Din,Zahid atau Tiong Lai ada berani kah macam Bik Mama...
Laporan itu menyebut Rosmah berharap Putin akan menelefon Najib untuk menjelaskan isu berkenaan bagi menenangkan rakyat Malaysia
Bagaimana pun, laporan Sin Chew itu tidak menyebut tempat kenyataan Rosmah itu dibuat.
Laporan Bernama menyebut Rosmah menghadiri satu acara Wanita Umno di Kuala Lumpur awal hari ini namun, agensi itu tidak menyebut tentang pesanan tersebut.- mk
Call Najib, Rosmah sends word to Putin...
Rosmah Mansor has sent word to Russian President Vladimir Putin to call her husband, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, over the MH17 tragedy.
According to a brief report in Sin Chew Daily website, Rosmah said she had asked someone, who is close to her as well as Putin, to convey the message.
However, there is no mention as to who this person is.
The report stated that Rosmah is hoping Putin would take the initiative to call Najib and explain the issue in order to calm down Malaysians, who are enraged over the incident.
Sin Chew also did not state where she had made the remarks.
Rosmah was present at a Wanita Umno function in Kuala Lumpur earlier but Bernama, which reported on the event, made no mention of her commenting on the ill-fated plane.
Najib, who attended an iftar function with bloggers and online media practitioners, only managed to eat a date before he received calls from world leaders regarding the tragedy.
According to the news agency, when the call for prayers resounded at the mosque in Angkasapuri, the prime minister received a call from United Nations (UN) secretary-general Ban Ki-moon.
Najib was seen talking for more than 10 minutes over the phone on the incident before performing his prayers at the mosque.
MH17, which was en route to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam, is believed to have been shot down as it flew over Ukraine, which is roiling in conflict.
Ukraine has blamed the Russian-backed separatist rebels for the missile attack while Russia has pointed the finger at the former.
All 298 passengers and crew, including 44 Malaysians, are believed to have perished after the aircraft burst into flames.
Early this morning, Najib demanded "swift justice" if it is proven that the Boeing 777 had been shot down.- mk
Hajat berbuka puasa bersama tidak kesampaian...
MH17 yang berlepas dari Amsterdam menuju ke Kuala Lumpur dipercayai ditembak dengan peluru misil di wilayah yang berkonflik di Ukraine yang bersempadan dengan Rusia.
Penulis berkesempatan menziarah keluarga Mastura pagi tadi di Kampung Sentosa, Paroi, berdekatan Seremban.
Hamdan Jaafar, 54, abang ipar kepada Mastura berkata, mereka sekeluarga sepatutnya berkumpul malam esok di kediaman Mastura di Kampung Sentosa yang juga kediaman ayah Mastura untuk majlis berbuka puasa beramai-ramai.
“Malam esok kesemua adik-beradik Mastura, termasuk abang dan kakak iparnya akan berkumpul di sini untuk majlis berbuka puasa.
“Beliau sepatutnya telah balik ke rumah ayahnya hari ini.
“Memandangkan kami semua bekerja, maka kami merancang majlis berbuka puasa itu pada hari esok kerana semua adik-beradik Mastura dan iparnya cuti esok.
“Malah menjadi kebiasaan setiap kali sebelum Mastura menaiki pesawat dan selepas mendarat, Mastura akan menghantar mesej pesanan ringkas kepada isteri saya (kakak Mastura),” katanya.
MAS belum hubungi kami
Sementara itu Hamdan yang bercakap bagi pihak keluarga Mastura kesal kerana sehingga pukul 10.30 pagi tadi, tiada pegawai MAS yang menghubungi keluarganya secara rasmi dan memaklumkan kejadian itu atau sebarang perkembangan terkini.
“Kami hanya tahu berkenaan kejadian ini malam tadi menerusi berita televisyen.
“Selepas itu salah seorang abang Mastura yang juga bekerja dengan MAS sebagai jurutera, menelefon KLIA untuk mendapatkan pengesahan sama ada Mastura berada dalam pesawat MH17.
“Seperti mana yang kami risau, sememangnya Mastura berada dalam pesawat MH17 sebagai salah seorang pramugari. Itu sahaja yang kami tahu.
Mastura mempunyai pengalaman sebagai pramugari selama lebih 20 tahun dan merupakan anak bongsu daripada tujuh beradik.
Mastura mempunyai seorang anak lelaki berumur 10 tahun, bernama Mukhriz dan ibunya, Rahimah Amrah meninggal dunia pada 2012.
Ayah Mastura, Mustafa Abdul Samad, 83, berkata beliau sangat sedih dengan nasib yang menimpa anaknya, walaubagaimanapun redha dengan ketentuan Illahi.- fmt
Not one wallet found had any money in it' - Claims of looting at MH17 crash site...
“It’s like a charnel house,’’ he said.
“There’s bits of bodies and aircraft and children everywhere.
“Last night things were still burning and on fire, it was just terrible.
“Once I knew there were Australians on the plane I went straight there.
“I’ve seen 55 bodies and pieces of aircraft strewn all over the place. The hardest thing is you are walking along and there’s a child’s body just lying there.
“There’s bits of aircraft wings, there’s plane seats with bodies in it.”
The 43-year-old, who has been covering Ukraine-Russian tensions for six months, said he had rummaged through some of the passengers belongings, determined to retrieve personal information including their passports and boarding passes for their families.
But he said many of the passengers had items from their luggage stolen and not one wallet found had any money in it.
“I arrived last night when almost no-one else was here so I started looking around the site for Australians,’’ Doroschenko said.
“I got a boarding pass from a woman in Perth and another pass from another Australian guy.
“I’m going to find their families and get their stuff back to them so they can have something that they had when they were on the flight.”
Belongings of passengers from Malaysia Airlines MH17...
Shell-shocked locals say the Boeing 777-200 hit “like an earthquake”, leaving bodies splayed out over a 15-kilometre stretch, along with passports, headphones, travel guides and luggage.
Witnesses reported seeing the aircraft break up before impact.
The cockpit of the ill-fated jet and one of its turbines lay at least a kilometre apart.
The tail is a further 10 kilometres away.
Large pieces of the plane bearing the red, white and blue markings of Malaysia Airlines are clearly visible.
Local Noah Sneider said most villagers are so frightened they’re not going anywhere near the scene.
“It’s controlled or secured in the sense that there’s two, sort of, nests of rebel fighters at either end of the road, but even they themselves frankly are just in shock, most people here haven’t seen anything like this,” he said.
That’s despite the fact that they’re in the middle of a civil war.
“Those poor people,” said Natalia, 36. “Do you think they understood a thing about this war in Ukraine — even we don’t understand it.”
Rescue workers, policemen and even off-duty coalminers spent the day in to the area adjacent to the site, placing markers near as many bodies as possible.- malaysia-chronicle

Nampaknya Bik Mama kini tidor 2 jam saje...

Tertinggal penerbangan sebagai balasan Allah masih panjangkan umurnya...
Salam takziah diucapkan kepada krew dan seluruh ahli keluarga penumpang #MH17. Al-Fatihah
1 comment:
Hai..buat fitnah lagi..bawa2 mengucap la...bila masa pula korang tau Datin Rosmah cakap mcm tu...ya Allah..ingat, dosa fitnah lagi besar dari dosa membunuh...ikut sangat lah newspaper kafir sin chew daily tu..
Kalau betul la rosmah cakap mcm tu...fuhhh...kitaorang pun tabik and memang respect la kat rosmah kerana berpendirian tegas dan berani...obama pun tak berani ckp mcm tu..
Dah la buat fitnah, fitnah yg tak masuk akal pula tu..kpd datuk seri rosmah dan datuk najib, bawa la bersabar dan doa kpd Allah adalah senjata kita...biarlah org membenci dan menabur fitnah..kita tenang dan jgn hirau...
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