Puak pemisah akur permintaan Malaysia...
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, tiga perkara yang dipersetujui bersama ialah isu mayat yang akan dipindahkan, penyerahan kotak hitam dan jaminan penyiasat bebas untuk masuk ke lokasi kemalangan dan membuat siasatan.
“Kita sudah menjalin kerjasama dengan semua pihak yang yang bertanggungjawab dengan kemalangan ini.
“Masalah juga sudah dikenal pasti selain menetapkan perjanjian bersama untuk melakukan tindakan susulan,” katanya dalam sidang media di kediamannya di sini.
Ujar Najib, perbualan telefon dengan ketua pemberontak Alexander Borodai juga sudah dibuat sebelum tiga kata sepakat itu diperoleh.
“Pertama, mayat 282 orang akan dipindahkan dengan kereta api untuk diserahkan kepada wakil-wakil dari Belanda. Kereta api akan berlepas dan akan diiringi oleh enam wakil Malaysia.
“Mayat akan diterbangkan ke Amsterdam dan mayat rakyat Malaysia akan diterbangkan pulang dengan C130 Hercules untuk prosedur forensik seterusnya,” ujarnya.
Dalam pada itu kata Najib, perjanjian kedua adalah kedua-dua kotak hitam juga akan diserahkan kepada pasukan Malaysia di Donetsk untuk susulan siasatan lanjut.
Sementara ketiga katanya, penyiasat antarabangsa bebas juga akan dijamin akses selamat untuk lokasi kemalangan untuk memulakan siasatan penuh kejadian.
“Saya perlu menegaskan bahawa walaupun perjanjian telah dicapai, masih terdapat beberapa langkah-langkah yang diperlukan sebelum ia selesai.
“Saya meminta semua pihak untuk terus bekerja bersama-sama dan memastikan perjanjian ini dihormati selain semua permintaan dipenuhi sepenuhnya,” jelasnya.
Najib turut melahirkan simpati dan kesedihan rakyat negara ini terhadap insiden berkenaan. -astroawani.com
Mayat 282 penumpang MH17 akan diserah kepada Belanda, kata Najib

Najib: Remains and black boxes will be retrieved...
During a special press conference at his official residence in Putrajaya shortly after midnight, he said the remains will be flown back to Amsterdam.
"The train will depart this evening Ukraine time, and will be accompanied by six Malaysian members of the recovery team.
"The remains will then be flown to Amsterdam on board a Dutch C130 Hercules, together with the Malaysian team.
"Following any necessary forensic work, the remains of Malaysian citizens will then be flown home to Malaysia," he said.
He also said that at 9pm Ukraine time (2am Malaysian time), the black boxes will be handed over to Malaysian authorities.
Najib said that the agreement was brokered with Alexander Borodai, the leader of pro-Russia east Ukraine separatist group controlling the Donestk region where MH17 fell.
Access to crash site
Borodai also assured that the international investigation team is granted access to the crash site.
"Only then can the investigation into MH17 truly begin; only then can the victims be afforded the respect they deserve.
United States and Ukraine have concluded that the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777, which was carrying 298 passengers and crew, was shot down by separatists using anti-aircraft missile.
Australia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, who lost citizens on MH17 have applied pressure on Russian president Vladimir Putin to push the separatists to allow access to the site and bodies.
However, Malaysia has declined to make a conclusion until further investigations.
Meanwhile, Najib said the agreement with Borodai was the fruit of behind the scenes negotiations.
"In recent days, there were times I wanted to give greater voice to the anger and grief that the Malaysian people feel. And that I feel. But sometimes, we must work quietly in the service of a better outcome.
"I understand that for the families, nothing can undo this damage. The lives taken cannot be given back; the dignity lost cannot be regained," he said.- mk
MH17: It’s mass murder, who did it?

MAS cuma tidak bernasib baik...

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