Pakatan Di Selangor Jatuh ke 35%, Selepas PRU13...
Namun tidak semua pengundi yang tidak senang dengan pertelingkahan dalaman PR itu kembali kepada BN kerana parti pemerintah kerajaan persekutuan itu hanya mendapat kenaikan 10% saja, apabila sokongan kepadanya naik daripada 15% ke 25% manakala 5% lagi menyertai kumpulan yang tidak pasti.
Kajian yang dijalankan Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan Pilihan Raya Universiti Malaya (UMcedel) itu juga menunjukkan peratusan mereka yang tidak pasti dengan kedua-dua gabungan dan enggan menjawab soalan dalam kaji selidik itu kini membentuk 40%.
UMcedel membuat perbandingan sokongan itu dengan pada 2012 apabila sokongan kepada Pakatan ialah 50% manakala BN 15%.
Pembentangan khas mengenai hasil kajian itu dikendalikan bekas Pengarah UMcedel Profesor Datuk Dr Redzuan Othman.
Kajian yang dilakukan pada 10 hingga 19 Mei baru-baru ini dijalankan untuk sekumpulan pengkaji politik termasuk The Malaysian Insider.
“Kami dapati mereka yang tidak lagi menyokong PR ini banyak beralih kepada golongan ‘tidak pasti’ yang kini membentuk 40% (termasuk 15% yang tidak mahu menjawab), selain pergi kepada BN,” kata Redzuan.
Kali terakhir UMcedel menjalankan kajian yang sama di Selangor ialah pada September 2012.
Bagaimanapun, Redzuan tidak mendedahkan kenapa sokongan kepada pakatan pembangkang itu berkurangan.
Pergolakan kini berlaku di negeri itu susulan usaha sesetengah pihak dalam PR yang mahu menukar menteri besarnya Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.
Ini merupakan kajian terkini UMcedel yang juga sedang menempuh zaman bergolak selepas Redzuan ditamatkan perkhidmatannya 31 Mac lalu sedangkan tempoh lantikan beliau sepatutnya tamat 31 Disember ini.
Pengarah UMcedel yang baru Dr Amir Saifudee Ghazali turut hadir dalam pembentangan yang diadakan di pejabat UMcedel tersebut.
Kajian setahun selepas PRU13 itu dibuat UMcedel untuk pelbagai perkara namun hanya kajian untuk Selangor dikeluarkan terlebih dulu untuk siaran kerana ia dianggap paling relevan dengan apa yang berlaku di negeri itu sekarang.
UMcedel berkata, sokongan untuk PR di Selangor naik secara jelas sejak kajian pertama yang dibuatnya bermula Oktober 2011 lalu.
Ketika itu, sokongan kepada PR hanya 21% manakala BN 33%.
Namun sokongan kepada PR meningkat sejak itu kepada 38% berdasarkan kajian yang dibuat pada Mac 2012.
Sokongan kepada PR memuncak pada September 2012, iaitu kepada kadar 50% berbanding BN hanya 15% pada ketika itu.
Ia menghasilkan kemenangan besar PR di Selangor dan Khalid dilantik menjadi menteri besar untuk penggal kedua selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.
Dalam pilihan raya itu, PAS berjaya mendapat 15 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri, DAP 15 dan PKR 14, manakala BN hanya 12.-
Pakatan bimbang keadaan di Selangor, anggap laporan UMcedel amaran serius...
Ketua DAP Selangor Tony Pua mengakui sokongan terhadap PR sememangnya sudah makin jatuh, bagaimanapun dia tidak menyangka ia akan jatuh begitu teruk.
"Saya sangat bimbang. Keputusan itu lebih teruk daripada jangkaan. Kami tahu sokongan berkurangan tapi yang membimbangkan adalah tahap kejatuhannya," kata Pua kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Sokongan kepada PR di Selangor itu dibandingkan dengan setahun lalu ketika ia menewaskan Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk memegang tampuk kuasa di negeri paling kaya dalam negara.
Walaupun UMcedel tidak menyatakan alasan jelas penurunan sokongan itu, umum mengetahui mengenai kontroversi yang dihadapi pentadbiran negeri tersebut.
Daripada isu kalimah Allah, kepada isu kitab Bible oleh jabatan agama negeri hingga ke kontroversi Lebuh Raya Kidex dan pertembungan politik dalaman melibatkan Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.
Khalid kehilangan banyak sokongan daripada partinya sendiri selepas dilantik menteri besar untuk penggal kedua.
Malah, Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim juga pada minggu lalu mengatakan partinya sudah memilih pengganti Khalid.
Namun, tidak semua pengundi yang tidak senang dengan pertelingkahan dalaman PR itu kembali kepada BN kerana parti pemerintah kerajaan persekutuan itu hanya mendapat kenaikan 10% saja, apabila sokongan kepadanya naik daripada 15% ke 25%, manakala 5% lagi masih tidak pasti.
Kajian yang dijalankan UMcedel itu menunjukkan 40% daripada responden tidak pasti dengan kedua-dua gabungan dan enggan menjawab soalan dalam kaji selidik itu.
UMcedel membandingkan peratusan itu dengan sokongan pada 2012 iaitu 50% untuk PR dan 15% untuk BN.
Pua berkata dia sudah menjangka sokongan akan jatuh antara 5% dan 10%, tetapi penurunan 15% adalah suatu yang serius.
Bagi ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara itu, sangat penting untuk PR mengkaji laporan itu dengan serius dan mengambil langkah proaktif untuk kembalikan keyakinan orang ramai.
Sementara itu, Setiausaha Agung PKR, Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail meminta semua pihak menerima dengan baik kajian yang dibuat UMcedel dan tidak menafikannya.
"Jangan ada di kalangan kita dalam mood 'sindrom penafian' terhadap kajian ini kerana ia menunjukkan reputasi kita. Tambahan pula UMcedel mempunyai reputasi tersendiri dalam kajian mereka.
"Bagi saya pimpinan Pakatan khasnya di Selangor perlu terbuka dan mengakui adanya masalah dan kita wajib menyelesaikan masalah itu bersama," kata Saifuddin kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Bagi Saifuddin, semua isu ini perlu diselesaikan segera dan tidak dibiarkan berlarutan terlalu lama kerana ia mengelirukan rakyat Selangor.
Beliau yakin, berdasarkan kajian itu PR masih mendapat sokongan majoriti rakyat Selangor tetapi ia akan terus terhakis jika penyelesaian segera tidak dicapai untuk semua masalah berbangkit.
"Kita tidak boleh biarkan polemik ini berlarutan dan penyelesaian perlu dibuat segera," katanya.
Malam ini, Majlis Pimpinan Pusat (MPP) PKR akan bermesyuarat bagi membincangkan pelbagai isu khasnya berkaitan dengan kedudukan MB Selangor.
Namun beliau yakin, satu konsensus di kalangan semua parti PR iaitu PKR, PAS dan DAP adalah kunci penyelesaian kepada semua masalah ini.
"Konsensus ketiga-tiga parti adalah kunci penyelesaian kepada semua masalah ini," kata Saifuddin. – tmi
Pakatan support in Selangor plunges to 35% since GE13, survey shows...
Support for Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in Selangor has plunged by 15% from a year ago when it trounced Barisan Nasional (BN) to hold power in the country's wealthiest state, according to a recent survey.
But ominously for BN, voters disappointed with in-fighting in PR have not returned to the ruling federal government. Support for the coalition was at 15% last year and this year, it rose by 10% to a dismal 25%.
The survey conducted by Universiti Malaya's Centre for Democracy and Elections (UMcedel) also showed the percentage of those unsure about both coalitions and refused to answer the question in the survey conducted recently stood at 40%.
"We have found that those who now don't support PR has shifted their opinion to the 'unsure' category, which now forms 40% (including 15% who do not want to answer), besides changing their allegiance to BN," UMcedel's former director Professor Datuk Dr Redzuan Othman said in a special presentation to political analysts, including The Malaysian Insider, last week.
The study, conducted a year after GE13, found that support for Selangor PR has dropped to 35% from 50% recorded in September 2012, when the last study was done by the centre, added Redzuan, who lost his job at the centre last month.
At the same time, support for BN increased from 15% in 2012 to 25% in the last survey in Selangor.
However, the survey did not disclose the reasons for the loss of support suffered by Pakatan.
The survey was conducted from May 10 to 19, just as the country’s richest state was witnessing political turmoil over Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim's tenure in office.
Khalid has apparently lost the support of his PKR party and allies a year into his second term and is under mounting pressure from the PR leadership to resign over his handling of Selangor affairs.
The issues include the management of the state's water resources, approval for the controversial Kidex highway and the seizure of Malay and Iban Bibles by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais).
Speculation has been rife that Khalid would resign from his state post following a closed-door meeting among PKR, DAP and PAS leaders last week.
However, the MB has defiantly said he would only resign after his term expires, despite pressure from fellow party members. PKR de facto chief Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said over the weekend that his party has chosen a successor to replace Khalid.
The survey on PR's support in Selangor is the latest to be run by UMcedel, which also went through its own upheaval after Redzuan's service was terminated before his contract expired this December 31.
New UMcedel director Dr Amir Saifudee Ghazali was also present at Redzuan's briefing at the research centre office.
Redzuan's tenure as dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences was also not renewed on July 1, even though he was said to have received the highest votes from the academic staff to continue heading the faculty.
The Malaysian Insider had reported that Redzuan had earned the ire of Putrajaya over the unflattering findings by UMcedel against the government.
Several studies were conducted on the situation a year after GE13, but only the research on Selangor was released early, as it was relevant to the current events in Selangor.
According to UMcedel, support for PR in Selangor increased since the first study was conducted in October 2011. At that time, PR had 21% support while BN had 33%.
This support went up to 38% based on a study conducted in March 2012. The coalition of PKR, PAS and DAP reached its highest at 50% in September that year, compared with BN's 16%.
The overwhelming support for PR led to its biggest win in Selangor in the GE13 in May last year, and Khalid was appointed as menteri besar for the second term.
In the 2013 election, PAS and DAP won 15 seats each, PKR won 14 while BN garnered only 12 seats. – tmi
Pakatan lawmakers admit plunge in support in Selangor ‘worse than expected’...
Alarm bells have sounded for Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders following a recent survey which revealed plunging public support for the coalition in Selangor, with some conceding that the outcome was worse than expected.
While acknowledging that the pact expected support to go down, Selangor DAP chief Tony Pua nevertheless said he did not expect the results to be so critical.
PKR secretary-general Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, meanwhile, urged the opposition pact not to be in denial anymore but to accept the results of the survey which was conducted by Universiti Malaya's Centre for Democracy and Elections (UMcedel).
"I am very concerned, the results were worse than I thought. We know support had decreased but what concerns me is the extent of the drop, which reflects the direness of the situation," he told The Malaysian Insider.
In the survey conducted from May 10-19, it was revealed that support for PR in Selangor had plunged by 15%, from 50% a year ago to 35%.
But ominously for Barisan Nasional, voters disappointed with in-fighting in PR have not returned to the ruling federal government. Support for the coalition was at 15% last year and this year, it rose by 10% to a dismal 25%.
The survey also revealed that the percentage of those unsure about both coalitions and refused to answer the question in the survey stood at 40%.
Pua said he had expected a drop of between 5% and 10% and that the 15% decrease in public support is "very serious".
Although the UMCedel survey did not attribute the reasons for the decreased support, it is understood that several contentious issues could have contributed to it.
This included the seizure of the Bahasa Malaysia and Iban-language Bibles by the state's religious department earlier this year, management of the state's water resources, approval for the controversial Kidex highway and political turmoil over Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim's tenure in office.
Khalid has apparently lost the support of his PKR party and allies a year into his second term and is under mounting pressure from the PR leadership to resign over his handling of Selangor affairs.
However, the MB has defiantly said he would only quit after his term expires, despite pressure from fellow party members. PKR de facto chief Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said over the weekend that his party has chosen a successor to replace Khalid.
As such, Pua, a two-term Petaling Jaya Utara MP, said there is a need to take the survey results very seriously.
"It is important for Pakatan to take the study seriously and embark on necessary steps to regain the confidence of the people," Pua said, adding that the leadership is aware of this matter and are looking at ways to regain the trust of the people.
Saifuddin concurred, calling on all parties not to be in denial but to accept the results of the UMcedel survey.
"We should not be in denial as our reputation is at stake. Besides, UMcedel has its own reputation to look after in their research," he told The Malaysian Insider today.
"To me, the Pakatan leadership, especially in Selangor, has to be open and admit there is a problem and we ought to solve this together."
He said the survey showed that PR still commanded the support from the majority of the people in Selangor but it will continue to deteriorate if the problems that have cropped up in the state are not immediately resolved.
"We cannot let this polemic go on and the solution must be given immediately."
He is sure that the consensus between parties in the PR coalition – PKR, PAS and DAP – was the key to resolve the problem. – tmi

support in Selangor plunges to 35% since GE13, survey shows - See more
1 comment:
aku pun dah naik meluat dok gaduh sapa nak jadi MB siang malam...
tapi apa2 sekali pun aku tak kan undi UMNO/BN!!!
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