AG mahu Nik Nazmi didakwa semula bawah APA...
Peguam Negara mengarahkan Timbalan Speaker DUN Selangor dan ADUN Seri Setia Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad didakwa semula bawah Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012 esok.
Peguam Latheefah Koya berkata barisan peguam wakil rakyat itu telah dimaklumkan berhubung perkara itu dan polis dijangka akan menyerahkan saman berkaitan Nik Nazmi pagi esok.
"Beliau akan didakwa di mahkamah sesyen esok di Petaling Jaya. Polis beritahu saya ini adalah arahan daripada peguam negara sendiri," kata Latheefa.- mk
AG wants Nik Nazmi recharged under PAA...
The attorney-general has
instructed that Seri Setia assemblyperson and Selangor deputy speaker
Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad be recharged under the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012
(PAA) tomorrow.
This is despite the Court of Appeal having acquitted Nik Nazmi on a PAA charge on April 25, when it declared the punishment under Section 9(5) of the Act as unconstitutional.
This is despite the Court of Appeal having acquitted Nik Nazmi on a PAA charge on April 25, when it declared the punishment under Section 9(5) of the Act as unconstitutional.
"He will then be charged in the sessions court in Petaling Jaya. The police told me this was under the instructions of the attorney-general (Abdul Gani Patail) himself," Latheefa told Malaysiakini.
“As we got to know, Nik Nazmi will be charged under Section 9 (5), the very same section that is declared unconstitutional. This is certainly outrageous.
“The lawyers have received the AG's Chambers' notice of appeal against the Court of Appeal decision, but we did not expect this re-charge,” she said, adding that they will know more tomorrow, after receiving the summons.
Latheefa, who is the head of the PKR legal bureau, said the mention of the original case against Nik Nazmi, under the PAA, before the sessions court in Petaling Jaya had been fixed for today. Lawyer Eric Paulsen informed the court of the Court of Appeal decision.
No inkling Nik Nazmi will be recharged
“There was no inkling of Nik Nazmi being re-charged. However, in the afternoon, we received a call from the police informing us that Nik Nazmi will be served a summons,” she said.
Normally, a person cannot be charged under the same offence for which he or she has been acquitted.
Nik Nazmi was acquitted of the charge of not giving police the 10-day notice for the Kelana Jaya stadium Black 505 rally, several days after last year's May 5 general election.
On April 25, the Court of Appeal in its landmark and unanimous decision declared Section 9(5) of the PAA, which punishes those who do not give 10 days' notice before an assembly is held, to be unconstitutional.
In other words, the authorities cannot criminalise organisers for not giving the notice and the court then declared the punishment of RM10,000 fine as null and void.
The panel, led by Justice Mohd Ariff Mohd Yusof, said there was nothing in the Act that allows the authorities to declare a peaceful assembly as illegal. The others on the bench were former Malaysian Bar president Mah Weng Kwai and Hamid Sultan Abu Backer.
Justice Mah, declared both Section 9(1) that requires the 10 days' notice and Section 9(5), (which is the punishment for notice not given), as unconstitutional.
However, Justice Ariff and Justice Hamid, in their separate judgments, declared that only Section 9(5) was unconstitutional.-mk
Teresa Kok akan didakwa di mahkamah kerana videonya...
Teresa Kok akan didakwa di mahkamah esok ekoran penyiaran video kontroversi Tahun Baru Cina Onederful Malaysia yang melibatkannya sebelum ini.
Anggota Parlimen Seputeh itu akan didakwa bawah Akta Hasutan di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur esok.
“Ya, (kami) dimaklumkan untuk membawanya ke mahkamah esok. Sudah hubungi,” kata peguamnya Sankara Nair kepada Malaysiakini hari ini.
Kok tidak dapat dihubungi buat masa ini kerana sedang dalam penerbangan dari Sabah ke Kuala Lumpur selepas menghadiri program parti.
Naib presiden DAP itu sebelum ini menerima banyak kritikan ekoran penyiaran video itu.
Malah, terdapat dakwaan beliau menghina Islam, Melayu, raja, pasukan keselamatan dan pemimpin negara.
Beliau bagaimanapun menafikannya.- mk
Anggota Parlimen Seputeh itu akan didakwa bawah Akta Hasutan di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur esok.
“Ya, (kami) dimaklumkan untuk membawanya ke mahkamah esok. Sudah hubungi,” kata peguamnya Sankara Nair kepada Malaysiakini hari ini.
Kok tidak dapat dihubungi buat masa ini kerana sedang dalam penerbangan dari Sabah ke Kuala Lumpur selepas menghadiri program parti.
Naib presiden DAP itu sebelum ini menerima banyak kritikan ekoran penyiaran video itu.
Malah, terdapat dakwaan beliau menghina Islam, Melayu, raja, pasukan keselamatan dan pemimpin negara.
Beliau bagaimanapun menafikannya.- mk
Kok to face sedition charge over video...
Teresa Kok will be charged with sedition tomorrow over her Chinese New Year video parody titled "Onederful Malaysia".
Her lawyer Sankara Nair (right) confirmed that the Seputeh MP will be charged at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court.
"Yes. Was informed to produce her at court tomorrow morning. Have contacted her," he told Malaysiakini.
Kok could not be contacted for an immediate response as she is currently flying back to Kuala Lumpur from Sabah after attending to party matters there.
In the 11-minute clip, Kok plays a talk show host who interviews a panel of experts on what to expect in the Year of the Horse.
Peppered with anecdotes familiar to Malaysians, the experts offer advice on several issues including security, wealth, education and the economy.
Among others, references were made to diamond rings, branded handbags and real estate in New York as well as several other news items pertaining to tourism and vernacular education.
may associate this with the prime minister's wife Rosmah Mansor's
reported penchant for luxury goods and her son, Riza Shahriz Abdul
Aziz's 2012 purchase of a RM100 million apartment in New York.
Ostensibly, one of the experts advised viewers to place a "lo-si-ma" (a horse made of nails and screws) to attract good fortune.
The DAP vice chairperson had received much flak over her video and was accused of insulting the Malays, Islam, the monarchy, the security forces and national leaders.
The leader, however, denied the accusations.
On Feb 6, a group calling itself the 'Coalition of Islamic NGOs' held a protest in Kuala Lumpur and offered a RM2,000 reward to anybody who dared to slap Kok.
They also slaughtered two chickens and smeared the blood on a poster bearing Kok's photo.
Two weeks later, Kok's service centre was splashed with red paint and a chicken carcass was left at the doorstep.
At the height of the controversy, Kok even re-posted the video with Malay subtitles on YouTube to prove that she did not mean to insult any particular race, religion or personality.
The Home Ministry had initially claimed that video ridiculed Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, but later retracted this.
Kok had also come under fire from BN MPs such Shamsul Anuar Nasrah (Lenggong) and Bung Moktar Radin (Kinabatangan), who claimed that the video destroyed racial unity.- mk
"Yes. Was informed to produce her at court tomorrow morning. Have contacted her," he told Malaysiakini.
Kok could not be contacted for an immediate response as she is currently flying back to Kuala Lumpur from Sabah after attending to party matters there.
In the 11-minute clip, Kok plays a talk show host who interviews a panel of experts on what to expect in the Year of the Horse.
Peppered with anecdotes familiar to Malaysians, the experts offer advice on several issues including security, wealth, education and the economy.
Among others, references were made to diamond rings, branded handbags and real estate in New York as well as several other news items pertaining to tourism and vernacular education.
Ostensibly, one of the experts advised viewers to place a "lo-si-ma" (a horse made of nails and screws) to attract good fortune.
The DAP vice chairperson had received much flak over her video and was accused of insulting the Malays, Islam, the monarchy, the security forces and national leaders.
On Feb 6, a group calling itself the 'Coalition of Islamic NGOs' held a protest in Kuala Lumpur and offered a RM2,000 reward to anybody who dared to slap Kok.
They also slaughtered two chickens and smeared the blood on a poster bearing Kok's photo.
At the height of the controversy, Kok even re-posted the video with Malay subtitles on YouTube to prove that she did not mean to insult any particular race, religion or personality.
The Home Ministry had initially claimed that video ridiculed Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, but later retracted this.
Kok had also come under fire from BN MPs such Shamsul Anuar Nasrah (Lenggong) and Bung Moktar Radin (Kinabatangan), who claimed that the video destroyed racial unity.- mk

MP: Mufti jangan bodohkan Melayu...
MP Raub Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri hari ini
memberitahu Mufti Pahang Datuk Abdul Rahman Osman supaya tidak
membodohkan orang Melayu dengan kenyataannya yang mendakwa orang Islam
tidak sepatutnya menentang pelaksanaan Cukai Barang dan Perkhidmatan
Dalam tulisan terbaru dalam blognya, Mohd Ariff (kiri)
yang dikenali sebagai Sakmongkol AK47 berkata Rahman tidak sepatutnya
berkata demikian, sedangkan beliau tiada kepakaran dalam bidang ekonomi.
“Kalau kamu tidak tahu menahu mengenai GST, atau hanya tahu (huruf) 'T' di belakangnya saja, jangan gunakannya sebagai usaha untuk menjadikan Melayu – yang mana Islam agama mereka – lebih bodoh.
"Banyak percubaan untuk menjadikan Melayu bodoh. Bila kami mahu untuk menghapuskan saman Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik (AES) kerana memandu laju di lebuhraya, orang Melayu bangkit menolaknya. Mereka berdemonstrasi kerana saman itu mahu diteruskan.
"Bila kami menuntut pendidikan percuma dilaksanakan, dan pinjaman Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional digugurkan, orang Melayu juga menolaknya.
"Sekarang dengan (cukai) GST, yang meningkatkan kos sara hidup, mufti pula suruh kita menyokongnya," kata Ariff.
MP Raub berkata beliau mengenali Rahman secara peribadi dan meyifatkannya sebagai orang baik lagi penyayang.
Bagaimanapun, tambahnya, mufti perlu mengetahui bagaimana membezakan antara perkara peribadi beliau dengan isu terbabit.
Rahman pada 2 Mei lalu dilapor berkata, umat Islam sepatutnya tidak menyalahkan pelaksanaan GST, sebaliknya perlu membantu kerajaan dalam menyokong usaha itu.
Katanya, Islam tidak melarang sistem percukaian dilaksanakan asalkan ia mengikut syarak dan tidak menzalimi rakyat, lapor Bernama.
“Kalau kamu tidak tahu menahu mengenai GST, atau hanya tahu (huruf) 'T' di belakangnya saja, jangan gunakannya sebagai usaha untuk menjadikan Melayu – yang mana Islam agama mereka – lebih bodoh.
"Banyak percubaan untuk menjadikan Melayu bodoh. Bila kami mahu untuk menghapuskan saman Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik (AES) kerana memandu laju di lebuhraya, orang Melayu bangkit menolaknya. Mereka berdemonstrasi kerana saman itu mahu diteruskan.
"Bila kami menuntut pendidikan percuma dilaksanakan, dan pinjaman Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional digugurkan, orang Melayu juga menolaknya.
"Sekarang dengan (cukai) GST, yang meningkatkan kos sara hidup, mufti pula suruh kita menyokongnya," kata Ariff.
MP Raub berkata beliau mengenali Rahman secara peribadi dan meyifatkannya sebagai orang baik lagi penyayang.
Bagaimanapun, tambahnya, mufti perlu mengetahui bagaimana membezakan antara perkara peribadi beliau dengan isu terbabit.
Rahman pada 2 Mei lalu dilapor berkata, umat Islam sepatutnya tidak menyalahkan pelaksanaan GST, sebaliknya perlu membantu kerajaan dalam menyokong usaha itu.
Katanya, Islam tidak melarang sistem percukaian dilaksanakan asalkan ia mengikut syarak dan tidak menzalimi rakyat, lapor Bernama.
Don't make Malays stupid on GST issue...
Pahang mufti Abdul Rahman Osman was told by Raub MP Mohd Ariff Sabri
Abdul Aziz today not to make the Malays more stupid with his statement
that Muslims should not oppose the implementation of the goods and
services tax (GST).
Ariff (right),
who is also known by his pseudonym Sakmongkol 47, said in his latest
blog posting that Rahman should not have said so as he has no expertise
in economics.
“If you do not know about the GST, or only know the 'T' behind it, do not use this as an attempt to make Malays, for whom Islam is their religion, to become more stupid. Many times there are attempts to make Malays stupid.
“When we wanted to remove the automated enforcement system (AES) fine for speeding on highways, the Malays rose to reject it. They demonstrated for wanting to continue to pay the fine.
“When we wanted free tertiary education implemented and the National Higher Education Fund dropped, the Malays also objected. Now with GST, which increases our high living costs, the mufti asks us to support it,” Ariff said.
The Raub MP, said he knows Rahman personally and described him as a good person with lovely manners. However, the mufti should know how to differentiate his personal self from the issues.
Merely supporting his paymaster?
A religious scholar has the right to voice their opinions on religious matters . But, he asked, has Rahman done a thorough research on GST to speak up on the matter, or is what he is saying is merely to support the government that pays his wages?
“Not all people are allowed to give Friday sermons, unless they are qualified. We are questioning Rahman's credentials to speak on the GST.”
When there are religious scholars talking about the management of worldly affairs, Ariff said, it was a sign that society was becoming more ill.
In a kleptocracy, he added, where the government is riddled with corruption and the embezzlement of state funds taking place, what happens to religious scholars who, together with the executive, discriminate the people?
“We have seen the people rise against religious scholars who support a government that discriminates the people. In Europe, similarly, we have seen the people rise against priests who use religion to discriminate the people.
“Rulers also sided with the people to break the monopoly of the church. If the rulers go against the people, once again the people will go against the rulers. If there is no full revolution, what we will see is their powers being reduced,” Ariff warned.- mk
“If you do not know about the GST, or only know the 'T' behind it, do not use this as an attempt to make Malays, for whom Islam is their religion, to become more stupid. Many times there are attempts to make Malays stupid.
“When we wanted to remove the automated enforcement system (AES) fine for speeding on highways, the Malays rose to reject it. They demonstrated for wanting to continue to pay the fine.
“When we wanted free tertiary education implemented and the National Higher Education Fund dropped, the Malays also objected. Now with GST, which increases our high living costs, the mufti asks us to support it,” Ariff said.
The Raub MP, said he knows Rahman personally and described him as a good person with lovely manners. However, the mufti should know how to differentiate his personal self from the issues.
Merely supporting his paymaster?
A religious scholar has the right to voice their opinions on religious matters . But, he asked, has Rahman done a thorough research on GST to speak up on the matter, or is what he is saying is merely to support the government that pays his wages?
“Not all people are allowed to give Friday sermons, unless they are qualified. We are questioning Rahman's credentials to speak on the GST.”
When there are religious scholars talking about the management of worldly affairs, Ariff said, it was a sign that society was becoming more ill.
In a kleptocracy, he added, where the government is riddled with corruption and the embezzlement of state funds taking place, what happens to religious scholars who, together with the executive, discriminate the people?
“We have seen the people rise against religious scholars who support a government that discriminates the people. In Europe, similarly, we have seen the people rise against priests who use religion to discriminate the people.
“Rulers also sided with the people to break the monopoly of the church. If the rulers go against the people, once again the people will go against the rulers. If there is no full revolution, what we will see is their powers being reduced,” Ariff warned.- mk
Hudud - antara MCA Gerakan dan DAP...
Kumpulan itu yang diketuai Ketua Pemuda MCA Wilayah Persekutuan Tan Kok Eng, berkumpul kira-kira jam 10 pagi tadi bersama kain rentang dan plakad yang bertulis, "Say No to PAS Hudud".
Tan kemudiannya menyerahkan memorandum kepada seorang kakitangan PAS Fadhil Osman, menggesa parti Islam itu menghormati Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
"Kami tidak fikir Malaysia adalah negara Islam," kata Tan dalam sidang media selepas protes itu.
Bagaimanapun, Tan berhati-hati apabila ditanya mengenai tawaran Umno untuk membantu PAS bagi melaksanakan undang-undang jenayah Islam itu di Kelantan.- f/bk

Tandas berkubah di Johor...

wa cayang lu...

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