Anggota Parlimen daripada kedua-dua belah pihak pada Rabu menunjukkan kesatuan berhubung tragedi Penerbangan MH17 apabila mereka berdiri dan bertafakur selama seminit untuk mengenang mangsa sebelum bermulanya persidangan khas Parlimen di sini.
Bagi anggota Parlimen yang beragama Islam pula, mereka mengiringinya dengan bacaan al-Fatihah.
Terdahulu, Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia mewakili anggota dewan merakamkan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga mangsa pesawat Malaysia Airlines itu yang dipercayai ditembak jatuh di timur Ukraine Khamis lalu.
Pandikar Amin berkata negara menerima perkhabaran yang amat menyedihkan dan berharap keluarga penumpang dan anak kapal pesawat itu tabah serta cekal menerima takdir yang ditentukan.
“Pada Khamis 17 Julai, negara dikejutkan dengan tragedi malang MH17 yang berlepas dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur.
“Saya dan semua anggota Dewan Rakyat bersedih dengan insiden tersebut. Seluruh Dewan Rakyat mendoakan dan berharap agar semua usaha mencari dan membawa pulang mangsa akan dipermudahkan,” katanya.
Pandikar Amin kemudian meminta anggota Parlimen berdiri dan menghadiahkan al-Fatihah atau bertafakur selama seminit bagi bukan Islam.
Pesawat jenis Boeing 777 yang membawa 298 penumpang dan anak kapal dalam penerbangan dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur itu dilapor terhempas Khamis lalu di Donetsk, wilayah yang dikuasai pemberontak Ukraine tidak jauh dari sempadan Rusia. – BERNAMA
Motion to condemn downing of MH17 passed...
The motion to condemn the shooting down of MH17 is passed by unanimous voice vote.
To recap, the motion in Parliament today sought to:
- Urge for a comprehensive investigation by an independent body;
- Urge for comprehensive investigation to be carried out to bring those responsible to justice;
- Condemn the parties responsible for shooting down the plane;
- Record condolences and deepest sympathies for the family of victims; and
- Record its deepest regret and profound sadness over the unfortunate tragedy.
Parliament adjourns to an undetermined date. - mk
Menteri Sanggup Guna Tweet Palsu Dalam Parlimen...
Sesi usul khas Dewan Rakyat bagi membahaskan nahas MH17 kecoh seketika apabila Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong membidas ahli Parlimen Pandan Rafizi Ramli yang didakwanya mengeluarkan tweet supaya kerajaan tidak menggunakan wang rakyat untuk memberi rasuah kepada pemisah Ukraine.
Rafizi yang juga pengarah strategi PKR bangun menafikan perkara itu dan meminta Wee menarik balik dakwaan itu dengan menyifatkan ia sebagai "menghina dewan dan menggunakannya untuk tujuan politik".- f/bk

Najib bersalam dgn Anwar, Lim Kit Siang dan Lim Guan Eng selepas usul MH17 diluluskan sebulat suara...
Parliament condemns MH17 downing...
Malaysia today convened a special sitting of the Dewan Rakyat and strongly condemned as uncivilised, inhuman and savage what is believed to be the shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines aircraft in eastern Ukraine last Thursday.
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, in tabling a motion on the Flight MH17 tragedy, expressed Malaysia's disappointment and anger over the disrespect for the crash site as a prohibited zone and the delay in recovering the bodies.
"Nevertheless, as for now, we are not pointing fingers at anyone until the facts have been obtained," he said.
Najib said Malaysia also urged the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), as the guardian of civil aviation security, to strongly condemn the attack on Flight MH17, as had been done in cases of a similar nature before.
"Furthermore, shooting down the MH17 commercial aircraft is a most cruel act and a brutal and violent crime," he said.
Najib said that besides welcoming the investigation by an independent international team, Malaysia also urged all quarters to cooperate to find out the cause of the tragedy.
"We seek and support an independent international investigation into the tragedy. Those responsible for this tragedy must be brought to justice," he said.
The prime minister said the United Nations had unanimously approved a resolution to press the separatists (in Ukraine) to provide unrestricted access to the crash site, besides effecting a ceasefire there.
Najib said he had instructed the attorney-general to look into the tragedy and ensure that any action to be taken by Malaysia was in accordance with international law.
Najib thanks Pakatan
He also said that the agreement reached with Alexander Borodai, who is in command of the region where the crash took place, on access to the crash site for the international team of investigators and guarantee of their safety had yet to be fully effected.
Najib also raised several questions that demanded immediate answers pertaining to the incident, such as whether the aircraft was fired upon with a guided missile, who was the perpetrator of the crime and what was the motive for the attack.
"This is not the time to splash on the social media stories which could be factually wrong or false," he said.
Najib reiterated his stand that geopolitical upheavals did not benefit anyone, but only caused more human suffering as a result of the loss of loved ones.
The prime minister assured the families of the MH17 tragedy victims that the government would continue to demand justice and would not stop searching for the truth in the face of difficulties and hardship.
"Let us walk through this difficult time together, united in grief.
"It is our hope that God will give us assistance and enlightenment for a solution," he said.
The prime minister thanked Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and Gelang Patah MP and DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang as well as other political party leaders for condemning the incident as genocide and demanding that the murderers be brought to justice.- Bernama

Nampak? Dia ada di mana-mana Najib berada...

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