Mahkamah lepas Nik Nazmi dari tuduhan baru...
Mahkamah membebaskan ADUN Seri Setia Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad hari ini daripada satu pertuduhan baru ke atasnya berhubung perhimpunan 'Black 505', Mei tahun lalu.
Mahkamah Sesyen Petaling Jaya Yasmin Abdul Razak memutuskan, Nik Nazmi telahpun dibebaskan dan dilepaskan dari pertuduhan sama oleh Mahkamah Rayuan, 11 hari lalu.
Hakim Yasmin memutuskan Nik Nazmi dilepaskan tetapi tidak dibebaskan dari pertuduhan mengikut Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012 itu.
Katanya, pendakwaan sepatutnya meneruskan rayuan ke Mahkamah Persekutuan atas keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan dan tidak memfailkan kes baru di Mahkamah Sesyen.
Nik Nazmi, 32, didakwa mengikut Seksyen 9(5) akta tersebut kerana didakwa gagal mengeluarkan notis 10 hari mengikut Seksyen 9(1) akta sama, kerana menganjurkan perhimpunan 'Black 505'.
Perhimpunan berkenaan berlangsung di Stadium Kelana Jaya tidak lama selepas pilihan raya umum tahun lalu.
Tuduhan itu serupa dengan tuduhan yang dikemukakan ke atasnya di mahkamah sama tahun lalu selepas perhimpunan 8 Mei itu.- mk
Court discharges Nik Nazmi from fresh charge...
Justice Yasmin ordered a discharge not amounting to acquittal.
She said the prosecution should instead pursue an appeal of the Court of Appeal decision with the Federal Court and not attempt to re-file the case at the Sessions Court.
Nik Nazmi, 32, was charged under Section 9(5) of the PAA for failing to issue a 10-day notice under Section 9(1) of the same act, for organising a "Black 505" rally.
The Selangor deputy speaker was one of the organisers of the rally which took place at the Kelana Jaya Stadium shortly after the 13th general election last year.
The charge was identical to the one he faced at the same Sessions Court in May last year following the rally on May 8.
“I have to accept that I am the Sessions Court judge. You have placed me with a daunting task here,” Yasmin told the prosecution team after spending an hour listening to submissions from Nik Nazmi’s lead counsel N Surendran and deputy public prosecutor Shaharuddin Wan Ladin.
Surendran, who stood up to ask for a bar in trial even before a plea could be recorded from Nik Nazmi, said that the act of the prosecution was in contempt of the Court of Appeal’s decision and a clear contravention of Article 7(2) of the federal constitution, which says that a person who has been acquitted or convicted cannot be charged again under the same offence.
‘A trial never took place’
However, Shaharuddin argued that the Court of Appeal had acquitted Nik Nazmi without “hearing evidence regarding the charge” and thus his team were perfectly within their rights to charge Nik Nazmi again.
“Though he was acquitted, a trial never took place,” he argued.
Surendran, in his response, argued that Nik Nazmi cannot be tried under Section 9(5) as the Appellate Court has ruled it to be unconstitutional, and thus the section is null and void law unless the Federal Court overturns the decision.
“How do you charge someone under a law that does not exist as of now?” he said.
On April 25, a three-member bench at the Apellate Court, in acquitting and discharging Nik Nazmi, ruled that it is unconstitutional to punish someone for not complying with the 10-day notice period stipulated under the PAA.
After Yasmin’s judgment, Surendran said that his team will pursue a legal process against attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail for making a “mockery out of the justice system”.
Nik Nazmi, who appeared to be in high spirits, labelled it as another “personal victory” for him.
“This shows that the government is getting desperate,” he said. - mk
Dakwaan bermotif politik untuk lemahkan Pakatan...
Klip video bertajuk 'Teresa Kok Onederful Malaysia CNY 2014' itu diterbitkannya pada 1 Feb lepas.
Kok, 50, didakwa melakukan kesalahan itu di sebuah unit Apartmen Putra Ria, Jalan Bangsar, Brickfields, pada kira-kira pukul 9 pagi, 1 Feb.
Dia menghadapi pertuduhan itu mengikut Seksyen 4(1)(c) Akta Hasutan 1948 yang jika disabitkan kesalahan boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM5,000 atau penjara tidak melebihi tiga tahun atau kedua-duanya.
Kok yang diwakili lima orang peguam, diketuai Datuk Param Cumaraswamy, menganggukkan kepala tanda faham akan pertuduhan yang dihadapinya serta lampiran transkrip terjemahan dalam Bahasa Melayu mengenai perkataan-perkataan yang didakwa berunsur menghasut itu.
Hakim Norsharidah Awang menetapkan 9 Jun untuk pengurusan kes dan memerintahkan empat hari bermula 2 Sept depan untuk perbicaraan kes.
Param Cumaraswamy memohon kepada mahkamah agar anak guamnya diberikan bon peribadi sementara menantikan perbicaraan kes itu.
Seorang lagi peguam S.N Nair berhujah bahawa jaminan peribadi memadai kerana anak guamnya tidak mungkin melarikan diri ataupun tidak hadir di mahkamah.
Bagaimanapun, Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Muhamad Iskandar Ahmad meminta mahkamah menetapkan satu jaminan yang munasabah untuk menentukan kehadiran tertuduh di mahkamah.
Norsharidah menetapkan jaminan sebanyak RM4,000 dengan seorang penjamin.
Sementara itu, Muhamad Iskandar memberitahu mahkamah bahawa pihak pendakwaan bercadang memanggil 10 hingga 15 saksi semasa perbicaraan nanti.
Mengikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan, seseorang wakil rakyat boleh kehilangan haknya jika mahkamah menjatuhi hukuman denda lebih daripada RM2,000 atau penjara lebih setahun terhadap sebarang kesalahan undang-undang.
Sementara itu, Ahli Parlimen Seputeh, Teresa Kok mendakwa tindakan mendakwa beliau di mahkamah mengikut Akta Hasutan, hari ini bermotif politik dan bertujuan untuk melemahkan Pakatan Rakyat melalui mahkamah.
Beliau berkata, dirinya adalah mangsa seterusnya selepas Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, mendiang Karpal Singh, Ahli Parlimen Pandan, Rafizi Ramli; Adun Seri Setia, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad; Ahli Parlimen Seremban, Anthony Loke dan Ahli Parlimen Ipoh Timur, Thomas Su yang semuanya didakwa sejak Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) lalu.
"Semua yang menonton video saya akan tahu ia hanya satira politik di mana isu dan lawak yang dibuat berdasarkan topik yang selalu dibincangkan oleh rakyat biasa," katanya.
Kok berkata, sesiapa yang merasakan diri mereka difitnah oleh video itu sepatutnya menyaman beliau, namun sehingga sekarang tidak ada mana-mana pihak yang berbuat demikian.
Kok berkata, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak membuat janji palsu untuk memansuhkan Akta Hasutan, yang disifatkan sudah ketinggalan zaman dan sepatutnya dibuang ke tong sampah.
"Mendakwa saya kerana satu satira politik bukan saja menunjukkan bagaimana palsu dan tidak jujurnya perdana menteri yang berjanji mahu memansuhkan Akta Hasutan, ia juga menunjukkan politik buruk yang melanda negara ini sejak pilihan raya umum lalu," katanya.
Peguam Kok, Sankara Nair berkata, biasanya dakwaan hasutan dibuat apabila serangan dibuat ke atas raja atau orang awam secara umum.
Bagaimanapun dalam kes Kok, tiada bukti menunjukkan beliau melakukan serangan seumpama itu.
"Hanya kumpulan NGO sama yang melompat turun naik dan ia tidak boleh diambil kira," katanya.
Nair berkata, adalah jelas ia bukan sekadar alasan undang-undang yang menyebabkan anak guamnya didakwa.
"Apabila satira politik sudah menjadi sebab tindakan di bawah hasutan, maka tidak ada lagi ruang untuk kebebasan bersuara dan ini melanggar perlembagaan," katanya. – tmi
Kok claims trial over 'seditious' video satire...
DAP vice chairperson Teresa Kok was today charged with sedition over her
Chinese New Year video satire titled 'Onederful Malaysia'. The Seputeh
MP claimed trial.
The Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court then set bail at RM4,000 with one surety.
was charged under Section 4(1) (C) of the Sedition Act 1948 for
uploading a video titled "Teresa Kok: Onederful Malaysia CNY 2014" on
YouTube at 9am on Feb 1, this year.
The court interpreter also read out parts of the video which contained Malay subtitles that were allegedly seditious.
In the 11-minute Mandarin clip, Kok plays a talk show host who interviews a panel of experts on what to expect in the Year of the Horse. She has been accused of insulting Malays, Islam, the monarchy, the security forces, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansor.
As the video went viral, Kok received a barrage of insults and hundreds of police reports were lodged against her.
In the 10-page charge sheet, a full version of the transcript in Malay was attached, with underlined parts marked as seditious content.
Among the topics in question were a conversation between Kok and other actors on Malaysia being chosen as the sixth most dangerous country in the world, security problems in Sabah, and Bersih ralliers being assaulted and also being charged in court.
Sessions judge Norsharidah Awang fixed June 9 for case management and Sept 2 for the hearing.
'Politically motivated'
Clad in a red baju kurung today, Kok described the prosecution against her as a “politically motivated”.
“The charge against me shows that the government is stepping up its campaign to weaken and cripple Pakatan via court prosecution,” she told a press conference after being bailed out.
Kok said the government had first charged PKR de factor leader Anwar Ibrahim (right) for sodomy, then the late former DAP chairperson Karpal Singh for sedition, who was merely proffering legal advice.
She pointed out that several other Pakatan leaders too have been slapped with court prosecution since last year's general election, including Selangor State Assembly deputy speaker Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, PKR strategist Rafizi Ramli and DAP's Anthony Loke and Thomas Su under Peaceful Assembly Act 2012.
Kok, who is also DAP's Seputeh MP, reiterated that the issues and jokes in her political satire were topics of discussion by all walks of life in the country.
“Now there’s a report of one more kidnapping in Sabah early morning today. So what I've highlighted in the video are merely the problems that we are facing now,” she stressed.
The Star had reported another Chinese national is believed to have been kidnapped from a fish farm in Lahad Datu’s Silam, Sabah at 2.45am today.
“It is most ridiculous for the government to charge me under Sedition Act over a political satire. This is a clear cut abuse of the draconian (and) outdated law which ought to have been thrown into the dustbin.
“I will fight this heinous charge to the end. I have no committed any crime and I shall be proven innocent in court,” Kok emphaised.
Kok was represented by Sankara Nair, Param Cumarasamy, Gobind Singh Deo and Aaron Lee Chen Yee.- mk
The Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court then set bail at RM4,000 with one surety.
The court interpreter also read out parts of the video which contained Malay subtitles that were allegedly seditious.
In the 11-minute Mandarin clip, Kok plays a talk show host who interviews a panel of experts on what to expect in the Year of the Horse. She has been accused of insulting Malays, Islam, the monarchy, the security forces, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansor.
As the video went viral, Kok received a barrage of insults and hundreds of police reports were lodged against her.
In the 10-page charge sheet, a full version of the transcript in Malay was attached, with underlined parts marked as seditious content.
Among the topics in question were a conversation between Kok and other actors on Malaysia being chosen as the sixth most dangerous country in the world, security problems in Sabah, and Bersih ralliers being assaulted and also being charged in court.
Sessions judge Norsharidah Awang fixed June 9 for case management and Sept 2 for the hearing.
'Politically motivated'
Clad in a red baju kurung today, Kok described the prosecution against her as a “politically motivated”.
“The charge against me shows that the government is stepping up its campaign to weaken and cripple Pakatan via court prosecution,” she told a press conference after being bailed out.
She pointed out that several other Pakatan leaders too have been slapped with court prosecution since last year's general election, including Selangor State Assembly deputy speaker Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, PKR strategist Rafizi Ramli and DAP's Anthony Loke and Thomas Su under Peaceful Assembly Act 2012.
Kok, who is also DAP's Seputeh MP, reiterated that the issues and jokes in her political satire were topics of discussion by all walks of life in the country.
“Now there’s a report of one more kidnapping in Sabah early morning today. So what I've highlighted in the video are merely the problems that we are facing now,” she stressed.
The Star had reported another Chinese national is believed to have been kidnapped from a fish farm in Lahad Datu’s Silam, Sabah at 2.45am today.
“It is most ridiculous for the government to charge me under Sedition Act over a political satire. This is a clear cut abuse of the draconian (and) outdated law which ought to have been thrown into the dustbin.
“I will fight this heinous charge to the end. I have no committed any crime and I shall be proven innocent in court,” Kok emphaised.
Kok was represented by Sankara Nair, Param Cumarasamy, Gobind Singh Deo and Aaron Lee Chen Yee.- mk
Pengurus syarikat diculik di Sabah...
Satu lagi kes penculikan bersenjata dilaporkan
berlaku di perairan Sabah membabitkan sekumpulan lima orang lelaki yang
dilaporkan melarikan seorang lelaki dipercayai warga China.
Menteri pelancongan Sabah Datuk Masidi Manjun berkata, kejadian berkenaan berlaku di Pulai Baik di perairan Silam, Lahad Datu pada kira-kira jam 2.45 pagi.
Penyiasatan awal mendapati, mangsa dikenali sebagai Yang Zailin dengan pasport bernombor G35101668. Mangsa adalah pengurus Wonderful Terrace Sdn Bhd.
Menteri pelancongan Sabah Datuk Masidi Manjun berkata, kejadian berkenaan berlaku di Pulai Baik di perairan Silam, Lahad Datu pada kira-kira jam 2.45 pagi.
Penyiasatan awal mendapati, mangsa dikenali sebagai Yang Zailin dengan pasport bernombor G35101668. Mangsa adalah pengurus Wonderful Terrace Sdn Bhd.
"Pengurus satu syarikat ternakan ikan dalam sangkar dipercayai warga China dilarikan oleh lima orang lelaki bersenjata di Pulau Baik, Lahad Datu pada jam 2.45 pagi ini," tulisnya di Twitter.
Kumpulan berkenaan dipercayai menuju ke selatan Filipina.
Kejadian berkenaan berlaku tidak sampai 24 jam selepas sekumpulan lelaki bersenjata melarikan enjin bot dari satu bot pemancing di perairan Tanjung Labian.
Dalam kejadian 11 malam itu, kumpulan lanun bersenjata raifal M16 itu bertindak demikian dalam kejadian dekat Sungai Bilis, lapor The Star.
Kejadian penculikan di perairan Silam tersebut merupakan kejadian kedua yang berlaku tahun ini di Sabah, sebulan selepas kejadian penculikan di Singamata Reef Resort, Semporna.
Dalam kejadian di Semporna itu, kumpulan berkenaan menculik dua orang wanita, salah seorangnya berusia berusia 40 tahun warganegara Filipina yang bekerja di pusat peranginan tersebut dan seorang lagi adalah adalah pelancong warga yang berusia lingkungan 20-an.
Pada November tahun lepas, seorang pelancong Taiwan ditemui mati ditembak dan isterinya diculik oleh sekumpulan lelaki dalam kejadian di Pulau Pom Pom, Semporna.- mk
Sabah minister: Esscom credibilty at stake...
News of yet another kidnap off the Sabah east coast has been met with frustration, not least from the state's own tourism minister Masidi Manjun.
“There is no use talking already...Our hope is that the responsible parties see that this is a challenge to their credibility. Their crediblity at stake!” he said on Twitter.
He was asked how the armed men managed to infiltrate the border and where the East Sabah Security Command (Esscom) was when it happened.
This followed Masidi's announcement that a Chinese national and fish farm manager was abducted by a group of armed men in Pulau Baik near Lahad Datu at 2.45am today.
This morning's incident comes a year after the Sulu incursion in Lahad Datu and weeks after a Chinese tourist and Filipino resort worker was kidnapped from a resort near Semporna (above).
'Heads must roll in Esscom'
Meanwhile, Sabah DAP said that the repeated security bungles should warrant a resignation from Esscom director general Mohammad Mentek.
“If we follow the leadership example by Korea, I don’t know how many times Esscoom director-general should resign from his post,” Sabah DAP vice chairperson Chan Foong Hin said in statement.
He was referring to the South Korean prime minister Chung Hong-won's resignation following the ferry capsize which killed at least 187 people.
He also called on a “reform” of Esscom to give it more power especially in maintaining water border security.
Further, he said southern Philippines kidnappers easily commit the crime in Sabah due to local connections no thanks to the influx of illegal immigrants into the state.
Esscom's Mohammad in a statement said that Yang Zai Lin, 34, of Guangzhao was abducted this morning following a shootout.
He said the shootout occured close to Pulau Mataking when security forces from air and marine units tried to corner the kindappers' boat.
The kidnappers, however, managed to flee to international waters.
Yang has been employed for the past three years by Wonderful Terrace Sdn Bhd, a company owned by a Chinese national.- mk
Menteri Sabah: Kredibiliti Esscom jadi taruhan

Beginilah agaknya 'penyamun-penyamun' UMNO merompak harta-harta rakyat utuk diagihkan kepada anak pinak dan kroni-kroni mereka...

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