Barisan Nasional (BN) kini hanya tinggal 14 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) di Terengganu selepas seorang lagi Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Umno, Roslee Daud dari Bukit Besi meninggalkan parti itu.
Roslee bertindak keluar Umno pagi ini menyertai bekas Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Ahmad Said dan Adun Ajil, Ghazali Taib untuk menjadi Adun Bebas.
"Saya sudah melihat surat keluar Umno daripada Adun Bukit Besi itu," kata Ahli Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat, Dr Syed Azman Ahmad Nawawi kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Tindakan Roslee menyebabkan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) kini menguasai majoriti kerusi DUN iaitu sebanyak 15 kerusi berbanding BN yang kini hanya tinggal 14 kerusi.
Syed Azman yang juga Adun Batu Burok berkata, PAS mempertimbangkan untuk membuat permohonan kepada Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Terengganu bagi memanggil sidang DUN tergempar berikutan menteri besar Terengganu yang ada sekarang tidak lagi mempunyai sokongan majoriti.
"Kita sedang menimbangkan pilihan itu," katanya.
Ahmad sebelum ini berkata lebih ramai lagi Adun Umno akan meninggalkan Umno dan menjadi Adun Bebas.
Sehingga kini, hanya dua membuat membuat pengumuman rasmi meninggalkan Umno bersama beliau.
Namun, pada majlis angkat sumpah Menteri Besar Terengganu baharu, Datuk Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman malam tadi, enam Adun termasuk Ahmad tidak menyertai majlis itu.
Mereka termasuk Adun Ajil dan Adun Bukit Besi yang sudah mengumumkan tindakan meninggalkan Umno.
Tiga lagi Adun yang tidak hadir ke majlis itu ialah Adun Kemasik, Rosli Othman; Adun Kota Putera, Mohd Mahdi Musa dan Adun Pengkalan Berangan, Abdul Latif Awang. – tmi
Third rep quits, T'ganu BN a minority gov't...
Bukit Besi assemblyperson Roslee Daud has become the third state
representative to quit Umno, effectively making BN a minority in the
Terengganu state assembly.
"Please be informed that I hereby resigned from my position in the party effective immediately."
Roslee's departure comes hours after former Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Said, who is also Kijal assemblyperson and Ajil assemblyperson Ghazali Taib, who is also a state exco member, quit Umno to become Independents.
Ahmad also resigned as menteri besar yesterday and was immediately replaced by state science, technology and innovation, energy, green technology and water committee chairperson Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman, who took his oath of office before Sultan of Terengganu Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin at Istana Syarqiyyah, near Kuala Terengganu, at 9.18pm.
Roslee's letter was addressed to Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor and was courtesy-copied to the state assembly speaker.
Two deny, another two expected to quit
Meanwhile, Berita Harian reported that Kemasik state assemblyperson Rosli Othman and Permaisuri state assemblyperson Mohd Jidin Shafie, about whom speculation has been that they will defect, have denied that they will follow in Ahmad’s footsteps to quit Umno.
However, a source close to the former menteri besar told Malaysiakini that at least two more assemblypersons are expected to quit Umno.
They are Kuala Berang assemblyperson Tengku Putera Tengku Awang and Pengkalan Berangan assemblyperson A Latiff Awang.
If the duo were to follow through with the plan, it will bring the total Umno-turned-independent state assemblypersons to five and reduce Umno’s numbers in the house to 12.
Meanwhile, Sinar Harian reported that Terengganu PAS has called for an emergency meeting to discuss the crisis after the party, together with its ally PKR, suddenly found themselves with the controlling majority in the house.- mk

Ahmad Said keluar UMNO
Status DUN Terengganu terkini:
BN - 15 kerusi
PR - 15 kerusi
Bebas - 2 kerusi

Ex-MB Ahmad Said and an exco member quit UMNO...
Former Terengganu menteri besar Ahmad Said and exco member Ghazali Taib have quit Umno, plunging the state into a crisis.
The duo quit hours after Ahmad was replaced as MB.
According to sources, speculation is rife that at least two more state assemblypersons, who are also exco members, would follow suit.
"Those whose names have been rumoured to quit are Kemasik rep Rosli Othman and Bukit Besi rep Roslee Daud.
"The state Umno is currently holding an emergency meeting to resolve the crisis," a source told Malaysiakini.
Meanwhile, Ahmad Said's press secretary Rosli Zakaria has confirmed the resignations of his boss and Ghazali (below), who is also Ajil assemblyperson.
Astro Awani had also reported that Ahmad Said informed the news network of the resignations in an email late Monday.
Ahmad Said, who is the Kijal assemblyperson, and Ghazali reportedly declared themselves Independent.
Reminiscent of Perak crisis
Reminiscent of Perak crisis
The BN Terengganu government would collapse if the duo become Pakatan Rakyat-friendly.
BN won 17 seats against Pakatan's 15 in the 13th general election.
the duo declare themselves Pakatan-friendly, the situation in
Terengganu would be reminiscent of the Perak crisis in February 2009,
where the resignations of three Pakatan state reps led to the collapse
of the Pakatan state government.
However, the resignation letters dated May 12 and signed by Ahmad Said (left) and Ghazali did not state allegiances to Pakatan.
The letters sighted by Malaysiakini was addressed to Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Mansor and the Terengganu Speaker Mohd Zubir Embong.
Yesterday evening, Seberang Takir state assemblyperson Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman was appointed as the new menteri besar.
In announcing this, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said Ahmad Razif's (right) appointment had received the consent of the sultan of Terengganu.
According to news reports, all state excos were present at the swearing-in ceremony at Istana Syarqiyyah near Kuala Terengganu tonight. Ahmad Said, however, did not attend.
Ahmad Said was first appointed menteri besar on March 23, 2008. He was
reappointed in May last year after the 13th general election.
Speculation had been rife that Ahmad Said would be replaced following an agreement with the prime minister.
Based on the agreement, Ahmad Said would remain as menteri besar for
only a year after BN almost lost the state in the 13th general election
last year.
Speaking to Malaysiakini this morning, he however declined to reveal the number or the names of those who would quit.
"Insya-Allah (God willing), there will be more (who will resign)," he said.
Ahmad and Ajil assemblyperson Ghazali Taib (right), who is also state exco member, had resigned just hours after the former was replaced as menteri besar yesterday evening.
Sources claimed that those likely to abandon ship include Bukit Besi rep
Roslee Daud and Kemasik rep Rosli Othman. Both are also state executive
council members.
The state Umno is believed to be in an emergency meeting on the matter.
Peeved with PM
Explaining his sudden move, Ahmad revealed that he quit following disappointment with Prime Minister and Umno president Najib Abdul Razak.
Explaining his sudden move, Ahmad revealed that he quit following disappointment with Prime Minister and Umno president Najib Abdul Razak.
"I have worked in Umno for a long time. I told the PM that my daughter's
wedding reception is on May 17 and asked for the change of MB to happen
after that.
"He told me that was a personal matter, so I told him not to blame me if
I quit the party," Ahmad, who is also Kijal assemblyperson, said.
Earlier, Umno secretary general Tengku Adnan Mansor reportedly said that
he expects no issues within Umno following the swap as it was accepted
by local leaders.
Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman was sworn in last night in the presence of the entire executive council.- mk
Menteri Besar Terengganu, Datuk Seri Ahmad Said (atas) sah meletakkan
jawatannya sebagai ketua eksekutif negeri itu dan digantikan dengan Ahli
Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Seberang Takir, Razif Abdul Rahman berkuat
kuasa hari ini kata Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, seperti
dilaporkan The Star.
Perubahan jawatan menteri besar di Terengganu timbul selepas Ahmad Said menandatangani surat persetujuan beliau akan memegang jawatan itu hanya selama setahun selepas Barisan Nasional (BN) menang tipis pada Pilihan Raya Umum 13 (PRU13).
BN hanya memenangi 17 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN), manakala 15 kerusi dimenangi Pakatan Rakyat (PR) yang berjaya memenangi separuh daripada lapan kerusi Parlimen.
Ahmad Said juga dikatakan memberi surat perletakan jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno Terengganu kepada Presiden Datuk Seri Najib Razak pagi tadi.
Majlis angkat sumpah Razif dijangka dibuat malam ini selepas solat Isyak di Istana Syarqiyyah di Bukit Chendering, Kuala Terengganu.

Difahamkan, Pemuda Umno Terengganu membantah tindakan Putrajaya menukar kerusi menteri besar kepada Razif dan mengugut mengadakan mogok lapar selama seminggu sekiranya Ahmad Said diturunkan.
Melalui sepanduk putih bertulis “Kami Senang Kerana Dato' Ahmad Said”, mesej itu dikatakan digantung di beberapa kawasan sekitar Terengganu.
Ahmad Said yang merupakan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Kijal itu berkhidmat sebagai menteri besar selama dua penggal sejak 22 Mac 2008.
Berlaku kontroversi diawal perlantikannya yang tidak mendapat sokongan Umno malah semua Adun Barisan Nasional (BN) Terengganu juga berikrar berdiri teguh menyokong Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh agar bekas menteri besar Terengganu dikekalkan.
Minggu lepas, The Star menyebut dua nama sudah dihantar ke istana untuk menggantikan Ahmad Said iaitu ADUN Seberang Takir, Datuk Razif Abdul Rahman dan ADUN Air Putih, Wan Hakim Wan Mokhtar.
Menteri Besar baharu dijangka mengangkat sumpah di Istana Maziah pada hari Rabu kerana esok hari cuti Wesak. - tmi
Terengganu MB Ahmad Said resigns...
Seberang Takir state assemblyperson Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman has been appointed the new menteri besar of Terengganu, succeeding Ahmad Said who resigned today.
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, in announcing this in a statement to Bernama tonight, said Ahmad Razif's appointment had received the consent of the sultan of Terengganu.
"It is hereby announced that Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, has consented to the resignation of Ahmad Said as the menteri besar of Terengganu effective May 12, 2014.
Ahmad Razif (right), 49, is also the state executive councillor for science and technology, environment, energy, green technology and water.
Ahmad Said was first appointed the menteri besar on March 23, 2008. He was reappointed in May last year after the 13th general election.
Speculation had been rife that Ahmad Said would be replaced following an agreement with the prime minister.
Based on the agreement, according to Star Online, Ahmad Said would remain as menteri besar for only a year after BN almost lost the state in the 13th general election last year.
Meanwhile, BN secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor confirmed the resignation.
"I met with the assemblypersons...and was informed there will be a change of MBs. I gave my feedback and they accepted it. I can confirm there will be a change," he is quoted by Bernama as saying.
He spoke to reporters after meeting with the BN Terengganu assemblypersons in Kuala Terengganu today.
Tengku Adnan also stressed that this will not pose any problems for Umno as the local leaders accept the change.
In the last general election, BN won 17 state assembly seats against Pakatan Rakyat's 15, and managed to win half of the state's eight parliamentary seats.
Bread and penguins
Last December, Ahmad Said was compared to an English folklore outlaw hero when he stopped two lorries carrying bread in Chendor, Pahang so that the bread can be distributed to hungry and stranded flood victims in Kemaman.
His action went viral on Facebook and certain blogs called him Robin Hood.
Meanwhile, Ahmad Said had also courted controversy when led a Malaysian delegation's 15-day visit to Antarctica.
The working visit was initiated towards enabling Malaysia contribute to research on climate change which has become increasingly unpredictable.
Among those who took him to task was DAP MP Tony Pua, who said: "He isn't even the country’s Minister of Science and Technology, or the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment. He is the chief minister of a state, Terengganu who has no business gallivanting in the unpopulated South Pole!" - mk
Raja boleh dilucut takhta jika langgar hudud...
Katanya, perkara itu dinyatakan secara tersirat dalam perlembagaan persekutuan dan ada di antara butirannya itu dinyatakan dalam perlembagaan negeri masing-masing.
“Sultan boleh dilucut takhta sekiranya mereka melakukan tindakan yang dianggap sebagai uzur sharie, yang mendedahkan kelemahan peribadi mereka, dari sudut pandangan Islam.
“Faktor ini juga penting untuk menentukan sama ada pewaris takhtanya boleh dilantik sebagai sultan,” katanya.
Abdul Aziz berkata, majlis perajaan di setiap negeri bagaimanapun terlepas pandang peruntukan tersebut, yang menimbulkan masalah pada hari ini.
Keadaan ini menyebabkan kemunculan pemerintah yang personalitinya tidak mengikut tatasusila moral Islam yang tegas.
Abdul Aziz bersetuju dengan pandangan oleh anggota exco Pemuda Umno Fathul Bari Mat Jahaya yang berkata hudud boleh dilaksana ke atas sultan dan raja Melayu.
Fathul berpendapat, perlembagaan persekutuan tiada peruntukan yang menghalang perkara itu.
“Sebagai ketua agama Islam, tidak perlu dinyatakan lagi bahawa sultan pertama sekali tertakluk kepada undang-undang Islam.
“Ini bermakna tertakluk kepada hudud. Oleh itu sultan tidak boleh melakukan dosa besar termasuk berzina, mencuri dan minum arak,” katanya kepada Malaysiakini.
Pakar perlembagaan itu juga berkata, perlembagaan persekutuan memansuhkan kekebalan raja-raja dan mereka tertakluk kepada undang-undang sivil, ekoran pindaan pada tahun 1993 ke atas Perkara 182 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
“Perlu dilihat bahawa keistimewaan kekebalan atau dikecualikan dari prosiding perundangan agak terasing dari fahaman mengenai kesamarataan dalam Islam.
“Dari sudut pandangan ini, mahkamah khas itu satu anomali kerana ia meletakkan sembilan raja-raja melebihi undang-undang, kononnya." - mk
Rulers can be dethroned for breaking Islamic law...
Aziz(left) said this is implicit in the Federal Constitution and some of the details are spelt out in the respective state constitutions.
“The sultan may be dethroned should he commit acts that are considered as uzur sharie, that reveal personal defects, from the Islamic point of view.
“This factor is also crucial to determine whether the heir apparent can succeed in being appointed as a ruler.”
Aziz said the problem today is the council of succession of the respective states have, over the years, overlooked this provision.
This, he added resulted in the prevalence of rulers whose personalities are not in full accord with strict Islamic and moral codes.
Aziz concurred with the views aired by Umno Youth exco member Fathul Bari Mat Jahaya, who said yesterday that hudud can be implemented on the sultans and Malay rulers, and that there is nothing in the Federal Constitution that prevents that.
The constitutional expert pointed out that a 1993 amendment to Article 182 of the constitution, which allows the formation of a special court, has removed the immunity of the rulers and they can be subject to civil laws.
“It is to be noted that the privilege of being immune or exempted from legal proceedings is quite alien to the notion of equality in Islam. From this point of view, the special court is an anomaly as it puts the nine rulers above civil law, so to speak,” he said.
Yesterday, Fathul Bari (right) told a forum, ‘Hudud in Malaysia: Can we? Should we?’ that hudud should apply to everyone whether from the "upper class, lower class or the raja (Malay rulers)"- mk
Harap2 la tiada bangunan runtuh lepas ini. Kesian otomen yang jadi kambing hitam selama ni...

KL banjir

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