Bekas ketua hakim ‘penipu, rasis dan ekstremis’...
Lim berkata, kerajaan negeri DAP menyediakan peruntukan lebih banyak berbanding ketika pentadbiran Barisan Nasional (BN) dahulu.
"Bekas ketua hakim hanya mendedahkan dirinya sebagai seorang rasis, ekstremis dan penipu. Dia kata kami abaikan Islam tapi buta untuk melihat yang kami sudah meningkatkan peruntukan kepada mereka.
"Malah, kami beri lebih banyak peruntukan kepada orang Islam berbanding BN buat hingga Gerakan serang kami. Itu Umno kata kami abaikan Islam?" katanya kepada The Malaysian Insider di Parlimen hari ini.
Lim berkata kenyataan sedemikian bermotif politik, malah Gerakan dan Umno yang bersama dalam BN juga tidak konsisten dengan pendirian mereka.
"Mengapa ada perbezaan? Gerakan kata kami beri terlalu banyak dan Umno kata lain pula," katanya.
Abdul Hamid dalam ucapan yang dimuat naik menerusi laman sesawangnya berkata, kedudukan Islam sebagai agama rasmi Persekutuan kini terancam di bawah pentadbiran DAP Pulau Pinang.
Katanya, ramai rakyat bukan Islam di Malaysia mahu agama mereka diberikan status yang sama.
Antara lain katanya, bekas mufti Pulau Pinang memberitahu susah mendapat peruntukan untuk aktiviti agama Islam di Pulau Pinang, kerana pemimpin agama lain juga menuntut hak yang sama.
“Jika kita tidak membendungnya, perkara seperti ini akan merebak ke seluruh Malaysia. Di waktu itu, waktu penyiaran rancangan-rancangan agama Islam di televisyen pun terpaksa dikongsi dengan agama-agama lain.
“Jabatan-jabatan kerajaan dan kampus-kampus universiti kerajaan yang menyediakan surau akan terpaksa menyediakan gereja, tokong dan gurdwara,” kata Abdul Hamid.
Ertinya, tambah beliau, kedudukan Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan sudah tidak bermakna lagi.
Lim berkata dakwaan Abdul Hamid tersebut tidak berasaskan fakta.
Menurut Lim lagi, ia bukan perkara luar biasa apabila pentadbirannya dituduh sebagai anti-Islam dan anti-Melayu. – tmi
Nak tanya sikit berapa ekoq orang Islam dah cabut lari keluaq Pulau Pinang? Boleh bekas hakim dan mufti bagi angkanya...t/s
Ex-CJ blasted, Islam not under threat in Penang...
Malik described the allegation of the former chief justice as "pure nonsense, baseless and heavily reliant on hearsay".
He called on Hamid to substantiate his allegation, saying that someone who was a former top judge of the country should know better than to make a claim that is not backed with evidence.
"I challenge Hamid to prove his allegation that Islam is under threat in Penang. I challenge him to prove that we are not giving Islamic bodies enough state allocations," Malik told Malaysiakini when contacted.
"For someone of his stature, he should not be making allegations based on mere hearsay," the PKR Batu Maung assemblyman fumed.
"I challenge him to come to Penang. I am willing to take him around to see how Islam has flourished ... under the Pakatan Rakyat government," he added, rather furious.
In his speech at a buka puasa event with several Islamic NGOs yesterday, Hamid claimed, among other things, that a former Penang mufti had told him that it was difficult to secure allocations for Islamic activities in the state as other religious groups wanted their fair share too.
If left unchecked, such a scenario may spread to the whole of Malaysia and undermine the special position of Islam that has been enshrined in the Federal Constitution, Hamid warned.
Multi-faith prayers
Hamid, who is Penang-born, also revealed that the ex-mufti informed him about an incident during the launching of a building in the state attended by a deputy chief minister where prayers were done by a Christian priest, a Hindu priest and the imam of the state mosque.
However, Ramasamy said, Hamid's allegation that the ceremony had diluted Islam was not only "shocking but horrible and preposterous".
He said that the event was a multi-religious ceremony as Indians who are members of the association come from different religious backgrounds - there were Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Sikhs at the ground-breaking.
The association's management, Ramasamy said, went out of its way to ensure that the ceremony included everybody from the different religions, including Indian Muslim members of the association.
"To me, such an event should be commended for it reflected the true Malaysian spirit. I see nothing wrong in it for it was one of the best things that took place," he said.
"How can Hamid say that such an event can undermine Islam in the state? It is shocking to hear this from a person of such high status.
“I would understand if it came from extremist rightwing Malay groups like Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) or Perkasa.
"If the former chief justice can say these things, no wonder the justice system in our country is in the state it currently is in," he added. - mk

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