Media NZ dedah nama diplomat M'sia(NZ media names M'sian diplomat implicated in sex offence)...
Media New Zealand telah menamakan diplomat Malaysia yang dituduh terbabit dalam satu kes kesalahan seksual selepas mahkamah tinggi di sana menarik balik perintah melarang identitinya didedahkan.
Portal berita menamakan diplomat tersebut sebagai Muhammad Rizalman Ismail, yang memegang pangkat tentera sebagai pegawai waran.
Muhammmad Rizalman, yang berusia dalam lingkungan 30-an, tidak diwakili peguam di pendengaran itu tetapi peguam Barbara Hunt telah dilantik oleh mahkamah untuk membantu jika perlu.
Muhammad Rizalman pertama kali muncul di mahkamah daerah pada 10 Mei di mana dua Hakim membenarkan perintah larangan tersebut. Seorang pendaftar mahkamah meneruskan perintah tersebut pada 15 Mei apabila polis berkata isu imuniti diplomatik sedang diteliti.
Menurut laporan itu, dia adalah seorang kakitangan pembantu dengan portfolio pertahanan di Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia.
Portal berita itu berkata Robert Stewart, peguam bagi Fairfax Media, yang merayu perintah larangan itu ditarik balik, berkata Kementerian Luar Malaysia dijadual membuat kenyataan mengenai perkara itu hari ini.
Oleh itu, katanya, media New Zealand akan berada dalam kedudukan tidak adil jika ia tidak dapat mendedahkan nama seorang lelaki yang mungkin didedahkan di luar negara.
Dalam pada itu, media NZ juga mendedahkan kerajaan Malaysia menolak permohonan dari NZ untuk melepaskan imuniti diplomatik supaya dapat dibicarakan di negara tersebut.
Awal hari ini, Wisma Putra mengesahkan seorang diplomat Malaysia merupakan suspek kepada kes pencabulan seks di NZ.
Menteri Luar Datuk Seri Anifah Aman berkata tertuduh adalah diplomat Malaysia dan beliau sudah dihantar pulang.
Dalam pada itu, kerajaan NZ mendedahkan sedang mengejar pemindahan diplomat tersebut yang dituduh 'memecah rumah dengan tujuan merogol' di Wellington bulan lepas.
Diplomat tersebut yang dalam lingkungan 30-an ditahan kerana didakwa mengikuti wanita 21 tahun ke rumahnya kemudian mencabulnya. Beliau juga didakwa merompak dalam insiden yang sama.
Kes itu didengar Hakim Mahkamah Daerah Bruce Davidson pada 30 Mei apabila perintah larangan itu diteruskan.
Polis New Zealand tidak menentang rayuan itu kerana tidak ada hubungan antara defendan dan mangsa yang dikatakan itu, jadi tiada risiko jika dia dikenal pasti jika defendan dinamakan.
Sementara itu, Menteri Luar NZ Murray McCully hari ini memberi amaran sekiranya diplomat tersebut tidak didakwa di mahkamah, ia akan memburukkan perhubungan negara yang terlibat dengan NZ.
"Ia akan menjejaskan cara kita mengendalikan negara yang terlibat," kata McCulluy kepada akhbar harian NZ, The Dominion Post.
Beliau juga dipetik berkata pegawai daripada Kementerian Hal Ehwal Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan (MFAT) berkata dengan jelasnya NZ mahukan diplomat tersebut, yang kini sudah berada di negara asalnya, menghadapi keadilan.
Pihak berkuasa New Zealand yang menawarkan "alternatif" untuk membawa pulang seorang diplomat Malaysia yang dituduh terbabit dalam kes serangan seksual sebelum 30 Mei, kata Menteri Luar, Datuk Anifah Aman.
Walaupun pemimpin New Zealand mahu diplomat tersebut, Mohammed Rizalman Ismail, dibicarakan di sana, Anifah berkata pihak berkuasa New Zealand yang membuat tawaran itu.
"Kami sedia untuk memberikan kekebalan diplomatik jika perlu," kata Anifah.
Beliau berkata diplomat itu sedang menjalani ujian psikiatri oleh Kementerian Pertahanan, di mana beliau bertugas, dan jika didapati bersalah, tindakan yang diambil terhadapnya oleh Mahkamah Tentera di Malaysia.
Anifah bagaimanapun tidak dapat memberi butiran jenis hukuman menanti Rizalman jika dia didapati bersalah.- tmi/mk
The New Zealand media has named the Malaysian diplomat accused of a sex offence after the high court there lifted a suppression order regarding his identity.
News portal identified the diplomat as Muhammad Rizalman Ismail, who holds the military rank of warrant officer.
According to the report, he was a staff assistant with a defence portfolio at the Malaysian High Commission.
The news portal said Robert Stewart, lawyer for Fairfax Media, which appealed for the suppression to be lifted, said Malaysia's Foreign Ministry was due to make a statement on the matter today.
Therefore, he said the New Zealand media would be in an invidious position if it could not name a man who could be named overseas.
Rizalman, aged in his 30s, was not represented at the hearing but lawyer Barbara Hunt has been appointed by the court to assist if necessary.
Rizalman first appeared in the district court on May 10 where two justices of the peace granted the suppression. A court registrar continued the suppression on May 15 when police said issues of diplomatic immunity were being looked into.
The case was before District Court judge Bruce Davidson on May 30 when the order was continued.
The New Zealand police did not oppose the appeal as there was no connection between the defendant and the alleged victim so there was no risk of her being identified if the defendant was named.
Meanwhile New Zealand authorities offered the "alternative" to bring home a Malaysian diplomat accused of sexual assault before May 30, Foreign Minister Anifah Aman said today.
Although New Zealand leaders have expressed their preference to have the diplomat, Muhammad Rizalman Ismail, to be tried there, Anifah said it was the New Zealand authorities who made that offer.
He said that the diplomat is currently undergoing psychiatric tests by the Defence Ministry, where he is attached, and if found guilty, will have action taken against him by the Military Court in Malaysia. Anifah however was unable to give details as to what kind of punishment would await Rizalman.- mk
Diplomat Malaysia di New Zealand dituduh merogol dan memecah rumah...
Rakyat New Zealand berang semalam selepas pihak berkuasa mendapati lelaki berkenaan, dalam lingkungan usia 30-an, telah mengekori seorang wanita berusia 21 tahun pulang ke rumah dan menyerangnya.
Akhbar di New Zealand dihalang daripada mendedahkan nama suspek atau negara asalnya selepas seorang hakim New Zealand mengeluarkan perintah melarang butiran dirinya didedahkan.
Bagaimanapun, Malaysiakini difahamkan bahawa lelaki itu adalah seorang diplomat Malaysia yang bekerja di Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia yang berpejabat di Wellington.
Malaysiakini tidak menyiarkan nama lelaki itu sementara menunggu respons rasmi dari Wisma Putra.
Menurut Associated Press, polis menahan diplomat itu pada 9 Mei dan mendakwanya atas tuduhan memecah rumah dan serangan dengan niat untuk merogol, kedua-duanya membawa hukuman penjara maksimum 10 tahun.
Bagaimanapun, lelaki itu mendapat kekebalan diplomatik dan telah meninggalkan negara itu.
Perdana Menteri New Zealand John Key mendedahkan pagi ini bahawa kerajaannya telah menuntut kekebalan diplomatik lelaki itu diibatalkan, tetapi telah ditolak.- mk
NZ wants Malaysian diplomat extradited over alleged sexual assault...
This follows the man having "fled" New Zealand to return to his own country when he invoked diplomatic immunity after his arrest on May 9.
The diplomat, said to be in his 30s, was detained for having allegedly followed a 21-year-old woman to her house, then sexually assaulting her. He was also charged with burglary over the same incident.
The identity of the diplomat and also his nationality has not been revealed by the media in New Zealand after a judge there issued a suppression order on his details.
The case has created much uproar in New Zealand, especially over the inability to prosecute the accused for the sexual assault. The Keys administration had also come under much criticism from the NZ opposition and the public for having only summoned the High Commissioner of the diplomat's country more than a month after the incident.
Wisma Putra says it will address tomorrow a brewing storm surrounding a Malaysian diplomat who is accused by New Zealand authorities of assault with intention to commit rape.
New Zealanders responded with outrage yesterday after the authorities revealed that the man, in his 30s, had followed a 21-year-old woman home and assaulted her.
The press in New Zealand is prevented from revealing the offender's name or country of origin after a New Zealand judge issued a suppression order on his details.
Foreign Minister Anifah Aman (right) when asked to confirm this, told Malaysiakini in a text message that he will weigh in on the matter in a press conference tomorrow.
Malaysiakini is withholding the man's name pending Wisma Putra's official response.
According to the Associated Press, police arrested the diplomat on May 9 and charged him with burglary and assault with intent to rape, both of which carries a maximum jail term of 10 years.
However, the man invoked his diplomatic immunity and has fled the country.
NZ wants diplomat extradited
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key broke his silence on the matter this morning, revealing that his government had demanded the man's diplomatic immunity be waived but was rebuffed.
"It was the government's strong preference that this person be held to account in New Zealand, but this was refused by the sending country," Key is quoted as saying by New Zealand news portal
He said assurance had been made that the diplomat will be held accountable in his own country.
"As a signatory to the Vienna Convention our hands are effectively tied, but we still expect justice for the victim," he was quoted as saying.
Key has come under criticism for only summoning Malaysia's High Commissioner a month after the incident.
However, Key revealed his government has been in a diplomatic back-and-forth with the man's country of origin in the past month, without mentioning "Malaysia".
"It was our strong preference that this person be held to account in New Zealand, but this was refused by the sending country," Keys was quoted as telling the media, adding that he was given an assurance that the diplomat will be held accountable in his own country.
"There's been a series of meetings held at a variety of different levels with MFAT (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade) in New Zealand and the representatives of the sending country.
"I'm led to believe, and I strongly accept that advice, that the host country is absolutely aware at a very senior level about New Zealand's expectations and how seriously we're taking the issue," he is quoted as saying.
Labour foreign affairs spokesperson David Shearer, who represents New Zealand's largest opposition party, called for the diplomat's extradition to face the law in New Zealand.- mk/tmi

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