Penjelasan Isu Penstrukturan Air Selangor...
Kebelakangan ini, ada beberapa tuduhan liar yang dilemparkan terhadap saya dan Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim kononnya kami terlibat cuba campur tangan dalam rundingan air untuk mendapat bayaran komisen dari pemegang konsesi SPLASH. Tuduhan-tuduhan liar ini ada menyebut jumlah yang besar kononnya melibatkan berpuluh-puluh juta.
Saya tidak menjawab sebarang tuduhan sebegini sebelum ini sebagai menghormati mandat Pakatan Rakyat yang diberikan kepada saya yang menjadi salah seorang Panel Penstrukturan Air yang mewakili PR dan menyelia Kerajaan Selangor dalam hal ini. Saya masih berharap sebelum ini supaya sebarang perbezaan pendapat mengenai kaedah proses penstrukturan air sewajarnya dibincangkan bersama bukan melalui media.
Walau bagaimana pun, oleh kerana tuduhan liar itu melampaui batas dan menjejaskan imej saya, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan KEADILAN, saya telah berbincang dengan beberapa pimpinan kanan KEADILAN dan PR sama ada tuduhan-tuduhan ini wajar dijawab secara umum. Saya dinasihati supaya memberi penerangan untuk membolehkan orang ramai tahu keadaan sebenar.
Bersama-sama ini saya sertakan nota penerangan mengenai penstrukturan industri air Selangor yang saya tulis dan bentangkan kepada pimpinan KEADILAN (dan beberapa pimpinan DAP dan PAS) pada akhir Februari 2014 iaitu seminggu selepas Kerajaan Negeri menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MOU) dengan Kerajaan Pusat.
Kebimbangan yang saya lahirkan dalam bulan Februari 2014 telah menjadi kenyataan iaitu:
1. Kerajaan Pusat engkar dengan kata-kata dan enggan melaksanakan janji mereka menggunakan akta untuk menyempurnakan penstrukturan semula
2. Tarif air di Selangor akan naik mendadak dalam tahun yang dekat dengan pilihanraya umum
3. Kroni kuat Umno iaitu Tan Sri Rozalli Ismail akan menerima harga tawaran Kerajaan Selangor kerana ia lumayan dan jauh mengatasi nilai sebenar syarikatnya
4. Pemegang konsesi Loji Sg Selangor (yang merupakan loji terbesar yang membekalkan kepada hampir 60% pengguna) iaitu SPLASH akan menolak kerana harga tawaran awal dipotong oleh Kerajaan Selangor untuk jumlah itu dibayar kepada Tan Sri Rozalli Ismail
5. Projek Langat 2 diteruskan dan kontrak diberikan kepada kroni-kroni Umno sedangkan bayarannya nanti ditanggung oleh rakyat Selangor
6. Masalah bekalan air di Selangor berterusan hingga menimbulkan kemarahan rakyat terhadap Pakatan Rakyat
7. Selepas hampir 6 bulan, sehingga kini penstrukturan air tidak nampak ada kemajuan di Selangor. Pelbagai kontroversi dan pertanyaan terus timbul seperti yang saya akan terangkan selepas ini.
Perbezaan pendapat saya yang paling besar dengan Kerajaan Selangor mengenai penstrukturan air ialah keputusan untuk membayar pampasan keuntungan (disebut “equity portion”) kepada Tan Sri Rozalli Ismail (melalui Syabas dan Puncak Niaga) sebanyak RM1.6 bilion sedangkan nilai kedua-dua syarikat itu adalah hampir muflis.
Setelah bertahun-tahun rakyat Selangor sengsara dengan masalah air yang sebahagian besarnya berpunca dari kelemahan Syabas dan Puncak Niaga, Tan Sri Rozalli Ismail menerima ganjaran yang cukup besar yang akan ditanggung oleh rakyat Selangor.
Bagi saya, keputusan itu tidak ada bezanya dengan keputusan Barisan Nasional menghapuskan hutang Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli sebanyak RM600 juta atau campur tangan Tun Mahathir dulu agar syarikat perkapalan milik anaknya Mirzan Mahathir diberi pampasan lebih tinggi oleh PETRONAS sedangkan nilaian semasanya jauh lebih rendah.
Nota yang saya sertakan ditulis selepas mesyuarat di antara Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim dan wakil-wakil rakyat Pakatan Rakyat untuk beliau menjelaskan keputusan dan tindakan Kerajaan Selangor dalam isu air ini.
Saya berlapang dada di dalam bulan Ramadhan ini dengan fitnah sebegini dan beranggapan ia adalah asam garam kehidupan seorang penjawat awam. Saya tidak akan mengambil tindakan saman ke atas mereka yang galak menyebarkan fitnah ini kerana saya yakin dosa yang mereka tanggung melebihi apa-apa tekanan tindakan undang-undang yang boleh saya ambil.
Saya maafkan semua yang menyebarkan fitnah ini dan menasihati mereka bertaubat dan berhenti menyebarkannya setelah saya menjelaskan dengan fakta seperti di dalam nota.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Rafizi Ramli
Ahli Parlimen Pandan.
Why pay RM1.63 billion to Syabas and Puncak Niaga when both already nearly BANKRUPT...
PKR's Rafizi Ramli today hit out at the Selangor government over the failed water restructuring plan, questioning the need for the administration to compensate concessionaires Syabas and Puncak Niaga with RM1.63 billion to acquire them although both companies are almost bankrupt.
The Pandan MP claimed that Selangor had increased the compensation to both the concessionaires, owned by Umno crony Tan Sri Rozali Ismail, by RM568 million in March from its original offer RM1.07 billion in February.
In addition, the government would also take over the RM4.06 debt under the Puncak Niaga group, which includes Syabas which handles the water pipe system and water processing plant Puncak Niaga.
"After the people of Selangor have suffered for years with a water problem, which was mainly caused by the weakness of Syabas and Puncak Niaga, Tan Sri Rozali Ismail will now receive a huge reward to be borne by the people of Selangor," he said in a statement.
"To me, this move is no different from Barisan Nasional's decision to write off Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli's (former chairman of Malaysia Airlines) RM600 million debt.
Rafizi, who is PKR strategic director, said that if both Syabas and Puncak Niaga were valued according to the usual method using the asset worth, liabilty and the companies' profits, they would be of zero value.
"This means that if Puncak Niaga group were to be sold in an open market without negotiations, its value – based on profit records, assets and liabilities – would be nothing.
"However, the memorandum of understanding (MoU) would give them a profit of RM1.63 billion, which is RM1.7 billion more than its market price," he added.
In March, Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim signed a water restructuring deal with Putrajaya, allowing the state government to reverse decades of privatisation of the Selangor water industry.
According to the agreement, the Federal government will give the state power to take over the management of treatment plants and distribution pipes from four private companies, including Syabas and Puncak Niaga.
At that time, it was reported that Selangor would offer RM9.65 billion to the shareholders of the four companies to take over their shares and debts.
However, Khalid came under fire from his own party for signing the deal, with many PKR leaders criticising him for not consulting them about it.
Rafizi had previously warned that Selangor would be forced to fork out RM20 billion in the water deal and the people of Selangor could be seeing higher water tariffs in the future.
He said that the deal inked on February 26 did not benefit the people of Selangor as at the end of the day, they could be forced to pay higher prices for water because of the MoU which the state had signed with Putrajaya.
He said the RM20 billion price tag was arrived at by adding the cost of taking over the four companies in charge of Selangor's water industry, which could be between RM9.65 billion and RM14 billion, and the cost of building the Langat 2 water treatment plant, which is at least RM8 billion. – TMI
Rafizi denies seeking commissions from Splash...
“There have been wild allegations directed at me and (opposition leader) Anwar Ibrahim, accusing us of interfering in Selangor’s water restructuring negotiations and trying to get commissions from water concessionaire Splash,” said Rafizi in a media statement.
Splash is the remaining concessionaire to still stall on a deal with the state government led by Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim. Splash has been adamant that Selangor’s last takeover offer of RM250 million falls well short of their net asset valuation (NAV) of RM2.5 billion.
Splash is 40 percent owned by Gamuda, 30 percent by Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor (a unit of Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Bhd or KDEB) and 30 percent by The Sweetwater Alliance, a company controlled by well-connected businessman Wan Azmi Wan Hamzah.
Splash operates, among other things, the Sungai Selangor Dam which supplies approximately 60 percent of treated water to Klang Valley.
Rafizi hit back at his critics by highlighting Selangor state government’s decision to pay RM1.6 billion compensation on equity to Puncak Niaga executive chairman Rozali Ismail in the water takeover.- mk
The SPLASH issue explained...
As a shareholder of Splash I was appalled to receive from KDEB an offer representing only 10% of the audited nav of the Company. As the MB Khalid Ibrahim was not prepared to see me, I approached Anwar Ibrahim, who after all is Economic Advisor to Selangor to set up a meeting for me so that I could hear some intelligent explanation why SPLASH was offered such a derisory offer.
Khalid did not like that, but if he had bothered to meet me or answered the many letters I wrote, Anwar Ibrahim need not have to be involved. Flattering as it may be, saying that I may have the power and influence to unseat MBs is one spin too far.
SPLASH has an audited net asset value of RM2.5 billion plus another 16 years of unexpired concession life. That unexpired term in net present value terms is worth another RM1.4 billion. Through KDEB, Khalid offered to buy SPLASH for RM250 million.
That’s a ninety per cent discount on NAV, never mind against full concession valuation. SPLASH happens to be a well-run, efficient and profitable company, not a consignment of rotting fish to deserve such derisory offer.
Contrast that with the State’s offer for SYABAS, a company with an audited negative (note: NEGATIVE) net worth of RM2.1 billion. That is after accruing tariff increases of approximately RM3.5 billion, an increase that was rejected by the State, a grand gesture that made Khalid Ibrahim a Robin Hood figure and a cult hero. Adjusting down the accrued revenue from a disputed tariff increase, SYABAS’ negative shareholder value advances to RM5.6 billion.
Khalid Ibrahim is now buying that wreckage at RM441 million. That is generously over-valuing the acquisition by RM6 billion. A spectacular bailout in the name of the rakyat!
I could go on about the valuations accorded to Puncak Niaga and ABBASS, the other two concessionaires being bought out by the State, and demonstrate how badly treated SPLASH has been. But let’s not bore your readers.
However, my personal advice to you is to check some of the facts and numbers. After all, your brother sits on the Board of KDEB, and should know the affairs of SPLASH as well as SYABAS quite well. Assuming of course, he can be as committed to truth and fairness as you.
Wan Azmi Wan Hamzah

1 comment:
Khalid Ibrahim dah kena jual oleh Najib & Co...
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