Kim Jong-Nam Assassination – Indonesia Returned Yacht Equanimity, So Malaysia Released Suspect Siti Aisyah...
When Malaysian prosecutors unexpectedly dropped the murder charge against 26-year-old Siti Aisyah, and Indonesian who had been held two years on suspicion of killing the North Korean leader’s half brother, Kim Jong Nam, it raises millions of eyebrows. The judge discharged her without an acquittal after prosecutors said they wanted to withdraw the charge.
Prosecutors did not give any reason for the remarkable withdrawal. Siti Aisyah was accused alongside Doan Thi Huong from Vietnam of assassinating Kim by smearing VX nerve agent on his face at Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2. But how could she be freed so easily? According to the prosecutor, the discretion to charge or not to charge a person lies with the Attorney General Tommy Thomas.
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad insisted that the release of the Indonesian woman was made in accordance with the law. He has also denied that his government was under diplomatic pressure to free the suspect, despite the fact that the Indonesian government had repeatedly lobbied for charges against Siti to be dropped and for her to be allowed to return home.
However, according to a letter revealed by the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, A.G. Tommy Thomas had decided to drop the murder charge against Siti after “taking into account the good relations between our respective countries”. Hence, the Indonesian was released on March 10 upon the prosecution’s request to the Court to order a “discharge not amounting to acquittal”.
Indonesia’s Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Laoly had requested (or rather demanded) for Siti’s release based on three reasons. They argued that their citizen was a victim of deception and had nothing to gain from committing the act. Indonesia also claimed that Siti Aisyah “had no awareness whatsoever that she was being used as an intelligence tool of North Korea”.
In fact, it was revealed that Indonesian government officials had held meetings with PM Mahathir, A.G.Thomas, and Malaysian police last year as part of their lobbying efforts to free Siti Aisyah. No matter what was the argument presented by Indonesia, Siti was involved in the assassination of Dictator Kim Jong-Un’s half brother.
Naturally, after the stunning release of Siti Aisyah on March 10, Vietnam did the same thing – asking that their citizen be released. Unfortunately, the Attorney General Chambers of Malaysia rejected Vietnam’s request to free Doan Thi Huong, raising accusation that the public prosecution has not acted fairly and practised double standard, not to mention screams discrimination.
Defense lawyers from both sides have maintained the women were pawns in an assassination orchestrated by North Korean agents. If the prosecution could accept the Indonesian’s argument that Ms Siti was a victim of deception and had nothing to gain from committing the act, why can’t the same argument applies to Ms. Doan?
Newly appointed Malaysian Bar president Abdul Fareed Abdul Gafoor was equally puzzled as to the bizarre decisions of Attorney General Chambers. While it is true that the Attorney General was not obliged to give an explanation, he said it was abnormal for two individuals to be charged with the same crime but for one person to have his or her charges dropped.
The answer to the injustice is way beyond the rule of law, as Mahathir would like everyone to believe. And the real reason for the acquittal of the Indonesian Siti Aisyah, while Vietnamese Doan Thi Huong remains charged, can be found in the A.G. Tommy Thomas’ explanation in his letter to the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur – the bilateral Indonesia-Malaysia relationship.
The relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia is similar to U.S.-Canada relationship. What the U.S. wants from Canada, the Americans would get it most of the time, as can be seen in the U.S.’ request to arrest Huawei CFO Sabrina Meng Wanzhou. Indonesia is always seen as the big brother of Malaysia, largely due to the sharing of the same ancestry.
That’s why you don’t see the opposition parties, especially UMNO Malay nationalist party and PAS Islamist party, protest over the sudden release of Indonesian Siti Aisyah, despite the glaring injustice. None of the leaders from UMNO or PAS dares to milk the issue for political gains. They chose to pretend nothing had happened.
In exchange for the return of the yacht, bought with money stolen from 1MDB by Jho Low, the partner-in-crime of former PM Najib Razak, Malaysia has agreed to release Siti Aisyah. Mahathir was right to say his government was not under diplomatic pressure to release the Indonesian woman. It was part of the deal to help each other to achieve what both leaders wanted.
After released, Siti said – “I feel happy. I did not know this will happen. I did not expect it.” The fact that the suspect was shocked by the court’s decision suggests that even she had been kept in the dark over the secret deals, which could only be made at the highest diplomatic level. Too bad Jho Low didn’t hide any valuable assets in Vietnam that can be used by the Vietnamese government as bargaining chips.
It wasn’t a coincidence that the Siti Aisyah’s release comes just a month before Indonesia’s general election, to be held on 17 April, 2019. Her unexpected release is seen as a boost to President Joko Widodo, who is seeking re-election. Jokowi gets the credit for securing the release of Siti, the same way Mahathir gets the praises for the return of the Equanimity.
Arrived at Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport in Jakarta on a special aircraft managed by the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Siti Aisyah was greeted by hundreds of local media personnel. The nationwide coverage of Siti’s release and return to home also saw her thanking President Jokowi and Cabinet members. It was a win-win deal for both Malaysian and Indonesian leaders. - FT

Bangunlah menteri2 PH....
Jangan salahkan rakyat kalau mereka menegur, mengkritik para menteri PH yang semakin hilang fokus dan harapan untuk melanjutkan usia kuasa mereka. Rakyat semakin kecewa dengan sikap keangkuhan dan kemandoman mereka melaksanakan amanah rakyat.
Kalau dibandingkan dedikasi dan pengorbanan Tun M melaksanakan amanah rakyat dengan para menteri kabinetnya jauh api dari semanggang. Sebahagian besar menteri tidak wajar dilantik jadi menteri. Besar kemungkinan sebelum kereta terbang boleh terbang ada menteri yang bakal terbang tanpa sedu sedan rakyat jelata.
Lihat bagaimana PM New Zealand menghadapi krisis negara. Bandingkan dengan menteri-menteri yang kaya dengan lagak tapi tak bijak melaksanakan amanah rakyat yang memilih PH sebagai kerajaan. Selagi Tun M menjadi PM maka PH masih boleh bernafas dan mendapat sokongan rakyat.
Tiada Tun M bye-bye PH kerana rakyat tidak dapat menerima muka-muka yang blur ada sekarang. Ingat kalau kau tanam benih yang tak bermutu bagaimanakah hendak mendapat hasil yang baik?
Selepas 10 bulan kerajaan PH dibentuk dengan Mahathir jadi PM tidak banyak perubahan yang terserlah. Kengkangan kewangan adalah alasan utama.
Mahathir sendiri juga kelihatan tepu. Idea mempedulikan rakyat tidak jadi tumpuan, beliau lebihkan kepada membaiki sistem pentadbiran yang dikatakan rosak.
Menteri yang diharap membantunya pula gagal berfungsi dengan baik. Masih ada yang takut untuk membuka mulut menegur atau mengemukan cadangan baru.
Perasaan inferiorty complex menyebabkan menteri takut untuk bersuara bimbang menyentuh hati Mahathir jadi menerima apa sahaja dibentangkan Mahathir yang mana idea itu diterima dari kelompok di luar. Ini hakikat yang jelas dalam tempoh 10 bulan. - Yahaya Ismail/MSO

Apa yang menarik pada 20-22 Mac 2019?
1. Pada setiap 21-22 Mac setiap tahun, bumi akan berada pada kedudukan Mac Ekuinoks.
2. Ekuinoks ini bermakna bumi akan menerima cahaya matahari sama banyak di kesemua bahagian bumi; baik di belahan utara maupun belahan selatan.
3. Bahagian kutub utara dan kutub selatan pula, matahari sentiasa berada di bahagian horizon atau kaki langit, di mana matahari tidak terbit atau tenggelam.
4. Belahan atau hemisfera utara akan memasukki musim Bunga manakala belahan selatan akan memasukki musim Luruh.
5. Matahari pula berada tepat di sepanjang garis Khatulistiwa atau Ekuator pada 21-22 Mac dan akan bergerak naik hingga ke belahan utara pada garis Tropic of Cancer pada 21-22 Jun sebagai Jun Soltis.

6. Pada 21 Mac juga akan berlaku Supermoon kali ketiga dan terakhir pada tahun 2019. Supermoon berlaku apabila fasa purnama berkebetulan dengan Perigee iaitu bulan terhampir dengan bumi dalam orbitnya.
7.Pada 21 Mac nanti, Perigee berlaku terlebih dahulu dan 6 jam selepas itu barulah bulan mengalami fasa Purnama Penuh iaitu pada 9.42 am waktu Malaysia. Kita tidak dpt menyaksikannya kerana bulan berada di bawah horizon.
8. Di negara kita pula, akan memasukki tempoh peralihan Monsun (April-Mei) di mana pada kelazimannya berlaku hujan lebat dan ribut petir terutama pada waktu petang di Pantai Barat dengan angin kencang dalam tempoh yang singkat. Keadaan ini dilihat sudah pun berlaku di Pantai Barat.
9. Di luar daripada kelazimannya, gelombang atau suhu panas mungkin akan terus berpanjangan dijangkakan sehingga September 2019.
10. Tarikh 20-22 Mac adalah unik kerana bumi memasukki tempoh Mac Ekuinoks yang berkebetulan pula dengan Supermoon (Perigee + Fasa Purnama Penuh).
11. Lebih menarik, berlaku pula penjajaran matahari-Utarid-bumi-bulan dlm tempoh tersebut yg pastinya boleh menyebabkan kerap berlaku gempa bumi sehingga boleh menjana gempa bumi berskala besar serta kegiatan volkano yg aktif. - f/bk Omen

Jangan lepas peluang jadi cikgu Agama dan cikgu Bahasa Cina

Tunggu PAS/UMNO akan buat fitnah walhal
sejak zaman BN/UMNO lagi dak iktiraf UEC...
PAS tidak ada wakil rakyat berkualiti di Parlimen - Prof Agus
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