Ibu Dyana,seorang ahli UMNO totok sokong anaknya bertanding atas tiket DAP ...
Walaupun masih baru dalam dunia politik, Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud dipilih sebagai calon DAP untuk Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Teluk Intan pada 31 Mei ini, beberapa hari selepas dikutuk dalam kempen memburuk-burukkan beliau di laman sosial.
Berusia 27 tahun, peguam kelahiran Perak itu terpilih menewaskan calon berpotensi lain termasuk penceramah berpengalaman Hew Kuan Yew, yang lebih dikenali sebagi Superman kerana kegemaran beliau memakai baju dengan motif dan imej adiwira ini.
Berikut biodata ringkas Dyana Sofya
Nama Penuh : Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud
Umur : 27 Tahun
Asal : Ipoh, Perak
Agama : Islam
Status : Bujang
Kelulusan : Ijazah Sarjana Muda dari UiTM
Pengkhususan : Undang-undang (miliki firma guaman di Cyberjaya)
Kerjaya : Setiausaha Politik Lim Kit Siang Parlimen Gelang Patah
Ahli Keluarga : Ibunya, Yammy Samad, pernah menjawat Setiausaha Bahagian Wanita UMNO yang pertama di Malaysia.

Shahrizat perlu belajar dari ibu saya dan dia adalah contoh bagaimana UMNO mengecewakan wanita...
Calon DAP untuk pilihan raya kecil parlimen Teluk Intan, Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud menggesa ketua Wanita Umno Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil belajar daripada ibunya, Yammy Samat yang memberi sokongan kepadanya walau berbeza parti.
"Saya minta beliau belajar daripada ibu saya yang juga seorang anggota Umno tetapi menyedari bahawa pencalonan saya oleh DAP memberi peluang kepada wanita muda dalam politik, terutama wanita Melayu muda, yang sering terhalang dengan struktur kebapaan dalam Umno.
"Apa yang saya capai sekarang disebabkan oleh keluarga, ibu saya, dan kerja keras... dan keputusan peribadi yang saya buat sepanjang hidup saya," kata Dyana dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Ibu Dyana, seorang anggota Umno, ketika hadir sebagai tanda sokongan kepada anaknya itu semasa pengumuman calon pilihan raya kecil tersebut semalam berkata kini tiba masanya untuk golongan muda memikul lebih bertanggungjawab.
Yammy merupakan wanita pertama yang menjadi setiausaha wanita Umno bahagian dan kini kekal menjadi anggota Umno di Ipoh.
Shahrizat semalam berkata beliau bersimpati dengan Dyana yang didakwanya diperalatkan oleh DAP dan menjadi "boneka" DAP.
Ketua Wanita Umno itu juga berkata, Dyana tidak akan berada di kedudukan sekarang jika tidak kerana Umno.
Dalam jawapan balasnya, Dyana berkata beliau akan menjadi MP paling muda di Parlimen sekiranya dipilih oleh pengundi dalam pilihan raya kecil ini.
Perkara itu pastinya tidak akan dapat dicapai sekiranya beliau menyertai Umno, katanya.
Katanya, kenyataan Shahrizat itu menunjukkan Wanita Umno gagal melonjakkan wanita ke kedudukan utama dalam negara. - mk
Learn from my UMNO mum, Dyana tells Shahrizat...
DAP's Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, whose Teluk Intan
candidacy has been belittled by Umno Wanita chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil,
has asked the veteran politician to learn from her underling - Dyana's
"I ask that she learns from my mother who herself is an Umno member but has realised that my candidacy by the DAP heralds a breakthrough for young women in politics, especially for young Malay women, who have long been held back by an inflexible, patriarchal structure in Umno.
“I owe who I am today to my family and to my mother, to hard work and...the personal decisions which I have made along my life," Dyana said in a statement today.
Standing by her daughter during the candidate announcement yesterday, Dyana's mother Yammy Samat, an Umno member, said it was time for the younger generation to step up.
Yammy (right) was the country's first woman Umno division secretary and today remains as an Umno member in Ipoh.
Yesterday, Shahrizat said she "sympathised" with Dyana as she did not realised that she was being used by DAP and described Dyana's candidacy as a "show".
The Umno stalwart added that Dyana would not be where she was today if it were not for Umno.
'Women in politics not to serve food'
In response, Dyana said she would be the youngest MP in Parliament if she wins, an impossible prospect had she joined Umno.
Dyana said the statement by Shahrizat (left) was indicative of Wanita Umno's failure to promote women into positions of leadership in the country.
"It is precisely this sort of negative attitude that originates from the crop of BN women leaders that has constantly robbed women of opportunities to lead in this nation," she said.
In a stinging reference to Umno Wanita's grassroot operations, Dyana said women's role in politics should not be confined to serving food and drinks to party workers and visiting voters in their houses with goodies.
"The party (DAP) has nominated me precisely because I strongly believe in the ideals of justice, equal opportunity and good governance.
"Shahrizat and Puteri Umno should not belittle my intelligence and my ability to tell the difference between BN which protects the interest of the rich and powerful, and DAP which protects the rights of ordinary Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or creed," she said.
Courage lauded
Meanwhile, DAP vice president Teresa Kok backed Dyana's "courage" and belief in the "Malaysian First" concept which does not sit well with Umno as it challenges status quo.
said that last year Dyana spoke out against Universiti Teknologi Mara
(UiTM)'s failure to live up to its purpose of giving opportunities to
bumiputera students, who faced greater obstacles than their
Recalling the privileged Malay students on campus during her time at UiTM, Kok said, Dyana braved being called a traitor when to urge UiTM open its doors to needy non-Malay citizens.
"Umno has been able to maintain its Malay support by various ways and among them are the existence of unfair constituency delineation and the manipulation of politics of race...
"Dyana’s victory will also be a victory for the Malaysian First concept," she said in a statement.
Dyana will face off against Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong in the Teluk Intan by-election on May 31. Nomination day is fixed for May 19.- mk
"I ask that she learns from my mother who herself is an Umno member but has realised that my candidacy by the DAP heralds a breakthrough for young women in politics, especially for young Malay women, who have long been held back by an inflexible, patriarchal structure in Umno.
“I owe who I am today to my family and to my mother, to hard work and...the personal decisions which I have made along my life," Dyana said in a statement today.
Standing by her daughter during the candidate announcement yesterday, Dyana's mother Yammy Samat, an Umno member, said it was time for the younger generation to step up.
Yesterday, Shahrizat said she "sympathised" with Dyana as she did not realised that she was being used by DAP and described Dyana's candidacy as a "show".
The Umno stalwart added that Dyana would not be where she was today if it were not for Umno.
'Women in politics not to serve food'
In response, Dyana said she would be the youngest MP in Parliament if she wins, an impossible prospect had she joined Umno.
"It is precisely this sort of negative attitude that originates from the crop of BN women leaders that has constantly robbed women of opportunities to lead in this nation," she said.
In a stinging reference to Umno Wanita's grassroot operations, Dyana said women's role in politics should not be confined to serving food and drinks to party workers and visiting voters in their houses with goodies.
"The party (DAP) has nominated me precisely because I strongly believe in the ideals of justice, equal opportunity and good governance.
"Shahrizat and Puteri Umno should not belittle my intelligence and my ability to tell the difference between BN which protects the interest of the rich and powerful, and DAP which protects the rights of ordinary Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or creed," she said.
Courage lauded
Meanwhile, DAP vice president Teresa Kok backed Dyana's "courage" and belief in the "Malaysian First" concept which does not sit well with Umno as it challenges status quo.
Recalling the privileged Malay students on campus during her time at UiTM, Kok said, Dyana braved being called a traitor when to urge UiTM open its doors to needy non-Malay citizens.
"Umno has been able to maintain its Malay support by various ways and among them are the existence of unfair constituency delineation and the manipulation of politics of race...
"Dyana’s victory will also be a victory for the Malaysian First concept," she said in a statement.
Dyana will face off against Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong in the Teluk Intan by-election on May 31. Nomination day is fixed for May 19.- mk

Kalau tak rasis bukan UMNO namanya...

Inilah tahap pemikiran orang UMNO yang berjawatan besar seperti badut diatas ini,asyik dok ingat duit kerajaan = duit UMNO. Kalau tanya duit siapa yang digunakan untuk buat sekolah, jalanraya, hospital, mereka jawab semuanya duit UMNO. Pasai tu kalau Menteri samun duit kerajaan,ahli2 UMNO kata ok!!! dan depa cakap "Biar la dia nak pakai apa pun, tu duit dia!"
Raja Bomoh muncul untuk 'restui' calon BN...
Raja Bomoh Ibrahim Mat Zin hari ini muncul di
majlis pengumuman calon BN bagi pilihan raya kecil Parlimen Teluk, dan
mendakwa dia berada di sana untuk "merestui" calon BN Datuk Mah Siew
Ibrahim, yang menjadi terkenal selepas melakukan upacara di KLIA kononnya untuk membantu mencari pesawat MH370 yang hilang pada bulan Mac.
Anak kelahiran Perak, beliau juga telah melakukan upacara berhampiran
Kampar, Perak di mana bekas pemimpin DAP Karpal Singh terbunuh dalam nahas jalan raya pada 17 April.
"Jika perlu, saya akan membantu apa yang saya boleh untuk kemenangan calon BN," katanya kepada Malaysiakini, sambil mengakui tidak mendapat jemputan ke majlis tersebut.
Beliau memakai sut serta bertali leher, bersama tanda namanya dan pin 1Malaysia.
Bagaimanapun, pemangku ketua Gerakan bahagian Teluk Intan, Choo Weng Kee berkata BN tidak menjemput Ibrahim datang ke majlils tersebut.
"Kami tak nampak dia berada di sana, dan kami tidak tahu mengenai kehadirannya hari ini," katanya ringkas.
Ibrahim bagaimanapun tidak menjalankan sebarang upacara dengan Mah dan hanya memantau dari jauh.- mk
Bomoh 1Malaysia kata BN akan menang...
Raja Bomoh to 'bless' BN Teluk Intan candidate...
The infamous 'Raja Bomoh' Ibrahim Mat Zin today surfaced at BN's announcement of its candidate for the Teluk Intan by-election, claiming that he was there to "bless" the BN candidate Mah Siew Keong.
Ibrahim, who won notoriety by performing a ritual in KLIA purportedly to help find the missing MH370 flight in March, stood at the sidelines during most of the event, but nevertheless had a fair share of supporters who greeted him and took photos with him.
A Perak native, he had also performed rituals near Kampar, Perak, on a stretch of highway where former DAP supremo Karpal Singh was killed in a road accident on Apr 17.
"If needed, I will help whatever I can for the BN candidate's victory," he told Malaysiakini, admitting that he had received no invitation for the event.
He was dressed in his customary suit and tie, bearing his name tag and a 1Malaysia pin.

"None of us spotted him there, and we did not know about his presence today," he said briefly.
The notorious shaman in the end did not perform any ritual with Mah and was content watching from the sidelines.- mk
Missing for 71 days, but speculations on MH370 continue...
Seventy-one days have passed and yet rumours about the fate of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 are still “flying” around in the media “airspace”.
The latest was on the Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT). Since it never transmitted any signals, there were speculations that the aircraft did not go into the Southern Indian Ocean and was still intact.
An ELT is an emergency beacon used in aircraft to alert rescue authorities and to indicate the location and the identity of an aircraft in distress.
In an exclusive interview with Bernama, former MAS chief pilot, Datuk Nik Ahmad Huzlan Nik Hussain said, even though it was weird that MH370’s ELT did not give any signal at all, one must understand that it would trigger its signal depending on the impact.
“The angle of impact is very important for it to trigger. The reason why they have certain impact indicator is so that when the aircraft is doing a hard landing on an airport’s runway, the ELT will not trigger.
“If the ELT is really sensitive, every time an aircraft makes a hard landing, the ELT will trigger. So it has a pre-determine value for it to trigger,” he explained.
He noted that in the case of Air France (AF) 447, the ELT was not triggered as the aircraft crashed at a low speed, about 100 kilometres per hour, and did not give enough trigger point for the ELT.
The ELT is designed to self-activate by certain triggers such as an impact or contact with water, similar to the black box’s locator device.
“Although it (Air France 447) hit the water, it then sunk, signal was not transmitted. Water will hamper the range, the trajectory, the power of the ELT. So the transmission range of the ELT may be limited due to the water,” he said, stressing that it was the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) that gave the signal.
According to Nik Ahmad Huzlan, before AF447 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, various signals were sent by ACARS as it had detected one faulty after another, which has led to the aircraft’s final resting place.
The former chief pilot further explained that the ELT was not related to the aircraft’s transponder, saying that it was a standalone and that the battery could last for only 48 hours after it was triggered, due to its strong signal and ability to be detected from far, unlike ping.
The ELT, when triggered, would transmit signals up to three frequencies, that could be picked up by any aircraft or vessels monitoring via satellite.
"First one is the 243-MHz frequency for the ships, through which any ships that are passing through can hear it on their radio. The second one is the 121.5-MHz frequency, which is for the aircraft, he said.
“And another one will be sent to the satellite on 406-MHz frequency. So there are three frequencies and none of them are able to be detected,” he added.
Commenting on the four pings detected in the Southern Indian Ocean on April 5 and April 8, he said that the reason there were no more pings detected after that was due to the black box’s battery life nearly expiring at that time.
“So the four pings detected were from the black box. But why is it so hard to find the wreckage? It is because the signals are not strong enough to triangulate the search area. If it is strong and can be detected at every corner of the search area, intersection point can be created,” he said, adding that the search would be a lot easier.
Asked if it was possible for the aircraft, presumably in the Southern Indian Ocean, to still be intact, Nik Ahmad Huzlan said it was possible because the aircraft was heavy and not designed to float.
“The water can enter through the undercarriage, engine and, bear in mind, the engine is heavy. So water can enter and sink the aircraft. The longest an aircraft can float on the water is five minutes,” he said.
Meanwhile, on the need of revisiting and recalculating the analysis by the United Kingdom’s Inmarsat and Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB), Nik Ahmad Huzlan said it had to be done although there was no issue on doppler’s effect analysis on satellite pings.
“I am holding on to several things. First, the range circle of the aircraft’s capability based on the available fuel. Second, is finding the dawn, because whoever is flying MH370 at that time will look for sunrise area.
“So, where the dawn’s line intersects with ping, intersects with the range circle, that is where MH370 is. Why landing in daylight? So the ocean is visible and easier to land on it,” he noted. – tmi

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