'Letter proves minister's hand in Deepak's loan'...
Rafizi Ramli has furnished a document that he claims proves Domestic
Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Hasan Malek's involvement
in Bank Rakyat's management matters.
The PKR director of strategy also claimed that the document showed the special treatment accorded to carpet trader Deepak Jaikishan by the bank.
At a press conference at the National Oversight and Whistleblowers (NOW) centre today, Rafizi said the 13 documents given to the NGO involved official letters as well as internal memos between Bank Rakyat and Hasan.
"The documents show how exorbitant the amount of Deepak's debt with Bank Rakyat is," added the Pandan MP, who promised to expose more documents on the matter in coming days.
Contacted later, Hasan told Malaysiakini that he would issue a statement on the allegations after discussing the matter with relevant parties.
Document is a letter from Hasan to bank
The document revealed today is a letter, purportedly from Hassan to a high-ranking bank officers to give special treatment to Deepak.
The letter also states that a meeting took place between Hasan, the Bank Rakyat officer and Deepak on Jan 30 this year.
It also urges Bank Rakyat to postpone any legal action to be taken against Deepak and for the remaining debt of RM32 million to be settled through a monthly payment of RM270,000 for a maximum of 10 years.
"The monthly payment will be made through 120 post-dated cheques for the amount of RM32 million, effective from January 2014.
"Legal action will be taken if the post-dated cheques fail to be paid," Rafizi said.
PAS information chief Mahfuz Omar (right)
said on Monday that Deepak's loan with Bank Rakyat was not only limited
to RM32 million, but that he also has two more loans totalling RM215
The Pokok Sena MP also claimed that Deepak failed to settle all three of the loans in question, leading to a settlement agreement with the bank.
Meanwhile, Rafizi also confirmed that the RM32 million loan was not the only loan Deepak has with Bank Rakyat.
"The other loans combined will come to a few hundred million ringgit and that's a lot, since he only sells carpets," Rafizi said.
The well-known whistleblower also said that a report would be made against Hasan with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on Friday.
Another report would also be lodged against a senior Bank Rakyat officer at the Commercial Crimes Investigations Department at Bukit Aman, also on Friday, Rafizi added.
Malaysiakini has contacted Deepak over the allegations and is awaiting his response.- mk
The PKR director of strategy also claimed that the document showed the special treatment accorded to carpet trader Deepak Jaikishan by the bank.
At a press conference at the National Oversight and Whistleblowers (NOW) centre today, Rafizi said the 13 documents given to the NGO involved official letters as well as internal memos between Bank Rakyat and Hasan.
"The documents show how exorbitant the amount of Deepak's debt with Bank Rakyat is," added the Pandan MP, who promised to expose more documents on the matter in coming days.
Contacted later, Hasan told Malaysiakini that he would issue a statement on the allegations after discussing the matter with relevant parties.
Document is a letter from Hasan to bank
The document revealed today is a letter, purportedly from Hassan to a high-ranking bank officers to give special treatment to Deepak.
The letter also states that a meeting took place between Hasan, the Bank Rakyat officer and Deepak on Jan 30 this year.
It also urges Bank Rakyat to postpone any legal action to be taken against Deepak and for the remaining debt of RM32 million to be settled through a monthly payment of RM270,000 for a maximum of 10 years.
"The monthly payment will be made through 120 post-dated cheques for the amount of RM32 million, effective from January 2014.
"Legal action will be taken if the post-dated cheques fail to be paid," Rafizi said.
The Pokok Sena MP also claimed that Deepak failed to settle all three of the loans in question, leading to a settlement agreement with the bank.
Meanwhile, Rafizi also confirmed that the RM32 million loan was not the only loan Deepak has with Bank Rakyat.
"The other loans combined will come to a few hundred million ringgit and that's a lot, since he only sells carpets," Rafizi said.
The well-known whistleblower also said that a report would be made against Hasan with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on Friday.
Another report would also be lodged against a senior Bank Rakyat officer at the Commercial Crimes Investigations Department at Bukit Aman, also on Friday, Rafizi added.
Malaysiakini has contacted Deepak over the allegations and is awaiting his response.- mk

Minah CDM 25 pembuli jalanraya mengamuk...
Pesara kerajaan, Sim Siak Hong, 68, berkata, dia hanya membuat laporan polis berhubung kemalangan itu namun enggan melaporkan kejadian wanita itu bertindak ganas terhadapnya walaupun diminta pihak berkuasa untuk berbuat demikian.
"Saya menganggap dia bertindak demikian mungkin didorong perasaan marah kerana saya melanggar keretanya.
"Walaupun trauma dengan kejadian itu saya tetap memaafkannya dan berjanji tidak akan melaporkan tindakan kekerasannya kepada polis malah dia juga sudah memohon maaf kepada saya," katanya ketika ditemui di sini, sebentar tadi.
Kemalangan kecil yang berlaku kira-kira jam 1 petang itu menyebabkan wanita berusia 30 tahun itu naik darah dan bertindak memaki Siak Heong dengan perkataan kasar serta berbaur perkauman.
Malah wanita itu turut bertindak memukul kenderaan Siak Heong menggunakan pengunci stereng.
Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar memberitahu bahawa polis akan mengambil tindakan terhadap wanita yang mengamuk sambil mengeluarkan pengunci stereng terhadap seorang pesara yang secara tidak sengaja melanggar kereta wanita tersebut di Kuantan pada Isnin lalu.
“Sudah tentu itu bukanlah cara yang sepatutnya untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut dan undang-undang tidak boleh diletakkan di tangan sendiri,” katanya kepada pemberita dalam satu majlis yang berlangsung di ibu negara.
Tambahnya lagi, pihaknya telah melihat video tersebut dan wanita berkenaan ternyata menunjukkan sikapnya sebagai seorang pembuli jalan raya dan satu laporan polis akan dibuat terhadap wanita berkenaan.
“Tidak kiralah sama ada lelaki berkenaan ada membuat laporan polis atau tidak, kita akan mengambil tindakan terhadap wanita itu.” - omakkau.blogspot
Digi Tawar Bayar Kos Baik Pulih Kereta Uncle Penyabar & Minah pembuli CDM25



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