MH17 berusia 17 tahun punyai rekod bersih...
Pesawat B777-200 dengan nombor pendaftaran 9M-MRD yang membuat penerbangan bagi laluan Amsterdam – Kuala Lumpur semalam mempunyai rekod penyelenggaraan yang bersih.
"Kali terakhir pemeriksaan dibuat ialah pada 11 Julai lepas. Pemeriksaan berikutnya dijadualkan pada 27 Ogos akan datang.
"Kerja penyelenggaraan dilakukan di hangar Malaysia Airlines (MAS) di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur. Ia berada dalam keadaan baik," menurut satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan MAS pada pukul 1.30 petang ini.
MAS berkata dalam kenyataan yang dihantar Pengurus Perhubungan Media Komunikasi Strategi MAS Khairunnisak Dzun Nurin itu, pesawat B777-200 itu dibuat pada Julai 1997 dan kini berkhidmat selama 17 tahun.
Ia mencatatkan rekod penerbangan selama 75,322 jam dengan jumlah 11,434 pusingan.
Kesemua sistem komunikasi pada pesawat tersebut berfungsi seperti biasa.
Ia menggunakan enjin Rolls-Royce Trent-800 dan mempunyai kapasiti 282 tempat duduk.
Seperti satu kebetulan yang dirancang, nombor 17 banyak dikaitkan dengan pesawat MH17 yang malang ini. Pada ulang tahunnya ke-17 semalam, ia terhempas di sempadan Russia. - tmi
Akhbar Ukraine siarkan perbualan pemberontak tentang MH17...
Penerbangan Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Pesawat MH17 yang berlepas dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur dengan 298 penumpang terhempas malam tadi di timur Ukraine, 50km dari sempadan Rusia.
Pegawai perisik Amerika mendakwa peluru berpandu darat merempuh Boeing 777 itu di kawasan pertempuran antara pemberontak Ukraine pro-Rusia dengan tentera kerajaan tetapi sehingga kini tidak ada pihak yang mengaku bertanggungjawab.
Rakaman ini bagaimanapun tidak boleh disahkan oleh mana-mana badan bebas, lapor The Daily Mail dalam laman webnya.
Pada mulanya, Igor Bezler yang didakwa Ukraine sebagai pegawai perisik Rusia dan komander utama di Republik Donetsk memberitahu komander: "Kami baru saja menembak jatuh sebuah kapal terbang kira-kira 30 minit lalu."
MH17-Conversation between rebel that shot down the plane...
Kemudian, rakaman itu menunjukkan pemisah yang menggunakan nama "Major" berkata, jet penerbangan Malaysia ditembak jatuh oleh “Cossacks from the Chernukhino roadblock” sambil menambah: "Ia sah sebuah kapal terbang awam... ada ramai orang di dalamnya."
"Major" memberitahu rakannya yang menggunakan kod nama "Greek" bahawa ia "100% kapal terbang penumpang (awam)."
Greek bertanya: “Apa jenis kapal terbang?” di mana Major membalas: “Saya tidak pasti. Saya belum ke kawasan kejadian. Saya hanya membuat penyelidikan di mana satu mayat jatuh. Ada mayat, kerusi dan badan."
Greek masih berharap pada masa ini bahawa sebuah kapal terbang tentera yang ditembak jatuh dengan berkata: "Ada apa-apa senjata yang tertinggal?"
Major: “Sah tiada ada apa-apa. Semua barangan orang awam, bahan perubatan, tuala, tisu tandas."
Greek: “Ada apa-apa dokumen?”
Major: “Ya, seorang pelajar Indonesia. Dari Universiti di Thompson."
Pegawai dari pentadbiran Presiden Amerika Syarikat Barack Obama yang baru semalam meningkatkan sekatan ke atas Rusia kerana menyokong pemisah, mengesahkan pesawat itu ditembak oleh sebuah peluru berpandu ketika bergerak laju.
Naib Presiden Amerika, Joe Biden berkata, "Ia bukan kemalangan", dengan menambah "Ia meletup di udara".
Biden yang bercakap dengan Presiden Ukraine Petro Poroshenko melalui telefon, adalah pegawai Amerika paling kanan yang membangkitkan idea bahawa pesawat itu ditembak dengan sengaja, tetapi tidak mahu mengesahkan siapa yang bertanggungjawab, lapor the Daily Mail.
Tetapi, Senator John McCain dari Amerika berkata, "Hanya neraka akan membalas" jika pesawat itu ditembak oleh tentera Rusia atau pasukan pemisah.
Salah satu suara yang dipercayai Igor Strelkov, melalui Twitternya berkata: "Kami sudah memberi kamu amaran – jangan terbang dalam 'ruang udara kami'."
Adalah dipercayai dia menganggap menembak jatuh kapal terbang tentera Antonov-26 dari Tentera Udara Ukraine.
Kemudian, selepas menyedarinya, tweet itu dipadamkan.
Kerajaan Malaysia dengan segera mendesak siasatan antarabangsa ke atasnya dibuat, selepas tragedi kedua yang dihadapi MAS selepas MH370 hilang empat bulan lalu. – tmi
Final moments of doomed MH17...
Laughing rebels filmed the plane as it crashed, gleefully bragging ‘That was a blast – look at the smoke!’ while a fireball rose from the debris.
One of the voices is believed to be militia commander Igor Strelkov, who then penned a triumphant war cry on Twitter, saying: ‘We warned you – do not fly in “our sky”.’
A sickening mobile phone video posted online shows a pall of black smoke billowing over the crash site as three rebels provide an excited commentary.
The Daily Mail say the extraordinary footage – apparently filmed by the shooters themselves – charts the terrible final moments of the doomed airliner.
Ukrainian rebel Igor Strelkov(pix below) published a tweet indicating he thought his rebels had shot down an Antonov-26 military plane of the Ukrainian Air Force. It now appears it was Malaysia Airlines flight MH17
Their camera does not zoom in enough to see the plummeting plane in the sky, but the rebels’ voices can be heard talking happily of ‘black spots – these are the parts flying’, suggesting it fell to earth in several pieces.
A voice believed to be that of Strelkov – dubbed ‘Igor the Terrible’ – announces: ‘The plane was hit!’ He adds: ‘Look at those black spots, these are the parts, flying … it was a blast … look, look, black smoke!’
Another rebel, possibly referring to the missile system, laughs and says: ‘It was worth bringing this thing, wasn’t it?’
None of the rebels can be seen in their horrific film, but it appears to be genuine because at the time only they seemed to know what was happening. Ordinary life carries on in the village where they were standing. A bus trundles by and an unsuspecting villager is seen wandering past the camera.
Shortly after the passenger plane was downed, Strelkov – seen smirking in propaganda photos – tweeted a boastful message claiming responsibility.- fmt
Did this man fire the missile at MH17...
The prime suspect behind the MH17 tragedy is the self-proclaimed defence minister of the Donetsk People's Republic, Igor Girkin.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the former intelligence officer is known by the name Strelkov - or "shooter" and has even shot his own troops for insubordination.
The post was later removed when it became clear that the plane was a civilian aircraft and not a Ukranian military plane.
The Sydney Morning Herald pointed out that "no amateur can bring down a passenger jet streaking across the sky."
"Don't be lulled into believing any trooper with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher on his shoulder could carry out this attack.
"The professionalism required points to Girkin and his Russian-backed separatists as the most likely suspects.
As Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists blame each other for the crash of MH17 Boeing 777, a sophisticated missile system has been brought into the public limelight – the Russian-made 9K37 Buk.
Confirmation that a missile was involved will only come if someone admits firing one, or if crash investigators find shrapnel and other tell-tale signs on the aircraft debris and the bodies recovered.
Nevertheless, the use of a missile was raised soon after the MH17 disaster by a Ukrainian Interior Ministry official who said pro-Russian forces had used the missile to bring down the plane.
However, the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic has denied having missiles in its possession.- mk
Did Ukrainian rebels really take credit for downing MH17?
MH17 shot down by pro-Russian rebels but did it fly into a war zone...
Unlike MH370 when it just disappeared on March 8 without a single trace till today (133 days), the MH17 tragedy that claimed 298 lives is completely different.
The ill-fated MAS Boeing 777 was found and a pro-Russian rebel commander has gone on record to state that MH17 was shot down by his men.
A Mashable report datelined Kiev, Ukraine said as news broke of MH17 being downed in eastern Ukraine, the separatist’s shadowy commander with a pencil moustache issued a dark warning on social media.
Through his account, Russia’s version of Facebook, the self-proclaimed defence minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Igor Girkin — who goes by the nom de guerre Igor Strelkov — boasted about shooting down a plane.
“We did warn you — do not fly in our sky,” he wrote.
Thinking it was a Ukrainian transport plane, Strelkov added that “a plane has just been downed somewhere around Torez, it lays there behind the ‘Progress’ mine,” referring to the mining town of some 80,000 people.
“And here is the video proving another ‘bird’ falling down,” he continued. “The bird went down behind a slagheap, not in a residential district. So no peaceful people were injured,” Strelkov wrote, adding that there is also information about a Ukrainian military plane shot down.
However, Strelkov deleted the post when he found out it was actually a commercial jetliner carrying 298 innocent people — not a military aircraft.
When Mashable called Alexander Borodai, self-declared prime minister of Donetsk People's Republic, to ask if the group was responsible for shooting down the plane, to which he responded: “Listen, we don't have these weapons [to down the 777].”
Then he hung up.
The pro-Russian rebels in Donetsk have been colliding with Ukrainian forces for months and have brought down several military aircraft. However, the rebels denied their involvement with two crashes this week, saying they didn't have the kind of equipment to carry out such an event.
If Strelkov claims are accurate and true, then the biggest question is: Did MH17 pilots fly the passenger jet into a war zone?
Was there any error on the part of the pilots controlling the MAS Boeing 777?
In the next few weeks or so, all these questions will be asked and all sorts of denials are expected. Allegations and counter allegations will feature as to whether the MAS jet had veered into dangerous airspace.
In this tragedy, what is worse for MAS compared with MH370 is the compensation status for the families of all 298 aboard. This was no accident but an act in the midst of a war.
Will the insurers honour the coverage? - the Antdaily

Juruterbang pesawat penerbangan Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH17, Kapten Wan Amran Wan Hussin, 50, berhasrat menunaikan fardu haji bersama kakaknya pada musim haji bulan depan.
Menurut anak saudaranya, Amaluddin Noorshah, 48, hasrat itu dinyatakan ketika Wan Amran pulang ke kampungnya untuk berbuka puasa bersama sanak saudaranya di Kota Lama Kiri, Kuala Kangsar, Perak, minggu lepas.
"Dia menyatakan hendak menunaikan rukun Islam yang kelima itu bersama kakaknya Wan Aini, ketika itu saya merasakan ada kelainan dari nada suaranya," katanya ketika dihubungi Bernama hari ini.
Amaluddin berkata beliau tidak menjangka itulah kali terakhir bertemu bapa saudaranya setelah mendapat berita tragedi MH17 itu lewat malam tadi.
"Saya mengetahuinya melalui aplikasi 'Whatsapp' yang memang disertai oleh ahli keluarga, lemah seluruh tubuh ahli keluarga kami setelah mendapat tahu Wan Amran memandu pesawat terbabit," katanya.
Amaluddin tidak menyangka tragedi buruk itu akan menimpa bapa saudaranya kerana dalam pengetahuannya Wan Amran telah memandu pesawat Boeing lebih 20 tahun lalu.
"Dia sangat rapat dengan adik beradiknya dan suka bersedekah, isteri dan dua anak lelaki tinggal di Shah Alam," katanya. Amaluddin mengakui hubungannya dengan bapa saudaranya itu memang rapat sejak daripada kecil lagi. - omakkau blogspot

CNN memaparkan visual dipercayai pesawat MH17 yang ditembak di ruang udara Ukraine.
Malaysian Airlines MH17 passenger plane carrying 295 people including between five and ten Britons 'shot down with ground-to-air missile' at 33,000ft over Ukraine near to Russian border
Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 shot down over territory held by Pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine.
The Boeing 777 aircraft was hit by a sophisticated surface-to-air missile over territory near Donetsk held by pro-Russian rebels who the Ukrainian government says are backed by the Kremlin.
The Ukrainian authorities laid the blame for the attack on the rebels by denying any responsibility for the missile launch.
Body parts and wreckage spread over 9-mile(15km) area, suggesting plane broke up mid-air.

The BUK surface-to-air missile system (like this one) that is believed to have shot down flight MH17 is an old Soviet-built weapon designed to engage light aircraft, cruise missiles and drones

December, 4 1977 - Flight MH653 was hijacked and crashed in Tanjung Kupang, Johor, killing all 100 people on board.
September 15, 1995 - Flight MH2133 touched down too far along the runway at Tawau Airport, Sabah, killing 32 passengers and two crew members.
March 15, 2000 - Flight MH85, travelling to Kuala Lumpur to
Beijin, was damaged by the chemical oxalyl chloride, which leaked from
canisters during unloading. The Airbus A330-300 was sufficiently damaged
to be written-off.
March 8, 2014 - Fight MH370, carrying 12 Malaysian crew members
and 227 passengers, went missing on a flight from Kuala Lumpur
International Airport to Beijing Capital International Airport. The Boeing 777 has still yet to be found, despite months of extensive
searches in the southern Indian Ocean where it was believed to have
crashed. The next phase of the search is expected to start in August and
take a year, covering some 60,000 sq km at a cost of AU$60 million ($56
million) or more.
March 24, 2014 - Flight MH066, travelling from Kuala Lumper to
Incheon, South Korea, was forced to make an emergency landing in Hong
Kong after its main electricity generator failed.
Passengers onboard the flight later revealed they were told to prepare
for an emergency water landing. However, the plane landed safely in Hong
Kong in the early hours of the morning.
April 21, 2014 - Flight MH192, carrying 166 people, was forced to
turn back to Kuala Lumpur while flying to India after a tyre burst and
the right-hand landing gear malfunctioned. Police later confirmed an
investigation had begun into whether the flight had been interfered with
before take-off.
April 24, 2014 - A plane belonging to Firefly Airlines (a
subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines) was forced to return to Penang after
suffering problems with its landing gear. A statement on the company's website said: 'This was because the
aircraft's landing gear was unable to retract after being airborne. As
safety is of utmost priority to Firefly Airlines, the aircraft was
required to turn back to Penang.'
July 17, 2014 - Flight MH17 was shot down on the Russian-Ukraine border, killing all 295 people on board.
Salam takziah diucapkan kepada krew dan seluruh ahli keluarga penumpang #MH17. Al-Fatihah
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