter failure to uphold the law without fear or favour,” he added.- mk
Menteri guna logik seperti Hitler

Teluk Intan and the divine right of rulers...
They could confiscate your lands and wealth, or they could give you property and riches. They could lock you up in the Tower, or make your dreams come true. It was all up to them. King Louis XIV, who ruled France for 72 years, famously said, "L'etat, c'est moi" - I am the country.
And so it is with Umno. Because it has ruled Malaysia continuously since independence in 1957, Umno has come to believe that it, the government, and the nation are all one and the same.
Because it is the self-proclaimed defender of the Malay race - a people whom Umno says are still constantly under threat despite 57 years of protecting their interests - Umno thinks that all Malays should support it.
Foreigners who criticise the authoritarian ways of the Malaysian government, such as myself, are labeled "anti-Malaysia." Some, like Australian senator Nick Xenophon, are denied entry; others, as I discovered during my recent visit to Malaysia, just two weeks after United States President Barack Obama came, are on a "watch list."
Because Umno has been in control of the government for nearly six decades - reportedly longer than any other political party in the world - it probably is understandable that they have come to think that party and government are one and the same, and that what belongs to the government also belongs to the party.
But in a parliamentary system, the political party or coalition that won a majority of votes is asked to "form" the government. They do not "become" the government. The word "form" has a special definition in this regard: it means "to compose" or "to serve as" the government.
There is a clear recognition, which is lost on most Umno politicians, that the party is only "the government of the day." The party does not "own" the government, its personnel, or its resources.
Abuses of gov’t resources
The election campaign in Teluk Intan has provided a number of examples of Umno's confused mind, and how it misuses government resources for the ruling coalition's political benefit. It is a case study in how Malaysia's electoral system is tilted against opposition candidates.
Here are just a few examples that I have found in the past few days; I am sure Malaysiakini's readers will find more in the days ahead.
Umno information chief Ahmad Maslan used a school for a political
gathering and said, "I do not see why I cannot hold a ceramah here. I am
a BN deputy minister. This is a government school."
Home Affairs Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi campaigned before an official
gathering of government paramilitary members, Rela, and turned it into a
political party rally. He said, "I promise that if (the BN candidate)
Mah (Siew Keong) wins, I shall immediately buy you new uniforms."
Zahid also said Teluk Intan would get a constituency allocation from the
government of RM1 million, but only if the voters elected Mah. He
bluntly informed them, "I don't have to tell you how much you stand to
lose if you choose others."
In that same Rela gathering, Zahid said chillingly, "In the 13th general
election, 2,019 Rela members did not vote. I checked one by one, and I
know who did not go out to vote. We must make sure they vote this time
Communications and Multimedia Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek said his
ministry is prepared to improve broadband facilities in Teluk Intan, but
only if it is represented by a BN representative.
- Bernama, the government-owned wire service, had an article that sought to label Dyana as an outsider to Teluk Intan. Far from balanced, it had five quotes calling her a carpetbagger, one neutral quote, and no one speaking in her defence.
Malaysia is a member of the International Parliamentary Union (IPU), an organisation of 164 parliaments around the world. In 1994, the IPU adopted a Declaration on Criteria for Free and Fair Elections.
Among other points, it said that its member states, such as Malaysia, should "ensure the separation of party and state." This, of course, is something that Umno and the Malaysian government have failed to do for years.
Shahrizat (right, sitting) believed that Dyana, as a Malay and a graduate of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UiTM), is obligated to support Umno. If not, then she is a "traitor."
Dyana brilliantly countered, saying that not all Malays support Umno. Going to UiTM does not require you to support Umno; UiTM is funded by taxpayers of all races and not just those who voted for Umno.
Shahrizat, rejected by the voters in 2008 and surrounded by the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal, still holds a prominent position in Umno as head of Wanita. She reminds me of everything that is wrong with today's "Umno culture," with its focus on greed and self-interest that holds Malaysia back from reaching its true potential.
But young people like Dyana give me hope for the future. She has shown me and so many others that there are many young Malaysians - Chinese and Indians and Malays - who truly believe in the Malaysian dream and want only the best for all of the country's people, regardless of race or religion.- John Mallot,MKini

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