PAS tangguh pembentangan RUU Persendirian hudud di Parlimen...
Presiden PAS itu mengumumkan perkara itu selepas mesyuarat Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat hari ini di Ibu Pejabat PAS di Kuala Lumpur.
Abdul Hadi berkata, keputusan itu dibuat bagi memberi tempoh masa kepada Jawatankuasa Teknikal antara Putrajaya dan kerajaan negeri Kelantan meneliti dan mengemukakan cadangan tindakan pelaksanaan Kanun Jenayah Syariah (II) 1993 Kelantan.
"Oleh kerana itu cadangan membawa RUU Persendirian di Dewan Rakyat pada persidangan bulan Jun 2014 ini tidak akan diteruskan.
"Ini bagi memberi ruang kepada Jawatankuasa Teknikal diatas untuk merumuskan cadangan dan tindakan selanjutnya," kata Hadi melalui kenyataan yang dibacakan Timbalan Presiden PAS Mohamad Sabu pada satu sidang media hari ini.
Menurut Mohamad, PAS juga dalam mesyuarat bersetuju dengan cadangan Jawatankuasa Teknikal yang akan dipengerusikan Timbalan Menteri Besar Kelantan, Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah dan diseliakan oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom di bawah Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim).

Walaupun keputusan untuk menangguhkan pembentangan usul di Parlimen dibuat, namun Mohamad yang dikenali sebagai Mat Sabu berkata PAS masih bertekad memastikan undang-undang hudud terlaksana.
"Terserah kepada Jawatankuasa Teknikal yang akan berbicang dengan Kelantan dan Pusat.
"Ini jawatankuasa antara kerajaan dengan kerajaan, bukan lagi antara parti dengan parti, jadi seriuslah," katanya.
Ditanya sama ada PAS sudah memaklumkan keputusan itu kepada rakan sekutunya PKR dan DAP, Mohamad berkata perkara itu belum dibuat dan tidak perlu.
"Mereka belum tahu. Mereka akan mengetahuinya melalui laporan adil media hari ini," katanya.
Menteri Besar Kelantan, Datuk Ahmad Yakob pada April lalu mengumumkan kerajaan negeri sudah siap bersedia dengan draf satu RUU persendirian (private bill) berhubung hukum hudud.
Rang undang-undang itu akan dibawa ahli Parlimen PAS daripada Kelantan ke persidangan Dewan Rakyat bagi mendapatkan kebenaran melaksanakan undang-undang tersebut seperti yang diperuntukkan oleh Perkara 76 (A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Perkara itu kemudiannya disambut baik Umno, termasuk Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang mahu melihat usaha itu diteruskan.
Bagaimanapun, tentangan hebat dibuat DAP yang menggesa PAS keluar daripada Pakatan Rakyat (PR) kerana melanggar konsensus selain menganggap hudud melanggar Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Manakala MCA pula memutuskan untuk mengkaji kedudukannya sebagai parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) jika Umno terus menyokong PAS melaksanakan hudud di Kelantan. – tmi
With new committee, PAS won't table Hudud Bill...
PAS will no longer push to table its Private Member's Bill in the June parliamentary session that enables the implementation of hudud law in Kelantan in light of the new joint technical committee.
"This is to give room for a technical committee to make recommendations and take further action," said PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu at a press conference today, reading a press statement from party president Abdul Hadi Awang.
Following today’s PAS central committee meeting, the joint technical committee has gotten the blessings of the party’s top leadership as well.
“As such the proposal to table a Private Member’s Bill at the Dewan Rakyat during the June 2014 sitting will not be continued,” he said.
To a question after the press conference, the PAS deputy denied the decision was made in consideration of the Bukit Gelugor by-election that will go into nominations tomorrow.
PAS' pursuit of hudud law has always been a favourite election weapon used by Pakatan Rakyat's foes, in particular MCA and Gerakan.
However the BN parties have never addressed the fact that their partner Umno is the main player encouraging PAS in the matter nor have they challenged the ruling party for agreeing to hudud.
Umno's hand in hudud
Meanwhile, Gerakan youth chief Tan Keng Liang lauded PAS’ decision not the table the Bill for now, but says its legal notice threatening to sue PAS still stands if it reverses its decision.
“We will not take any chance. The federal constitution and its fundamental principles must be defended,” he said in a statement later today.
The idea of a joint committee between the federal government and the Kelantan government was floated by Muhyiddin late last month well into the controversy over the Bill.
Bernama on April 27 quoted the DPM saying, “It is better if the discussion (on hudud) is represented by experts.”.
“Maybe a technical committee can be formed comprising federal government representatives from the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim), Kelantan Islamic Religious Council, religious figures as well as experts at international level from other Islamic countries.
Subsequently on a meeting on May 2, the federal government and the Kelantan government agreed to form the committee.
On another matter, Mohamad Sabu at the same press conference announced that PAS will be holding a fundraising dinner for Unit Amal and its 3,245 members in Kelana Jaya, Selangor, on June 8.
He said this is to help Unit Amal continue with its security and disaster relief work.- mk
Even Sultans must face hudud law...
Hudud law must apply to everyone including the country's monarchs, Umno Youth exco member Fathul Bari Mat Jahya says.
"I am saying this in my personal capacity because I do not know Umno's
stance, but by right it (hudud law) should apply to everyone regardless
whether they are from upper class, lower class or the raja (Malay rulers).
He was responding to a query by social activist Wong Chin Huat who asked
if PAS and Umno would push for an amendment to Article 182 of the
federal constitution to include hudud law for the Special Courts that
deal with wrongdoing by the Malay rulers.
Also speaking at the forum, which was moderated by social activist
Marina Mahathir, were Sepang MP Hanipa Maidin, PAS research centre
director Dzulkefly Ahmad, Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) director Ahmad
Farouk Musa and family equality group Musawah director Zainah Anwar.
Wong had posed the same question to PAS' Hanipa, who appeared to shrug off the question.
Hanipa blamed the constitution which in its current form deals with
offences for common citizens and the Malay rulers in separate courts.
'PAS coy on hudud for rulers law'
"You ask why hudud doesn't apply to the Agong but you should not blame PAS for such a law, the problem is in the constitution.
"Until and unless you are ready to amend the constitution, then we are okay, let us implement it," he said.
IRF's Farouk took aim at PAS for the party's eagerness in sending a
delegation to Brunei after the country recently implemented hudud law.
He zoomed in on the country's hudud law which does not affect the sultan.
"The Article provided that his majesty the sultan can do no wrong (tidak pandai berbuat salah) in either his personal or any official capacity.
"... That means the sultan is above the law, no wonder he wants to
implement hudud law. He doesn't care, its not for him, it's for his
"(Yet) we are so passionate to go to Brunei and say: 'Sultan, sultan, tell us about your hudud'," he said, snidely.
'Hudud has no bail'
Meanwhile, Dzulkefly stressed that the burden of proof under Hudud law
is very high, resulting in no hudud conviction in Pakistan between 1979
and 2006.
Instead, he said, the convictions were under takzir, a different section of the Islamic criminal code.
Instead, he said, the convictions were under takzir, a different section of the Islamic criminal code.
This is because it has no provision for bail, leaving many behind bars
for years before finally being freed by highest level of the Syariah
court, she said.
"The cases went to the Federal Syariah appeal court and the cases were
dismissed, but in the meantime (the accused) languished in jail for
years because hudud law is not bailable.
"The punishments were not executed and they were finally were released
after the appeal process, but lives have been destroyed," she said.
The forum was an initiative to promote dialogue amid collaboration
between Umno and PAS which are ironing out details on the implementation
of hudud law.- mk

Teh tarik Pakatan kenapa berlain dari teh tarik UMNO? pasai tukang bancuh teh tu si Mat Maslan, teh tarik guna gula aje...

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