Kerajaan Malaysia mengeluarkan salinan laporan awal mengenai kehilangan pesawat Malaysia Airlines Penerbangan MH370, yang ia dikemukakan kepada Pertubuhan Penerbangan Awam Antarabangsa (ICAO) awal bulan lepas.
Dalam satu kenyataan, Menteri Pertahanan yang yang pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein berkata keputusan untuk mengeluarkan laporan itu, yang bertarikh 9 April, telah dibuat selepas pasukan pakar dalaman selesai menyemak dokumen tersebut.
Katanya, mereka juga mengeluarkan maklumat tambahan yang memperincikan tindakan-tindakan yang telah diambil antara jam 1.38 pagi dan 6.14 pagi 8 Mac.
Menurut Hishammudin, minggu lepas, Perdana Menteri (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak ) melantik pasukan pakar dalaman untuk menyemak semua maklumat yang kerajaan Malaysia ada mengenai MH370, dengan tujuan untuk mendedahkan sebanyak mungkin maklumat kepada orang ramai .
Katanya, laporan awal itu dikeluarkan berdasarkan kepada panduan perdana menteri - bahawa selagi maklumat tertentu yang dikeluarkan itu tidak menghalang penyiasatan atau operasi pencarian - atas nama keterbukaan dan ketelusan, maklumat itu seharusnya diumumkan.
Syor - pengesanan masa nyata
Laporan Pejabat Ketua Inspektor Kemalangan Udara Kementerian Pengangkutan telah membuat satu syor mengenai kemungkinan melaksanakan pengesanan masa nyata bagi penerbangan komersial.
Menurutnya, terdapat dua kejadian dalam tempoh lima tahun lepas apabila pesawat pengangkutan udara komersial bersaiz besar telah hilang dan kedudukan terakhirnya tidak diketahui secara tepat.
"Ketidakpastian itu telah menimbulkan kesukaran untuk mengesan pesawat itu secara tepat pada masanya," katanya.
ICAO itu dijangka membincangkan mengenai perkara itu dalam mesyuarat pada 12 dan 13 Mei.
Bagaimanapun, laporan awal itu, gagal memperincikan tindakan segera tentera Malaysia pada waktu selepas kehilangan pesawat itu, selain daripasa sebutan ringkas bahawa carian telah "diperluaskan ke Selat Melaka ".
Kerajaan Malaysia berdepan dengan penelitian hebat media asing dan keluarga penumpang MH370 dalam penerbangan Beijing, kebanyakan mereka adalah warga China, kerana kegagalannya untuk mendedahkan senarai kargo dan laporan awal kepada ICAO.
Sebelum itu, kerajaan hanya mendedahkan transkrip komunikasi akhir dengan pusat kawalan trafik udara.
Bahagian 1: Tindakan yang diambil antara 1:38am dan 6:14am
Bahagian 2: Tindakan yang diambil antara 1.38am dan 6.14am
Susunan tempat duduk penumpang
Audio: Komunikasi antara MH370 dan kawalan trafik udara
Sementara itu Bernama melaporkan Hishammuddin berkata pasukan dalaman itu telahpun memuktamadkan semakan semula, dan berikutan itu maklumat berkaitan MH370
dikeluarkan yang turut mengandungi rakaman audio dan laluan penerbangan.
Beliau berkata radar tentera Malaysia ada mengesan sebuah pesawat yang berpatah balik, dari arah barat, merentasi Semenanjung Malaysia pada pagi 8 Mac.
"Pesawat itu dikategorikan oleh operator radar sebagai tidak membahayakan, oleh itu tiada tindakan lanjut diambil pada masa itu," katanya.
Beliau berkata data radar disemak semula secara 'playback' kira-kira 8.30 pagi hari sama dan maklumat itu dihantar ke bilik operasi Tentera Udara kira-kira 9 pagi.
Hasil perbincangan lanjut dengan pegawai peringkat tertinggi, Hishammuddin menerima maklumat daripada pihak tentera kira-kira 10.30 pagi tentang kemungkinan pesawat itu berpatah balik.
Beliau kemudian memaklumkan perkara itu kepada perdana menteri yang segera mengarahkan operasi mencari dan menyelamat dilaksanakan di Selat Melaka, bersekali dengan operasi di Laut China Selatan.
Hishammuddin berkata KD Mahameru, kapal pemusnah periuk api dan KD Laksamana Muhamad Amin, Kapal Corvette Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia, telahpun bersedia di Selat Melaka untuk melakukan tugas rondaan.
"Mereka segera dipertanggungjawab untuk menjalankan operasi mencari dan menyelamat. Sebuah pesawat tentera kemudian dihantar untuk menyertai kedua-dua kapal itu di Selat Melaka pada 10.54 pagi dalam misi pencarian MH370," katanya.
Penerbangan MH370, yang membawa 239 penumpang, berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa KL pada 12.41 tengah malam 8 Mac dan hilang daripada paparan radar kira-kira sejam kemudian ketika terbang di ruang udara Laut China Selatan. Pesawat itu sepatutnya mendarat di Beijing pada 6.30 pagi hari sama..- mk
Gov't releases preliminary report, cargo manifest...
The Malaysian government
has released copy of the preliminary report into the disappearance of
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which it submitted to the International
Civil Aviation Organisation early last month.
In a statement, acting Transport and Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the decision to release the report, dated April 9, was made after an internal team of experts have concluded its review of the document.
Alongside the report, the government also released audio recordings
of the communication between the cockpit and air traffic control on
March 8 just before the aircraft lost contact, a map of a number of
possible flight paths, as well as plane’s seating plan and cargo manifest.
They also released additional information detailing the actions taken between 1:38am and 06:14am on March 8.
“Last week, the Prime Minister (Najib Abdul Razak) appointed an internal team of experts to review all the information the government of Malaysia possesses regarding MH370, with a view to releasing as much as possible to the general public.
“The prime minister set, as a guiding principle, the rule that as long as the release of a particular piece of information does not hamper the investigation or the search operation, in the interests of openness and transparency, the information should be made public,” Hishammuddin said in the statement.
Recommendation - real-time tracking
The confidential report of Transport Ministry’s Office of the Chief Inspector of Air Accident made one recommendation - for the possible implementation of real-time tracking of commercial flights.
“There have now been two occasions during the last five years when large commercial air transport aircraft have gone missing and their last position was not accurately known.
"This uncertainty resulted in significant difficulty in locating the aircraft in a timely manner,” said the report.
“Therefore, the Malaysian Air Accident Investigation Bureau makes the following safety recommendation to ICAO:
“It is recommended that the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) examine the safety benefits of introducing a standard for real time tracking of commercial air transport aircraft.”
The ICAO is expected to deliberate on the matter at a meeting on May 12-13.
However, the preliminary report, failed to detail the Malaysian military's immediate action in the hours proceeding the plane's disappearance aside a brief mention that search was "extended to the Straits of Malacca".
The Malaysian government had come under intense scrutiny from foreign media and the families of passengers on board Beijing-bound MH370, most of whom are Chinese nationals, for its failure to release the cargo manifest and preliminary report to the ICAO.
Prior to this, the government had only released the transcript of the final communication with air traffic control.
This came after the Department of Civil Aviation corrected its ealier claim that the last words from the cockpit were, "All right, good night" but was instead "Good night, Malaysian three-seven-zero."
Part 1: Actions taken between 1:38am and 6:14am
Part 2: Actions taken between 1:38am and 6:14am
Seating arrangement of passengers
Audio: Communication between MH370 and KL Air Traffic Control -mk
In a statement, acting Transport and Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the decision to release the report, dated April 9, was made after an internal team of experts have concluded its review of the document.
They also released additional information detailing the actions taken between 1:38am and 06:14am on March 8.
“Last week, the Prime Minister (Najib Abdul Razak) appointed an internal team of experts to review all the information the government of Malaysia possesses regarding MH370, with a view to releasing as much as possible to the general public.
“The prime minister set, as a guiding principle, the rule that as long as the release of a particular piece of information does not hamper the investigation or the search operation, in the interests of openness and transparency, the information should be made public,” Hishammuddin said in the statement.
Recommendation - real-time tracking
The confidential report of Transport Ministry’s Office of the Chief Inspector of Air Accident made one recommendation - for the possible implementation of real-time tracking of commercial flights.
“There have now been two occasions during the last five years when large commercial air transport aircraft have gone missing and their last position was not accurately known.
“Therefore, the Malaysian Air Accident Investigation Bureau makes the following safety recommendation to ICAO:
“It is recommended that the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) examine the safety benefits of introducing a standard for real time tracking of commercial air transport aircraft.”
The ICAO is expected to deliberate on the matter at a meeting on May 12-13.
However, the preliminary report, failed to detail the Malaysian military's immediate action in the hours proceeding the plane's disappearance aside a brief mention that search was "extended to the Straits of Malacca".
The Malaysian government had come under intense scrutiny from foreign media and the families of passengers on board Beijing-bound MH370, most of whom are Chinese nationals, for its failure to release the cargo manifest and preliminary report to the ICAO.
Prior to this, the government had only released the transcript of the final communication with air traffic control.
This came after the Department of Civil Aviation corrected its ealier claim that the last words from the cockpit were, "All right, good night" but was instead "Good night, Malaysian three-seven-zero."
Part 1: Actions taken between 1:38am and 6:14am
Part 2: Actions taken between 1:38am and 6:14am
Seating arrangement of passengers
Audio: Communication between MH370 and KL Air Traffic Control -mk

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