ISMA gelar orang Cina 'penceroboh'...
NGO konservatif Islam, Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA) menggelarkan masyarakat Cina Malaysia sebagai “penceroboh” dan “membuli orang Melayu” selepas masuk ke negara ini bersama British.
Presiden pertubuhan itu, Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman menggelarkan demikian dalam kenyataan balasnya ke atas golongan yang mempersoalkan pendiriannya berhubung hak orang bukan Islam untuk membincangkan hudud.
“Orang Cina datang ke negara ini bersama penjajah British sebagai penceroboh.
“Siapa yang bagi mereka hak kerakyatan dan kekayaan sehingga hasil pencerobohan mereka dilindungi sampai hari ini?
“Itu semua perbuatan British yang bersekongkol dengan Cina menindas dan membuli orang Melayu,” katanya dalam kenyataan yang dilaporkan laman web NGO tersebut semalam.
Dalam kenyataanya sebelum ini, Abdullah Zaik menyifatkan golongan bukan Islam yang menentang hudud sebagai kelompok yang "tidak sedar diri dan tidak wajar campur tangan dalam urusan umat Islam."
Beliau juga menafikan dakwaan penasihat DAP Lim Kit Siang bahawa Isma menyebarkan racun perkauman.
“Kenyataan itu tidak berasas sama sekali,” katanya yang menyalahkan Lim dengan dakwaan pemimpin parti itu sendiri memecah belahkan rakyat.
“Hal ini jelas sekali apabila dia telah membawa konsep Malaysian Malaysia yang bertentangan dengan perlembagaan.
“Dia sendiri yang membuatkan orang Cina rasa tidak berpuas hati sehingga bangkit untuk menuntut dan mendesak lebih daripada apa yang mereka perolehi selama ini.
“Walhal, hak-hak keistimewaan orang Melayu misalnya telah pun termaktub dalam perlembagaan sejak sekian lama,” katanya lagi dalam laporan itu.- mk
Respon kepada Ustaz Abdullah Zaik - ISMA
Presiden Isma - Saya tidak mohon maaf, ia fakta sejarah.

Isma: Chinese migration into Tanah Melayu ‘a mistake’...
According to Isma president Abdullah Zaik Abd Rahman, the ethnic group were considered intruders into Malay land, and had been brought by British colonialists to oppress Malays.
“The Chinese entered this country together with the British invaders as intruders. Who gave them citizenship and wealth until their intrusion is protected until today?” asked Abdullah in Isma’s website here.
“Those were all done by the British, who were conspiring with the Chinese to oppress and bully the Malays.”
Abdullah(pic,below)insisted that if the Chinese wish to stay as Malaysian citizens, they must be loyal to the Malay kings, accept that Islam as the religion of the federation, and accept the sovereign rights of the Malays.
He claimed that a foreign race like the Chinese should not interfere and hinder the ambition of the Malays in the latter’s own country.
The group had previously claimed that Indians and Chinese were brought into Malaysia to weaken the Malay identity and undermine the community’s birthright to peninsular Malaysia on the pretext of multiculturalism.
In supporting the continuation of Malay special “rights”, Isma had in its seminar and events suggested that the community were the original settlers of Malaysia, describing the native indigenous Orang Asli as sharing the same ethnic roots with the Malays.
In September last year, Isma had organised a symposium where a historian who was one of the speakers suggested that the influx of the Chinese into the Malay archipelago, including Malaysia, had been part of a “southbound invasion” from China towards Southeast Asia called “Nam Tien”.
This “invasion”, backed by foreign Western powers at times, has since stripped the ancient Malay peoples of their riches and knowledge, causing their descendants to be inferior to other races despite being one of the oldest civilisations in the world.
The Malays and Bumiputera make up the majority of Malaysia’s population at an estimated 67.4 per cent of the 28.3 million population, followed by the Chinese at 24.6 per cent, according to the most recent census at 2010.- malaymail
Isma chief says he was only reminding Chinese of their history

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