Dr Mahathir Mohamad menyindir pembangunan pesat Johor Bahru yang bakal menukar wajah kota itu secara radikal sehingga lebih mengagumkan berbanding New York di Amerika Syarikat.
Bekas perdana menteri itu membangkitkan persoalan berhubung kemodenan Johor, dengan berpuluh bangunan pencakar langit dan pangsapuri mewah dibina, akan dihuni oleh siapa.
“Mungkinkah yang akan isi pejabat mewah ini syarikat dari Majidee atau Gelang Patah? Dan Penduduk terdiri dari orang Melayu Johor Bahru dan kampung-kampung di sekitar. Dikhuatiri bukan,” kata Mahathir.
Beliau mengingatkan tentang penjualan Singapura oleh British oleh temenggung Johor pada tahun 1819 dengan harta 60,000 dolar Sepanyol yang kemudian menyebabkan penduduk asal tenggelam dalam bandar besar yang didirikan.
Menulis dalam blognya hari ini, Mahathir berkata, besarnya pendatang asing di negara itu kemudian menjadikannya negara asing yang tidak dikembalikan kepada Johor walaupun selepas dibebaskan British.

“Dalam sistem Malaysia sesiapa yang tinggal di negara ini selama 10 tahun dari 12 tahun yang lepas berhak mendapat kerakyatan.
“Dan kita tak pandai tolak permintaan orang. Lihat sahaja apa yang sedang berlaku sekarang,” katanya.
Beliau tidak menghuraikan dengan jelas “warga baru” itu tetapi secara sinis berkata “sekarang kita tidak boleh sebut Melayu” kerana ia dianggap rasis.
“Saya mengalu-alukan transformasi di Johor Bahru seperti saya alu-alukan transformasi di lain-lain tempat.
“Yang penting ialah Malaysia menjadi negara maju walaupun ayam dikepok mati kelaparan dan itik di air mati kehausan,” sindirnya sambil memetik peribahasa yang bermaksud menjadi miskin di negara yang makmur. - mk
Dr M warns JB could slip from Malay hands...
Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has warned that the rapid development in Johor Baru, geared for the upper class, could see the bastion of Malay nationalism slip away from Malay hands.
In a blog posting today, Mahathir acknowledged the mushrooming of skyscrapers that could see what he described as “Johor Baru Baru” (JBB), or New Johor Baru, outdoing cities like New York.
Mahathir said the buildings would surely be made out of marble and granite while the top floors will host luxury flats that would be rented out at tens of thousands of ringgit a month.
“Could it be that these luxury offices will be filled by companies from Majidee or Gelang Patah?
“And its occupants will be Johor Baru Malays and from the surrounding villages? The worry is they will not be,” he said.
Mahathir appeared to be referring to the Iskandar Malaysia development region, which is undergoing rapid growth, spearheaded by development companies from China and Singapore.
Mahathir then likened the current situation to the Temenggong (governor) of Singapore, who in 1819 signed the island away to the British for 60,000 Spanish dollars. Singapore at that time belonged to Johor.
“Such is the huge size of foreigners that turned Singapore into a foreign country that was never returned to Johor when the British withdrew from the colony.
“What is the likelihood that this beautiful and luxurious city (New Johor Baru) will become another Singapore?” Mahathir asked.
He said the ongoing development area would give rise to new electoral boundaries and any foreigner who lived in there for 10 to 12 years would eventually be entitled to Malaysian citizenship.
Mahathir did not elaborate who these “new citizens” are, but merely lamented on the accusations of racism.
“Nowadays, we cannot mention the Malays. It is racism.
“It does not matter even if there are no Malays, as long as those who vote for their elected representatives have Malaysian citizenship,” he said.- mk
Rizalman wants to enjoy ramadan dan aidil fitri before taking his flight...
And the fact that Rizalman is asking for a delay because he wants to “enjoy” his Ramadan and most likely the Aidil Fitri festival before taking his flight is most amusing and interesting.
It was also amazing because a source at Tuanku Mizan Military Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, where Rizalman has been warded since Tuesday, told the Herald that the diplomat was “not looking good” and might need further psychiatric evaluation.
Haven’t we said this before – don’t count your chickens (or rather Rizalman in this scandal) before they’re hatched (*grin*)?
Behind the scene, it seems Malaysian government is still negotiating with John Key administration on the type of charges (and punishments) to be sentenced on Rizalman.
If indeed Rizalman was a good “military spy”, then Malaysian government will do all it can to minimize the damage to protect its valuable “asset”.
Have you ever wonder why Najib administration outsourced extremist mouthpiece, Perkasa, is deadly silent on this matter?
Will we get to read that Rizalman is mentally disturbed hence not fit to stand trial in New Zealand until a period where his condition improves for the better?
That would be an awesome piece of development, won’t it? Anyway, what makes Rizalman or other diplomats any different from the ordinary Joes’ and Janes’?
The answer – their “Diplomatic Passport”, of course. This passport gives you “diplomatic immunity”. - financial twitter

Jam 4.00 pagi 9/7/2014
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