Timbalan perdana menteri itu berkata ketegangan dan hubungan tidak baik antara kaum memungkinkan insiden itu berulang lagi.
"Sebab itu timbul pelbagai andaian apabila hubungan kaum sudah sampai ke tahap cetus ketegangan dan hubungan tidak baik. Ini boleh menyebabkan peristiwa tersebut dan saya tidak mahu sebut tarikh itu (13 Mei 1969)," kata Muhyiddin dipetik dalam akhbar Utusan Malaysia hari ini.
Timbalan presiden Umno itu juga menggesa agar masyarakat menghargai suasana aman damai yang dikecapi sejak merdeka dan tidak berpecah belah.
"Sebab itu kita harus lihat kembali apa yang dilakukan pejuang kemerdekaan. Kita sudah hampir 57 tahun merdeka dan berupaya membentuk masyarakat Malaysia yang bersatu padu.
"(Sebelum ini) memang ada perbezaan dan salah faham tetapi tidak sehingga kita berbalah atau berlaku perpecahan," kata beliau.
Muhyiddin juga menyatakan kebimbangan ke atas penghinaan kepada masyarakat kaum Melayu dan Islam kebelakangan ini.
"Saya sendiri sebagai timbalan perdana menteri setiap malam sebelum tidur memikirkan macam mana hendak uruskan negara. Ada orang hantar khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) kepada saya, apa hendak jadi dengan Melayu, kenapa Islam dihina dan hal-hal yang sama.
"Mengapa hal-hal sebegini berlaku dan ini membimbangkan kita. Kita semua perlu balik ke pangkal jalan. Letakkan agama sebagai tonggak dan kekuatan kita sebagai orang Islam begitu juga budaya dan adat resam kita," kata beliau.
Pertikaian kaum dan agama sering diperdebatkan di dalam negara, tidak kurang juga ada yang mencetuskan kontroversi. - tmi
Muhyiddin hilang moral ugut insiden 13 Mei akan berulang...
“Beliau mengakui kegagalan BN apabila membayangkan bahawa satu lagi peristiwa 13 Mei tidak mustahil akan berlaku,” kata Lim.
DAP menyelar Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin sebagai tidak bermoral susulan kenyataan amaran 13 Mei mungkin berulang hari ini dalam Utusan Malaysia.
Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang berkata kenyataan timbalan perdana menteri itu tidak mencerminkan sikap kerajaan sebagai pemerintah dimana sepatutnya mempertahankan kepentingan semua rakyat.
"Hinggalah kenyataan satu lagi insiden 13 Mei tidak mustahil berulang, ia menunjukkan timbalan perdana menteri hilang moral dan pertimbangan politik untuk terus memerintah negara," kata Lim, yang juga ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah.
Sebaliknya, Lim berkata kenyataan Muhyiddin itu secara tidak langsung adalah kegagalan polisi kesederhanaan di bawah pemerintahan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
"Muhyiddin sendiri mengakui kegagalan kerajaan BN dalam polisi membentuk keharmonian negara di bawah Najib sejak lima tahun lalu," kata Lim.
Menurut Lim lagi, konsep 1Malaysia yang dilaungkan oleh Najib selama ini juga hanya tinggal nama sahaja.
"Ini bermakna kegagalan sepenuhnya polisi 1Malaysia yang dicipta selama ini," kata beliau.
Malah, Lim mengganggap kenyataan Muhyiddin itu memeranjatkan kerana tidak pernah ada pemimpin tertinggi negara sebelum ini yang secara terbuka memberi ancaman 13 Mei seperti beliau.
"Tidak ada perdana menteri atau timbalannya di Malaysia yang keluarkan kenyataan sebegitu sepanjang tempoh empat dekad ini," kata Lim.
Muhyiddin dipetik berkata hari ini dalam akhbar Utusan Malaysia tidak menolak kemungkinan insiden rusuhan kaum 13 Mei 1969 berulang jika hubungan antara kaum tidak dipelihara.
Menurut Muhyiddin, ketegangan dan hubungan tidak baik antara kaum memungkinkan insiden itu berulang lagi.
"Sebab itu timbul pelbagai andaian apabila hubungan kaum sudah sampai ke tahap cetus ketegangan dan hubungan tidak baik. Ini boleh menyebabkan peristiwa tersebut dan saya tidak mahu sebut tarikh itu (13 Mei 1969)," kata Muhyiddin semasa menghadiri majlis berbuka di Johor semalam.
Pertikaian kaum dan agama sering diperdebatkan di dalam negara, tidak kurang juga ada yang mencetuskan kontroversi.
Beberapa insiden provokasi yang dilakukan kumpulan pendesak Melayu yang juga penyokong kuat kerajaan Umno-Barisan Nasional (BN) menjadi tumpuan, malah seakan-akan mendapat restu daripada pemerintah. – tmi
Kit Siang: Is DPM admitting to BN’s failure...
“Muhyiddin is confessing to BN’s failure by suggesting that another May 13 is not impossible,” Lim said.
Muhyiddin (left) at an event in Pagoh, Johor, yesterday said another racial riot similar to "that incident" was not impossible, apparently alluding to the May 13, 1969 race riots.
An Utusan Malaysia report today quoted Muhyiddin as saying that racial conflict appears to have become a norm as one race criticises another.
Lim meanwhile believes that a federal government that allows ethnic ties to deteriorate until the deputy prime minister can admit that a racial riot may occur again, has “lost all moral and political justification to rule the country.
“Based on Muhyiddin’s statement, the cabinet and the BN supreme council should be convened in emergency sessions, for the country is faced with the most critical situation in 45 years.”
The DAP parliamentary leader then pointed out that if emergency meetings of the cabinet and the BN supreme council are not convened, whether Muhyiddin was giving legitimacy to a small group of extremists.
“Was he just giving legitimacy to a small group of extremists responsible for the worst racial and religious polarisation in the nation's history in the past year?” Lim asked.- mk
Wanted diplomat expected to be extradited on Monday...
The Malaysian military attache who is wanted by New Zealand is expected to be extradited on Monday.
According to New Zealand Herald quoting sources, four seats for a flight on Monday night to Auckland have been blocked and no names were disclosed for the seats.
The report did not name the airline but it could be Malaysian Airlines MH131 which departs at 9.20pm and arrives in Auckland the next day.
The report added Muhammad Rizalman Ismail, who is accused of burglary and assault with the intent to rape, is expected to discharged from Tuanku Mizan Military Hospital in Kuala Lumpur after undergoing psychiatric evaluation.
The report quoted an unnamed doctor at the hospital, which it said is a high ranking military staffer, as saying that Rizalman will be sent back to New Zealand as soon as the evaluation was completed.
"We just need to get the results and wait for the doctor's report and he will be discharged," he was quoted as saying.
Rizalman was arrested in Wellington on May 9 after he followed a 21-year-old woman home and allegedly assaulted her.
Immunity waiver
New Zealand authorities had requested for Rizalman's immunity to be waive for legal action to be taken against him but the Malaysian High Commission had refused and demanded that Rizalman be flown out of the country immediately.
Rizalman returned to Malaysia on May 22.
The matter only came to public attention in New Zealand more than a month later - on June 28 - sparking outrage and a diplomatic tiff.
Following this, Foreign Minister Anifah Aman at a press conference on July 1 said the Malaysian government was prepared to extradite Rizalman to face the law in New Zealand.
This was likewise echoed by Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein.
Avoid trial by media
Meanwhile, Hishammuddin today urged the local press to avoid trial by the media.
According to Bernama, the minister said the media attention Rizalman was unfair to him and his family as he had yet to be tried in New Zealand.
"This has nothing to do with polemics, geopolitical or bilateral ties. It is a question of justice, not only to the victim but also the accused," he told reporters after attending the breaking of fast with community leaders in Seri Bendahara, Malacca today.
Hishammuddin said Rizalman would be provided with legal assistance to enable him to get a fair defence.
"He (Rizalman) will be escorted by a military officer when he returns to New Zealand.
"The counsel as well as an officer from the Attorney-General's Chambers will go along with them."- mk
According to New Zealand Herald quoting sources, four seats for a flight on Monday night to Auckland have been blocked and no names were disclosed for the seats.
The report did not name the airline but it could be Malaysian Airlines MH131 which departs at 9.20pm and arrives in Auckland the next day.
The report added Muhammad Rizalman Ismail, who is accused of burglary and assault with the intent to rape, is expected to discharged from Tuanku Mizan Military Hospital in Kuala Lumpur after undergoing psychiatric evaluation.
The report quoted an unnamed doctor at the hospital, which it said is a high ranking military staffer, as saying that Rizalman will be sent back to New Zealand as soon as the evaluation was completed.
"We just need to get the results and wait for the doctor's report and he will be discharged," he was quoted as saying.
Rizalman was arrested in Wellington on May 9 after he followed a 21-year-old woman home and allegedly assaulted her.
Immunity waiver
New Zealand authorities had requested for Rizalman's immunity to be waive for legal action to be taken against him but the Malaysian High Commission had refused and demanded that Rizalman be flown out of the country immediately.
Rizalman returned to Malaysia on May 22.
The matter only came to public attention in New Zealand more than a month later - on June 28 - sparking outrage and a diplomatic tiff.
Following this, Foreign Minister Anifah Aman at a press conference on July 1 said the Malaysian government was prepared to extradite Rizalman to face the law in New Zealand.
This was likewise echoed by Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein.
Avoid trial by media
Meanwhile, Hishammuddin today urged the local press to avoid trial by the media.
According to Bernama, the minister said the media attention Rizalman was unfair to him and his family as he had yet to be tried in New Zealand.
"This has nothing to do with polemics, geopolitical or bilateral ties. It is a question of justice, not only to the victim but also the accused," he told reporters after attending the breaking of fast with community leaders in Seri Bendahara, Malacca today.
Hishammuddin said Rizalman would be provided with legal assistance to enable him to get a fair defence.
"He (Rizalman) will be escorted by a military officer when he returns to New Zealand.
"The counsel as well as an officer from the Attorney-General's Chambers will go along with them."- mk

Biduanita Negara, Datuk Sharifah Aini telah meninggal dunia pada pukul 1.26 pagi 6/7/14 di Pusat Perubatan Pakar Damansara akibat jangkitan pada paru-paru....Semoga rohnya ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman dan dicucuri rahmat....Amin...Al-Fatihah.

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Can Brazil play Germany without Neymar? Unlikely, isn't it?

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