Siapa berkuasa, Najib atau Ibrahim Ali...
Siapakah yang sedang mentadbir Putrajaya, Perkasa atau Barisan Nasional (BN)? soal DAP berikutan keputusan perdana menteri mengekalkan ruangan "kaum" dalam borang rasmi kerajaan, bercanggah pengumuman awal seorang menteri yang memaklumkan ia akan dibuang secara berperingkat.
Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng hari ini mempersoalkan sama ada Datuk Seri Najib Razak atau Presiden Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa), Datuk Ibrahim Ali bertanggungjawab bagi kerajaan persekutuan.
Semalam, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun berkata Putrajaya memutuskan untuk menghapuskan ruangan "bangsa" secara berperingkat.
Bagaimanapun, Ibrahim mengancam untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang jika Putrajaya menggugurkan ruangan "bangsa" daripada borang rasmi kerajaan, mendakwa ia melanggar Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Hari ini, Najib mengumumkan tidak ada rancangan untuk menggugurkan ruangan "kaum" itu.
"Kenyataan itu adalah tidak tepat. Kami ada berbincang mengenainya dalam Kabinet tetapi keputusan kami adalah untuk mengekalkannya," kata perdana menteri.
Najib dilaporkan berkata ruang "kaum" diperlukan untuk memastikan "setiap masyarakat diberi pertimbangan adil" dan tidak ketinggalan daripada dasar-dasar kerajaan.
Lim berkata pengumuman Najib mengenai subjek yang tidak mempunyai nilai menimbulkan persoalan sama ada BN atau Perkasa menguasai Putrajaya.
"Joseph Entulu bermaksud baik dengan pengumumannya semalam memandangkan ruangan 'kaum' tidak memberi nilai tambah dalam borang seperti Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia," kata Lim.
"Mengeluarkan ruangan 'kaum' akan menjadi satu langkah ke hadapan ke arah mewujudkan sebuah identiti kebangsaan tunggal."
Namun selepas lebih 50 tahun merdeka, organisasi seperti Perkasa masih “mencarik fabrik sosial” perpaduan negara, kata Lim dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Beliau berkata semua kumpulan pelampau dan perkauman seperti Perkasa memperoleh kelebihan seperti yang mereka nikmati kerana kekebalan undang-undang untuk membuat kenyataan tidak berperikemanusiaan dan ganas terhadap orang bukan Islam.
"Bukan sahaja mereka membuat kenyataan menghasut tetapi mereka juga kelihatan mempengaruhi dasar dan membuat keputusan di peringkat menteri kerajaan," kata Lim.- mk
Who’s in charge? Najib or Ibrahim...
Who is running Putrajaya – Perkasa or Barisan Nasional? DAP has asked, following the prime minister’s decision to maintain the "race" column in official government forms, backtracking from an earlier announcement by a minister that it will be removed in stages.
Party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng today questioned whether Datuk Seri Najib Razak or Malay rights group Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali was in charge of the federal government.
Yesterday, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun said Putrajaya had decided to do away with "race" in stages.
However, Ibrahim threatened to take legal action opposing Putrajaya's decision to drop the "race" column from official government forms, claiming it was a violation of the Federal Constitution.
Today, Najib said there were no plans to drop "race".
"The statement is inaccurate. We did discuss it in the cabinet but our decision was to let it remain," the prime minister had said.
Najib reportedly said "race" was still needed to ensure "every community is given fair consideration" and not left out from government policies.
Lim said Najib's announcement on a subject, which had no value, raised questions on whether BN or Perkasa was running Putrajaya.
"Joseph Entulu meant well with his announcement yesterday as the 'race' column does not add value in forms such as 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M)," Lim said.
"Removing 'race' would be a step forward towards creating a single national identity."
Yet after more than 50 years of independence, organisations, such as Perkasa, were still tearing the social fabric of national unity, Lim said in a statement.
He said extremist and racist groups like Perkasa had acquired such prominence that they enjoyed legal immunity for making violent remarks against non-Muslims.
"Not only do they make inflammatory remarks, but they appear to also influence government policies and decision-making at ministerial levels," Lim said. - tmi
Chegubard dan dua lagi akan didakwa semula(Chegubard and two others to be recharged)...
Pemimpin Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM), Badrul Hisham Shahrin, Edy Nor Reduan dan Mohamed Bukhairy Mohamed Sofian akan didakwa semula di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur esok.
Mereka menerima waran semalam supaya hadir di mahkamah untuk didakwa semula di bawah Seksyen 9(1) dan dihukum di bawah Seksyen 9 (5) Akta Perhimpunan Aman (PAA) 2012 - yang telah diisytihar tidak sah - kerana menghadiri perhimpunan anti-kenaikan harga barang, TURUN, pada malam tahun baru yang lalu.
Hanya minggu lalu, ketiga mereka termasuk Badrul Hisham yang lebih dikenali sebagai Chegubard, dibebaskan oleh mahkamah sesyen Kuala Lumpur selepas hakim mengambil kira keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan membebaskan Timbalan Selangor Selangor, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad awal minggu ini.
Pada 6 Mei lalu, Nik Nazmi didakwa semula di Mahkamah Sesyen Petaling Jaya apabila hakim Yasmin Abdul Razak melepas tanpa membebaskannya.
Yasmin berkata mahkamah itu terikat dengan keputusan mahkamah rayuan sebelum ini.
Mahkamah Rayuan telah memutuskan bahawa hukuman Seksyen 9 (5) PAA kerana tidak memberi notis 10 hari kepada pihak berkuasa, tidak mengikut perlembagaan dan tidak munasabah.
Peguam Eric Paulsen berkata tindakan peguam negara mendakwa semula ketiga-tiga mereka selepas Mahkamah Sesyen membebaskan mereka adalah salah.
Katanya, ia menunjukkan satu penghinaan dan sikap tidak mengendahkan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan yang mengisytiharkan Seksyen 9 (5) sebagai tidak sah dan terbatal.- mk
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia leaders Badrul Hisham Shahrin, Edy Nor Reduan and Mohamed Bukhairy Mohamed Sofian will be recharged again tomorrow at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court.
This follows the recharge and discharge of Selangor deputy speaker Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad earlier this week.
The three received a warrant yesterday to attend court to be recharged under Section 9(1) and punished under Section 9 (5) of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 (PAA) - which has been declared unconstitutional - for the Turun price-hike rally on New Year's Eve.
She held the court was bound by the appellate court's landmark decision.
The Court of Appeal had ruled Section 9 (5) punishment for not giving a 10 day notice to the authorities as unconstitutional, and giving 10 days notice as unreasonable.
Lawyer Eric Paulsen said in light of these decisions, the action by the attorney general (AG) to recharge the three of the same offence after the Sessions Court had granted a discharge, is certainly wrong.
“It shows complete contempt and disregard of the Court of Appeal decision that declared Section 9 (5) as unconstitutional and null and void,” he said.
Following this,Paulsen said they will take instructions from their clients on filing a malicious prosecution action against the AG. - mk
'Intruder' remark spot on, say Isma backers...
"I am convinced that the Chinese are trying to forget or erase this historical fact. Perhaps they think that Tanah Melayu which has been changed to Malaysia is co-owned (by them).
"But as a Malay, how can I accept such an assumption (on the part of the Chinese)?"
The above are excerpts from a comment penned by one Sulaiman, from Kuala Kurau, Perak, which was published on the Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) website.
After coming under intense criticism over Isma president Abdullah Zaik Abdullah Rahman's remark that Chinese Malaysians are "intruders", the movement published a report stating that numerous Malaysians supported his stand.
It also published a handful of comments to that effect, under the heading "Isma dapat sokongan padu rakyat Malaysia" (Isma has the solid backing of Malaysians).
Among them was Sulaiman's, who stated that the Chinese cannot be co-owners of this land because their ancestors originated from mainland China and the same applies for the Indians.
"So the Chinese should accept Abdullah's statement, there is nothing wrong with it.
Another commentator, Siti Khairul Bariah from Sungai Petani, Kedah, also voiced support for Abdullah.
She commended him for clarifying a historical fact because there are many who wish to deny history.
"Abdullah's statement is something clear and must be made known. It is accurate that the Chinese immigrants who came with the British were intruders.
"I don't think Abdullah attempted to stoke racism, this is history. So why are the Chinese shouting? This is a fact," Siti Khairul added.
Zaim Shaari from Negeri Sembilan trained his guns on DAP, saying that its leaders openly opposed the implementation of Islamic laws.
"So aren't the statements by these Chinese leaders, which are hurtful to the Malays and Muslims, not considered seditious? This must be explained," he said.
'Their ancestors did not have permission'
Ahmad Hussain from Kelantan also agreed that the Isma president had mentioned a historical fact.
According to him, the Chinese not only "intruded" into Malaysia but everywhere else, for example in Australia, where they are also claiming all the rights there.
The Chinese, he added, must accept the historical fact as put forth by Abdullah.
The Isma report also quoted a social media user identified as Mohd Shazli, who defended Abdullah's remarks on the grounds of freedom of expression.
"It is good to remind them (the Chinese), so that they do not continue to attack Islam and the special rights of the bumiputera," he added.
On the other hand, blogger Pak Kaduk said Malaysia needed a leader like Abdullah Zaik, who is not afraid to speak the truth.
"It cannot be denied that their (Chinese) ancestors came into this land without the permission of our ancestors.
"So when you enter without permission, it means intruding," Pak Kaduk added.- mk
GST ni cukai yang dikenakan setiap kali berlaku jualbeli...

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