“Sepatutnya soal pendidikan tidak perlu dipolitikkan kerana mereka yang belajar di Universiti Selangor (Unisel) datang daripada berbagai latar belakang, majoritinya adalah orang Melayu,” kata AJK PAS Pusat, Idris Ahmad.
Katanya, alasan dangkal menteri berkenaan, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin kerana Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) hendak memberi pendidikan percuma jika diberi mandat memerintah Kerajaan Pusat selepas PRU13, bukan sekarang ini.
“Semua ini gara-gara politik diktator yang memperalat demokrasi tetapi bertindak ala kuku besi,” ujarnya kepada Harakahdaily.
Jelasnya, Kerajaan Negeri Selangor mampu berbuat demikian jika segala hasil yang dipungut oleh Kerajaan Pusat di Selangor dimasukkan kepada perbendaharaan negeri seperti cukai lapangan terbang, cukai pelabuhan, saman trafik, saman JPJ, bayaran pasport antarabangsa, cukai ke atas restoran.
Masalahnya sekarang, kata beliau semua hasil itu diambil oleh kerajaan Pusat walaupun dipungut di Selangor.
Beliau menambah, nampaknya semangat federalisme pemimpin BN hanya tahu mengambil hak orang tetapi tidak tahu memberi kepada yang berhak.
Tambahnya, jika sebelum ini arahan diberi kepada agensi kerajaan pusat jangan memberi kerjasama kepada kerajaan PR, sekarang tindakan yang lebih melampau dengan menyekat pinjaman PTPTN kepada pelajar Unisel.
“Semua tindakan ini penanda aras kerajaan BN berada di penghujung hayat, insya Allah tindakan terbaru ini mempercepatkan kejatuhan kerajaan BN.
“Sepatutnya setelah 55 tahun merdeka politik semakin matang, bukan tindakan terkebelakang,” katanya.
Beku PTPTN: Unisel cair aset bantu pelajar terbabit...
Kerajaan Selangor memandang berat kesusahan yang dihadapi pelajar baru Universiti Selangor (Unisel) yang menurutnya teraniayai ekoran tindakan kerajaan persekutuan dan menteri pengajian tinggi membekukan Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) kepada pelajar di universiti tersebut.
"Sebagai tindakan jangka pendek, UNISEL akan menggunakan asetnya untuk membantu pelajar yang dalam kesukaran meneruskan pengajian.
"Aset ini merupakan hartanah seluas 500 ekar yang diperolehi hasil penyusunan semula hutang TALAM," kata Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim dalam satu kenyataan petang ini.
Kerajaan Selangor, katanya, telah selesai menyusun semula hutang tersebut di mana tanah seluas 500 ekar itu telah menjadi aset Unisel.
Khalid berkata, kerajaan negeri akan membantu Unisel mengapungkan hartanah tersebut di pasaran untuk mendapatkan wang tunai.
"Dianggarkan sejumlah RM30 juta boleh diperolehi hasil usaha ini. Sebahagian wang ini akan digunakan untuk membantu pelajar yang teraniayai akibat dari tindakan kerajaan BN membekukan PTPTN," katanya.
Bagaimanapun, katanya, bantuan kewangan ini hanyalah berbentuk sementara sehingga penyelesaian konkrit dicapai.
"UNISEL akan memperincikan bantuan yang akan diberikan kepada pelajar-pelajar teraniayai ini dalam tempoh terdekat.
"Kerajaan Selangor sangat kecewa dengan tindakan Kerajaan Persekutuan khususnya menteri pengajian tinggi yang mengaku bertanggungjawab mengarahkan pembekuan PTPTN kepada Unisel.
"Tindakan tidak bertanggungjawab dan membelakangi semangat Federalisme ini bukan sahaja menganiayai pelajar-pelajar baru, malah telah mengecewakan ibu bapa yang menaruh harapan tinggi terhadap anak-anak mereka," katanya.
Khalid mendakwa Barisan Nasional telah menjadikan pelajar Unisel dan ibu bapa mereka yang sebahagian besarnya Melayu sebagai mangsa hanya kerana perbezaan dasar politik antara Kerajaan Selangor dan Pusat.
"Hal ini jelas menunjukkan BN sanggup melakukan apa sahaja untuk melaksanakan politik sempit mereka hatta menganiaya dan menggadai masa depan anak-anak muda di negara ini," dakwanya. - malaysiakini
S'gor stands firm, Unisel to liquidate assets...
Universiti Selangor (Unisel) will liquidate some of its assets in order to help students who will be affected by the loan freeze from the National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN).
"The assets involve property with an area of 500 acres which were procured through the debt restructuring of Talam Corp Bhd," he said.
Abdul Khalid (left) estimates that the move would allow Unisel to raise RM30 million in cash, of which a portion would be used to help the students.
"However, this financial aid would be temporary until a concrete solution can be found," he said.
Students made BN's victims
He said this was both irresponsible and against the spirit of the federation, while victimising students and their parents.
"BN has made Unisel students and their parents, majority of which are Malays, victims because of a difference in policies between Selangor and the federal government.
"This issue shows that BN is willing to do whatever for their narrow politics to the point where they victimise and pawn the future of their nation's youths," he said.
They argue that higher education should be made free, while PTPTN was badly managed and saddle students with debt the moment they graduate.
Pakatan's most vocal critic against the scheme is PKR, whose de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim urged students not to pay for their loans.
Following this, Khaled announced that since PKR was against PTPTN, they should fund Unisel on their own, without federal government assistance.
Echoing Khaled's view, Selangor Umno deputy chief Noh Omar said PTPTN will rescind their new policy if PKR admits that they are wrong.- malaysiakini
S'gor to roll Unisel asset to aid...
The move by the National Higher Education Corporation Fund (PTPTN) to freeze loans for Universiti Selangor (Unisel) students drew flak from several quarters including the MCA who said that the future of students should not be ruined by politics.
In an immediate response, Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai said that PTPTN loans should be given to all students qualified to receive it.
"As far as I am concerned, loans already given out to students must be continued," said Lim, who is also MCA Selangor chairman.
He added, in this issue, politics should not have come into the picture at the expense of students' future.
Student group Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia president Safwan Anang said that students should not be made "victims" of political games.
"Our stand is that the government of the day should be responsible for providing free education at all levels.
"Pakatan Rakyat has the right to make the proposal as part of its election manifesto, but they have also said it will only be done if they form the federal government," Safwan told theSun.
Human rights group Suara Rakyat Malaysia executive director E. Nalini urged PTPTN to act as an independent professional body which respects a student's right to education. "Freezing the loan shows the PTPTN management as being non-professional and discriminating against an institution of higher education just because of political differences," she said in a statement to theSun.
MIC however said that the state government has now been given a platform to prove themselves and it was up to them to now "walk the talk".
Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk SK Devamany said: "Since it was the state government's stand to provide free education, now is the time for them to 'walk the talk'"
"The federal government has given them (Selangor) a good platform to prove themselves ... at the same time, do not deprive the students.
"If students cannot afford to pay the fees, do not pull them out of college. Allow them to continue since the state says education will be free if they come into power," said Devamany who is also MIC vice president.
National Students Consultative Council representative Wan Ahmad Hazman Wan Daud meanwhile said borrowers are responsible to repay their loans in order to ensure sustainability of the fund for future intakes. He claimed, failure to do so will victimise more students who depended on PTPTN to further their studies.- theSundaily
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