Kenyataan 'haid' peguam Umno cetus kemarahan...
Di Twitter misalnya, semakin banyak komen mengkritik kenyataan Hafarizam yang disiarkan dalam New Straits Times (NST) itu.
Hafarizam dilaporkan sebagai berkata, Wan Azizah tidak sesuai menjadi menteri besar Selangor kerana wanita lazimnya mengalami uzur syarie dan ini bermaksud beliau tidak dapat selalu mengiringi sultan dalam acara keagamaan.
Hafarizam juga dilaporkan berkata, tiada halangan gender bawah undang-undang tubuh Selangor, terdapat kebimbangan praktikal dalam memilih wanita ke jawatan itu.
Berikut antara reaksi segera pelbagai pihak:

Tan Keng Liang, ketua Pemuda Gerakan: “Saya tidak setuju suami nak jadi PM dan isterinya MB. Nepotisme. Tetapi jangan kata isterinya tak patut jadi MB hanya semata-mata sebab haid!”
Syahredzan Johan, peguam hak asasi manusia: “Tak dapat dipercayai apabila penasihat undang-undang Umno berkata haid menghalang wanita daripada menjadi menteri besar. Sangat kejam!”
Jo Kukathas, aktivis teater: “Kenapa wanita tidak boleh jadi menteri besar. Malah kenapa menteri besar harus Melayu Muslim? Peranan MB untuk mentadbir. Tugas-tugas lain bersifat istiadat.”
Syed Husin Ali, senator PKR: “Datang haid bukan masalah. Boleh hantar wakil. Ada wanita dah henti (haid).”
N Surendran, peguam dan anggota parlimen PKR Padang Serai: “Kenyataan bodoh, jijik dan merendahkan-rendahkan martabat.”- mk
Just minutes after the news was carried by The Malaysian Insider, many questioned how Datuk Mohd Hafarizam Harun could come up with the sexist comment.
Hafarizam (pic), in remarks believed to be on speculation that PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail could replace Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim as the Selangor Menteri Besar, was quoted by the New Straits Times today as saying that a woman may not be a suitable candidate as she has menses.
Twitter outrage after Umno lawyer’s ‘menses’ remark...
An Umno lawyer who suggested that menstruating women are not suitable to head the Selangor state government has been roundly condemned by Malaysians, who took to the social media expressing shock and disbelief.
Just minutes after the news was carried by The Malaysian Insider, many questioned how Datuk Mohd Hafarizam Harun could come up with the sexist comment.
Hafarizam (pic), in remarks believed to be on speculation that PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail could replace Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim as the Selangor Menteri Besar, was quoted by the New Straits Times today as saying that a woman may not be a suitable candidate as she has menses.
"What the hell. How on earth could this sexist statement come out from the mouth of a professional?" asked Twitter user QmoLoo.
Former deputy higher education minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah also joined in the online condemnation, saying the issue of menses does not arise if Dr Wan Azizah is chosen by Pakatan Rakyat to be the menteri besar with the consent of the Selangor Sultan.
Padang Serai MP, N. Surendran, described Hafarizam's remark "stupid, disgusting and demeaning", while lawyer Syahredzan Johan expressed his shock, tweeting: "Can't believe that Umno's legal advisor actually said that menses prevents a woman from becoming MB! Atrocious!"
"Ladies, do you realise how you are treated under Umno/BN," asked user Sasindran Chelliah.
"For this reason alone, Wan Azizah should be MB," said Pang Khee Teik.
Another user, Syazwina Saw, said that as a doctor, Dr Wan Azizah would not face any trouble with blood.
"Dr Wan Azizah, given that she is a qualified doctor, apparently has no problems with blood. Unlike that Umno lawyer," she wrote.
Dr Wan Azizah, 62, who is wife of opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, graduated as a qualified ophthalmologist from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

Hafarizam, who represents Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in his civil suit against news portal Malaysiakini, had said that despite no specific clause exclusing a woman from the menteri besar post, a menstruating woman would face obstacles in her official duties, adding that this was the reason there has never been a female menteri besar.
"This is because should a woman menteri besar suffer from 'uzur sharie' (period), there will be many obstacles for her to accompany the sultan at religious functions.
"Hence, the article under the Selangor constitution, for example, may not hinder a woman from becoming a menteri besar, but by convention, there could be problems because of the said circumstances," Hafarizam said.
His view was supported by International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) lecturer, Shamrahayu Abdul Aziz, saying it was not practical to have a woman MB.
A women's empowerment group, Empower, meanwhile, described the view as "misogynistic", saying it reflected "sexist prejudices and a patriarchal ideology which form the basis for discrimination against females in our society".
It said both Hafarizam and Shamrahayu should immediately retract their statement and apologise.
"Their sexist behaviour is not the Malaysian culture. It is also not for them to decide who will be the next menteri besar - it is for the people of Selangor to decide," said Empower president, Janarthani Arumugam.
Some Twitter users also poked fun at the remark, such as Toon Ser Anthraxxxx who wrote: "In Bolehland, having menses can bar you from becoming the menteri besar."
Another social media user, KaV wrote: "Yep. Blame it on ladyparts. What is this, the 1800s?" while Aisya Bakar tweeted "a disgusting and pathetic low blow".
Azira hits out at Hafarizam, calling him a "sexist misogynistic feller" while PKR's Teja assemblyman Chang Lih Kang wrote "And this is the smart lawyer who will build Kidex for Sgorians (Selangorians)."
TMI comments section was also bombarded with replies to Hafarizam's remark.
Frozenmazk wrote: "What a nonsense! I couldn't believe Malaysia which proud itself as a progressive Islamic nation (can) come up with this kind of statement. Even Indonesia and Pakistan have female President in the past."
Another commentor,Yellow Hero described Hafarizam's remark as "nonsense garbage" and said: "In any case, Azizah's primary role as an MB is to run the Selangor State as a CEO with help from her EXCO.
"Accompanying the Sultan on religious functions is a secondary function, which can be delegated to another male Muslim Exco member, if needed."
Shohhigh also felt that for this reason alone, Pakatan should go ahead and appoint Dr Wan Azizah as the MB.
"Go ahead to appoint wan azizah as MB of Selangor & shut all those corrupt & dirty unmo fellas big mouth."
It was reported in the New Straits Times today that Hafarizam said the menteri besar has always been a man because women have menstrual cycles.
He said a woman menteri besar suffering ‘uzur syarie’ (period) will face many obstacles when accompanying the Sultan at religious events.
In Islam, a woman having her period is considered "unclean" and is prohibited from praying and reading the Quran, and barred from entering mosques. Other religions have similar practices, including Hinduism, where a woman is not to enter a temple or even the altar room at home, if she is menstruating. – tmi

outrage after Umno lawyer’s ‘menses’ remark - See more at:
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