Hati siapa tidak remuk .. jiwa siapa tidak sedih .. kalau diperlakukan sebegini rupa .. macamlah tidak boleh tangguh untuk seminggu dua lagi ... dia nakkan anak perempuannya bersanding dan mengadakan majlis perkahwinan di rumah kediaman rasmi Menteri Besar Terengganu.
Omak Kau tidak pernah menyanjung dan menyokong UMNO dari dulu kini dan selamanya .. tapi bab ini nampak sangat mantan Menteri Besar Terengganu diperlakukan cukup hina dan zalim sekali.
Bayangkan .. semua persiapan sudah diatur dan hampir tunggu waktu upacara perkahwinan sahaja... kad kahwin sudah beribu dicetak .. kain rentang dan bunting sudah siap ditempah .. minta tangguh seminggu pun ditolak mentah-mentah .. macamlah kalau ditangguhkan akan berlaku huru hara kacau bilau negara dan negeri Terengganu.
Lagi menyedihkan sampai angkat sumpah MB baru dilakukan di waktu malam, macamlah tidak boleh ditunggu esok harinya diadakan waktu siang .. segi peruntukan tidak menyalahi tubuh badan undang-undang dan perlembagaan negeri Terengganu tetapi ianya dilihat macam tindakan gelojoh gopoh gapah sahaja.
Cuba bayangkan .. seorang Menteri Besar selama 6 tahun minta tangguh seminggu pun tidak dibenarkan .. apalah sangat 7 hari ...
Kalau ini boleh berlaku keatas seorang pemimpin UMNO bertaraf Menteri Besar .. apa jaminan pada yang ahli-ahli UMNO biasa yang tiada jawatan dan status ini? ... Ikut hukum akal logik sudah pasti lebih teruk diperlakukan.- Omakkau blogspot

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, sumber memaklumkan Adun Kemasik dan Adun Bukit Besi juga gagal dihubungi mengakibatkan desas desus bertiup kencang bahawa mereka juga mungkin mengikuti jejak Ahmad dan Ghazali.
Perkembangan terbaru ini meletakkan kerajaan BN negeri seperti di hujung tanduk.
Jika dua Adun Bebas Terengganu ini menjadi ‘mesra Pakatan Rakyat’, besar kemungkinan episod yang berlaku di Perak pada Februari 2009 berulang di Terengganu.
Dengan kes duluan yang berlaku di Perak yang mengakibatkan kejatuhan Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Negeri apabila dua Adun PKR dan satu Adun DAP menjadi ‘mesra BN’, apakah kita akan melihat perubahan kerajaan negeri dalam masa terdekat? - omakkau blogspot
Terengganu 2014 reprises Perak 2009...
It would be poetic justice if the Umno assemblypersons in Terengganu,
reported to have left the party, trigger the fall of the state
government there.
And if that collapse heightens the already intense pressure on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to quit his post, the play of karma would be said to have been arrived at a denouement thoroughly deserved by the chief culprit behind the downfall of the Pakatan Rakyat state government of Perak in February 2009.
Najib was the starring villain of the defection drama that upended the government of Nizar Jamaluddin in Perak in 2009 when the departure of two PKR and one DAP rep for the Independent benches in the state assembly triggered a constitutional crisis.
the Deputy Prime Minister, Najib orchestrated the moves that led to
Umno-BN’s choice of a new MB, Zambry Abdul Kadir, to form the
administration that would replace the ousted Pakatan one.
In marshalling the effort that unhinged the Nizar administration, DPM Najib was seen to have embellished his credentials, in the eyes of Umno, for promotion to the presidency of the party and the premiership of the country then occupied by a beleaguered Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
But the manner in which it was done bore the traits of the cynical wheeling and dealing that would come to characterise the Najib administration which was soon to supplant the tottering Abdullah one.
If it is true that history repeats itself, the first time as tragedy and the second as farce, Nizar’s ouster in Perak in 2009 embodied the first description while Ahmad Said’s ejection as MB in Terengganu, boding the probable ouster of the Umno state government there, is invested with the second.
reports saying that Ahmad Said had asked PM Najib for a stay of removal
as MB until after his daughter’s marriage and if his extrusion heralds
the downfall of the state administration, then it could be said that
hell hath no fury like a bridal pater familias humiliated.
A plea for a stay presupposes that there was an initial agreement positing a time limit to Ahmad Said’s tenure.
Word has it that Ahmad Said had signed an undated letter of resignation after the general election on May 5 last year.
After one term as MB of Terengganu (2008-2013), Ahmad was said to be fighting to keep his post in the wake of a lacklustre performance.
The sultan, who was favourable to him at the onset of Ahmad’s first term in office, was reportedly displeased by the end of the same period and was not averse to seeing him go.
Defective slate of candidates
The state Umno’s relatively poor performance at the general election where the party won 17 seats was attributed to a defective slate of candidates drawn up mainly by Ahmad.
Because of the dismal Umno performance at the polls, the chances were good that Ahmad would be shown the door because of non-delivery on performance and responsibility for a general election candidate slate that reeked of favoritism and mediocrity.
But Ahmad obtained a reprieve, its length running out as a full year passed from the time of the polls last May.
He had to go but it appears he is not going gently into the shadows. Reports of his resignation from Umno followed by word that more resignations by his sympathisers among state executive councilors are in the air.
Al this presages the onset of a political crisis. Umno’s wafer thin majority in the Terengganu state assembly - 17 seats to PAS’ 14 and PKR’s one - is in mortal peril of unravelling.
But Najib is not expected to watch the evolving drama with benign indifference because the collapse of the Umno state government would ratchet up the pressure on him to quit as PM.
That pressure has been rising on the back of Umno-BN’s defeat in the popular vote at the last general election and a generally flailing performance at steering the country against a daunting array of problems ranging from mounting debt to incriminating ineptitude.
Najib’s survival instincts and calculation of his interests are hardnosed and are as capable of issuing in the cynical manoeuvring that had wrested power from elected and legitimate holders of it in Perak in 2009 as it would be in preventing its cession to opposition in Terengganu today by Umno apostates.
The public should brace itself for the flip-flops and confusions that have periodically marked such affrays in our history. - terence netto,mk
And if that collapse heightens the already intense pressure on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to quit his post, the play of karma would be said to have been arrived at a denouement thoroughly deserved by the chief culprit behind the downfall of the Pakatan Rakyat state government of Perak in February 2009.
Najib was the starring villain of the defection drama that upended the government of Nizar Jamaluddin in Perak in 2009 when the departure of two PKR and one DAP rep for the Independent benches in the state assembly triggered a constitutional crisis.
In marshalling the effort that unhinged the Nizar administration, DPM Najib was seen to have embellished his credentials, in the eyes of Umno, for promotion to the presidency of the party and the premiership of the country then occupied by a beleaguered Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
But the manner in which it was done bore the traits of the cynical wheeling and dealing that would come to characterise the Najib administration which was soon to supplant the tottering Abdullah one.
If it is true that history repeats itself, the first time as tragedy and the second as farce, Nizar’s ouster in Perak in 2009 embodied the first description while Ahmad Said’s ejection as MB in Terengganu, boding the probable ouster of the Umno state government there, is invested with the second.
A plea for a stay presupposes that there was an initial agreement positing a time limit to Ahmad Said’s tenure.
Word has it that Ahmad Said had signed an undated letter of resignation after the general election on May 5 last year.
After one term as MB of Terengganu (2008-2013), Ahmad was said to be fighting to keep his post in the wake of a lacklustre performance.
The sultan, who was favourable to him at the onset of Ahmad’s first term in office, was reportedly displeased by the end of the same period and was not averse to seeing him go.
Defective slate of candidates
The state Umno’s relatively poor performance at the general election where the party won 17 seats was attributed to a defective slate of candidates drawn up mainly by Ahmad.
Because of the dismal Umno performance at the polls, the chances were good that Ahmad would be shown the door because of non-delivery on performance and responsibility for a general election candidate slate that reeked of favoritism and mediocrity.
But Ahmad obtained a reprieve, its length running out as a full year passed from the time of the polls last May.
He had to go but it appears he is not going gently into the shadows. Reports of his resignation from Umno followed by word that more resignations by his sympathisers among state executive councilors are in the air.
Al this presages the onset of a political crisis. Umno’s wafer thin majority in the Terengganu state assembly - 17 seats to PAS’ 14 and PKR’s one - is in mortal peril of unravelling.
But Najib is not expected to watch the evolving drama with benign indifference because the collapse of the Umno state government would ratchet up the pressure on him to quit as PM.
That pressure has been rising on the back of Umno-BN’s defeat in the popular vote at the last general election and a generally flailing performance at steering the country against a daunting array of problems ranging from mounting debt to incriminating ineptitude.
Najib’s survival instincts and calculation of his interests are hardnosed and are as capable of issuing in the cynical manoeuvring that had wrested power from elected and legitimate holders of it in Perak in 2009 as it would be in preventing its cession to opposition in Terengganu today by Umno apostates.
The public should brace itself for the flip-flops and confusions that have periodically marked such affrays in our history. - terence netto,mk
Terengganu BN govt in precarious position following resignations...
A spate of resignations from Umno by its Terengganu state assemblymen has turned the BN state government into a ruling minority whose days may be numbered.
As the situation stands, BN-Umno now only has 14 seats compared to Pakatan Rakyat’s 15 in the Terengganu State Assembly.
This follows the resignations of former menteri besar and Kijal assemblyman Datuk Ahmad Said, Ghazali Taib (Ajil) and Roslee Daud (Bukit Besi) from Umno to become independents in the last 24 hours.
Word is going round that Datuk Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman, 49, may turn out to be the menteri besar with the shortest time in office after the state was plunged into a political crisis.
The resignations of the Umno assemblymen came just hours after Razif, the Seberang Takir assemblyman, was sworn in as the new Terengganu MB on Monday night, replacing Ahmad who had earlier resigned from the post.
Constitutional expert Dr Abdul Aziz Bari said the latest developments had rendered the state BN government’s position untenable.
He said the Sultan has the option to dissolve the state assembly on his own even without request from PAS.
“The Sultan may (also) appoint PAS as the new government but it must give the undertaking -- to advise the Sultan to dissolve the House and in the meantime before the election stay as caretaker government,” he told theantdaily.
Constitutional lawyer Syahredzan Johan noted that the current BN Terengganu state government is in a "precarious situation" and counting the days to its fall.
"Independent assemblymen do not need to join PR (Pakatan). They only need to state that they are no longer in support of the MB.
"If a vote of no confidence is tabled in the State Assembly and the MB (Razif) had lost to the PR and Independent state legislators, then he will have two choices -- either to seek the Sultan's permission to dissolve the state assembly or for him and his entire line-up of state executive councillors to resign," Syahredzan said in a blog posting.
Syahredzan explained that the second option would prevent the need to call for a state election as the Sultan shall exercise his powers to appoint a new MB for the state.
It was reported that PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang is expected to seek an audience with Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin today to discuss the formation of a new PAS-led Pakatan state government.
Terengganu PAS state commissioner Satiful Bahri Mamat, in a statement this morning, also confirmed that the party's state liaison committee is in discussion over the latest political developments.
Ahmad's resignation is allegedly part of a deal brokered by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to only allow him another year in office following BN's poor performance in Terengganu during the 13th general election.

"He (PM) told me that was a personal matter, so I told him not to blame me if I quit the party," Ahmad said.
The Umno-led BN formed the Terengganu state government after winning 17 seats in GE13, down from the 24 it had won in 2008. Umno also lost an additional three parliamentary seats in Terengganu from the seven it held.
News of the Ahmad and Ghazali’s resignations was first reported early Tuesday morning (May 13) by Astro Awani Online, citing an email sent by Ahmad to the online portal.
Ahmad had also attached copies of their resignation letters, which were dated May 12 and submitted to Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor and the Terengganu state assembly Speaker Datuk Mohd Zubir Embong.
Ahmad was quoted by MalaysiaKini today as saying that PAS might return to power in Terengganu after losing the state to BN in the 2008 general election.
"Insya-Allah (God willing), there will be more (who will resign)," he said while declining to reveal further details.
Theantdaily learnt that there may be up to three more resignations by Umno assemblymen.
Observers familiar with the situation in Terengganu noted that the resignations were expected as Ghazali and Roslee are known to be Ahmad's men and they were also purportedly absent from Razif's swearing-in ceremony.
The current developments in Terengganu are highly reminiscent of the Perak constitutional crisis in 2009 which saw three Pakatan state assembly members declaring themselves as independents.
Their resignations from Pakatan parties led to the collapse of the Pakatan state government then helmed by Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin.
The Sultan of Perak had at the time refused Nizar's request to dissolve the state assembly and call for new elections, allowing BN to form a new state government with support from the three independents.
A series of court battles between Nizar and Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir eventually led to a February 2010 Federal Court decision in the latter's favour, confirming his legitimacy to hold the position of Perak MB.- theantdaily

1 comment:
Puak umno bn dari dahulu dan selamanya memang bodoh piang tak reti bahasa ikut suka hati mereka saja, tak fikir akibatnya baik mau pun buruk berdosa ke ada pahala ke main hentam kromo yg ramai tertipu bangsa melayu otak kampong yg tak berkemajuan. Ptuihhhh
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