JAIS didakwa salah guna kuasa dalam tangkapan kes khalwat...
Mangsa, Hanisha Abdul Rahman, 29, mendakwa ditahan dua penguatkuasa Jais pada 22 Jun lalu bersama pemandu, Muhammad Mukamil Nordin dan dua pekerjanya ketika mereka sedang sibuk berkemas untuk berpindah rumah.
Hanisha yang merupakan pemilik di butik kecantikan berkata, ketika kejadian Mukamil berada di luar rumah dan wanita itu bersama dua kakitangannya juga merupakan teman serumah berada dalam rumah di Salak Tinggi, Selangor.
"Saya terkejut kerana ditahan begitu saja tanpa diberitahu alasan kukuh, mereka datang terus kata yang kami ditahan kerana khalwat," katanya pada sidang media, Petaling Jaya, Selangor hari ini.
Ibu tunggal itu berkata, dua penguatkuasa Jais berkenaan memberitahu hanya memantau selama 5 minit sebelum mereka datang membuat penahanan.
"Pada mulanya saya tanya berapa lama kamu pantau kami, pegawai Jais itu berkata sudah lama namun apabila saya tanya lagi di balai polis kemudian, mereka kata hanya lima minit," kata Hanisha.
Ini bukan kali pertama Jais dikaitkan dengan insiden serbuan apabila pada 1 Jun lalu jabatan agama itu turut mendapat kritikan orang ramai kerana menyerbu pengantin perempuan Zarinah Abdul Majid kerana kekeliruan status agamanya.
Hanisha berkata, mereka kemudiannya dibawa ke balai polis dan diarahkan datang ke pejabat Jais pada 23 Jun lalu.
"Di Jais kami diarah mengisi borang dan memberi nama penjamin. Kami juga diarahkan membawa wang sebanyak RM3,000 seorang ketika perbicaraan.
"Namun saya membantah, bagaimana mereka boleh minta kami membayar wang sedangkan kami tidak bersalah. Saya dalam rumah ketika itu dan Mukamil di luar," katanya.
Peguam Latheefa Koya yang mewakili empat mangsa berkenaan berkata, tindakan Jais membuktikan penyalahgunaan kuasa dan anak guamnya tidak diberikan hak membela diri.
Beliau berkata, melalui surat perjanjian dan jaminan tertulis peringatan untuk mangsa membawa wang sebanyak RM3,000 pada tarikh perbicaraan.
"Saya berpendapat Jais menyalahgunakan kuasa dengan menggunakan Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Selangor .
"Perbuatan Jais ini amat memalukan dan mencemarkan nama Islam kerana kita tidak diajar untuk membuka aib orang, kita sepatutnya melindungi," katanya.
Katanya, dalam Islam tidak wujud istilah khalwat dan ia hanya dicipta bagi menangani isu maksiat di kalangan masyarakat Islam.
"Tidak ada istilah khalwat sebenarnya yang ada hanyalah berzina dan ia memerlukan empat saksi bagi mengesahkan perbuatan itu, langsung tiada elemen khalwat sebenarnya dalam Islam," katanya.
Latheefa berkata, beliau mewakili anak guamnya menuntut Jais membatalkan tuduhan berkenaan dan sekiranya gagal, mangsa akan bertindak memfailkan saman.
Beliau berkata, anak guamnya juga sudah membuat laporan polis agar siasatan dilakukan ke atas dua penguatkuasa Jais itu.
"Laporan polis dibuat pada 30 Jun lalu di Ibu Pejabat Polis Petaling Jaya di mana anak guam saya menuntut siasatan dilakukan ke atas dua penguatkuasa Jais iaitu Alfian Ahmad dan Mohd Zulfadli Mohd Noor yang membuat tangkapan kira-kira jam 12 malam, Ahad lalu.
"Insiden ini melibatkan maruah seseorang yang berlaku di kawasan berdekatan dengan jiran, kita tuntut Jais membuat permohonan maaf dan membatalkan pertuduhan, jika enggan kita akan failkan saman," katanya.
Latheefa turut menggesa Jais merombak semula sistem pelaksanaan jabatan agama itu.
"Saya percaya terdapat banyak lagi kes seperti anak guam saya berlaku namun tidak dibangkitkan, ia sudah berlarutan agak lama.
"Ini merupakan kali pertama mangsa tampil dengan lantang untuk menghentikan penyalahgunaan kuasa badan agama," katanya.
"Kenapa mereka tidak buat serbuan di hotel mewah? Sekiranya mereka lakukan, kemudian ia boleh diselesaikan kerana kuasa dan wang apabila ada yang terlibat merupakan orang berpengaruh," katanya. – tmi
In screw-up, house-shifters held for 'khalwat'...
Three women and a man want the Selangor Islamic
Affairs Department (Jais) punished for wrongly arresting them and
demanding money for khalwat (close proximity) when they were merely
moving house.
Lawyers for Liberty's Latheefa Koya said the four, aged between 20 and 29 years, were arrested by two Jais officers around noon on June 22.
At that time, the man was helping the women shift furniture into their newly-rented house in Salak Tinggi, Selangor.
The man was outside and the women were all inside the house.
Following the incident, the women made a police report against Jais officials on Monday.
want the police to take action against abuse of power and cancel the
whole attempt to charge them. Jais should also apologise for shaming
them," Latheefa (left) told Malaysiakini.
She said that after the arrests, Jais sent the women a letter asking them to turn up at the Syariah Court on Dec 17 with RM3,000 each, the maximum fine allowed for khalwat.
It is not clear whether the four would be charged or face trial, Latheefa said.
Under Islamic law, unmarried men and women are prohibited from coming together in a secluded place, or in a house or room under circumstances which may give rise to suspicion that they were engaged in immoral acts.
Latheefa said that although Jais commonly arrests Muslims for khalwat, many victims have preferred to keep quiet, rather than speak up because of shame and embarrassment associated with the charges.
In this case, however, the women want to clear their names as there was absolutely no wrongdoing on their part.
The three women worked at a cosmetics shop in KLIA2 and the young man was a limo driver who had fetched them to and from work before.
As a good Samaritan, he was helping the women move their furniture when two Jais officers turned up, asked for their identity cards and arrested them with dubious evidence, Latheefa said.
“In this case, Jais is wrong to have linked them... It’s too easy to make a khalwat arrest. This is not the right way to combat vice.
“The whole idea of khalwat law is to fight vice. If this is the way, you are going to make sure that people are more careful and they are going to go deeper underground,” Latheefa told a press conference at the office of Lawyers for Liberty in Petaling Jaya.
'Women want to clear their names'
She emphasised that the women wanted to clear their names.
The eldest of the women, 29-year-old Hanisha Abdul Rahman, told reporters that Jais officials had overreacted but refused to back down when questioned.
“I asked them, how can this be khalwat when the man is outside the house and I am behind the gate, with two more of my helpers inside the house?” Hanisha said.
Latheefa said the four want the Jais officers to apologise or face legal action.
“We have been instructed to inform Jais, failing which we have been given instructions to proceed to sue them,” she added.- mk
Lawyers for Liberty's Latheefa Koya said the four, aged between 20 and 29 years, were arrested by two Jais officers around noon on June 22.
At that time, the man was helping the women shift furniture into their newly-rented house in Salak Tinggi, Selangor.
The man was outside and the women were all inside the house.
Following the incident, the women made a police report against Jais officials on Monday.
She said that after the arrests, Jais sent the women a letter asking them to turn up at the Syariah Court on Dec 17 with RM3,000 each, the maximum fine allowed for khalwat.
It is not clear whether the four would be charged or face trial, Latheefa said.
Under Islamic law, unmarried men and women are prohibited from coming together in a secluded place, or in a house or room under circumstances which may give rise to suspicion that they were engaged in immoral acts.
Latheefa said that although Jais commonly arrests Muslims for khalwat, many victims have preferred to keep quiet, rather than speak up because of shame and embarrassment associated with the charges.
In this case, however, the women want to clear their names as there was absolutely no wrongdoing on their part.
The three women worked at a cosmetics shop in KLIA2 and the young man was a limo driver who had fetched them to and from work before.
As a good Samaritan, he was helping the women move their furniture when two Jais officers turned up, asked for their identity cards and arrested them with dubious evidence, Latheefa said.
“In this case, Jais is wrong to have linked them... It’s too easy to make a khalwat arrest. This is not the right way to combat vice.
“The whole idea of khalwat law is to fight vice. If this is the way, you are going to make sure that people are more careful and they are going to go deeper underground,” Latheefa told a press conference at the office of Lawyers for Liberty in Petaling Jaya.
'Women want to clear their names'
She emphasised that the women wanted to clear their names.
The eldest of the women, 29-year-old Hanisha Abdul Rahman, told reporters that Jais officials had overreacted but refused to back down when questioned.
“I asked them, how can this be khalwat when the man is outside the house and I am behind the gate, with two more of my helpers inside the house?” Hanisha said.
Latheefa said the four want the Jais officers to apologise or face legal action.
“We have been instructed to inform Jais, failing which we have been given instructions to proceed to sue them,” she added.- mk



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