Ingat dak tweet Najib. Semua yang Najib sokong, semua diratah team lawan -
Spain,England dan Brazil...
Warga maya kritik Najib guna analogi Brazil, dakwa Putrajaya juga tiada kepimpinan...
Pengguna Internet memperlekeh kenyataan Datuk Seri Najib Razak hari ini, menyifatkan pentadbirannya juga tiada kepimpinan sehingga menyebabkan negara kelam-kabut.
Kritikan ke atas perdana menteri itu disebabkan kenyataannya menggunakan kekalahan 7-1 Brazil dalam perlawanan Piala Dunia semalam.
Pengguna Twitter mempersenda Najibkan dengan pelbagai komen.
"Hahaha! Is Najib poking fun at himself?" (Adakah Najib cuba memperbodohkan diri sendiri?), kata @ktchye dan @OzJazzter berkata "A national leader making fun of himself" (Pemimpin negara cuba memperbodohkan diri sendiri?).
Kebanyakan warga maya mempermainkan kenyataan Najib tersebut dengan mengatakan Malaysia sudah lama tiada kepimpinan.
"Fuiyoh, Jibby (Najib) pandai buat analogy, tapi kita dah lama macam Brazil team bcoz lama no leadership pun," kata @kaienmy.
Sementara itu pengguna Twitter, @hafidzbaharom berkata "kamu tidak membawa kami jadi seperti Jerman Datuk Seri", manakala @RajivJayKumar pula berkata negara sudah menjadi seperti Brazil.
Malah, ada juga mereka yang lantang mencabar Najib untuk meletakkan jawatan kerana ketakupayaannya memerintah negara.
Pengguna Twitter @yellowleafx berkata "Well said PM Najib! So, when are you gonna resign for your incompetent leadership?" (Betul kata PM Najib! Jadi bila kamu akan letak jawatan kerana ketakupayaan kepimpinan anda).
Najib hari ini berkata ketiadaan kepimpinan berkesan boleh undang kucar-kacir kepada negara sebagaimana ia menjadi punca kekalahan pasukan bola sepak Brazil.
Najib merujuk kekalahan pasukan bola sepak Brazil kepada pasukan Jerman 7-1 pada pusingan separuh akhir bola sepak Piala Dunia awal pagi hari ini.
"Kalau itu boleh berlaku kepada sebuah pasukan bola, cuba bayangkan apa yang boleh berlaku kepada sebuah negara, kalau tidak ada kepimpinan berkesan yang mempunyai visi, komitmen dan menjiwai aspirasi rakyat," kata beliau.
Pentadbiran Najib selepas menerima mandat pada pilihan raya umum lepas berdepan pelbagai kritikan dan kontroversi khususnya daripada segi urus tadbir, tekanan agama dan kaum serta cara kerajaan mengendali krisis seperti kehilangan MH370.
Najib juga dilihat mengambil pendirian mendiamkan diri ketika ada pihak tertentu cuba mengeruhkan hubungan antara kaum dan agama di dalam negara. – tmi
Brazil main macam Umno Putrajaya, kata Mahfuz
Patutlah Brazil Kalah Teruk.. Ini Punca Yang Sebenar

Malaysia also has been without a leader for some time, netizens say after Najib’s football analogy...
Malaysians today poured scorn on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's warning that a lack of leadership could lead to disaster in the country, with many pointing out that Malaysia has been without a leader for some time now.
On social networking site Twitter, Malaysians poked fun at the prime minister, who had used Brazil's shocking 1-7 loss to Germany in the World Cup semi-finals as an analogy.
@ktchye said, "Hahaha! Is Najib poking fun at himself?" and @OzJazzter said, "A national leader making fun of himself".
"Fuiyoh, Jibby (Najib) pandai buat analogy, tapi kita dah lama macam Brazil team bcoz lama no leadership pun," said @kaienmy. (Najib is smart to use an analogy but we have long been like Brazil because we have not had leadership too)
Twitter user @hafidzbaharom said, "You're not exactly making us Germany, DS”, and @RajivJayKumar noted that the country was already like Brazil.
@adaminkk2 lamented, "We're already on autopilot".
"I think PM Najib is saying that what Neymar & Thiago Silva are to Brazil, he is to Malaysia. Without Neymar and Thiago Silva, Brazil were ruthlessly defeated. Without Najib, Malaysia will suffer the same fate," @HRDipendra said.
He was referring to Brazil's star player Neymar, who had scored four goals in the World Cup tournament before injuring his back during the game against Colombia and was subsequently ruled out of further games while Thiago Silva – the team's captain and central defender – was suspended after collecting two yellow cards.
In Putrajaya earlier today, Najib said Brazil's loss to Germany could be attributed to its lack of leadership in keeping its backline together.
"When I watched Brazil, their defence was all over the place. I put it down to lack of leadership. There was no proper leadership," he was quoted as saying.
"If that could happen to a football team, imagine what would happen to a country that does not have effective leadership... the answer is, we will end up like Brazil.

"So, anyone keeping track of the score? NZ rape case handling............... own goal. HINDRAF walks away due to broken promises............... own goal. Religious restriction on Allah makes Malaysia global laughing stock............... own goal," he wrote.
MainDuaBola made fun of the analogy, saying: "Our leaders are first class in giving good comparisons eg kangkong, 1RM chicken and now Brazilian football team. Hehehe."
"Well said PM Najib! So, when are you gonna resign for your incompetent leadership?," asked yellowleafx.
Reader aruna_51 said, "One more hilarious joke from Najib. Perhaps he does not know what the people are thinking about Malaysia and him. It has been years since Malaysia had any credible, hardworking, honest, loyal, dedicated and trustworthy leadership. The last credible, honest and trustworthy leader of this nation was Tun Hussein Onn."
Najib's leadership has often come under criticism because of his silence on several controversial issues, with the opposition saying that the country is being run on auto-pilot.
The latest to point out the premier's weak leadership is the Asianomics Country Report which painted a bleak outlook for the country, predicting failure for the second phase of Putrajaya's economic transformation plan due to Najib's lack of will.
“A weakened prime minister heads up a political party called by one cynic 'a universe of its own' whose most ambitious goal appears to be for its members to continue to loot the treasury through rent-seeking.
"It is not a pretty picture for a once-promising country,” the Asianomics Country Report said, adding that the prime minister has displayed a puzzling inability to take action, instead being content, it seems, just to stay in power after his Barisan Nasional coalition kept the government after GE13. – tmi
Najib: Brazil's defeat shows leadership is key...
Brazil's catastrophic 7-1 defeat to Germany in the World Cup semi-final shows the importance of leadership, said Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
to the host nation's defence during the match being in tatters, Najib
said a nation would suffer a similar fate in the absence of leadership.
"If that can happen to a football team, imagine what can happen to a country without leadership, vision and a commitment to strive for the rakyat's fate.
"The answer is that the outcome would be like the Brazil team," he is quoted as saying by news reports today.
The prime minister was speaking at a ceremony to present Perdana fellowships to cabinet ministers in Putrajaya.
Ironically, Najib's critics have said the same thing about his leadership, claiming that the nation is on auto-pilot weathering a series of storms.
On various occasions, he had been chastised for his silence on controversial issues, with Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian noting that the prime minister preferred to take photos with pandas and US President Barack Obama.
Bayan Baru MP Sim Tze Tzin, upon studying Najib’s tweets for first 100 days since the last general election, had concluded that Najib has lost focus while Umno conservatives hijacked issues.
Even former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad (above) had weighed in and acknowledged that the government is “weak”.
Isn't it ironic?
Meanwhile, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang (below) deemed Najib’s analogy “ironic” and “tragic”, implying that the prime minister himself is also risking Malaysia on the fate of absence of leadership.
is Najib’s leadership in his Global Movement of Moderates for ‘the
voices of moderation to drown the voices of extremism’?
“In the past year, there has been an incessant stoking and incitement of racial and religious hatred, tension and conflict in the country,” said the Gelang Patah MP in a separate statement.
He also questioned Najib’s leadership in the war against corruption, with Malaysia recording its worst ranking in the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index during his term. - mk
"If that can happen to a football team, imagine what can happen to a country without leadership, vision and a commitment to strive for the rakyat's fate.
"The answer is that the outcome would be like the Brazil team," he is quoted as saying by news reports today.
The prime minister was speaking at a ceremony to present Perdana fellowships to cabinet ministers in Putrajaya.
Ironically, Najib's critics have said the same thing about his leadership, claiming that the nation is on auto-pilot weathering a series of storms.
Bayan Baru MP Sim Tze Tzin, upon studying Najib’s tweets for first 100 days since the last general election, had concluded that Najib has lost focus while Umno conservatives hijacked issues.
Even former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad (above) had weighed in and acknowledged that the government is “weak”.
Isn't it ironic?
Meanwhile, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang (below) deemed Najib’s analogy “ironic” and “tragic”, implying that the prime minister himself is also risking Malaysia on the fate of absence of leadership.
“In the past year, there has been an incessant stoking and incitement of racial and religious hatred, tension and conflict in the country,” said the Gelang Patah MP in a separate statement.
He also questioned Najib’s leadership in the war against corruption, with Malaysia recording its worst ranking in the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index during his term. - mk

Sah Utusan Meloya fitnah dari dulu,kini dan selama2nya...
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