Sidang DUN Pulau Pinang kecoh apabila kira-kira 10 orang telah memecah masuk ke dewan untuk menyatakan bantahan ekoran kenyataan wakil rakyat Seri Delima daripada DAP menggelarkan seorang pemimpin Umno negeri sebagai celaka.
Protes bingit di luar Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Pulau Pinang hari ini berjangkit ke dewan.
Kira-kira 10 orang dilihat memasuki DUN hari ini, malah ada daripada mereka cuba memanjat meja speaker Law Choo Kiang.
Law tiada di situ pada masa itu.
Mereka menjerit bertanyakan di mana kerusi RSN Rayer.
Bantahan itu ekoran kenyataan Rayer, wakil rakyat Seri Delima daripada DAP yang menggelarkan seorang pemimpin Umno negeri sebagai celaka.
Sementara itu Law Choo Kiang berkata "Saya minta agar pihak polis dapat mengadakan kawalan keselamatan di hadapan pintu masuk DUN dari sekarang hingga sidang DUN tamat," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
Menurutnya, masih ada ruang yang lebih beradab untuk menyatakan ketidapuasan hati terhadap sesuatu isu.
"Dari melakukan tindakan yang kasar dengan merempuh pagar utama DUN dan mencemarkan kemuliaan dewan ini, yang jelas melanggar undang-undang negara," tegas beliau.
Beliau melahirkan kekecewaan dengan insiden yang berlaku malah ianya tidak pernah berlaku sepanjang sejarah sidang DUN di negeri itu.
Keadaan itu, katanya sekaligus mencemarkan sejarah politik negara.- mk
Protesters barge into DUN in search of DAP rep...
Law was not present at the time but his colleagues, assemblymen Cheah Kah Peng and Jagdeep Singh Deo were around.
They shouted, "Where is Rayer's seat?" as they looked for the DAP Seri Delima assemblyperson.
Also annoyed were the media as many were not allowed into the premises.
Media personnel were only let in after they staged a mini protest chanting "Let us in! Let us do our jobs! We are not samseng!" outside the House.
'Never in history'
The commotion happened just before the proceedings were to resume after lunch break.
Proceedings resumed after the protestors were escorted out.
Among those who barged in was Jasin Nordin, who is state Umno Youth deputy chief.
Rayer and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng were absent from today's proceedings.
The commotion outside the House caused damage to the building's gates and the Penang and Malaysia flags.
Meanwhile, Law said that such violence and chaos had never happened in the history of the Penang state legislative assembly.
"I urge the police to immediately and seriously probe the incident and ensure the safety and security of all present in the House.
"The police have been asked to secure the state assembly until Friday, when the House adjourns," said Law, who is also the Bukit Tambun assemblyman. - mk

“Gadis ini sangat bijak. Beliau boleh berfikir, petah berkata-kata, dan beliau juga boleh menulis.
"Itu sudah tiga perkara, lebih baik dari kebanyakan ahli politik," katanya dalam satu tulisan di Facebook.
Beliau merujuk kepada satu tulisan Dyana yang disiarkan di laman The Malay Mail Online, berhubung pendirian peguam muda itu dalam isu kemasukan pelajar ke Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).
Selain itu, Marina yang dikenali sebagai aktivis sosial, turut menafikan tanggapan bahawa beliau juga akan menyertai DAP, seperti Dyana.
Beliau malah menganggap perkara itu sebagai satu jenaka dan berkata, tanggapan itu timbul ekoran salah tafsir ke atas satu kenyataan oleh ibu Dyana, Yammy Samat.

"Kononnya ada orang kata saya akan sertai DAP... Ini perkara paling kelakar yang saya pernah dengar sejak sekian lama.
"Saya rasa ada orang salah tafsir apa yang ibu Dyana katakan.
"Tidak, saya tidak sertai mana-mana parti politik. Itu bukan satu-satunya cara untuk berkhidmat kepada negara.
"Dan saya tidak (berminat) untuk bercakap mengenai politik sepanjang masa. Kadang-kadang saya hanya mahu bercakap tentang tenis," katanya.- mk
Marina: Dyana is three-up on most politicians...
“She can articulate. She can write. That's three up over most politicians already,” Marina said in a Facebook posting.
Commenting further on Facebook in reply to her followers, Marina said very few top politicians write their own speeches, let alone articles.
"In any case, why are people against her because she is young?" she asked.
"(Prime Minister) Najib Razak was 26 when he first became a minister. Dyana's 27, and only vying for a parliamentary seat.
"We should have more young people for the fresh young ideas they bring," she wrote.
Not joining any political party
Marina also laughed off suggestions of her joining a political party, unlike her father who was Umno president and prime minister for 22 years.
She said in her posting that apparently someone said she had joined DAP.
“All I can say is... hahaha hahaha!! Funniest thing I've heard in ages,” she said.
"No folks, I'm not joining any political party. It's not the only way to serve the country.
"And I really don't want to talk politics all the time. Sometimes I just wanna talk tennis... French Open coming up!" she exclaimed.
Yammy had yesterday said that she tried raising Dyana to be like Mukhriz but her daughter ended up being like Marina instead.
Marina, who also a popular columnist, further said that no political party had offered her membership.
"I think it's quite telling that not a single party has ever asked me to join. They take one look at me and think "oh no, she's a difficult one" and go off and do something else..."- mk
Marina, tell us about daddy’s parenting style

DAP: Kami sanggup bayar RM1,000 untuk kempen di sekolah seperti BN...
Setiausaha Publisiti Kebangsaan DAP, Tony Pua berkata walaupun sekolah tidak dibenarkan menjadi lokasi berkempen namun Umno dan BN tetap melanggar peraturan itu.
"Walaupun ini satu peraturan tetapi bagi Umno dan BN, mereka boleh buat sesuka hati. Saya bagi pihak DAP meminta fasiliti yang sama diberikan kepada DAP untuk berkempen di kawasan sekolah.
"Kita rela bayar lebih mahal daripada BN. RM1,000 pun kita bayar. Kita pun tiada tempat untuk berkempen di Kampung Selabak. Kami ada alasan yang sama," katanya pada satu sidang media di Teluk Intan, hari ini.
Semalam, Umno Teluk Intan mendakwa mendapat kebenaran Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) untuk mengadakan kempen di Sekolah Kebangsaan Selabak kerana tiada tempat lain yang sesuai.
Mereka mendakwa guru sekolah berkenaan memberi kebenaran dan Umno membayar RM500 bagi tujuan itu.
Semalam, Datuk Ahmad Maslan berkata tiada salahnya sekolah digunakan sebagai lokasi berkempen jentera pilihan raya BN kerana ia juga merupakan aset kerajaan.
Ketua penerangan Umno itu berkata, meskipun banyak pihak mengecam penggunaan sekolah sebagai tempat berkempen dalam pilihan raya, namun mereka mendapat kebenaran Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) sekolah berkenaan untuk mengadakan majlis itu.
“Saya timbalan menteri BN. Jadi saya tidak nampak mengapa kita tidak boleh mengadakan ceramah di sini," katanya. – tmi

DAP says ready to ‘pay more’ than Umno to use schools for campaign events...
DAP publicity chief Tony Pua said the party was willing to pay to use the school facilities as Umno had done to hold a ceramah last night.
"We are willing to pay more than BN. We are willing to pay RM1,000. We also have no place to campaign in Kampung Selabak. We have the same excuse," Pua told a press conference in Teluk Intan today.
Yesterday, Bernama quoted Teluk Intan Umno chief Datuk Saiful Bahar Mohd Arshad as saying that the party's use of Sekolah Kebangsaan Selabak for BN's political campaigning was in line with the Election Commission's (EC) rules.
He also said they had raised the issue with the EC, saying they had no other place to conduct their ceramah.
"I have already sent a letter to the principal requesting permission to hold a ceramah at this school. We rented the area for RM500.
"We also obtained a police permit to hold the ceramah." he said.
The Education Ministry usually bars politicians from visiting or officiating events in schools, but has often turned a blind eye to BN politicians gracing school programmes.
Pua pointed out that despite the rule, Umno and BN are able to do as they wish.
“On behalf of the DAP, I request that the same facilities be given to us and for us to also be allowed to campaign on school grounds," he added.
Meanwhile, the Election Commission (EC) said there was nothing wrong for political parties to use schools to hold gatherings, as long as permission is obtained from the schools.
EC secretary Datuk Abdul Ghani Salleh said that using schools for political gatherings does not break any rule under the Election Act.
"As long as there is police permit and permission from the owner of the building, then we cannot do anything about it," he told reporters while observing early voting by police personnel at the Air Hitam police station.
"They also do this in Penang," he added. – tmi

The calm approach of the PDRM may have saved the day.
PDRM pun bershubahat dengan penyangak2 tu!!!
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