Pesawat MAS terhempas dekat sempadan Ukraine-Rusia...
Malaysia Airlines mengesahkan pasukannya terputus hubungan dengan pesawat MH17.
"Kedudukan terakhir adalah di ruang udara Ukraine," kenyataan MAS di Twitter dipetik.
Sementara itu, laporan Reuters yang memetik laporan agensi berita Interfax menyebut, pesawat itu membawa 295 penumpang dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur.
Laporan Interfax itu memetik sumber industri penerbangan, yang masih belum dapat disahkan buat masa ini.

Menurut Al-Jazeera, pesawat terlibat dipercayai pesawat Boeing 777 dengan nombor penerbangan MH17, yang berlepas dari Amsterdam pada jam 2.14 pagi waktu tempatan.
Ia dijangka tiba di Kuala Lumpur pada kira-kira jam 6 pagi.
Laporan itu juga menyebut, ia mungkin terhempas di kawasan yang menyaksikan pertempuran sengit antara Rusia dan Ukraine.
Menurut Interfax, pesawat itu terhempas hanya 50 km selepas memasuki ruang udara Rusia.
Laporan yang memetik sumber keselamatan Ukraine yang tidak dinamakan itu menyebut, pesawat itu hilang dari radar ketika berada di ketinggian 10,000 meter.
Ia disyaki terhempas dekat bandar Shakhtyorsk.- mk

Semenyara itu, Kerajaan Ukraine mengesahkan sebuah pesawat ditembak pada ketinggian 40,000 kaki di ruang udara mereka, sementara itu Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengarahkan siasatan segera ke atas khabar angin kehilangan pesawat dikhuatiri penerbangan MH17.
Bagaimanapun pihak berkuasa Ukraine tidak mengesahkan penerbangan yang ditembak tersebut.
Laporan agensi berita Reuters dipetik mengatakan pihak berkuasa Ukraine mendakwa pesawat tersebut ditembak oleh kumpulan pemisah.
Laporan Reuters tersebut juga mengatakan kawasan terhempas berada dalam kawasan yang dikuasai kumpulan pemisah pro-Russia.
Najib dalam akaun Twitter miliknya berkata siasatan sedang dijalankan untuk mengesahkan perkara tersebut.
"Saya terkejut dengan laporan MH terhempas. Siasatan sedang dijalankan," kata Najib.
Pegawai kementerian kecemasan di Ukraine berkata anggota badan kira-kira 100 orang kelihatan bertaburan 15km dari tempat kejadian.
Sebelum itu, laporan mengatakan pesawat membawa 295 penumpang Malaysia terhempas di sempadan Ukraine-Russia, menurut laporan agensi berita Reuters lewat malam ini.
Reuters memetik laporan agensi berita Interfax menyebut, pesawat itu dalam perjalanan dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur.
Laporan tersebut memetik sumber industri penerbangan, bagaimanapun usaha mengesahkan insiden masih sedang diusahakan pihak agensi.
Sementara itu syarikat penerbangan Malaysian Airlines (MAS) dalam akaun Twitter berkata mereka terputus hubungan dengan penerbangan MH17.
Lokasi terakhir menurut MAS adalah di ruang udara Ukraine.
Dalam pada itu, Najib tiba di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) dan diberikan taklimat mengenai tragedi itu.
Najib dijangka mengadakan sidang media dalam masa terdekat. – tmi
MAS MH17 crashes in Ukraine near Russian border, 295 people on board...
The Boeing plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, it said.
Malaysia Airlines has sent out the following tweet: "Malaysia Airlines has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam. Last known position was over Ukrainian airspace. More details to follow."
Lokasi terhempasnya pesawat MH17, 295 orang berada di dalamnya
The plane was due to arrive in Kuala Lumpur at 6.10am tomorrow.
The Interfax report said the plane came down 50km short of entering Russian airspace.
It "began to drop, afterwards it was found burning on the ground on Ukrainian territory," the unnamed source said.
The plane appeared to have come down in a region of military action where Ukrainian government forces are battling pro-Russian separatists.

A separate unnamed source in the Ukrainian security apparatus, quoted by Interfax, said the plane disappeared from radar at a height of 10,000 metres after which it came down near the town of Shakhtyorsk.
Anti-Russian activists in the Ukraine claimed it was shot down over territory controlled by pro-Russian separatists.
Interfax quoted a source in aviation circles saying the flight was about 80 kilometres from Russian airspace.
The plane wreckage was said to be on fire.

Ukarine’s Espreso TV reported that pro-Russian militants had recently received anti-aircraft weapons capable of shooting down planes at high altitudes.However there was not yet any official confirmation of the crash, or its cause.
A separate unnamed source in the Ukrainian security apparatus, quoted by Interfax, said the plane disappeared from radar at a height of 10,000 metres after which it came down near the town of Shakhtyorsk, reported Reuters.
Meanwhile Bloomberg has reported Ukrainian Interior Minister adviser Anton Gerashchenko on his Facebook confirming that the plane has been hit by a missile and crashed near the eastern town of Torez.-smh.com.au/Reuters

An emergency worker said at least 100 bodies had been found so far and that debris was spread over 15 km (9 miles). Workers were scouring the area for the black box flight recorders.
"MH-17 is not an incident or catastrophe, it is a terrorist attack," Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko tweeted. He has stepped up his military campaign against the rebels since a ceasefire late last month failed to produce any negotiations.
Russia, which Western powers accuse of trying to destabilise Ukraine to maintain influence over its old Soviet empire, has accused Kiev's leaders of mounting a fascist coup. It says it is holding troops in readiness to protect Russian-speakers in the east - the same rationale it used for taking over Crimea.
Ukrainian Interior Ministry official Anton Gerashchenko said on Facebook: "Just now, over Torez, terrorists using a Buk anti-aircraft system kindly given to them by Putin have shot down a civilian airliner flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur."
"There is no limit to the cynicism of Putin and his terrorists!" he wrote on the social media site. "Europe, USA, Canada, the civilised world, open your eyes! Help us in any way you can! This is a war of good against evil!"
A rebel leader said Ukrainian forces shot the airliner down and that rebel forces did not have weaponry capable of hitting a plane flying 10 km (six miles) up. Ukrainian officials said their military was not involved in the incident.
The military commander of the rebels, a Russian named Igor Strelkov, had written on his social media page at 1337 GMT, half an hour before the last reported contact with MH-17, that his forces had brought down an Antonov An-26 in the same area. It is a turboprop transport plane of a type used by Ukraine's forces.
There was no comment on that from the Ukrainian military.
Several Ukrainian planes and helicopters have been shot down in four months of fighting in the area. Ukraine had said an An-26 was shot down on Monday and one of its Sukhoi Su-25 fighters was downed on Wednesday by an air-to-air missile - Kiev's strongest accusation yet of direct Russian involvement, since the rebels do not appear to have access to aircraft.
Moscow has denied its forces are involved in any way.
The loss of MH-17 is the second disaster for Malaysia Airlines this year, following the mysterious loss of flight MH-370. It disappeared in March with 239 passengers and crew on board on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
In 2001, Ukraine admitted its military was probably responsible for shooting down a Russian airliner that crashed into the Black Sea, killing all 78 people on board. A senior Ukrainian official said it had most likely been downed by an accidental hit from an S-200 rocket fired during exercises.
In 1983, a Soviet jet fighter shot down a South Korean airliner after it veered off course into Russian air space and failed to respond to attempts to make contact. All 269 passengers and crew were killed.- Reuters

Today 12:07 PM EDT
Malaysia PM 'Shocked', Will Launch Investigation
Prime Minister of Malaysia RT @NajibRazak: I am shocked by reports that an MH plane crashed. We are launching an immediate investigation.
— Brian Rie$ (@moneyries) July 17, 2014
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Today 12:07 PM EDT
McCain Warns Russia
McCain warns of “incredible repercussions” if plane was indeed shot down.
— Igor Bobic (@igorbobic) July 17, 2014
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Today 12:05 PM EDT
AFP: Ukraine President Says Plane May Have Been Shot
UPDATE: Ukraine president says Malaysia Airlines jet may have been shot#MH17
— Agence France-Presse (@AFP) July 17, 2014
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Today 12:05 PM EDT
Ukrainian Prime Minister Orders Investigation Into 'Airplane Catastrophe'#BREAKING: Ukraine prime minster orders investigation into Malaysian "airplane catastrophe", says plane was en route from Amsterdam— Reuters World (@ReutersWorld) July 17, 2014
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Today 12:04 PM EDT
Obama Briefed On Plane Crash
WH: Obama has been briefed on reports of the plane
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) July 17, 2014
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Today 12:02 PM EDT
Reuters: Plane found burning in East Ukraine
Citing an unnamed aviation source, Reuters is reporting that the doomed flight was found burning in East Ukraine.
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Today 11:59 AM EDT
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Today 11:47 AM EDT
Plane reportedly crashed near Russia-Ukraine border
Ukrainian Air Traffic agency reportedly confirms Malaysian Airlines plane crashed near Ukrainian-Russian border - @myroslavapetsa
— Brian Rie$ (@moneyries) July 17, 2014
Today 11:46 AM EDT
Plane was flying from Amsterdam To Kuala Lumpur
The doomed Malaysia Airlines plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. You can track its path here.
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Today 11:43 AM EDT
AP confirms plane was shot down
The Associated Press is now reporting that a top Ukraine official has confirmed that the plane was shot down.
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Today 11:42 AM EDT
Malaysia Airlines lost contact with plane over Amsterdam
JUST IN: @MAS confirms it has "lost contact of #MH17 from Amsterdam. The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace."
— CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) July 17, 2014
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Today 11:41 AM EDT
Interfax: Plane brought down by missile
#BREAKING: Malaysian plane was brought down by a ground-to-air missile: Interior Ministry adviser, quoted by Interfax
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) July 17, 2014
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Today 11:39 AM EDT
REPORT: All 295 people killed in crash
Advisor to #Ukraine's Int Minister - Anton Gerashchenko - says 280 passengers and 15 crew members killed in Malaysian Airlines plane crash
— Myroslava Petsa (@myroslavapetsa) July 17, 2014
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Today 11:39 AM EDT
Malaysia Airlines confirms "incident"
A spokesperson for Malaysia Airlines confirms there was an "incident" on board the flight.
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Today 11:37 AM EDT
REPORT: Malaysia plane crashes over Ukraine, may have been shot down
Interfax is reporting that a Malaysian Airline plane carrying 280 passengers and 15 crew members crashed in East Ukraine. Interfax is also reporting that the plane may have been shot down, citing unnamed officials.
Today 11:39 AM EDT
Malaysia Airlines confirms "incident"
A spokesperson for Malaysia Airlines confirms there was an "incident" on board the flight.
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Today 11:37 AM EDT
REPORT: Malaysia plane crashes over Ukraine, may have been shot down
Interfax is reporting that a Malaysian Airline plane carrying 280 passengers and 15 crew members crashed in East Ukraine. Interfax is also reporting that the plane may have been shot down, citing unnamed officials.
Pray For MH17. Semoga ada yang terselamat
Bersamanya polis marin johor tangkap PATI
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